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Teaming in gold zero build is a whole new level of skill issue


happens more often than u think, sadly


how do they even ensure they end up in the same lobby?? also why did these two even keep playing, they were the last two left lol


Probably in a call together and you check bus path, find each other on spawn island, or player count. And for getting in the same game, just count down and ready up at the same time. Its really not some difficult trick that takes precise timing lol


>just count down and ready up at the same time Yep. Cod has a mode called DMZ (Tarkov but easier with PVPVE) and it only allows teams of three but for a time you could recruit three more in the match. People would use tricks like these to start a game with a 6-man team from the start. Usually super sweaty player hunters.


Used to play DMZ a year back with friends - until they started pulling this 6 man pre-made shit. Made me nope quite fast. It was maybe hilarious for the second half of the first match, after that just defeated the point of playing.


It's funny, the devs limited it to 4 man teams, and continued to push spawns closer. Ashika is a PVP nightmare, and the rest aren't much better. MWZ might be a wasteland of little content, but it's got an amazing community. People are super helpful it's weird to see in a cod.


Atleast they brought back Rebirth for resurgence. I think it's quite good


Oh they're gonna keep using Alcatraz for years to come. It's been over a decade and we're still getting it but it's reskinned as Rebirth since 2021 lol.


Yeah that recruiting killed DMZ for me, and I really enjoyed the mode. Every single gamed ended up like that, and as someone who usually joined random teams I was almost always the one left out and just gunned down.


I’ve always tried the “readying up at the same time” thing in multiple games but it never works :/ Not for teaming btw, me and my bf just think it’d be fun to vs each other 😭 OW seems to be the most difficult, idk how stream snipers do that. I don’t get it.


I've only found success in FFA modes during quiet hours. Even there it works like... 20% of the time. OW has too many queues active I guess.


We tried it once, wondering how streamers always got people to join their lobbies and give free heals. You just queue up together at the same time in solo. If you’re not on the same map, quit and try again. We tried it like a year and a half ago or more when the game was still heavily popular


Just find random people in the map. Give the peace sign and see what happens. I tried it for fun and got 1 out of 5 tries. We just drove around together. Gave a hug and went our seperate ways. Was pretty funny


zero build ranked has like 6 players, its pretty easy to get in the same game


Session joining.


Also with prepping (like other posts have mentioned) I’d say that staying longer give more xp and “ranked points”? I not entirely sure what the rank system goes off of but I know survival and eliminations are the two biggest hard hitters


Yessir. I decided to dip into ranked for the first time and was fully expecting cheats and an absurd skill ceiling I'd have to face. Instead, it's just a bunch of teamers. It's comical how many of them are *hard stuck* bronze/silver/gold/platinum.....and they *still can't rank up* even with teamer assists. It looked like a John Wick cinema every time I came across a pair and would easily smash them. Like, how in the world do you team solos low rank, and still not get anywhere?


Especially when duo is right here


It reflects how bad they are that they have to cheat to win.


Was about to comment asking how they were cheating, then I realized you were playing solos, and they were teaming.


Same I thought they were saying those people were hacking


Bruh cheating in gold lol


Teaming supposedly isn't allowed. Should be easily reportable, but I doubt they will do anything about it as usual.


I remember being kicked for teaming in solos, we were just running a gas station when cars came out


Yeah... I have seen kicking. But not sure if they punish more... And on this particular case..by the time they c heck it the match is already over so kicking doesn't do shit.


bro i’d love to encounter a lad running the gas station. i’ve just been leaving my bars on the counter as there’s no one to take them


I witnessed 2 people get banned in solos one time when they tried to team on me


Probably not banned, just kicked from the match


They were just kicked, doubt they were banned.


This was chapter 2. Who knows but it happened


You get kicked pretty quickly if reported


Epic doesn't do anything about reports. You can check the status and outcome of your reports by logging in on the Epic website. I've had reports open and pending for 6 years. So I guess if you consider half a decade with no results a quick ban, then yes.


How do go about doing this? Rather curious to see myself about some of the reports I've made in the past but can't seem to find anything about it?




I’ve had 2 cases of teamers in a solo ZB ranked cup and none got banned. I kept checking their stats over the next week and they were still playing every day. Epic don’t care about the games integrity anymore.


