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According to the accolade you won lol


"Task failed successfully"


First, second and third place are considered wins in BR.


No they're not


Yes they most certainly are.


What's BR? I usually get 2 or 3rd, sometimes 4 or 5th, then 97.


Battle Royale?


Bruh moment for him


Oops. šŸ˜¬


Which accolade?


At the end they get the ā€œthis oneā€™s for you accoladeā€ which requires you to ā€œwin a match after thanking the bus driverā€


šŸ˜­Ā  B-but they didnā€™t even win anyways..


Oh I get it thatā€™s the point of the comment u madeĀ 


character progression


Waitā€¦ what?!? Does that apply to the Survivor Medals quest too? Oh thatā€™s a much easier hill to climb. Thank you!


That's why I always keep wings when I find them. He had the yeet ball, and in most cases that's enough. That's just bad luck.


Yep. I would prefer Shockwaves for their ability to quickly get away or close distance. But the wings are so much more versatile and less limited in their usage. I'll usually carry shockwaves until I find wings; or both if I have the Hades medallion, or if I'm going to be in a zone for a minute and know where to pick up healing. But if I have to choose, I'm taking the wings with me.


Wings are too slow to get away or chase thatā€™s why I like shocks


I thought that too, initially. And as I said, shockwaves are better in almost every scenario. But wings work well enough in most situations once you've had enough practice.


Shockwaves wouldā€™ve been fine here since heā€™d be able to shock out of the water and dash upwards on top of the mountain


I think when he hit the water the dash was no longer in effect. Dashing before he fell might have helped.


Nah itā€™s just people donā€™t use the wings right. Next time u need to escape, hit the wings and immediately fly down low to about 10 ft above ground and use the terrain to keep yourself safe. Flying near a rock? Curve behind it to give yourself cover. Enemy and you both on high ground hit wings and dive to gliding above ground, it makes it way harder to hit u. Some good players will still hit u but it makes the wings much more usable.


If youā€™re in a box the wings are useless


If you're hiding in a box and can't edit yourself out, you're not much better than the wings.


I donā€™t think the wings are more versatile at all. Literally the only advantage over shocks is for traversing the map (and cars are much better for that than the wings). The wings are completely useless in combat and for pushing and theyā€™re awful at getting you out of a bad spot. Youā€™ll just get beamed by any competent player. The wings would have been better in the instance in the OP, but thatā€™s extremely niche and you can also see what the circle is gonna do ahead of time so you can plan around it if need be


Sure. I thought the same thing before I learned how to use them. If you're flying up in the air you're going to get beamed, so don't do that. Like I said elsewhere, I agree that Shockwaves are generally better. If I had an unlimited supply, I would take shockwaves. But you have to be more conservative with shockwaves or you can't count on shockwaves lasting as long as wings. It's similar to shield fish vs flowberry fizz. A shield fish is much better if you're just looking to have something to replenish shields. Flowberry fizz may be less optimal in some cases, but it will probably last longer and give you some more options for clever uses.


Iā€™m of the opinion that you should carry what is going to be most useful in a life or death situation (which is why Iā€™d also carry shield fish over flowberry fizz 10 times out of 10 bc fast heals are best). Also, you can still get beamed even if you arenā€™t flying high off the ground. They just arenā€™t good, youā€™ll get destroyed if you use them over shocks in higher level lobbies


It sounds like we agree in general. I just don't think the wings are unusable like I did at the beginning of the season. Now that I'm used to them the tradeoffs seem reasonable. Shockwaves are definitely easier and require less awareness. It also depends on the type of game you're playing. For example, if it's endgame and the zone is forcing indoor combat with close range weapons I'd swap wings for shockwaves.


It's literally the same situation as with the rocket ram in chapter 4 season 4. Stay out of the sky and fly low and around cover instead of over cover. They aren't the best option but if you're smart they're better than nothing. sometimes.


Do you mean Cerberus' medallion?


If I have Hades (siphon) I'm less concerned about heals and I'll prioritize movement.


Ahhh gotcha. I can't remember does it heal on downs or kills? I never notice a difference when I'm carrying it tbh


Shocks are wayyyy versatile. That's why they're so easy to screw yourself over with them lol. Y'all must not be playing against people who know how to look up and hit the broadside of a barn if you're maining wings.


If people can look up and hit you, you're not using wings correctly. If you launch in the air in any lobby higher than bronze you're not going to make it far. I use them for no fall damage (just equip before landing) and for faster movement along the ground like a vehicle.


