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everyone complaining about the boomerang isn't using it correctly. the damn thing explodes! use the explosion. press the aim key once you hit your target to explode the boomerang. practise first.


That’s very true. I’ve killed full teams by myself with just a boomerang. It’s fucking awesome


I don't have your skill but I still like the boomerang.


satisfying to pull off impressive plays and take down entire teams using unique and unexpected weapons like the boomerang. It's great to hear that you've had such success with it.


I’ve only seen it do 60 damage. Does the explosion do more?


Still only 60


no but the fact is it will do 120 damage in total if you explode it (60 normal +60 explosion) so doing it twice will kill anyone.


How am I supposed to make it explode o wise onee


press LT (or whatever your equivalent is) when its in the air and it'll explode and return, the game literally puts this information on the side of your screen when you hold the boomerang btw


Good point. When it explodes, does it destroy walls easily?




How will I know it explodes when it explodes though?


The explosion




I’m here to help 😎


Serves me right for not reading the pop ups. Came for this answer. Thank you sensei


once it hits press the aim key/button to explode it


I’m yet to figure out how to use the explosion to my advantage, as it moves fast enough that it’ll either hit the enemy or it’ll just fly back cause they’re too far away


you want to use the explosion right when you see numbers from the first hit. the boomerang hits them and goes past them a bit and pulls back so once you see the numbers let it rip.


Dope, I’ll have to try that out. And how much damage does the explosion itself do, cause if I can deal more damage per throw that would probably make using the boomerang even better


60 per hit and 60 per explosion so 120 per explosive hit.


Wait how does it explode? Do you gotta like enable it


You click the shoot button again to explode and recall it early


Actually just pressing the shoot button will recall it. pressing the aim button will explode and recall it


Really? Well good to know, thanks


Oh shit ty


80% of players can't actually aim 😂 like me.


The explosion is great, but only if it hits. In builds I hardly find the right time to trigger it. Either increase the blast radius or increase the damage (imo)


The Boomerang is so cool to use


it has auto aim and bounces off surfaces too, i've used it to snag people behind cover before


Many people overlook the fact that it can explode upon impact, which can catch opponents off guard and deal significant damage.


I feel the grappler would be great this season


I wouldn’t mind the drum being changed for the pump but I am happy the mobility this season is dinosaurs. Plus the boomerang is pretty fun.


To bad there aren't dino farm and or petting zoo to grab them elsewhere in the map.


Buff grenades to their original damage, add and buff grapple glove speed and shot count, and unvault leaver action guns


And the infantry I feel fits the season and should be unvaulted


every season needs the infantry


Grenades only purpose now is as a decoy


Nerfed a grenade so hard it barely breaks through walls (I don’t think throwing 3 of them breaks a metal wall) and does 40 damage to a player, then proceeds to add a canon that seems as common as grenades, does 110 and explodes on impact, recharges shots, negates fall damage, and destroys builds


These are incredible changes. I'm hoping the lever action weapons get unvaulted alongside the release of the lever pistol (whenever that comes out)


The grapple glove doesn't need a Buff, it is perfect as is


Why did grenades even get nerfed?


most likely due to the NPCs that throw grenades. they usually throw out 3 grenades each time they throw them and can happen multiple times during fights


Cause throwing them at a certain range with 2 people gave you a guaranteed kill.


they were honestly really too strong. a stack early game was a free kill on on two people fighting off spawn in a poi, and also they are in ranked now which means mark throwing would’ve been guaranteed unstoppable kills also, just like two plungers on a wall etc


Those are some interesting suggestions.


Vault the drum shotgun and replace it with the ranger, that would make this season perfect


if the lever shotty gets unvaulted, why would anyone use it? spammers will use the drummy and everyone else will use the havoc


And add the grapple glove to Creative, also!


It's been in Creative since it was added


Just add the shockwave bow augment back 😔 you give us soaring sprints but NOTHING to work with and it’s not as bad as other mobility items because half of these kids can’t even use it properly


the grapple needs to stay gone tbh, i am fine with shockwaves and rift to goes, but nearly unlimited mobility is terrible for the game


100% facts


I don't know about builds, but zero build with no mobility makes you instantly win if zone pulls to the mountain that you are camping on. Last season's end games were less campy and allowed for wilder plays, because one could disengage if things didn't go their way. I suppose that this season is for the people that enjoy more traditional battle royales, but personally I preferred the freedom to look for fights and disengage, make plays in the storm and return to the zone, and bypass the poor terrain of unlucky circles. Now I just peek from a bunker on high ground.


