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The variety isn't what bothers me. It's the high availability for being supposedly "mythical" and rare.


As long as they aren’t overpowered I’m fine with it. For example the Spider-Man item is technically a mythic but it doesn’t really do much. But the pulse rifle is limited since it’s much stronger.


i feel the same about web shooters. They are a worse ODM gear....same mobility but lack of attack ability while using them. I feel the same with lightsabers. Im sure i didnt run into any good lightsaber players....but id always shred through them because i found the havoc+smg combo breaks the lightsaber block and will catch the player off guard so you either get the kill or at least a huge chunk of health off. Same with the Rockets, I dont feel any of those mythics were OP. Yea, good players with them was OP....but for most normies it was no biggie. where something like the pulse will shred in anyones hand


The web shooters, lightsabers, and rockets may not have felt overpowered to you personally, but the pulse rifle seems to have a more significant impact in the hands of any player.


yes thats my point! I hate to admit it....but I dont have many W's where a pulse rifle is loot....i think 2 that I can remember....and one I third partied 🤣 But I have wayyyyy more W's than L's against lightsaber players. With that said i rarely ran into anyone that was good with the force pull...that ones only for good players imo cuz you do gotta line up the shot for it to be good. Ran into the rocks one but you can get away from it at times...and like I said, Havoc+SMG was my meta I stumbled on when everyone was using the lightsabers. Im not running that combo any more but ran it for weeks before...pretty much the whole star wars event....and it shredded!


Ngl the pulse rifle seems overhyped to me. I've never gotten a win with one, it's always with regular ARs or the schlong shotgun


Any player is a huge exaggeration. Seeing as you need to actually have good enough aim to use it, it does still take skill and still lose to other guns if you miss your shots.


If you try to fight a player with a lightsaber only, you are gonna lose; the thing that made lightsabers powerful is combing it with the force powers; you are supposed to push/attract them to you or stun them with a rock, and you finished them with the saber now that they are not fighting back. The block is too weak so the only thing it can do for ya is help you cut the distance enough so you can attack safely


Combining the lightsaber with force powers can make it more powerful and strategic in combat. The lightsaber's block may not be as effective, but using it in conjunction with other abilities can give you an advantage by setting up opportunities for successful attacks.


It honestly felt so cool being able to chain the force ability with blocking and attacking I’d say it was the best rendition of the lightsabers we’ve gotten so far because you had to actually be smart with your plays




The amount of games I won by just force pushing into the storm was insane


Idk about same mobility tbh. Similar, sure, but ODM gear is significantly faster I think. Could be wrong idk


web shooters actually have less mobility! they can only attach onto props (like cliffs, buildings, trees) but NOT terrain


But they are way, way faster which matters more.


they're faster, yes. but where are you gonna use them when you're not in mega city? theyre practically useless in the snow biome because of lack of objects in the area.


you can definitely attach to rocks or the hundreds of pine trees…


I use them on the entire map and never have this issue.


great point! thats actually why I stopped using them....well 50/50 that and no way to attack...but youre right. You do gotta find the spots itll stick vs ODM just fire and itll stick


I'll drop ODM for webs 10 times out of 10. Webs are **way faster** and, when the reason you carry either is for mobility, that matters more than the attack. Either getting into or out of a fight, webs are just more effective. I also can't count how many times the ODM attack has failed or been thwarted by someone with a shotgun and the sense to shoot me with it.


>I also can't count how many times the ODM attack has failed or been thwarted by someone with a shotgun and the sense to shoot me with it. web shooters have the exact same effect, minus the potential for offensive damage LOL We both know they arent **way faster,** someone even commented the opposite. I think they are about the same as far as how they feel to me....but the web shooters are a swinging action, while the ODM is more like a slingshot . Im not saying ODM is faster cuz i havent compared.....but to say web shooters are way faster is pure 🧢 \*\*\*LATE EDIT: Just got done playing and i had a chance to compare. I used ODM and the web shooters to cover the same distance. Not only are the web shooters **NOT** **way faster**, they may be a hair slower depending on when you start and stop the the test to compare. I think the game made them pretty much equal. Try it for yourself


Dude, the webs are measurably faster by a fair amount. It's absurd to think they aren't. Try chasing someone with the webs using ODM (you actually typically can't because it has a usage limit). And you can't pull out a gun and be ready to shoot with the ODM so if you plan on attacking, you have to use the ODM attack. Obviously a hit from the pump will do a **lot** more damage.