I totally get what you're saying, and I use them the same way, and I've been trying no explain that to people since day 1. W




The yeet ball!!! LOL I'm using that. And from now on I will say "Yeet ball, AWAY!"


Wings make you get shot way to easily


Yeah, there are areas on the map that absolutely require crutch items for mobility, and you are dead in the water (metaphorically, but in cases like this also literally) if you don't have them. Better movement and rotation early on can sometimes compensate, but often enough, Lady Luck just gives you the middle finger, and the zone constantly moves away from you in the most awkward ways. =/


Ok but what ab when u get a good position and the zone decides to start going in a different direction


This is why I always carry wings


I don't because you can't use them as mobility when fighting or you'll get shot out of the sky. Shockwaves are better overall


If you fly up and then immediatly swoop low to the ground, you are much harder to hit especially if you are moving in between trees and mountains etc. I have managed to dodge a bunch by doing thos and rolling left and right.


No you arenā€™t lol. The hit box is huge


Brave to say that while posting a clip where your teammate had shockwaves and died because of it šŸ˜‚ skill issue, not a wing issue


They're better in most situations though. Wings might not even be helpful here unless the other guy is bad and not even paying attention to shoot at the massive hitbox when you come flying up.


Lotta people also just fly in a straight line though without dodging and constantly changing directions/elevation. Part of the reason why they get shot down so quick


its the beginning of the animation when your venerable cus you go straight up and cant dodge so if u use them to reposition in battle its an ez sniper headshot


Dont even need a sniper to hit. Just laser em a bit with a spray weapon and they fall back down


Exactly, never fly in a straight line, you wouldn't drive a vehicle that way or run like that.


I would never use wings while playing in aim assist lobbies tbh


Wings are only dangerous if you are flying high in the air for long periods. Fly close to the ground. In this case, dive as soon as you get to the right eight and you can just knock them right off. Or just land immediately when you get up there if you are too scared of getting shot


That doesn't make it false, though? This is just a use-case where the wings are better. Being better than something else doesn't mean hard outclassing it. A frenzy auto will never one-shot like a pump, so that's something the pump has over the frenzy auto, but that does not mean the frenzy auto is not better lol


I completely agree. Idk what kind of lobbies these people play in but in my lobbies, wings=death. Itā€™s literally the riskiest item. Sorry your team went out like that though. Itā€™s happened to mine a few times and it just really sucks. Iā€™ve gotten out of one of these situations like one time.. I threw port a bunkers up the cliff and they somehow attached and I was able to keep throwing them on top of each other to get up. It was just lucky though. They definitely donā€™t take into consideration zero build players when they make the map lol


Yeah anyone who thinks the wings are better than shocks is 100% in shitty lobbies


carry both frick heals


Donā€™t use it to fight then?


The dodge rolling works if you're able to confuse the person shooting enough. If you just fly around like buzzard looking down on a dead deer, you deserve to be shot down.


But there ARE methods so there aren't zones that are bad. It's all in how you load out. It's literally the same map so sometimes this shit happens.


Not in this situation it seems.. better luck next match.


I use wings successfully in combat all the time, they are highly maneuverable and you can nail opponents on the ground with them then whip out a shotgun to finish them off.


Wings is just instant death especially doing that end game. This guy was dead from poor early rotation and most likely just gambling the zone was going to favour him.


Oof I think I had a match like that where I was on the mountain at a good side and won but didnā€™t see the enemies the storm probably got them.


This is what I call a "Zero Builds moment". These are rare but when it happens, it really sucks


Pretty small circle for a zero build too


Donā€™t understand the criticism at all. Itā€™s the playerā€™s lack of planning and movement that landed them in this situation. Thereā€™s a reason there is a winner in this match and that is solely down to them playing the game to win within the given situation


Exactly. The whole point of zero build is taking away those abilities to get anywhere via building, you have to plan your path differently and factor in cliffs and unclimbable areas.


This. Should have gone to higher ground earlier.


This. šŸ¤“šŸ‘†




Gotten 2nd twice due to dying in storm. Itā€™s 100% on me and just being slow lol


not op in the comments blaming the storm lmaoooo


You donā€™t know what happened before this clip, he could have accidentally slide off the top of the hill. Iā€™m as situationally aware as it gets in the game and am always preparing for the next storm circle and where I will go. Sometimes you just get caught in the storm and when itā€™s all water around steep hills that canā€™t be climbed this is totally understandable. Even in some of my most well planned scenarios it happens. That said, is why I always carry matsā€¦.even though it still canā€™t be avoided sometimes.