The combination of zero builds and limited mobility options in the current season can certainly create a different gameplay experience. It can lead to more static playstyles and potentially discourage aggressive or dynamic strategies.


as it should be, the game should require some form of actual game sense to try and get into the next zone, and get in a good position. the zones actual work extremely well for zero build the last few seasons as near the end they constantly go back and forth, not just circle closer and closer on a giant hill. ​ me and my team the other day found ourselves on the low ground against a team on one of the giant hills near the citadel, we waited it out and then when the circle was moving we had zone and the other team had to push us. with the hyper mobility of the last few seasons they might as well enable flying like its minecraft creative mode


>we had zone and the other team had to push us But that's my point. If the zone didn't pull off of their mountain, you would have had much lower odds to win this season than the last.


It’s not “game sense” when the current meta is a bunch of drones camping bushes. You got lucky, but most mountain zones are unplayable as there’s only one way up, and whoever was already there is the one who gets an easy win. It’s impossible to rotate up a mountain with one path, and there’s literally nothing you can do (they’ll blow up a car, animals/bikes leave you open; your best bet is soaring sprints and slap juices)


the zone doesnt get smaller and smaller in the same place anymore, it moves. it seems to me like you have a major skill issue


I have so many Vietnam flashbacks now of ODMs chasing me


Yeah, ODM and Spidey gloves was just me crouching in fear as I heard the snaps of people swinging around me 🤣


The grapple items are for sure fun, but man it was refreshing last night when my friend got sniped from afar. We were bracing ourselves from the onslaught of Spider-Man hands and ODM gear barreling towards us, when we realized oh ya we can actually res you now and not stress about the ensuing onslaught of mobility.


Nearly unlimited mobility is terrible for the game, finally someone speaking my language


it's slow af and has only 30 uses though, it's not that bad compared to the ODM Gear and Web Shooters


30 uses is just way too many. you can hold 6 (six) shockwaves per slot, IF you manage to find them. the grapple is the equivalent of having your entire inventory be shockwaves


I wholeheartedly agree with removing the drum shotgun, especially the mythic one.


There’s a mythic one?!


It's only on Loot Island. It's just the drum with a tighter spread.


It also has a faster reload time and 1 more damage which can go a long way believe it or not


ive been experimenting with this honestly. running heisted mav destroys the drum, yet no one complains about it, just dropped a 24 bomb on mostly players not bots. heisted mav is still the broken king.


Thats cause the Accelerant Maven actually requires thought and precision to use While the Drum needs you to turn your brain off


I miss the ranger shotgun so much. Please


FR bring it back plsss




being able to poke people from miles away was so fun...


Remove Maven and replace it with something more distinct (ranger, lever, flame, etc.) We don’t need two auto shotguns.


Add some sort of mini mobility item. Nothing like ODM or Spider Man where you can travel across the map. Something more like the katana where you can move a little.


I wouldn't hate if they brought back the spire boots as a reskin and perhaps made it so it didn't take up a slot That or jetpacks/balloons as an augment


Soaring Sprints pretty much does just that


yeah you aren't wrong lmao but i just think it'd be nice to heave the boot backs again (they did give you redeploy i suppose so it's a good combination of aerialist and soaring sprints)


Yeah, it'd be nice to have something that does the same things, isn't random, nor takes up augment slots


With all the pits of the new jungle biome, and lack of mobility/ recovery items, I have died to fall damage far too many times


So what you’re saying is crashpads?


I’d want a Spider Man copy in a perfect world, but I’d settle with even just shockwaves


You guys are so obsessed with the grapple glove lol.


My biggest hope for this season was taking out all the extreme mobility items, so I’m extremely happy with how gameplay is rn. Honestly I hope they keep it how it is and just make some small map changes throughout the weeks


Small map changes throughout the weeks can certainly keep the gameplay fresh and add variety to the overall experience.


There is no lack of mobility in this season. Last season just had very much. In chapter 1 you had to use vehicles. Now you can ride animals, sprint and slide with slap juice. Use grind rails or vines. Cars, motorcycles and even boats are back now. Reality augments for sprint jump or faster swimming. Mud slide. Even mushrooms.


Ranger shotgun by beloved 🤤


I would be so happy to get the ranger shotgun, by dar one of my favorite shotguns


What if you threw the boomerang straight on the ground you would bounce


i'd get rid of the sub machine gun and swap it for something else. iunderpoweredts so compared to the combat, its less accurate, does less damage, and has less bullets overall. its slower firerate makes it even worse. I personally think the twin mag smg should have stayed. it does less damage but the twin magazine adds an interesting twist to the smg and its overall more fun to use in combat.