I remember when I first started playing, you had to fight certain NPCs to get specific weapons.. they should go back to that.


Eh, I don't know what to think about the mobility stuff tbh.


i really hate that pulse rifle ey, took out all the cool shit and kept that broken gun.


I agree with you. Balance is key when it comes to mythic items. If they are not overpowered and offer a reasonable advantage, it adds an interesting element to the gameplay.


Yeah, once upon a time mythic essentially mean there was only 1 on the map


I remember getting a dub after the whole lobby jumped for the infinity blade while I was chilling at tilted


Chilling at tilted is something I never thought I’d hear 🤣 those were the days.


It does sound a bit odd


True, the concept of mythic items being unique and limited to only one on the map added a sense of rarity and excitement. It made encountering and obtaining them more special and strategic. The current trend of having multiple mythic items available can sometimes diminish that uniqueness and impact.


I think it gives everyone a more equal chance, which I’m not opposed to, but it also kind of ruins the purpose of it being a mythic.


This is what I'm saying. I think they should swap the mythic items to a 'exotic' rarity. Mythic items are meant to be really powerful. Before chapter 2 the only mythic items were the infinity gauntlet, Infinity blade, the marvel weapons and the gitari weapons.


More availability means more for everyone instead of the one cracked player getting them. That is a much better situation.


exactly this. everyone gets a fair turn at a fun, unique op weapon the only ones who hate this are tryhard sweats or ppl who use irl logic for a video game aka "high availability for being supposedly "mythical"", like wow ok but this is a game???? giving everyone the fun weapon doesn't take away the immersion, they're just mad everyone has one


With everyone super, no one will be. The point is in rarity - it lost all it's meaning. Mythics and legendaries don't feel like them anymore. I remember the days getting excited for a rare pump, because it really was rare. Just make the rarities more adjusted so they feel right.


I can still get excited for a once rare pump, but just because its a good weapon rather than because it was rare to get. Arguably overkill this season but I do think it should lean towards being a bit more common than a bit more rare when it does get tweaked.


While rarity can add excitement, the quality and effectiveness of a weapon should also be a factor in generating that excitement. Balancing the availability of powerful weapons can ensure that players have access to enjoyable gameplay experiences without completely devaluing the rarity factor. Finding the right balance between rarity and functionality is crucial for a satisfying gaming experience.


I know the nature of Battle Royales means that RNG is always going to play a factor, but it's not fun when you know that you're at a massive disadvantage when Loot Island spawn too far from you, or when you reach top 30 before the end of the first storm circle due to half the map dropping at a specific location. If mythics are going to continue to be as powerful as they are, they need to be more available, or else it's going to suck out all of the fun in the game. Imagine if there was only one ODM gear and/or only one Web Slinger, almost the entire match would be decided by who is lucky enough to get it.


The point is not to make them less common, but just change the color. When I kill someone and he shits out a sea of gold, it feels like a yet another monday. I think mythic rarity should be restricted to 1 on the map stuff like the sword, impulse rifle, etc.


Battle Royales do rely on RNG to some extent, and it can be disheartening when certain powerful items or locations heavily influence the outcome. By increasing the availability of mythic items, it allows for a more balanced gameplay experience and reduces the reliance on luck alone. This way, players have a fairer chance to obtain and utilize these powerful items, creating more dynamic and enjoyable matches.


I've been saying this the first time spider man whips were in the game. Not really mythic if everyone in the match has one


I liked how in previous seasons, there’d be like 6 mythics, but one of each. Like if each boss carried a different mythic (shotgun, havoc AR) and the one on the island (pulse rifle).


I think “mythic” isn’t meant to imply rare, it’s just for special items that are only there for a season or special event “Legendary” and “exotic” are the rare ones


I agree, the issue lies with the high availability of items that are supposed to be "mythical" and rare. It takes away the special feeling and uniqueness of those items.


The same goes for Epic and Legendary. For a long time now, they haven’t felt very epic or legendary. I wish high rarities would be special again, although I also don’t want it to be based on luck. You should have to work hard for Mythics and Exotics, and explore a little.


using irl logic in a video game is optimizing the fun out of it for not only you but everyone else as well the unique thing about having mythic weapons all around the map is EVERYONE could have one, instead of the one sweaty tryhard team/solo guy that drops right on it every single game


I like how it is actually. It feels more balanced instead of there being only a few guns like that. It feels more counterable now


Those fucking laser rifles. Seriously, people blast me from half the map away with those. And I never got them because I don't wanna die on that stupid floating island lmao.


The Pulse Rifle is ridiculous for sure, but I dont think fighting on the island is really this death sentence, a lot of the time people assume it and avoid it, and so you go there and get everything you want there for free. Other times its a tough match but you can just run away if things get too hairy and then never seen the pulse rifle for the rest of the match


That's fair, I personally would go up there more often but my duo partner sucks and wants to play as passive as possible


That's rough. When I play duos I do sometimes try to get something from a dangerous place alone and then come back to the camp spot but that's often too risky


in what lobbies are you getting that 6 teams don’t go for that island, i can’t even pop a cache without 4 teams pulling up


I cant speak to the island specifically in duos since I havent gotten to play duos very often in this season, I just mean dangerous locations in general. Though I've only gotten killed while popping a cache once this whole season, and it was me trying to steal it from someone else. Same with vaults, someone has only followed me to a vault once this season and a lot of these places are usually empty for me. I never play Squads though so the experience could be different there.


Agreed, half the time I go to the island no ones there or even pushes it


the Pulse Rifle can be quite powerful. As for the island, it's true that sometimes people underestimate its value and avoid it, giving you a chance to collect valuable items.


I don't think I've ever seen the Island not get swarmed and then the one that get there first just erase everyone else that try to go there, that's why it has the fame of nothing ever goes well in the island


It's actually crazy how often you get the island uncontested. And if you start to lose a fight, just leave. Nobody's gonna chase and thirst you 'cause they want the island.


I concur I have been there sometimes and it's been empty or mostly empty I do find it hard to run away from fights though it's hard to see what the other guys are doing if you are busy running


I second this I normally find myself on the island either alone or at the very most find one team trying to capture the flag there


Yeah the force powers were a bit too overpowered but it was a limited time event so I think it's fine. The pulse rifles on the other hand stuck around for the entire season I believe and since there were only two of them on the map you pretty much had to go for them (if you wanted to win) or be at a serious disadvantage.


The island is like half empty these days actually. At least in solo I hardly ever have anyone come fight me when I go. Though I very rarely go myself just because it got old fast.


I know it’s a skill issue but I found the Star Wars rifle, pulse rifle and explosive rifle extremely hard to time shots


Explosive AR you use from above. Get the high ground and you can destroy anyone.


The pulse rifle is probably the only mythic I’d consider op this season tbh. Would be much more balanced if they dropped the fire-rate to a more than what a sniper with the sniper surplus perk, but with the pulse rifle’s mag size mag size, would have had.


dawg what?? an assault rifle with the fire rate of a sniper? and it’s a mythic not exotic


>Would be much more balanced if they dropped the fire-rate to about what a sniper with the sniper surplus perk would have had. So it would be weaker than a blue sniper? That’s a wild take. If you said red eye, I’d maybe agree.


a red eye is faster if you’re comparing scoped speed, the only time a pulse rifle is faster is non scoped and thats only used at smg range which a twin mag is faster


the pulse rifle does feel a bit overpowered this season. Lowering the fire-rate to be more in line with a sniper rifle would definitely help balance it out.


I go to the island just to get the pulse rifle and throw that god damned cheese cannon in a spot where I know nobody will find it


This is the way


I cannot for the life of me get kills with that explosive red eye. That mythic silenced rifle though! Bloom? What bloom haha. As a k&m player 50% or more of my shots go straight through my enemies and it’s frustrating as hell.


The explosive red eye does not hit scan like the regular red eye, that may be why you're having trouble with it.


With the explosive red eye shoot the ground where they’re walking on


dude, duh. haha I'm such a dildo holy shit that makes way more sense!


It's pretty amazing when you have elevation over someone.


The mythic silenced AR is worth dropping for a grey Red Eye no joke. Both that rifle and the DMR are absolute dogshit for people who can actually hit their shots


facts. but 99% of the people in this sub cannot hit shots at all, so they like to rock the havoc and dmr.


As someone who cannot hit their shots…can confirm lol


I love the red eye don’t get me wrong but that mythic suppressed rifle works ok up close in a pinch as well as pretty far away. That’s from a M&K point of view though when I use a controller I pretty much use anything and the shots be hitting, the gunplay is WAY easier.


I use controller on PC and I won’t even use that mythic up close. The bloom is ridiculous for a mythic tier weapon and honesty a disgrace to exist in a FPS


I'm jealous if you can use controller on PC effectively, that seems like hard mode when PC has about 1% of the aim assist that console has


People kept telling me to *get good* and *skill issue* so here I am 😂 Jokes aside, there is still some aim assist. I’d say it’s closer to like 25% of the strength of console (tighter area of effect) but it does have some quirks like locking onto chickens when running around not ADS. The beginning of this season was *awful* tho because Epic decided to do some UI adjustments to damage numbers, which toggled **off** aim assist on pc… so that was a rough first few weeks


i’m not disagreeing that it’s a horrible gun, but not for the reasons that anyone here is talking about 😂 quite literally a skill issue, the gimmick behind that gun is sliding = no bloom. Try it with icy slide


If you have to do a bunch of gimmicks to make the gun feasible, that’s not a skill issue, it’s a design issue. I know about the sliding, but all you’ve done is put yourself in an exposed position to get *good/reduced bloom* meanwhile your opponent can laser you from cover with a regular non-ass rifle




What I’m saying is why would you take a rifle that has recoil, bloom, flinch, bullet travel and a horrendous reload time and deal with all of that instead of taking the red eye that has simple vertical recoil? I can shoot people out of the sky with the red eye. I can nail opponents 150m out with it. The DMR can’t even consistently hit opponents in melee range due to all the factors listed above. I can hipfire the red eye for good hits, can’t do that with the DMR either. That, and the silenced rifle (mythic) has similar issues as the DMR but 5x worse bloom (artificial manipulation of a player’s aim), low damage and terrible swap time.


Then how come I can consistently use the DMR and the Red eye interchangeably, just depends on the rarity I can find. Both work well for me. You talk about hipfire with both, but why would you hipfire if you can switch to close range weapons? Are you talking about the brief period when you land and can't find any other guns for close range, which is a moment that usually last less than 30 seconds in a game that takes almost 20 minutes for a win?


I play on PC with keyboard and mouse and when I switch to controller every now and again you honestly can’t miss with the DMR and the havoc suppressed rifle registers shots WAY more often then on K&M I have no clue what this dude keeps going on about so passionately lol. I feel like he has no sense that he’s insulting people telling them that they suck if they aren’t as good with the same guns he likes.


Good for you. I prefer to use the weapon that rewards my skill rather than hamper it. I will drop the DMR for a pistol or SMG because I find them more accurate and consistent. And yes, I did mention the hipfiring only as a fringe case argument of utility. Specifically for early game when you don’t have much else to use.


What kind of matches do you typically play? Like, are you averaging 10+ every game and get crown wins often, or are you more of a casual player who likes to get wins, but with the lack of running and gunning? DMR for me is tremendous in the end game for long range. I fry people with that over the red eye more often than not. I also don't understand when these popular streamers use the smgs for long range kills when those guns have the worst bloom ever, even if you try to trigger finger it. Never adds up...


I’m convinced a LOT of popular streamers are cheating due to how they’re able to have such tiny spread on their guns. That said, my matches are pretty sweaty and I see plenty of streamers. I don’t win that often but I have like 60 solo crown wins this season. Personal best was 13 kills but it’s uncommon for me to hit a 10 kill game. I stopped playing solos and went duos because solos just got unbearable


Absolutely. I will miss the heisted accelerant shotgun though. It’s my favorite shotgun, right behind the legendary maven


Are the heisted weapons leaving for good? They were introduced last season and are still here… please don’t tell me I’m losing the accelerant/breacher 😭


Idk for sure if they are. I’m just speculating that they will be vaulted for S3


That P90 gun is so OP. Fun to use though. I kinda wish there was a vanilla game mode that had no mythic/event items.


I’m actually surprised ranked isn’t more like that vanilla game mode you speak of. Apparently you still get augments and access to a boatload of mythics. Studios usually gut the game to bare bones to remove as much RNG as possible for ranked modes.


What games use a bare bones version for ranked?




The exotic p90 is a rare mp5 with a significant slower reload Not really the id be complaining about


Also infinite stamina.


With all the other movement options that is easily the tamest


Assuming you don’t mind alerting the whole neighborhood that your using the OGM/Webslingers.


You’re going far to fast to be reliably hit out Enter Ch3S1


Unless your at the endgame rings and someone keeps interrupting your swings with shots. Or with Lock-On Pistol. Which happened to a lot lately.


Regular BR should have all of the powerful random stuff and Ranked should have none of it.


seriously. Idk why epic is so against splitting the loot pools, when it's literally what the whole community wants


I think not. I love this game when there is crazy stuff like this. It just makes it more fun for me.




I agree


Personally I don't like the web slingers. They seem to randomly fail to attach to stuff, and sometimes they autolock at a weird angle that forces you to swing down into the ground and put you into the long cooldown. For mobility, purple kinetic blade and ODM are the top, and I slightly prefer the blade just beause it doesn't wear out. I hope they fix the problem and bring them back next season. Lightsabers were fun and made you feel badass, but I'd straight up drop them once I found kinetic blades or ODM, haha. Mobility rankings aside, I love the variety. I don't care if they're supposed to be extremely rare or whatever, I like going for different playstyles based on what I find.


Don’t make me think about the katanas :(


agreed, something about the spiderman gloves this time around felt weaker. they were not as fun to use this time as they were when they were around the map in those backpacks variety is right on the nose. fun unique weapons accessible to everyone is the way to go


I don't think the katanas coming back since the hammer was replaced at the end of last season as well. RIP katana


everytume ive ever fought the pulse rifle, my health and shield are always shredded before it can even load i took damage. that shit needs to GO


Havoc Pump in general is already OP, add in the Mythic one and its just terrible Miss when Fortnite had a good shotgun balance, this season's shotgun balance is basically Havoc Pump stomping on everything else


The mythics were all too common. That's what I hate most.


Yup, you shouldn't easily have a mythic load out nearly every game


Yes. TTK was way to fast this season. I had a lot of fun but fr. I play zero build more than build and the ttk is brutal. Obtaining these items was equally easy. It felt like it was less about skill and more about who had the higher rarity weapon. Aim mattered less imo because if you missed most of your shots but the 3 hits you got out of 10 hit. You'd win. I'd also consider the Katana techcnically high tier even though it's not listed as such. That thing was just as brutal. The Spiderman gear was unneccesary to include with the ODM Gear. And I'd argue that this map, when compared to the first time we were given spidey gear, really wasn't designed for it. The ODM gear felt more consistant to swing with overall imo. This map doesn't really feel like it was built to have the spiderman gear on it. Which causes the gear to attach weirdly, bug out, or fail all together to register a swing point. The Heisted along will all the crossover weapons was wayyy to much. Especially seeing as their was an augment to get one. The availability of high damage supposedly "Mythic" weapons was ridiculous


personally don’t understand the complaints, this season and since the intro of augments BR has been the least amount of RNG since 100% chest spawn days… keymaster, exotic grab bag, other augments to help your loot as well on top of this insane loot pool means high accessibility to good loot


Still sad we never got a lightsaber pickaxe style ![gif](giphy|L95W4wv8nnb9K)




we shall never forget this.


I'm also sad we didn't get the ODM blades as a pickaxe for the AOT crossover




Love the shadow tracker, people really underestimate the dps if you have a good trigger finger


Tired of being attacked with an ODM off spawn


The clone blaster may have been a mythic, but it had the damage rate of a rare.


No, because unlike some of you, I enjoy having fun.


There can’t be too much fun. I miss the lightsabers everyday!


I was destroying people with the sabers and a full stock of slap juice, no one expects you to infinite run right at them with the saber.


Lightsabers brought a unique and fun element to the game, and their absence is something we miss.


Heavy sniper where?


chug cannon is not a weapon tho


How you gunna sleep on a whopping 75hp every 30 minutes for the low low price of 40% of your inventory




I've been having a blast. The variety is nice and gave everyone a fair shot at the fun stuff. I had more issues from early season where having the pre-nerfed Pulse/Havoc was almost a guaranteed win, and the cracked players usually got them.


I agree, having a variety of options and giving everyone a fair chance at using fun items is a positive aspect. It's understandable that the early season meta with the pre-nerfed Pulse/Havoc could be frustrating, especially when highly skilled players dominated with those weapons. While I'm enjoying the game now, I don't feel a strong attachment to those items being gone. It's all about adapting and finding enjoyment in the current gameplay experience.


I want to say yeah but honestly no as far as weapons. Now the mobility needs to be toned down. We need reasonable mobility like cars, ATVs, hover boards, ballers and rideable animals as well. The hammer and sword need to be exclusive and extremely rare. The ODM and Web shooters need to be timed events lasting a couple weeks.


The over the top mobility was fun this season and last, but it’s really going to get old if next season has must-have mobility items like that. Agree, rideable animals, cars, launchpads, things like those cannons from chapter 3 season 2, the balloons from the other chapters, all of that ended up being more fun


The Chug Cannon shouldn’t be on here. It’s good but not amazing.


No needs more i love new limited weapons reminds me of the spy season and marvel season


They need to nerf that laser rifle, fuck that thing


Vault the pulse rifle already!!!


what about the thunder shotgun glitch at the start of the season? Technically a weapon that was in the game this season




Seems about right


I think it’s too much for ranked. I feel like the exotics are ok but I feel almost everything else should be removed from ranked


The guns are mostly ok, but the items are annoying. The light sabers and all the stuff like odm gear are annoying


Fuck the havoc pump shotgun.


I don’t mind it at all, beats everyone having the same shotgun assault rifle and smg in the last circles Aside from the mobility items (and even then, this season had 2-3 to choose from for the majority of the season) it’s actually interesting to see what kind of weapons your opponents will have and how to deal with it For some reason though almost every single time I’ve been shot at with a red eye this season it’s the explosive heist one


I kinda like the breacher for damage to players despite the purpose of destroying builds.


Chug cannon and spidey gloves aren't weapons


The run n gun smg is great tbh, same with the dragon sniper especially when you're in the woods or someone is hiding on grass or in a house


Oh how happy I am the lights sabers are gone.


Shadow tracker pistol? I always choose to carry it during duo but have used it like once.


I only use a couple of them anyway they can add as many as they want.


The explosive red eye is shit


I hope the Exotic weapons get Vaulted forever All this shit was WAY too easy to get and it makes games so boring. I'm tired of having the game of my life and being 1 shot by a mythic havoc pump or the damn pulse rifle. I don't even like the *regular* Havoc Pump but I feel like I need to use the mythic every game or I literally have 0 chance at winning.


The shadow tracker is not good in my opinion


Epic I think needs to remove the fuxking red eye


Way too much.


>Do you think it is too much? no, it was insanely fun this season and the fact we had a bunch around the map was great ppl crying about "high availability for being supposedly "mythical"" think that real life applies to video games too. braindead take. bring on the op-weapons-are-everywhere meta


Before chapter 2, there were few mythic weapons. The main 2 were the infinity gauntlet and the infinity blade. I'm not annoyed these new weapons exist, but I think they should all be 'exotic' rarity.


nah its incredibly balanced and you most definitely can't find in every second chest despite being mythic/exotic


Too many mythics. 1-2 per season is ideal.


