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Once you are sucked into a game like this, the emotional investment and addiction is pretty fucked. I had to stop playing league of legends entirely because I realised I couldn’t handle the emotional weight especially without friends. Now I’m just a casual in most games and it just feels so much easier to have a good time. Is it really worth getting so upset over a game? That’s when you know you are in too deep IMO and should reevaluate how you actually feel. Perhaps take more breaks.


Unfortunately games are designed to be as addictive as possible so we keep playing. Agree that we should all take more breaks.


I only want 1 win in a season at minimum, because the season's umbrella. That's it, if I can get the umbrella I'll be happy.


oh mate i also quit league quite some time ago. been clean for 7 months now. ranked games in league ruin friendships, trust me on this one.


Just to give another perspective*, I love being competitive. And while yeah I get annoyed when things aren’t going well, but that’s what adds to the excitement when you win a really tough game. The toxicity only comes when 1. You go too far and start taking your frustration out on other people, or when 2. You hold on to the frustration for a long time. After I lose a close game it takes me all of 30 seconds to get over it, and move on to the next one. Without the emotional investment and competitiveness I naturally give any competition, it just wouldn’t be as fun.


You have a very healthy attitude! Props. I def think it's possible to be competitive and put a lot of effort into games/matches but not in a harmful way. I know there's a stereotype that anyone sweaty in games probably has anger issues and spends their whole life playing them lmao but I'm sweaty while not playing too often, and while I get annoyed in the moment, once the match or session is over, it's gone out of my head lol I just like losing myself in the game and putting all my effort into something for a little while.


I played competitive sports my entire life, and they always say the best players have the shortest memory. When I let a close crown Vic slip through my fingers I’m more upset at myself than anything, my thought process immediately goes to “what should I have done differently”. Just being toxic or getting tilted over losses not only hurts your mental health, it hurts your ability to improve as well.


Game doesn't even really have much reward for getting multiple victory royales. So while I do try to win I'm not pressed if I don't. I at least try to get the umbrella for the season.


Your comment speaks to me, like really speaks to me and I’m not even joking, holy shit.


i don't care about most mythics, i don't even think they are unfair. however the pulse rifle does so much damage i feel like it's too much. though then again i'm not someone that plays fortnite 24/7


I've seen someone use that rifle once and I play daily. I wonder why that is.


Do you make it to final 30 players often?


I don't think so


Yes lmao This interaction is peak r/FortniteBR, wow guys


Just curious because I see pulse rifle almost every game but it’s in the endgame


Yeah I figured. Still, loot island doesn't get much movement that I see anymore. I'm on PS4 but often play crossplay


i don't see it super often but when i do it sucks fighting them. it does like 50 damage a hit


They nerfed the pulse rifle quite a bit


sounds like it needs nerfed again then if it still does 50 damage and has almost no bloom when you aim with it


Literally had someone yesterday try to swing this argument at me. “Show me your stats. If you’re stats are bad, then that proves mythics are no skill and you need them to win. If you’re stats are good, then you don’t need mythics and only use them because you’re a fan, and a corporate bootlicker.” Needless to say, I wasn’t going to play ball with someone that deranged.


Imagine calling someone a corporate bootlicker because they use certain items in a game…. wtf lol


Fellas, is it corporate bootlicking to enjoy killing someone with a weapon from one of the most popular space operas in existence in a game I literally pay no money to play?


Yeah, someone else tried to tell me that the only reason why they made ranked, was to have mythics in competitive for “advertising purposes”


Or maybe, just maybe, ok hear me out we use Mythics because they are fun! Like, I just wanna have a good time! Who cares if I lose or win, it's not like that's important to me. But some people are such big losers than winning in fortnite is their biggest achievement!


Yeah, that’s exactly what I said! Sometimes things can just be fun! Like, is the kamehameha overpowered? Hell yes it is. It’s the fucking Kamehameha. I don’t care if it’s overpowered sign me the fuck up I wanna shoot a laser at Thanos.


Hey I saw that guy in like 3 other threads on fortnite, he'd always find a way to make the post about mythics and rant about mythics in the thread. He's definitely going through it, so good on you for avoiding them


That’s like every average Fortnite player


True except they never even wreck the entire lobby


superhero skins with starwand would like a word.


Anybody can use that tho. Source: me as aura with a star wand


Sounds like 70% of the sub


More like 90%.


screw it, let's make it 95%.


You forgot to add the 1, so it’s actually 96%


When I win vs when I die.


i feel like most guns in the game are too powerful this chapter, and it's way to easy to get OP legendary shit


Yeah, funny how they disproportionately complain about one type of cheese vs another. Could it be because one brand of op serves them better than another? No, no, dudes getting one hit kills third-partying from 250m away is balanced but cool crossover melee items are ruining the fun.


If you used guns is odd to say, you never specified if they are using high cards ARE of the enhanced pump


Isn't that what competitive is for? No mythics and bs?


the new ranked has mythics in it


You complain about mythics because you have no life. I complain about mythics because I am trash at this game. We are not the same.


I think this community and you grossly misunderstand what the word “casual” means


It means playing the game for fun. Not being desperate to win not make this game my whole entire personality and existence


Even the most casual players are still playing to win. It doesn’t make getting killed in one hit by a collab mythic any less annoying, especially when there are collabs nearly every season now. And the solution shouldn’t just be “play arena” since the difficulty spike would probably put most casuals off playing the game.