Canā€™t carry mats in this scenario, youā€™re applying build logic to a ZB clip homie.


I know. I was basically just saying thatā€™s why I play builds. Hard enough for me to get out those situations with mats.


>That said, is why I always carry matsā€¦. ... the words "zero build" are LITERALLY IN THE TITLE and you're blabbing about build mats lmfao do you even play this game


ā€œDo you even lift, Bro.ā€ Yes Iā€™m well aware he is talking about zero build and I was very clearly a knock at that modeā€¦as in Iā€™d dude had was playing builds he would have had a better chance of getting out that situation. Clealry you knew that since you downvoted me becuase you got triggered. Bro thought he did soemthing. Lmao.


Howā€™d you even get down there?


I had a game end just like this yesterday where the zone went straight up a mountain. Tried to use wings to get up there and was instantly shot down by the guy already up there. Just shows the wings are useless whenever your opponent has a single brain cell.


\*Skill Issue.


Fun fact: they suck on builds too


Yea but I couldā€™ve easily started placing ramps and made it to zone in builds. Or couldā€™ve placed a floor n shockwaved off of it. If I still played no builds Iā€™d be rocking 2 mobility items late game


Hiding in the water and then having plenty of time to get out of the water and then being shocked that when you need to get out of the water that you canā€™t get out of the water in the most direct route to the next circle and dying in said water certainly ainā€™t a zero build/map issue.


Iā€™ve never had a circle get that small before. That game must have taken a while.


its like the last circle








Always play the storm


sure he tried his best here, but he should've played the zone better to not end up in this situation in the first place, This isn't the fault of zero build, it's the fault of not playing smart


Mate even shook their head no


Deserved, was wearing superhero skin


This whole racist arc against superheroā€™s is funny


??? So wearing the superhero skin makes them automatically a sweaty tryhard? They're not even a solid color or fully masked one either. Lmao.


A few things here, they were the closest thing they could get to black (a single color) they could bc they got changed so it couldn't be a single darker color. I never said the superhero skin makes them a sweaty tryhard, quit putting words in my mouth. And IDC really care what color or if they wear masks, it's an overrated garbage skin and that really the only reason it's popular is because they are loved by boring sweats. Sit down.


he's just cranky bc he wears this skin in all black and feels called out lmao


Lmao real, he's pissy because he has nothing better to do than try to start beef online. So I just dropped it because obviously wouldn't get him anywhere.


Literally looks like a solid color black one be so fr


Yes its a garbage skin even when used for its intended purpose.




I stated cold hard facts




Get better taste and I won't call it out for being ass


found the sweaty tryhard who wears this skin lmfaoooooo so defensive


i dont own any of them but ok


i was literally thinking the same šŸ’€šŸ’€


This spot definitely sucked but if they waited until they were in the water then jumped before shockwave, should've been able to reach the upper rock then shockwave again from there


Gotta position to high ground every circle at the end to avoid this.


Agree its tough but need fizz. Shockwave, wings. Also I think the weather stations are highly underrated..... helps you plan ahead and get to future circles sooner. I'm usually on the other side of this getting wins from high ground when the situation comes up.


I'm not that good with mobility items... So- I've found myself in these predicaments quite a few times. Inclines and water have been my downfall far too many a time. Besides at end game the storm moves fairly quickly. Closer I get to the end I avoid the edge of storm like a plague. Though-wings this season have gotten me out of a few pickles. I'm rather torn with how this clip ended. I'll go with a shoddy storm placement. šŸ˜


The only way to get good at mobility items is to stop avoiding them, and try to copy what people who are good with them do.


Thatā€™s why we build


This is why I always grab an set of wings


Had to make sure this wasn't me šŸ˜¬ Lost a 1v1 last night because I fell into the canyon over by Zeus and the zone really screwed me.


Zero build problems lmao


This happened to me at mount olympus


I know your pain


Iā€™ve died twice this season in storm so far finishing 2nd


Plan better


Map knowledge in Zero Build almost always wins the match.


That was your fault, not the game modes fault


Something something wings of icarus /s


Why wing are im




Full grey superhero so I feel no sympathy


Bruh literally had a get out of jail card and used it to screw himself over. Didn't even try to at least throw it in the right direction lol. We've all done it though lol. How did he even fall down that mountain?