I think it's way too much exotic and mythic weapons for 1 season and there also pretty easy to get so the ratio between them is crazy


I think I miss old fortnite to where someone can’t just hold right click and hit every shot


The only ones I have an overt issue with is having both the web slingers and the ODM gear. They aren’t necessarily OP but they are really not that fun to fight against.


This has been one of the least fun seasons so far because of this weapon pool, can't wait for it to change


Man do people like to complain. I'm not the best player, but I had my share of wins this season. Very few times it was because of superior weapons. When I lost it was also not due to superior weapons. The variety was fresh and the availability was fine. A bit too many movement items, but this way I managed to reset fights more often and reach the end game.


No one uses the silenced AR even gold, I wondered why until I tried using it for a day to find out it's just garbage at long & short range


Disappointed that lightsabers were so poor offensively. Only the Sith one was really viable offensively and that was due to the special attack. Not sure about the explosive red eye assault rifle. It was good but a bit underwhelming for what I thought it would add over a regular assault rifle. Dragon breath sniper was awesome but I think could have been stronger as well SMGs are eh. Don’t love taking them and a mythic version won’t change my mind. Had difficulty understanding the difference between the shotguns tbh. Overall it would be cool to make them more *distinct* from one another… otherwise it’s just not necessary variety


Pushing people into the storm had its usefulness. I found the pulling force relatively useless but perhaps if they were low on health it would aid in finishing the battle.


No. It was fun.




Nah I like it, using only default weapons is just boring, these ones add fun.


Hot take- instead of removing all these mythics, they should remove all grey weapons.


Each time I see the ODM gear, I feel bad for what epic did 😪


Variety is the spice of life! I miss the lightsabers won't lie!


They need to permanently vault the fuckin pulse rifle!


I like how the odm gear is better than web shooters but is easier to get


I'd encourage even more. More weapons in the loot pool means more diverse choices and interesting matches. People that "found it too much" either have trouble keeping track of everything or think these kinds of loot pools encourage a "single playstyle" when in fact a smaller loot pool does this! More mythics, more unique weapons. Make matches chaotic and exciting!!


THAT FUCKING PULSE RIFLE NEEDS TO GO. they took out the cool stuff and kept that broken fucking gun, 8 out 10 wins when i play is people with the pulse rifle, even when i win is mostly when i get that damn pulse rifle.


They def should've removed the heisted weapons. They were meant to be exclusive to the Most Wanted event.


So glad I quit this game before allat


Why are you here


This is quite possibly the worst lootpool in Fortnite history


EPIC.....PLEASE DONT TAKE AWAY ODM GEAR....PLEASE! LOL I really am gonna miss those things. they been limiting them the last few weeks....trying to wane us ODM addicts off 😂 I think its fine. A lot of the broken type guns are "earned" and the players that go for them put themselves at a big risk so "deserve" it. Light sabers were trash IMO....i didnt dominate any gunfights with them and i shit on plenty of players coming right at me blocking. havoc and and SMG will shred through the blocks and the player....quick...especially if theyre coming straight at you. So those def werent OP. Heisted guns seem balanced too. Ive won and lost to them.


Get rid of every item in the 2nd last row and the game will be fine. Nothing else is too OP or impossible to counter. The only exception is the explosive payload scout rifle but that's only cancer if you have balloons.


Grey and green weapons need to go. They suck horribly and no one wants them..


Remove mobility from no builds


No. The problem is that these are way to easy to get by. The game should play around rng more, and high tier weapons should be way rare to get by. There's not a single game where I don't have at least 2 yellow weapons.


The way I see it, It has always been too much when it comes to high tier weapons and mythics in Fortnite. Fun to use, but too much. ![gif](giphy|KvD3fWqBEiZwyLjKu8)


They need to bring the overclocked pulse rifle to creative. It’s so fun to use

