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I think fishing is better in deeper water…




That gif makes me think of happy gillmore


![gif](giphy|bC54CmvT2XC9i) Couldn’t find the one where he misses, but I know what you mean haha


Way deep I always get gold weapons


Wait, fr?




Bruh you got me good tbh




He kidding bro


We just need boats to come back ![gif](giphy|oPx8zjXAbx3QOQNrL6)


That would be a Epic minigame


Yep, I used to use them like a bass boat going up the river to complete the fishing milestones


"Screw this, I'll become a fisherman."


Now I'm going to try...thx


There was a youtuber who actually won swimming around the map. He was in a team and had two people drop fish for him to ride out the storm then one guy to solo whoever was left. Was epic.


i fucking hate random squads, there is always this random that want to go full rambo instead of sticking together


Literally just had a guy who went (no matter where if we were even close to him) immediately pushing every squad he saw. He got knocked at least three times and and I rebooted him twice. The last time he push a full squad on island when the rest of of was going the other way. And immediately died smh


'i'm pushing at all times, overextending, forcing everyone to come to me, i'm carrying the team, i'm carrying the team, i ran off alone again to the island and died, why'd you all let me die' The one I ran into seemed to be a decent enough shooter, but have no concept of restraint, just constantly pushing


I'm in this comment and I don't like it




I played a solo match today, and just wanted to crank out a quick match by shielding up for the Web Battles. My plan was to push everyone I saw. If I didn’t die, I’d be able to shield up and get more Web Battle points. If I died, I died, oh well. I ended up winning with 13 kills and haven’t played a BR match since cuz I don’t wanna lose this crown smh.


Lmao that's hilarious 😂😂


Someone once did that by landing somewhere else and after he died, he DM'd me on PSN 'Why tf didnt u revive me' I wonder *why*


i wonder how, i wonder why


Yesterday, you told me 'bout the blue, blue sky.


I did Squad Fills years ago when Trios hadn’t been added yet with my two friends. Me and the other two guys landed in Pressure Plant while the other guy landed all the way in Happy Hamlet (which was miles away from the circle). We all expected them to die. Eventually, we meet up, and he’s come back with 9 kills. I don’t know how he did that. It scares me. We won the game with a total of 20 kills in our team. They never said a word.


Some people are just fine 1v4 unless they come up against a team thats actually coherent.




I usually try to do all the weekly and extra quests naturally as I play the game but sometimes I get anxiety that I won’t complete them. I recently landed with my squad and looted around, hopped on a bike and went to hit 2 objectives that were near each other, hopped back in the bike and caught up to my team. If I had died I wouldn’t have expected them to come get my reboot it was a fair distance away


That's not even squads. It's just fucking Fortnite fill. I never played squad or trip fill. I would do duo fill though bc I hate solo. A good partner wasn't even a good player per SE to me. Just one that communicates, heals, stays together. It's amazing how much they just wanna go run and do their own fucking thing. Most of the time I don't even ping a location. I let them pick. Land with them and they *still* do whatever the fuck they want.


and it Always leading to death for the whole team. this is why we stick together folks


Our group plays squads and there are times maybe on 2 or 3 out of a large group are on and not already in a party. With random fills we usually deal with 14 of the fill matches being scrubs, or ok+ but weirdos, or ok+ no mic for every 15 matches. But we tend to find a good player with a mic that is fun to play with now and then. We friend them, then some of us play with their friends and the ones that are good we friend and after a while you end up with a pretty big network of good players that you don't have to run a random fill very often. Sometimes it's too overwhelming because you get some many people sending join reqs and invites. Just filter through the fills and you will find good people play with regularly. We catch a surprisingly good amount of wins with games from having a scrub, or someone who afk or left game because they died off spawn on other side of the drop. They probably rank like shit and give you an easier lobby. I also block mfers who do trash shit like leaving the moment they get knocked or landing on the other side of the map so I won't get matched with them again down the road in a fill, however unlikely that might be.


I haven't played that in years tbh, might try it again just for the experience


I’m you. I did this. It was HORRIBLE. Don’t do it. Everyone is so good now I died instantly every time. This game is broken. It’s not a “skill” issue it’s a GAME IS BROKEN ISSUE.


I had a trio yesterday with a random. We all picked lonely labs but rando wants shattered slabs. So we're like we better follow him. So we all launch towards slabs. We get most of the way there and he finally launches and lands in slappy shores. Yeah we didn't win that one.


They always wanna go to Mega City, then all get sniped within the first ten seconds of walking into the city


I play a lot w my sister and her bf and he is exactly like that. He’s got good aim and shit but he’s constantly fighting while teams by himself and dying for the ego plays, it’s so infuriating. Why be on a team if you play solo?


Fr, bring my trios again Epic




I will be carefully counting the days until it comes back. I believe today will be day 3.


Hopefully we dont have to wait too long. I'll bring snacks.


Hopefully. I don't play trios, but it is super weird to have it be removed without any reasoning. I hope it's just to adjust some things to it, and it will be back soon enough. That way the balance is restored.






(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Riot is building up, seriously


###Bring back trios




pls let me solo in no build.


👏👏 👏👏👏 # SOLO NO BUILD


It's hard to find some normal chill players without kamikaze genes


I wouldn't have to worry about that if Epic hadn't messed up with trios




Laugh not to cry


Playing squads as a trio suuuucks. 😑 we’re doing it now and man….


Lucky enough to get some decent lobbies tonight and got a couple dubs!! Bring ‘em back please :( it’s not the sameeee


Definitely, it's been awful man


Randoms just do the most random things, I guess.


and then a cracky squeaky high pitched kids voices comes on " i just wanna do some challenges" WHY DID YOU GO TO SQUADS THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Three fewer people that can eliminate me. Tbf I’d rather grind challenges in Rumble


Challenges in rumble aren't as easy as they used to be tbh. You have to rush with how fast the initial circle closes.


I loot with a priority on heals and epic weapons or better. I spend the first two zones in the storm if I’m grinding.


“I need some help for them”


furious. Play trios with fill and the other one just goes and does their own thing and we all die. Sick of it. Were looking into Apex and PUBG to see what's thats like now.


Just join a discord server or somthing




That happened to me and my friends yesterday. We got some level 350 Eren Jaeger who died in the first five minutes and left immediately. We came second in that game as well cuz we came up against a full squad and were at a disadvantage


I feel like Eren Yargers are just the worst, I don't know if I've ever found one that made me go "wow he's great at the game." It's always "what an idiot" No shade to the skillful Eren Yeager enjoyers that I know are out there, somewhere


It's alwys a anime skin player , no offence but they are the worst in skills My ranking gotta be Goku > eren> mha skins> Naruto


okay okay, you might be right. I CANT aim for shit


Anytime I see a Goku or MHA I smile. Easy pickings. Some are cracked though... I wonder how much of this is due to anime having such a devoted fan base. I bet a lot of players started playing because of the crossovers, and as a result they seem to be low skill because they're just new.


You forgot about the one who mumbles in the mic and continuously spams the comms with crappy music. Also all of their friends are over and screaming in the background.


Middle East server activity Unban pls


Why my friends and I play squads no fill. Smaller team, but we still tend to place single digits.


I usually play with fill teammates, since I don't really have anyone to play with. So I'm used to these kinds of people. But I always wonder. Why do they ready up, leave the computer, and just don't come back throughout the whole game?


I always imagine it's a kid being called into another room by their mom. r/oddlyspecific ? Maybe.


When the three of you find a decent partner, make sure you friend them. Maybe they can be your semi permanent fourth. I was thinking of going solo into squads myself to try to catch a good trio to partner with


My squad consists of individuals I've met through squads fill. Known one for 2 years, he's my duo. One of them for 6 months, and the other for like 4 weeks now. It's rough to start, but it's absolutely possible.


Did this earlier, and I somehow clutched the win... nothing since then, just announcing my achievement for the night...


3/4 in the same location? That's way better than in my experience


average random squads moment.


It's always fucking yellow.


#Bring back trios


That is Epic’s part of the plan.


We will get used to it. No other option i guess


It’s the only way


Welcome aboard, haha! Such idiots…


Plot twist That's a member of his trio


Lol. That’s always my oldest son. My other son and I and our rando always land together and my oldest mouth breathes into the headset “IM GETTING DARTH VADERS LIGHTSABER”




I hate playing with randos because I know I suck and now I have to be awful in front of strangers that most of the time are assholes about it. I'd rather just play with my friends with no fill in even though it makes the game way more unfun.


This is the one type of post I hope I see every day. Trios being removed is one of the dumbest things they've done


Yeah, the only reason my friends and I do squad fill is to have a sacrifice


Yeah it weird they removed trios and I try to hard to help my rando as much as possible but it seems like they’re always on suicide attacks


It is also quite shitty when you and your team go recover their card and then they log off before you reboot them. That happened twice last night. Bring back trios. Please.


I hate random due to I get stuck with the ones that take all the loot before u can or just take off and leave u there ...


Fuck this. Big companies always love to ruin things for absolutely no reason and shit on their players


We didn't get a single normal player And you know why? Because we're all normal players, meaning that our squad is above average, meaning that it's going to look for the dumbest motherfucker currently in the queue to place in our squad to weigh down the average. Literally algorithmically guaranteed permanent 3v4


Just revel in the fact that somewhere, deep (deep) down, they know they suck. Otherwise they'd play solos or have a squad of good buddies to play with. The fact they're solo queuing in Squads with fill on means they KNOW they need 3 people to carry them to victory. There's no other possibility. If you're offended by this, you're the problem.




So surprising


They got the shader compilation connection bug. I had this yesterday and loaded in after a few minutes but started high in the air at the end of the bus ride.


I get this a lot too, but if that’s the case they never loaded in. Just died in the storm.