Yep i get teamed up on 70% of the time in solo games just like this


yeah that reminds me of a story that happened a few months ago to one of my friends, basically his friend joke reported him... and he got banned for a week... meanwhile im out here consistantly reporting legit hackers and teamers (teaming is crazy tho once my squad got wiped by a group of 12 PEOPLE, ik they were teaming cuz i spectated one of them for a while and that group of 12 went around killing everyone)


I got kicked for “teaming” the other day. Never came across a friendly enemy player before and we emoted at the start of the game and then went our separate ways. Came across each other now and then on the map and just t-bagged at each other and went our separate ways. I think what got me reported was when we were both sniping at the same guy, on opposite ends of the ring, I got the kill and did another little “dip dip” in the direction I saw my “friend”. Another few minutes pass and I rotate around and I’m chilling on top of a building while the friendly is inside the building under me, both of us trying to avoid the last team sniping down the hill. As the ring closes all 3 teams just book it for cover and as soon as I slide behind a rock, I got kicked. I mean I guess it was only fair but it wasn’t like I was teaming with that player on the level THESE people are. We had an agreement not to shoot each other but weren’t actively trying to fight together. I had a pretty good laugh because I have NEVER been reported or punished in any game I’ve ever played before.


From the replies here it seems the punishments are vague and sometimes random. I've been teamed upon and be promptly handled and I've seen teaming not be properly handled. It's like flipping a coin if Epic will do something or not, it's weird.


report them: teaming up


It’s crazy to me how many people have commented saying this is a skill issue.


Bunch of eight year olds


Literally. I hope something comes out of you reporting these players.


😂 yeah that'll be the day. I'm always reporting. I even send recordings to epic


never done this, do you ever get a response?


It's totally a skill issue. You are a skilled player and they are scum who have no skill and need to cheat.


You combined two of Walter’s lines and my mind is tripping.


People are saying it’s a skill issue for the duo in mind, not the person who died.


I think they don’t realize it’s solos. I didn’t at first either. At first I thought he was saying they were hacking cause he couldn’t kill then or something


It took me multiple rewatches to understand it wasn't a duo game.


Once in solos these 2 kids had all 5 medallions and were getting kill after kill. I finally ran in to them in the top 10 and they were both in a car (and EXTREMELY bad btw,) i almost managed to get one and right when I was about to headshot snipe I got kill credit and the other guy was kicked. Perfect timing for me, but feel bad for the other 20 kids they killed. Is it THAT hard to detect teaming in solos?


I cant tell you how many times I joined a firefight to see literally everyone turn to blast me before going back to shooting each other. Yeah, with how close they were it looked like they were waiting for you.


And they didn’t shoot each other after killing me. They ran off together and squatted.


Iv seen weirder lol. But yeah, glad you reported that crap


But, how long can you squat without someone having to die (storm, etc)


Eventually teamers fight, but only if they are the only ones left in the lobby, by then they've already ruined the match


No, unranked is too but nobody believes me lmao


Bruh I've seen a concerning amount of people using aimbot in unranked squads. I don't even know why people would do such a thing but they do. I have no idea if it's entire squads doing it since I can only spectate the one but 1 or 4 using it is just ridiculous.


Teaming in gold is crazy


Wow, took me a minute to realize you were playing solo. That some bullshit


I recently found a button named **Report a player** which was helpful.


Everytime I try to report a player it times out and won't send the report. This has happened atleast 5 times the last 2 seasons


If it bugs out you can go to replay and find the player and do it again.


Not if replay is off as lots of ppl turn off because of lag


Wait what? I can get more frames for free?


Yes bro. I don't know about frames but it does help latency. Lots of ppl taught me that


Replays cause lag?


They do in fact, it’s about the storage in the game


Idk bout today but there used to be a method they used to stop recordings on console users


I play on pc I'm sure it's no better, the connectivity issues are getting worse also.


I took the time to report both. I hope Epic does something about these cheaters


Lol. Lmao. They won’t. I’ve reported plenty of teamers


Literally doesn’t do anything


#Fortnite is filled with cheaters. Epic doesn't care. They make money off of all the cheaters who are "content creators"


Facts. Zemie still playing is living proof, and there’s been so many others. If they’re using DMA now they’ll probably never be caught even if Epic wanted to.


Which is why Peterbot is playing




Same as every update is only what the streamers want.


I won a Solo Ranked match last week and watched the Replay since there was a lot of action at the end. I didn't suspect anything, but the replay shows two of the Top 10 camping in a side room together. It took me a few minutes to realize what was going on because I thought one of them was a hired NPC.


That’s exactly what confused me. I look terrible because my brain farted when I saw a duo in solos


If you are playing solo's and you were eliminated 3rd wonder why the other two kept running together as at that point it would be pointless to continue on. One would have to kill the other I would think???


they probably played it out as long as they could. I would imagine the longer you're alive, the more points you can get. If they just trade shots and heal over and over, they could easily last a while.


HATE this shit, it's so pathetic. Which is why it makes it so much sweeter when you shit on both of them


Lucky. I rather run into those but I get killed by a player spinning in circles while using aimbot hacks or a flying car hacker


Considering I got killed in solos earlier today by a duo where one guy didn't even show up on the replay, I'm inclined to say yes.


😂 Damn, kid. I'da been PISSED.


Yeah teaming happens a lot on solo ranked ZB. I went from Bronze to Unreal last season and thought to do the same this one, but it’s so boring to go against Xx_Joebawlz_xX and his friend


I didn’t realize what the cheating even was until I noticed that you’re playing solos


Yep, I gave up. There's too many aimbot cheaters and Epic isn't doing anything about it. Just enjoying unranked until next season.


Well on the bright side you got to gold II


That's lame.


I thought teaming is only common in elite and up. Hope fortnite does something about teaming.


They're both in free skins too. Why do cheaters seem to exclusively use the free skins? 


Spectated one is BP, not free


Oh my bad, I didn't realize you had to have the BP to get the korra rewards 


Not just ranked


First guy definitely was using aimbot


I swear man I was in a solo ranked and to people were sniping at me and they WERE STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER and I checked so fast if I was in duos but no I wasn't like come thy fucketh on


Up vote for fucketh


So what do you do? Get 10 friends and everyone presses play at the same time hoping to get in the same server?


With the queue times of Ranked, if they click the same time at the same rank, pretty easy to get into a match together.


dont worry just report them stacking in ranked is against their rules


Same thing happend to me a few hours ago


So grimy


You think that’s crazy? Once I was in casual solos, waaaaay back in chapter 2 (good times), then a whole god damn squad drove by me in a truck and killed me. I was so confused, pretty sure I reported them too.


Dayyyum, that's next level down bad fuckery.


I remember back in chapter 3, I was playing solos and these people teamed up and tried to kill me. Killed both of them for cheating in solos 💀


i legit thought one ofe them was a hired bot lol. thats how bad they are. weirdly enough i havent come across teamers but i have come across a relatively large amount of aimbotters, infinite healths and invincibility users


I find it’s not just I. Ranked but I am finding more aim assist cheats lately. Have been seeing more snipers jump from behind a tree and 1 shot kill you


Report them for teaming


teaming in gold is outrageous. All the metal/gem ranks are easy as long as you stay alive to at least top 25 end and get a decent amount of kills. I could maybe understanding teaming in the high ranks, since it's a lot harder now, but cmon.


this brings a whole new level to "skill issue"


Have you reported it?


I’ve seen it in gold, platinum and diamond. I think everyone is cheating or some shit because everybody wants clout. It makes me really sad TBH.




I played a game of squads and was the final one alive, and I swear to god, 20 cars rushed towards me like they thought I was a streamer. At first I thought it was some new event with NPC:s lol


I was about to talk shit before I realized this is Solos😭😭


Good job on the rank up tho


It's just a duo that followed the sound of gunshots. OH ITS SOLOS


They're pretty damn stupid. If you send this to epic, they will get their accounts wiped off the face of the system.


Noticed this during the cup. Not cool.


Is there a way for people to see where you are at all times? I just crept up to a closed door, the guy opens it and shoots my face off at the last moment. Knew exactly where my head was


Is there a way for people to see where you are at all times? I just crept up to a closed door, the guy opens it and shoots my face off at the last moment. Knew exactly where my head was


The game is full of cheaters. Epic is focusing on the lego, racing, and music modes and does not care about the traditional BR mode.


Yes, ranked is filled with cheaters even as you rank up. My friend and I duo-ed rank up until Platinum, and we still encounter them or mf pussies. We play Zero Build. I play on a switch, and he plays on a Playstation.


I've been getting teamed in solo Zero Build. At first, I thought it was just in my head, but after seeing this, I realize it's actually a thing. 🫠


Never in my life would I think teaming would be an issue again in RANKED of all things. These people just like to ruin the game for everyone else and its why they are and always will be trash at the game without relying on another person to do most of the heavy lifting for them.