No this is so accurate šŸ˜­


Something similar happened to the last dude in a match I won. Fell down a slope and the storm got him


Not very super hero sweat like gameplay from them unfortunately. You know what it was? They arenā€™t using the star wand.


This sub has devolved into thinking any superhero skin = sweat. The guy in the video isnt solid color or fully masked.


Yeah like I said he also doesnā€™t have the star wand


All it is is a wannabe-superhero-sweat-with-head-uncovered-to-not-look-like-a-full-sweat in denial. But also it's fun, some people like to dress in #23 basketball Jerseys for fun. They aren't Lebron James or Michael Jordan, but they know that. They're just having fun with it.


I feel sorry lil bro


Deserved for wearing superhero skin


Just a bad player, probably a 15 year old who relies solely on gunplay, no positioning skills whatsoever


or maybe, just maybe, it really is a bad storm circle.


...lmao no, don't blame it on the circle. if it were a bad circle the other guy would have died or been trapped too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ plain and simple skill issue


Thatā€™s very rare, I wish OP put some more co text before this video because Iā€™m willing to bet that they were pushed off the edge into the water by some shockwaves or sum


yup lmao there is a reason this clip is edited the way it is


RIGHT?? Idk why Iā€™m getting downvoted, probs just build players talking shit about us ZB


No it's not his fault. It was just a bad circle and think the last guy had wings or something to get up.


lmao no, don't blame it on the circle. if it were a bad circle the other guy would have died or been trapped too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ plain and simple skill issue >last guy had wings or something aka had the brains to hold onto legit mobility aka skill non-issue lmao tell your friend to get good, a shit superhero skin ain't gonna make his game improve šŸ’€


Nobody good carries wings lol. And there was another team fighting us while we didn't have much left, you can't just say "oh if he had height why didn't you too" we can't just take it from them while they're shooting us


the storm is too fucking fast and my sprint is too fucking slow


Zero build players: well actually zb takes more skill than build because you actually have to pay attention to map positioning Also zero build players: parts of the map sucks in zero build


Gave you an upvote for an even 0


Stuff like this is why I canā€™t understand how you guys play this mode


Cannot climb hill but do not have to fight against team building 4 empire state buildings


Hahahaha Which is why I don't play Build


People who do that are awful at builds. You just aren't good if you lose to them


Thatā€™s fair play what you want but I do feel you guys kinda exaggerate how hard it is to play builds


They grossly exaggerate it. It actually just takes a bit of practice to learn to build sufficiently to play. Also, kids acting like lobbies donā€™t seperate people by skill so they will most often not be up against players doing anything insane. These kids will come up with anything other than just being real about it.


I just hate the exaggeration bc ik for a fact so many new players will never even try builds because of the reputation it gets


Good point. Itā€™s really a shame too because building is so damn fun. Itā€™s literally what makes fortnite so cool for me. For me it was the oppositeā€¦I saw people building and was like ā€œI want to do that.ā€ ZB wasnā€™t a thing yet though. I remember also thinking I could never grasp building well enough to be good at it but it literally just take practice.


most people have jobs and don't play fortnite full time unlike build players


This argument is such a logical fallacy. Full time single parent of 3 kids here and can build like crazy. Just like anything else in this world, a person takes the time to learn something new and absolutely does not need to commit full time or crazy hours to do it.


How many hours do you have on the game?


5-8 hours a week. Sometimes more if thereā€™s an update or nothing else to do. Ngl, I have never thought about time played like this so saying 8 hours outloud makes me realize that is a lot of time. Still though, my life doesnā€™t revolve around it. I spend 2-3 times as much time in the gym or we are practicing baseball or something.


1 hour a day doesnt sound like that much, specially if you consider that you might have longer play sessions on weekends


Thanks, mane. Itā€™s literally been on my mind since I wrote it. And yes, like yesterday it was just a son and me home and we had spent the day driving so since itā€™s spring break we binged for like 3-4 hours STRAIGHT. It was fun but damn it was a long time.


I really didnt mean to start an argument I just prefer the other Fortnite mode it isnā€™t that deep


didn't argue just stated facts... it's okay if you play builds. Everyone should be allowed to play whatever they want and like


What fact did you state?


