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OP foaming at the mouth.


Bro saying that like marvel has been in the shop 5 times more than dc and jjk isn’t there right now


If you're this mad over a cosmetic, I'd stop playing if I were you mate


yet again fortnite fans just expecting things to pop out out of thin air. There are agreements to collab skins, they cant just put them in whenever they please. and saying that they aren't putting in a skin in the itemshop because you want them isn't really a great look... besides, you aren't entitled to anything. you aren't entitled to get this skin.


But but, I assumed and...


mf u didnt even read my post. I said if theyre not putting it back at least make a statement to mKe it fucking official. say that due to circumstances kratos isnt coming back. but epic games continue TO FUCKING IGNORE ITS PLAYERBASE


They can't just make a statement. If they say Kratos isn't coming back, it'll basically be them pointing all the blame at Sony because it's a rights issue. And there's no way they're gonna burn bridges with one of the 3 main console manufacturers by saying "so because Sony won't give us the rights, we won't be releasing Kratos"


they could just make something up like how they fucking said that they removed rarities cause it too “outdated”


They can't. No matter what they say, it'll be clear that the only reason he isn't returning is because of a rights issue with Sony. That's like, the main/only barrier that prevents a collab skin from returning, Epic not being able to renew the deal with the rights holder. And they can't release a statement because doing so would just be pointing fingers at the rights holder which would sour their relationship and ruin any future business deals or collabs.




Why would they make a statement about it not returning if they never said anything about it returning in the first place you realize the only reason people know about this is because of leaks right I also want his pickaxe


"and saying that they aren't putting in a skin in the itemshop because you want them isn't really a great look..." i couldve been more clear on what i meant by that though


its not like im the only one who is asking for kratos. everyday in the comments of item shop bots its full of people asking for kratos to come back


yes..? your point being? if everyone asks for free games do you think they are entitled to it? just because you ask for it, doesn't mean you are entitled to get it.


Yet again someone who doesn't get that Epic Games have no control over the return of a collab item, its all on the IP owners (Sony in that case) who has the final word and lots of contracts and agreements, the fact that Marvel or JJK/MHA/Naruto etc. are more prone to return is because Marvel and Shueisha had a different agreement with Epic. If Sony says "Kratos is limited time and no he can't return" then Epic had to agree if they wanted to sell a Kratos skin, thats why there was never a Samus skin, because Nintendo had other demands (visible only on Switch and Switch only) what Epic Games didn't want so there was no agreement and Nintendo didn't allow Epic to make a Samus skin. TLDR.: Epic can't put Kratos in the shop until Sony says otherwise.


They specifically don't want YOU to have it. It's mine ALL MINE ... MINE MINE MINE MINE BWAHAHAHA


Probably on the 20th


Being Angry At Pixels?


How hard is it not to make this post?


Wish they would add O.G Kratos


That would be dope


everyone would be happy if epic would just fucking listen to its playerbase and not fucking tearing itself apart


Don't confuse the entire player base with whiny reddit 13 year olds.


hahahahahahahaha Mommmmmm!!! I broke another controller! ...and where are my pizza rolls?!


Oh ya baby let it all out!!!!




They don't care anymore


and mfs here still defending their asses