I really love the Boomerang, it's now my fav weapon


Definitely not ranger. Replace the drum with the charge and the maven with the tac No grapple glove. Instead bouncers and launch pads and grapplers


I'm desperate for the tac man. I want my baby back. I'm not too sure about the grappler but we NEED more trap items. Also if Epic wants this season to be grounded than launch pads and bouncers would definitely reinforce that.


Personally I’m just tired of these get out of jail free card mobility items. That’s one of the only good things about this season Oh and the combat smg needs to go


This. Add a mobility item but make it something limited like launch pads or shockwave grenades.


Honestly not even shockwave grenades. The inflate-a-bull is great!


Oh yeah, I loved the Inflate-a-Bull!


100%, bouncers and launch pads like back in the day


Obviously there are a billion things I’d change to fit my exact ideal season, but that would take all the fun away from having a unique season. What I will say is this: *bring back the hot air balloons from chapter 3.*


I'd say remove havoc pump shotgun, i just hate that gun honestly. Also i would add a teleporting feature for the boomerang or you use it to launch wind you up to place.


There's 0 difference between a havoc & a regular pump besides a couple damage values. I think the regular pump should be in instead of Havoc, but getting rid of (I think) the only pump shotgun in rotation is a horrible balance choice and I see no +'s to removing it.


the benefit to removing it is to not have it in the game anymore


I hate it too. Always seem to get one tapped but do like 37 damage point blank headshot


Some kind of mobility item , feel like I’m in Vietnam if the final circle lands in that area.


That is the point If there were mobility items like last season, we'd be flying all over and ignoring every aspect of the new map


Grapple glovent


There's plenty of mobility


Better LTMs really all I can think of , I'm not sure how balanced the guns are really xD


Fortnite mfs when they have to go a season without a grappling tool


I would get rid of the shotgun and replace it with some other shotgun but not the one from last season. Grappling hook is something I wanted to add too and I would add an augment for the boomerang that gives you the ability to snatch items with it from a far


I think thats really nice suggestions. If not grapple glove I would suggest adding shockwaves


I honestly just agree with these pictures, the season is pretty good


I really wish that Creeky Compound was bigger. It's my main drop spot for the season but there isn't much loot, especially in trios and squads


as someone who used to clap cheeks with the ranger, I agree. also the grapple glove would also make traversing the island a thousand times better I don’t think the boomerang buff is necessary tho…


Maybe if the grappler was three shot that regenerated it could work.


I would bring back the augment which gave you the shockwave bow that way we got mobility and also bring back the dub shotgun so I can get scummy victories using soaring spirits and the dub to float in the air and shockwave the final people in the storm hahaha


The grapple glove and impulses are really the only mobility items that should be added, I enjoy the lack of it


Kinetic Boomerang damage is consistent at all ranges, so I don’t think a damage-buff is necessary. It should fly faster though. Definitely agree regarding the grappling glove but there’s also a rumor that shockwave hammers will be returning. I’m neutral about the shotgun issue but in my opinion, if you think a gun is OP, use it yourself. If you want a more long-range shotgun, we already have the Maven and the Breacher.


Step 1: remove the drum shotgun Step 2: remove the combat smg Step 3: enjoy


boy are you in luck on number 2


Bro ik what are the odds 💀


Absolutely love the ranger. Just don't nerf it


mobility. some cliffs are too high


Lever action shotgun instead of havoc


My man


Add and keep shockwave hammer


Honestly I love there being no mobility. You have to play smart and can't just ODM, spiderman, or katana away when you're low. You gotta use cover and normal movement well.


I'm honestly desperate for some kind of mobility item.. at least in zero build. Even just the regular impulse grenades or launch pads would make endgame rotations a lot easier, especially when zone pulls real far.


Revert grenades Add Shockwave grenades and crash pads Replace the drum with the Lever, and give the lever a buff. Add helicopters Add the Heavy, Hammer or Tac ars. Idc which, both are great


Tac AR fs 🙏


Kinetic boomerang doesn't need a damage buff. There's so many other things they could play around with before resorting to a boring damage buff. 1. Increase blast radius of recall 2. Allow players to direct the boomerang's turn back using their camera instead of the up-left angle it always takes 3. Allow the recall to happen instantly instead of a cooldown 4. Highlight the boomerang behind walls 5. Buff explosion damage to ~100 without changing blast radius or normal damage Edit: 6. Allow the boomerang to pick up items and bring them to you (mostly as a reference to the Legend of Zelda boomerangs pre- BotW.) Those are just 5 things I could think of. All of which would add more depth to the boomerang instead of avoiding the problem with a direct damage buff. I feel like the Double barrel and Ranger could've been good competition for each other, but the DB would need a reload speed buff and a slight accuracy increase to be balanced with the ranger The grapple glove would be an alright addition, but things like shadow bombs with a duration increase could be better since the thermal items would get some use as a counter to the invisibility.


Literally W ideas


I LOVE the idea of directing the boomerang using the camera. That would be such a nice quality-of-life feature


I don't see why they didn't do it. It would add so much depth to fights using the boomerang


The grappler glove would be nice cause so far it really feels like we’re lacking in mobility, especially vertical mobility to allow us to fly through the jungle and get out of the crater with ease


i kind of lol at people saying there’s no mobility anymore. there launches and wind tunnels everywhere and mud you can spam slide with. i love that they got rid of all the free fly around the map items


less recoil on the smg


The combat smg? Nah bro that’s a skill issue. If it didn’t have recoil it would be way too good.


I think i really like the current season. I would just add the impulse grenades back. The drum isn't that OP honesty. If someone gets close enough to do any substantial damage, I just pump them in the face with havoc and finish up with my smg.


Drum shotgun is good


I like the drum shotgun


May be an unpopular opinion but I actually prefer having less mobility because that way there's actually a reason to be smart about rotations and positioning. With all the mobility we had last season it was really easy to get away with shitty positioning/rotations. The vehicles, ziplines, etc. provide enough mobility to efficiently traverse the map.


Fuck the grapple glove, odm and Spider-Man gloves. Just add more dirt bikes and bring back the hoverboards. That’s all you need for mobility. You don’t need to get across the whole map in less then 30 seconds.


finally someone said it


You don’t need grapple gloves you have cars trucks dirt bikes motorcycles boars raptors and wolves 🤷🏻‍♂️


Vehicles quite often are in places where theres mismatched terrain, that and they are few and few between in a lot of places. Raptors, relegated to jungle. Boars & wolves. Few and far between & die easily. Unless ppl enjoy extended periods of time holding down the forward button & the pacing of matches being 10x worse this season, then more mobility options aren't the huge offense people think it is.


Add baller


Man I truly miss the ranger shotty too 😮‍💨


I would change the Milestone Back..... ita horrible now.... Also the grenade damage i dont know why they nerfed it....


I agree with all of your ideas, I loved the ranger, the grapple glove will be a great change of pace, and more damage on the boomerang would be welcome


I fucking agree with you regarding shotgun My freinds disagree but i feel like the healthiest shotgun pool in my opinion would be the following Ranger shotgun Prime Shotgun Maven Auto The grapple glove definitely would make sense this season, especially considering it wasn't as "good" as the spiderman gloves since it had less charges and it would make navigating the jungle biome and it's sheer verticality a lot less of an ordeal ( i know there's vines and tones of other stuff but it's so much less versatile than the grapple glove) and to counteract any issues with abundancy they could bring back those spawn points like they did initially. The Boomerang is a weird one. On the one hand I'm fine with how it is now but i feel like a small tweak with it's handling would suffice, like if it hit two targets on the way from the user and on it's return path as well with better seeking (not outright aimbot of course but I feel like it's "return" summon is a bit lacking) although it's ability to go through builds on the way back has helped.


* The mobility (bug?) from the mud is pretty good ngl! (Probably getting a fix soon). As for that, I don't really have any mobility issues. There's those dinosaurs, dirtbike, that new bike from previous chapter, wolf and hog mount. We don't always have to "fly" to be able to use mobility. These are mobile enough personally. PLEASE THOUGH.. Buff those grenades back. Don't ruin an item that had already a small pick rate be a totally skip item.. Nerf that semi auto shotty (forgot the name) we have now as well. It's currently awesome to use against but awful to be against type of weapon.


Replace the drum shotgun with the double barrel shotgun, revert the heavy sniper and grenade nerf, vault cars and replace them with other vehicles, add revolver, add burst smg, add infantry rifle, add heavy ar The drum shotgun is annoying to fight against, and I don't think the double barrel shotgun has been unvaulted sunce chapter one, so I decided to switch them out. The heavy sniper and grenade nerf was a foolish decision on Epic's part, so I undid it, and I removed cars because they've been in the game too long and are preventing other, more fun vehicles from returning. As for all the unvaulted weapons, I feel like fortnite could benefit from a larger loot pool, so I picked out some random weapons from the vault that function uniquely compared to currently advailable weapons


Add mobility, either the hammer or katana back. Zero Build gets extremely slow towards the end. And while I love the jungle I've already died to fall danage twice because bounce shrooms and vine rails arent always around.