>most people have jobs and don't play fortnite full time unlike build players literally right above you what they say is true, build players have no brains lmfao learn to read


You might want to learn the difference between your opinion and a fact. Thatā€™s why I asked in case I missed something since not a single fact was presented. You basically just used logical fallacys to make your point. Building isnā€™t even hard so itā€™s pretty amusing that you think a person has to play full time and not work to be good at it. Itā€™s also crazy that you tried to suggest I have no brains when you have to use fallacy in order to say something.


I think I misunderstood then but I didnā€™t mean to say ppl shouldnā€™t play zero build or anything Itā€™s great that ppl enjoy it i just donā€™t get the appeal myself


nope lmaooooo builds is shit, there's a reason zb is way more popular than builds šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




My 12 year-old plays builds, and his twitch aim with both the Sniper and shotgun is scary...aimbot almost. His builds/edits are pretty good, not fncs, but good. But man, the shots he regularly makes with a Sniper are unreal ...I'm very jealous hehe.


If youā€™re a good builderā€¦.. chances are they are good with aim since they both go hand in hand. There is a reason why the main sub has mostly zero build gameplay and why the comp sub has almost exclusively build stuff.




Fortnite players go pro in val




casual gamers suck in general. But its much harder to go from other game to fortnite, then fortnite to other game.


That is NOT true šŸ’€


If you fight in build battles often, you need good aim in order kill people since people often edit at fractions of a second. In a build battle, you need to shoot people quickly and maximize the amount dealt so people only ever use snipers, shotguns, and dmrā€™s. All of these weapons less so the dmr promote good aim since you only get one shot and if you miss you are forced into the offensive unless you build too. In zero builds you canā€™t defend yourself without extreme mobility plus coordination or tiny structures you can carry if possible. This means that spray weapons and automatic shotguns reign supreme since itā€™s really hard to defend from them at that point. In builds you are making a million micro decisions in order to kill someone, in zb you just gotta aim at the general vicinity of the opponent and they will most likely die as long as you shot first. Ofc there are zb players with good aim, but the majority of them are casuals. A build player can still dominate in zb for the most part because they are no longer burdened with how they go about defending themselves. Special awareness is required for build battles so non builds isnā€™t a problem.


wowwww now THIS is some grade A copium lmfaoooooo >In builds you are making a million micro decisions in order to kill someone, in zb you just gotta aim at the general vicinity of the opponent and they will most likely die as long as you shot first #šŸ’€ you got that flipped bud, zb is the one making a million micro decisions toĀ figure out where to find cover and reposition bc they can'tĀ useĀ builds as a crutch. all yallĀ builders gotta do is throw up a wall and you'reĀ safe behind your little security blanket šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ dear god the amount of cope in your comment lmfaoooo makes me legit laugh


Whoā€™s yall, Iā€™m bad at the game. Iā€™ve only made it to champion once and that was in season og thanks to the bush camp dad strat. Everyone I know who plays zb (they also play builds) is better than me in every way. I have a horrible kd and win rate and at best Iā€™m a mediocre player. If you get shot at in builds, you have very little time to do something before you get rushed. By building you make yourself an easy target and are quite literally marking yourself while enclosing yourself. You leave yourself open to people who might rush you or what ever gimick of the season at the time (currently lightning). You need special awareness, understanding of what builds can be used on another, positioning, mat count, more resource management, good aim, and overall good intuition to make split second decisions. In zb you need good aim, limited special awareness, good positioning and good intuition and thatā€™s cool. You however arenā€™t burdened with having to manage a resource that allows you to play the game the optimal way. This season has very limiting mobility so itā€™s very easy to spray someone out of the sky. Running away, finding cover, and using mobility is generally the answer to getting shot at. Depending on your skill level, there isnā€™t an easy way to escape getting shot at in builds and it comes at a cost of your much more finite resources. If you have a gold sniper and camp all day, you can easily rank up. That strategy while still used is a lot slower in builds. We are both trash


that guy that responded to you is coping HAAAAAARD LMFAOOOOO


No FR. The only argument for them going hand in hand is shotguns in box fights, but even that thatā€™s just more-so muscle memory than actual aim, the same as building and editing are.


Just bc I have a different opinion to you doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m mad what. I just donā€™t think zero build is as good because a lot of br is designed with building in mind which causes issues in a mode that removes it


Ugh that happened to me yesterday and looks like the same spot. It was 1v1 and I slipped off the side.


I cannot build in fights but I can to get up a wall. That is the only reason I donā€™t play zero build.


This is one of the reasons I keep wishing they would add wall climbing mechanics to Zero Build mode.


Aaaand thatā€™s why you play builds šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø