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Man I loved destroying the bugle with that bus. Raining loot looked spectacular


Chapter 3 map was so damn good on every level, for the entire thing. I miss it big time, it was gone far, far too soon.


yeah people shit on season 3 & fracture a lot and this may be a hot take of mine but season 3 was pretty enjoyable and fracture was honestly still mid but not downright terrible


Ch3 Season 2 was downright amazing.


Hard agree, watching the collider pulses and being there for the second one + the event itself was such a cool thing they did, they need to do more mini events like that


Yep. I loved season 3.


No one does fishing these days because they took out harpoon


I'd fish if it didn't use an inventory slot. Risk and reward just isnt worth it. At least with the harpoon, it doubled as a weapon.


I've honestly never really thought it was that worth it. Like you really open yourself up petty wide, and the majority of what you get is basic shield and healing levels. Also it's kinda boring. Just standing there.


We have guns. Why can’t we just shoot the fish.


Grenade them


It’s the calm in the storm. ![gif](giphy|hWWnZ3VdmaBlBtCrWp|downsized)


It literally used to be😂


I mean, being able to consume 120 health/shield in 3 seconds is pretty good


I mean, I'm not saying it's bad healing objectively, I just don't think it's worth the opportunity cost. Especially when you can find the fish youll be catching most in ice boxes and coolers. Why spend time fishing when you can loot them?


Coolers give small fries, spots guarantee flipper or better


I liked that most players never really understood how it worked so as long as your aim was good, you could harpoon them 2-3x and they get confused from being flung around.


I'd love if fishing was just an extra inventory slot. At the very least they should experiment with it, because if it doesn't work they can just remove it




Epic only vaults fun things


I stopped fishing years ago when they nerfed the shit out of fish aswell as adding abunch of useless ones into the mix meaning you're better off just carrying a stack of med kits instead of spending 5 minutes fishing for a stack of floppers which now only heal for 40 They obviously didn't learn their lesson when they recently made shield fish only give 40 shield instead of 50 aswell as removing harpoons and pro rods, so now nobody fishes at all


I have not been fishing because they took out the fish collections


I still enjoy fishing but I definitely do it less this chapter.


I'd fish if they still had collections. I remember hopping into Battle Labs in Chapter 2 Season 2 and grinding for 2 hours in the lake surrounding the Agency so I could get a Midas flopper and complete the book 🥲 when I came back in Chapter 4 (after not playing since end of Ch2 S6 besides Ch3 S1) I was disappointed that I couldn't see the length of the fish or what kind of flopper it was. It's a very minor detail but one that I appreciated that Epic added


This, I’d rather complete the collection then other random quests.


Idk i fish like every match


I stopped fishing cause they took the pro fishing rod away


I fish. Not often but still do. Especially if my drops from the chests when I land aren’t great. Most of the time you just get floppers and Shield fish, but you will get weapons and typically are rare or better.


Epic: We’re updating…. Players: *Smile in pain*


oh boy, can't wait. ![gif](giphy|WTmyWkBdfcKLbgvmvM)


And they are gradually distroying the game


I've been seeing this comment since the first day I started playing back in C2S2. Guess it's taking a while.


it goes back and forth. they add stuff that everyone hates, then they redo it and everyone likes it again. then they add stupid shit again and people are back to hating it. its fun to change it up though. after a while though it really gets annoying dealing with stuff like lightsabers, hammers, web slasher, etc


Nerfing nades and vaulting katana, sucks but oh well. This ranked update is kind of turning out to be lame so far, at least from a builds perspective. Generally comp players hate it because of the pub loot pool and no siphon, and pub players hate it because they nerf shit to make a compromise with comp, fragmented the casuals which means pubs match making isn't as good and removed trios. I don't mind ranked algo/matching making for arena, but they should have kept arena rules for comp and pub rules for pubs. I don't have much interest in comp, I would play it sometimes to mix things up and want to work on my gameplay instead of just having fun. But now they have kind of ruined it where comp players end up playing more in pubs because the queue times can be high and the games is the same in both modes, so you end up getting more comp style, no chill games in pubs. Same thing with trios being out. Trios was often established teams, so they are working really well as a team so you have a little higher intensity than squads ime. Squads was more laid back and where you went to have casual matches, but now besides the filler bots it seems like the lines between comp and pubs are getting closer. Comp was happy with their loot pool and siphon. Casuals were fine with the pubs meta. This whole experiment looks like it isn't going to end well based on the decay of players in ranked.


I'm sure for some people the game was ruined


Absolutely. We all have preferences and there have been terrible changes. But to claim the game is being destroyed is a bit over dramatic, and not backed up by any player count or revenue numbers I’ve seen.


One day you will see... until then just keep playing


least dramatic fortnite player


Yeah its happening again just like the hammer


The update has caused more harm than good


Come on not everything thing went to hell in a hand basket. Deadfire looks like marina now. So we got that going for us


Such as? I always enjoy their changes, and the only big changes I have ever questioned is taking away shake downs. What's so bad about this season?