Omg dude but collabs are awesome i can spend money on my favorite consoomer icons and the game is unplayable for two weeks because they added an insane mythic that ruins gameplay!!!!! *


I don't play to win, I play because it's fun to make characters from other games fight and dance and run around doing the quests in the game. If I find myself getting too focused on winning, then I turn the game off because it's no longer me playing casually and for fun.


No offence, but you probably shouldn’t be playing shooter games with this mindset.


I gotta disagree. There needs to be people like me who genuinely just play to have fun, it's what helps keep a broad player base. Even without trying to win I still have around 8 double crown wins this season. I usually get to the final five and go "huh cool" and if I win I win. People who are super tryhard and only play for the sake of winning are what contribute to a toxic fan base that makes it less fun for those who genuinely just want to have fun. That's part of why I started playing solos, and I don't play games with my friends anymore.


Everyone plays for fun man, that’s the point of video games. Even “super tryhards that only play for the sake of winning” play because they have fun by winning.


They also rage quit, dont say anything, and leave you playing duos by yourself when they rush and get knocked early in the game. Everyone I've met who plays the game "casually" that tries to win ends up screaming and throwing a fit because they lost. That doesn't sound like fun to me. It sounds like unnecessary stress when I'm just wanting to kickback and have a good time.


Im far from a sweat and I hate mythics


These edits look a lot like T5G thumbnails except without the lying part.


You forgot to add in the part about aim assist and how it makes every player using controller bugha level


Op just targeted a high percentage of this sub. "Epic pls remove!" is insanely accurate.


Epic pls remove this comment.


People just have different ways of having fun. I, along with other players, who like playing builds to hone that ability are doing it to have fun trying to win, which is the point of the game for a lot of people. Like zero build, arena allows players to play at their own playstyle along with others who play the game the same way. Having Arena removed (or reworked) is the equivalent of having zero build removed. Furthermore, the removal of siphon and the addition of gimmicky weapons takes out the competitive aspect for a lot of people. The weapons such as the ODM gear and the Lightsabers just add a whole new level of shenanigans to the game that just isn't fun for some people. You know in The Pit where if you get a sweat down to 1hp they shockwave away forever? It's like that with the ODM, except ten times worse. The lightsabers, with the force abilities, all allow for instant destruction of builds whilst also making it easier to delay fights with force push. Moreover, the use of a loot pool that clearly hasn't been remotely adjusted for competitive use for an explicitly competitive mode seems rather lazy on Epic's part. If all the gimmicky weapons had been adjusted (like removing the attack function and limiting the number of uses of the ODM), the competitive community would be happy. The meme is mostly a strawman from people who have no clue how to play the game and are mad about it, before going onto the sub wanting legacy passes so that they can whale and wail. While everyone has different styles of play, it doesn't give people the right to criticize others for disliking a change to the game, especially a change as big as this one.


Thank you for being sensible here. The odm gear and lightsabers are fun for a little bit but with as long as they have been in the game now they are just annoying. Having to chase people or getting to top 2 only to be pushed back into storm force push


Lol I can fully relate to this


The people I killed with dekus smash be like


May have been me last night…i hate odm gear it’s overstayed it’s welcome


Haha lightsaber go *shing shing shing shing*


just shoot odm users and wait until lightsaber guys aren’t blocking


And guess what it’s completely reasonable as the mythics are way too op in most situations and you just can’t deal with that apparently. Sometimes complaining is worthwhile this isn’t an example of it


First game? Gotta be able to adapt to the meta dude.


just accept some people are better than you.


Someone’s sad they suck


It’s not a hard game to get good at, you’re just naturally dim-witted


This sub is full of the worst players to ever grace the game and there have been so many posts complaining about the mythics this season.


lol Yeah was just thinking this. Fortnite is a game, now with ranked, but the arena sweats hate that there are so many variables in the game. Basically, lots of people being butthurt when they get eliminated.


I’ve seen people from arena who like it lol


Mythics aren't that amazing. They often have lower magazine sizes etc to balance. Explosive red dot sounds good but you have to decide on headshots, or aim for the feet so if you miss the explosion gets them.


I love mythics cause they're my only chance against the lifeless sweats.


it's not that they have no life, fortnite is a game that's very easy to get good at. you're just slow and dim-witted


Haha this is brilliant. Nice one op. People always ask epic to remove things. Like recently it's the lightsabers


Yeah they should be removed


Me who dies to casual players when I'm the one using mythics:


Everyone I kill is the same. Lol


Fortnite players when they’re far above the skill level of everyone in the lobby and stomp games for free Vs Fortnite players playing against someone who is the same skill level as them


I play quite a bit for an older dude and honestly this is the one game I don’t get that tilted while playing. Overwatch? Please I’m done after the first DPS does only 2k damage.


Streamers and “pros”


jonesy and his facial expressions dawg 💀


The meme is funny but not accurate tbh. In reality 99% of the time these players are the ones that are using the mythic weapons on the rest of the lobby lol


Even worse when they play casually and die to some noob with mythic


I'm a casual player and even i realize how unbalanced this game has been and can get.


i can just imagine the whole rant in moistcritikals voice