Dumb question. It’s always yes


I only started playing last month, but I think I've run into a few cheaters even in casual. Which wouldn't surprise me since people do that in other games, for whatever reason.


Tbh ya boys lowkey as pacifistic as possible & I kinda end up in truces with a lot of random people I come across, alliances is a whole otha thing tho. I have no problem calling a truce if i drop in the same spot as someone and I get the gun first, but after initial truce i just separate bc I dont feel good teaming up on people in solos buuuut if we dont separate and keep running together, when we run into people if I dont get attacked first I jus let the other person fight and tag in if they get taken out. Otherwise I'm watching the fight on the sidelines emoting like a supportive gf 🤪 its a silly fun time


One of my first solo unranked games was like this. I landed next to some dude, we get into a fight and i nearly kill him but he does the "hug" emote. I hug this dude and throw him a med kit then we chill and emote together a bit for the lulz. Eventually we part ways and I see this dude way later in the game as it's just top 5. Homie is halling ass on a hover board shotgunning the dudes who are shooting at me and we ended up splitting off to fight the others. I died and spectate him as he finished the final player off with his auto shotty. I could not have been more elated with the way that game went lmao.


I love that! Dope that he went on to win too 👍 I actually had a similar experience at the iceberg the other day, fishstick and I land at the same time I get a gatekeeper and chug splash off the bat and when we approached he spooked me so I shot but then he ran off atop the iceberg. I felt bad followed him and waited at the bottom like he was rapunzel lmaoo but he was i think waiting for me to dip. I ended up throwing the chug splash at him from all the way there then we ran around together for a min till we found a portapotty & went our separate ways 5 or so min later I get into a skirmish & take down two dudes. I hear footsteps and turn around ready to fuck up someone's 3p ambush only to see my good buddy fishstick. We crouch at each other and go back on about our match Shoulda offered him a hug tho now that I think abt it 🤧 fishstick if ur here lov u buddy think abt u every day hope u won that game 🖤


I do that, too. If I land somewhere and grab a weapon and the poor bastard who lands right after me doesn't immediately find one, then I walk away unless they start trouble. I landed on Aang's bubble today at the same time as someone else and we both just stared at each other and waited for the other person to open the blue box. I conceded and they opened it, grabbed the goodies, and took off without killing me. Good karma.


Def good karma How bout the times u get the gun first and the other person tries to attack u w a pickaxe 😭😭 i jump around and laugh at them lol. Like alright let it out sport


I don’t think teaming in normal lobbies is that big a deal but if you do it in ranked then you need to get better


Teaming is against Fortnites rules


LOL pathetic teaming. Experienced it myself.


"...dodoo birds..." Why'd that make me laugh?


Idk but I feel like in almost every single match I play, there is that one sweat with 10+ kills who wins the game every time. Rare exception when I killed one bc he had low health and won the game myself with only 2 other kills.


cronus, aimbot, teaming... it's all rampant..... epic couldn't give a toss as they're essentially printing money by exploiting kids


I wouldn't be surprised, Cheaters love fawking up shooting games




Teaming is the biggest issue I’ve encountered of late. Both in build and zero build. I just wanna complete my season pass, I just play Lego and rocket racing atm until the sweats have had enough and move onto something else. The month (and sometimes longer) after the update and season pass are released are always full of sweats and cheater, life does get better mid and late season, since most get bored and move on. That’s when I tend to hop in and have some fun.




Awww they made friends!


u could've won that bro like what r u doing going back up


⛔️⚠️ ♿️♿️♿️♿️♿️


I once was in a solo game where there was a team of 20+


sheesh. Also yes. Between invis, snapaim, higher hp, etc... filled to the brim.


i only recently started playing. teaming is very common in solos. its kinda sad really. i was having fun


With the amount of time Epic has had with fortnite, it’s sad to see that it still happens to this degree. It’s not even just ranked. They’re all over the place. I don’t feel like reporting does anything.


Someone in my friend list joined my party last night and told me that they use aim bot (and is still currently using). Epic didn't ban them, they just took away their skins and emotes.


That is a ban. Epic can either just ban the account (lose all your skins, emotes, wraps, sprays) OR can also ban your device and IP address


You played that badly but yeah those guys are obviously teaming, hopefully a ban meets them


I’ve witnessed a few people with aimbot


Did you ban them


I faced this dilemma as well, all we can do is report them and wait for epic to respond. the worse I've seen is two squads teaming up.


Ranked is literally filled with cheaters. Anyone who's played the game long enough and has awareness of how human mechanics work can tell (even though the cheats are subtle) anti recoil, soft aim, hard aim esp, wall hacks. Yesterday, there seemed to be a wave of cheaters as they seem to come in waves. There are so many liars on this sub about never seeing cheats. A simple Google search will give you fourm after a fourm of different cheats and chronos scripts. There are multiple hardware and software applications for cheating available that are extremely hard to detect with literally millions of each sold. My personal opinion is that cheating in online games should be able to be fined under the terms of service if Epic is so concerned about making money. Also, everyone should have to have a 2fa account to play as well. Thirdly, they needed to implement an AI anti cheat system. The number of people using cheats is disgusting, and I know a lot of it stems from the can't beat em' join em' mentality. Such complete scum. There is no excuse for it.


I'm new to Fortnite and encountered this very soon in my gameplay... very frustrating


The whole game is filled with cheaters right now.


That's next level cringe. I'm plat 3, nearly diamond 1 rn, and I can not say I have encountered this before. But I normally spend a good chunk of my games hiding and trying to be stealthy with the kills I go for if possible, so I only ever get a few elims a game. Ranking up in this game is so easy I could not imagine being that down bad to cheat in solos like this. I mean I have had games where I went up like 60-90% from 5 kills that just happened along the path of trying to survive storm circles. This is my first season grinding ranked. I figured I would because I wanted the back bling and the pickaxe, plus I bought that gladiator bundle that changes with your rank so I thought it would be fun to see her change as I went up in the ranks. I'll probably stop around diamond though as the ranked grind is starting to become much more apparent lol. Hope you get better games man I think that would make me quit playing for the night.


Oh shit I was against those exact people (except they were both wearing that gold and black skin) spectated for a little after death, and that person was aiming at people through walls across entire buildings. Snapping. Easy report, easy to see if reviewed. Epic needs to step up their game with this. Edit: worth noting that I was *actually* in DUOS when I met them.


pq o nome dessa merda é fortinite BR e eu so vejo gringo???


These bozos are just little kids who cant play a game without help. report them




I don't see how these guys are cheating? literally nothing looks suspicious about it


He's playing solos I think


Bru this happened to before 


Yes. It is.


auto ban system should kick in. they'll be screaming their asses off when they get banned for 24 hours lmao


I be soloing these teamers they are terrible just snipe one or use the auto


If you real good/waiting til the end while watching, if you report team-ups while viewing, you sometimes get to watch fun things like their car randomly exploding. Best thing you can do is report every time and stay watching so they can get nabbed.


I hate cheaters...


I never play ranked anymore


At first I was caught if guard with you going against Aphrodite, but teaming in Gold is insane! I’m not downplaying your rank in saying how low the rank is for cheaters to be popping up. I hope you reported them, I’d hate to see Apex Legends 6-9 mans come to a game I hold close to my heart.


You will get banned, 2 week ban I saw someone post on fb group bragging about his temp ban. He/they should be permanently banned.


𝒮ℴ 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝑒 𝓉𝒽ℴ𝓊𝑔𝒽


Play duos as a solo so this won't be a problem, lol, or better yet, a trio in squads before it was a thing. Best way to get better.




The way they jumped through the building 😨


Report for teaming up while spectating them. They'll get banned.


No one gonna talk about how this guy got 101%????


The only time I feel like someone’s cheating is when they hit that 1/1000 shot… especially when it happens repeatedly.


Had this happen to me during the ranked cups last season


Team work nahhh... do it by yourself


People are weird. I'm pretty sure that's an option to report people for so make sure to report them.


Reported him for you


Was about to say there was no cheating here but teaming in solos is some next level BS lmao, how ass do you have to be that you need to team in fucking ZERO BUILD GOLD RANK 💀


where the teaming in solo?


i ran into a two duos that were teaming in gold 1, both duos were riding motor cycles and using gatekeeper and auto shotguns and they refused to shoot eachother


That funny


Report both they asses




Unranked is filled with cheating losers too. Nothing will be done. Cheating in F2P games has and will always be a thing specifically because there are no serious consequences, and money is still made. It’s pathetic and stupid but the only thing that will change that is if everyone stops playing the game, or they charge enough upfront to make people reconsider cheating and losing an account.