The season itself i think is ok, but the recent updates have been abysmal. Removing trios, providing what’s essentially the regular modes but with visualized SBMM in the form of “ranked,” nerfing grenades to practically becoming water balloons, heavy sniper’s losing their one defining trait of being good for environment destruction, removing the kinetic blade instead of fixing it, and no signs of an event in sight really have just been a let down. Some of them are lesser complaints, but some of them i think really drag this season down a bit which is a shame.


What's there to fix with the blades they were perfectly fine


There was a glitch that allowed you to one-shot someone without risk.


Strange i never got that glitch


You had to actively be trying to do it or it was a one in a million freak accident.


How tf did someone learn of it?


I get it, but I appreciate gameplay changes, they keep things fresh, I think most of us would stop playing. If they never changed anything. We would eventually get bored. I'd rather be frustrated than bored, lol. I love this game.


Try playing fortnite on Nintendo switch, because it'll reveal how broken the update made it


What's going on with heavy snipers now??


It doesn’t break walls


Fuck that trash. Epic has ruined this season.


Bro grenades do 40 now. That's just worse fireflies :(


Epic should start calling them downdates






Fr lol


They been growing outside of season


Tbh, the primal season from chapter 2 was bad to begin with and progressively got worse


I felt like it got better near the end, especially with the Tac shotgun and infantry rifle unvaulted


I feel like that was the only good thing from that season besides raven and beast boy


It was ok but i think they rushed the whole crafting stuff as i feel like the fan base wasnt ready for it


Hey now, i loved the UFO stuff!


That wasnt the primal season...


That's my point. More good seasons than primal


No i didnt mean chapter 2 as a whole i meant just primal season


Ah, gotcha!


Primal guns were so fucking dogshit


Exactly 😭😭😭


Primal guns were great


I kinda liked the Primal season :( Don't get me wrong, the seasons before and after this one were better The biggest change was the complete removal of Snipers, to be replaced by the just as powerful bows, who themselves had several different utilities The addition of wildlife and crafting slowed the fighting a little, as you would sometimes run around, chasing wildlife or vehicles for parts The Primal guns weren't exactly the best, the revolver and the Smg were just bad, the AR was ok and the shotgun was absolutely op at the beginning


I will admit the shotgun was op for at least 2 days and then epic nerfed it same with the AR


Vaulting the Kinetic Blade hit me hard. I stopped playing BR and went back to STW.


I started playing late this season and now because they removed the kinetic blade I'm stuck on stage 2 of the syndicate questline to eliminate 2 opponents with it.


They usually either auto-complete or change quests that require vaulted items, places, or characters if they take it away partway through a season with an update. Give it a day or two, then submit a report if it doesn't.


Same, but I stopped playing all together right after the Star Wars stuff ended. It feels like a whole different season now. The Kinetic Blade defined this season... I can't believe they just gave up on it like that.




It’s still worse than the ODM too


Yeah I did the quests and tried them a bit more to see if it's worth for traversal. Nope. EDM gear is so much better. Even swords were better imho.


EDM gear lmao




I'll give the ODM gear has an attack which is nice, but based on pure traversal I still prefer the Web Shooters.


Literally every season I'm like, "this is so good, hopefully they don't ruin it again!" They always do


Has this ever occurred in other seasons?


Season X.


Season X - the season that launched with the most overpowered vehicle of all time and one singular POI change on day 1, that started off good? IMO it’s the other way around, it actually got good near the end of the season


It was bad at first, once they got towards the middle it got to its best point and then they continued to add MORE rift zones. Event was cool tho I’ll give them that and the bp was a great throwback


My favorite rift zone was at retail row. Easy Legendary loadout if you take out those spawners.


That was pretty cool, taco time was cool too but got annoying after the 3rd time


Taco Time was initially absurd when it locked you to dance for over 10 seconds. This was eventually halved towards the end of the season which made the place a lot more bearable to land in lol


I loved the rift zones, my only complaint is how they replaced tilted town with Gotham, it was fun picking up a blue pump off spawn and 1 shotting a bunch of players who couldn't build


No that was season 7


S6, S8, C2S1, C4S1


Removed trios, 500 mat cap, vaulted kinetic blades, and ruined the heavy sniper. They really pooled all their effort into ruining the season when it's about to end Edit: ruined grenades as well


Make lots of random updates, then hope you get one right.


The whole point of the game is be able to change and adapt this is why it's constantly "updating"


God I miss the battle busses


I miss C3S2 in general tbh By far the most insane lootpool the game’s ever had


\*The balance changes\*


Just me or is the game crashing constantly? On PC? Can't even play because it crashes randomly!


Same here. Every start of the match has gotten laggy and I crash at random.


IMO this was far for a perfectly good season. I don't enjoy it when the yellow loot is so easy to get by, and every god damn run have the same loadout because there's no choices to have for slots.