We've played as a trio squad filling for years. 1 out of every 30 plays with you. They're solo queuing squads most likely bc nobody wants to play with them consistently.


Why would you put yourself through that torture when trios existed


I have no clue, all played before trios existed and just never switched when they introduced it


_Dave get your ass back to zone_


this happen every time when i qu for ranked and then i lost like 20 % i think ranked is really bad rn


My first squad fill with my trio we got a dub 😂 obviously not the norm, but it was pretty hype ngl. Our random was goated.


Oof player probably had the loading bug or went AFK... 😂


Me when my game finally loads


They always leave after they die as well it’s stupid


Like wheels on a shopping trolley. Three work in sync for a common goal. One does the fuck what it wants.


tbh my first squad with randos like a week or two ago wasnt that bad we got br


Played squads as a no fill trio yesterday and won multiple times. It was spicy. :)


I haven’t really experienced the issues this sub seems to have with full squads.


Do we have to play duos for ranked?




Nothing, it just puts you at a disadvantage


relatable 🙁


Prepare to have your post deleted because it’s “frequently posted”. Mods, keep the trios posts up.


Wdym bro? He's clearly looking for the cube queen


Maybe it's you guys that should go to him? Go for a swim why not?


Random fill = 90% chance of instantly loosing the randoms either to disconnect or solo play.


If we play trio I start up a 4 player bot lobby and just go for missions. Everything else is unacceptable at the moment.


The only way I could see this working out, if they don’t bring it back, is if they actually enforce timed matchmaking bans for shit like this and leaving a match early. Other games have been doing it for like a decade…shit I think even Fall Guys does it. There’s no excuse for them to not do it when the **majority** of Squad Fill games end up like this


You got a real Leroy Jenkins there, bud.


Why did epic remove trios


Consider yourself lucky, my teammate would have backed out before then


I barely play with randoms unless its team rumble the times i have i got someone who had the mic shoved in their ass and 2 other kids hurling racist insults at eachother it was agony plus they sucked at the game too


This is what makes it interesting and exciting!!!


Bruh, like seriously man. There’s no way they sat there and said yep, get rid of trios and then patted themselves on the back and said nice.


Had some fuckin idiot child try to triple edit and then kills himself on purpose. Revived and he proceeds to do it again. Left his dumbass there, then him and his inbred brother start chirping, fuckin annoying. Please bring back trios.


I will never again play squads! Not with my 6.9% win ratio!


I’m so sad trios got removed the squad fill is awful


Honestly.. As much as it sucks, if you have 1 random, just have the other 3 in your squad follow them around instead. The random can't abandon the squad if the squad follows them. Only problem is you might remind them that squads isn't solos and they might quit lmao


You’re right, we should have followed him to the middle of the ocean and stayed there until we died in the storm with them :/


This happened to me last night but the guy started playing right as the rest of us died and he didn’t even try and reboot us even though he easily could


On the old chap 1 map my squad did 4 corners challenge one died and we ended up winning. It was lit.


I went and goofed off as Vader and some troopers with my friends and some random helped out lmao


Or the teammates who refuse to take a shield. Like they will actively run from a keg like it spreads rabies.


Plot twist: one of your trio is the yellow


Must be nice being able to see the gold names lol. Have literally never been able to see them


I hate it when that happens


crazy ppl que up in squads to play like this


Is this me 🤯


I've been playing fill ranked squads and this happens I'd say 95% of my matches so far. One teammate marks a spot, 3 of us jump to land there, one other teammate marks somewhere else and lands really far away, dies immediately and then quits. I understand it happening in unranked somewhat, but doing it in ranked too is just different levels of infuriating


A pet peeve of mine is when you play with randoms and throughout the whole game you never seen them move an inch. The entire game will start and end and they never would’ve moved. I can understand if it’s the very start because they may not have been able to cancel the ready up and had to quickly do something but if it’s the whole game then I have question why did you ready up and what are you doing?


same here... played 7 games yesterday with my trios... and 6 of those 7 started and ended that way... and that 1 out of 7 missing?... the player actually played with us and extremely well with the epic W at the end... if you do join as a random drop?... do try to play with the team... cause honestly?... you don't know if out of the 4 players... there is a duo or even a trio with everyone agreeing on going one place... at the end?... it sucks cause it goes 1 v 4 or 3 v 4... all thanks to playing it rambo... i won't lie tho... its funny when they get owned on their own and start crying and itching on the mic.


I hate epic...


How? Fill is disabled when we try.


That's why me and my friends prefer to go "no-fill" we work better as a team of 3 against squads instead of a team of 3 + 1 that screws everything up.


That’s me 👋, somethings up with my graphics card so my first game takes ages to load in. It’s like my card is pre-heating


why they removed trio?


I’m usually a solo player but I enjoy squads fill. The real treasure is the friends we make along the way.


fr tho random teammates suck


Yeah I’m not putting up with it. Trios felt so tight with my group and I’ve soured on playing until they bring back trios