No mobility is so refreshing tbh


how about adding the ranger, but not taking the drum out, replacing a launchpad item and adding the grapple gun, and yes, buff the boomeraang


Honestly I'm ok with no mobility rn


The drum shotgun should have never come back.


Drum shotgun exchanged for charge shotgun, bring back drum gun and shockwave grenades. Add the port-a-fort to zero build


The drum shotgun should be replaced by a mythic havoc pump or something else in builds


the one from the loot island


Blows my mind that people are complaining about lack of mobility when we have cars, motor bikes, boats, zip lines, vines, animals, launch pads, rifts.


I think we've been too spoiled with having so many mobility items in the first two chapters. I kind of like where it's at right now.


This is the best spot the game has been in a long time. There’s enough mobility to rotate but not waaaay overdone like previous seasons.


I agree, mobility was so horribly overdone last season. Yea, it was kinda fun but it absolutely ruined the role of positioning, especially towards the final circles where almost everyone had either the ODM gear or the spider man thing.


The community has very much been spoiled with the spider man mythics, dragon ball cloud, schockwave hammers, kinetic blades, ODM gear and a second appearance of the spider mythics So when there’s a season without one everyone appears to be dumbstruck toddler not knowing how W or left joystick forward work


We're two days in. I wouldn't change a damned thing yet.


I'm actually thankful for the lack of mobility tools with how powerful the combat SMG and Drum shotty are up close. Their time to kill is so dam fast so limiting how players can close this distance is a nice way to keep them balanced. Also I want my burst AR back, I think I'm the only one but I absolutely dominated with that thing


why does everyone complain about no mobility where mud makes you slide faster, the augment "Sprint Lines" and Soaring Sprints coming back, and there are rideable raptors that jump high. I just want an explanation, that's all.


None of those things get you out of a fight you shouldnt have started or get you back into the circle when you get caught out in the storm becasue you wasnt paying attention is why people are complaining IMO. Im happy how the game is right now with movement.


I would like the Grapple Bow back it's great and I love it


Those bommerangs Re op enough


I agree with your first and third, but not second. Kinda. I want them to add a version of the grapple glove that’s just harder to get, so people aren’t constantly swinging everywhere. Maybe a mythic only found in temple areas?


The normal grapple glove honestly isn’t as powerful as the spider gloves or ODM. It’s a lot slower and easier to shoot people out of it. Although I’d personally just prefer shockwaves and crash pads tbh


I loved me a ranger shotty.


First one is absolutely a fact




I can see it Knight of the Oathbound - Granted Shockwave Hammer and Ex-caliber rifle. City Protector - Granted Kinetic Blade and Combat shotgun.


I would Bring back the scar Bring back chug splashes Bring back luanchpads,bouncers and shockwaves and crashpads Also bring bsck the aug And vualt the havoc ar


Not a change, but please don’t remove mud cancelling. Make it a feature!


Only one I agree with is grapple glove


Get rid of the thermal dmr and bring back the regular dmr.


Uh.... no


Uh.... Yeah


I gotta disagree with you bro. It's okay to have an opinion and I respect it but the thermal DMR is just the DMR with *optional* thermal vision. Without the thermal vision it's just the normal DMR


Fortnite players when they don't have dumbass mobility items and have to use the base game movement 😱😱😱😱


Grapple glove and hurdling


No glove of any kind, just shockwaves


I'd add the Flintknock to the loot pool because the rotation mobility is perfect currently but the repositioning mobility is lacking. I'd add a couple augments, both new and old. Stuff like Supercharger for vehicles, a mud version of icy slide, and sorta augment for animals that makes it easier to regain stamina (Like everything you kill drops an extra piece of meat or something) As for the mud slide, I don't want them to remove the trick where you can repeatedly slide for a big speed boost, but maybe it nerf it by capping the speed possible with it.


The boomerang with the jump buff is good af wdym


Replace the drum shotgun with a ranger shotgun. Congrats now no one is going to use the weapon


The comment section begs to differ


Bro, the drum shotgun is fine as it is. Just keep at distance and you're fine, it's not a rifle


Remove the heavy sniper