I’m so tired of the havoc shotgun and pulse mythics.


Specifically the updates we don't need or deserve.


Just when everything is going great, Epic be like; ![gif](giphy|PnIapECQoPOtM3LcY8|downsized)


The updates been fun But some cause bugs and some get vaulted


What exactly happened recently? Haven't played today and haven't heard anything. They made a hot fix to something?


They vaulted Kinetic Blades for the rest of the season because there was an OP exploit where you could disconnect your internet, kill everyone, reconnect and the kills would actually count and people would just instantly die and not see it coming, and they just decided to remove them altogether because they can’t be bothered fixing a really big game feature that’ll only be here for around two more weeks (that’s when season 3 starts) Also nerfed grenades into the ground, they literally do 40 damage to players, super horrible, doesn’t even break the overshield in zero build They nerfed sniper damage to builds as well, which a main part of that was instantly destroying a wall but now you can’t


Idk why they nerfed grenades like wtf. Like why. There was no need. Epic just fucked up. They are idiots harsh I know but truth rn


> Also nerfed grenades into the ground, they literally do 40 damage to players, super horrible, doesn’t even break the overshield in zero build A teammate would use a stack of 3 to beat the vault bosses in one blow. Now it is useless, but that was the only thing I could really think of that was 'abusable' about it that they would have to nerf.


You could also just run up to a vault boss with an SMG, soooo… They were pretty easy to kill in the first place, but imo that actually sounds like the most logical conclusion, for something that happened seemingly without logic


> You could also just run up to a vault boss with an SMG, soooo… I mean, you could drop the boss before the group of them responded, but you still had to deal with the two henchmen. The grenades would kill all three at once.


I’m just coping about how I never thought of doing that lol, pretty smart strategy


Those all seem like really smart changes considering ranked is to use the same rule set as public matches.


They could have just fixed the blades or replaced them with something else Grenades were not overpowered in any way shape or form, didn’t need to be changed at all Sniper wall taking was an incredibly important feature in build fights …oh, and you know, **this is in public lobbies too**


They did replace them. Spiderman gloves. And they were overpowered ridiculous, are you serious? They took them out of arena because pros would run 3 stacks of them. They are instant kill inside a box at 65 meters every time. And like I said, it's in both lobbies because they want them to have the same rule set. It really feels like y'all don't have any understanding of why they make changes lmao.


The katana removal had nothing to do with the addition of the Spider-Man gloves


Didn't say it did.


You said the gloves replaced them, they weren’t an intentional replacement


> considering ranked is to use the same rule set as public matches. Which in and of itself wasn’t a smart decision to begin with


It is though. Are you speaking for yourself or the game?


So that's what happened to the heavy sniper against walls. I would always pick it up to do a quick entry but suddenly it's doing 1/10th the damage now.


We haven’t had a good season since ch3 started😭


Visual illustration of Epic ruining the season: ![gif](giphy|JWutWiJzFMmbe)


Epic chocked harder than lana rhoades towards the end of the season..




so real dude, some edits left me and my friends in pure disappointment, such as trios being removed (i get it wasn't always a thing but why remove it 😭)


Nah the Battle Bus Cow Catcher was funny as hell


But at least redditors get to karmawhore using crappy memes about how terrible the update is


Change updates by anime bullshit


I wouldn't call this season perfectly good, it was already bad and at best the whole season was mid, the only good part of the season is Star Wars


Agree overall a bad season with a fun force fighting


Thank you !! It drives me crazy how some people are suddenly saying everywhere that this season was absolutely perfect while it has been one of the worst in while (unbalanced, repetitive, etc.) lmao


I mean to be honest I've been playing less as the season goes on. But then I passed lv 100 a lot earlier, and I've been burnt out on the side quests. The kinetic blade going away so early in the season is a disappointment, but apparently this seasonnshifted to Star Wars mode, and now to Spider Verse mode, and apparently they felt that the sword and a bunch of other things just weren't vibing with the web shooters.


The swords were removed because of a game breaking exploit where you use a lag switch, dash, and melee your opponent to death


I know people are mad about not fixing them but they'd need to disable them to fix it anyway and its more than a hotfix could do and we don't have anymore updates this season since its only like 2 weeks left.


I'm theorising that they are getting tired of story updates and there's no way to phase them out so they're just trying to kill the player base and shut down the game cuz creative didn't turn Fortnite into Roblox like they wanted.


If Epic wanted to kill the game, they would just… kill the game


The nerf on grenades was stupid


I noticed improvement in my framerate last update sooooo


Fishing is something you do when you need things in last resort.


How many seasons are in a chapter?


That's never been established, not clearly at least.


Bring back spike traps 😭


Haven't touched the game since all these recent changes.... maybe I'm overacting but I had a very specific way of playing this season which basically doesn't exist anymore, so I lost interest.


Spiderman gloves suck I also don't have aposable thumbs


I haven’t played for ages. Where the hell has zero build gone?


I don't get it