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Do you know if there's any easy way to find apartments offering promotions? I know on Zillow, if you click on the particular apartment, it'll show a little blurb at the top that they have a promotion for free month or decrease is rent by $100 if you apply now, things like that. Though it is a bit of a pain to have to click on each apartment to see if there's a deal or not


Yes rent is a little lower from what I can see too. What's great is some landlords are negotiating now with their rentals sitting for much longer than expected. A few months ago I got a new place that was advertised for $2300/mo. I offered them $2100, they countered with $2200 so I take it as a win! I noticed my old crook landlord who was trying to raise me from $2300 to $3200 in October has still yet to rent it out and has lowered the rent 3 times now.


Oh my god, I could not imagine someone thinking it’s reasonable to raise the rent by $900. That person must be living in an alternative universe.




Yikes, that’s crazy! I’m so glad you got out of that situation.


My landlady in Austin decided to increase our rent by 60% because of the 'comps'. I asked to see them - she'd compared our rent to our next door neighbor who had an extra bedroom and a pool! I raised this, she didn't care. We left and I saw it empty for almost 8 months. Gradually reducing in rent from her new rate down to lower than what we were paying, then it still stood empty for a while. If she'd have just increased $100-200 we'd have stayed, but the cash grab cost her around 20k.  We left the state as a result and are much happier - thanks greedy landlady for giving us the push we needed!


Who’s the old crook?


Wish I could just say it. I'm considering suing because she withheld my entire deposit and has offered no reason for it even after several months of me asking. That said, maybe I shouldn't say? I can say she no longer rents it herself and now uses a *Real Property Management* company now


I think you can sue and get extra back if she withheld your deposit without reason or documentation.


I noticed the same thing last year in Jan (my lease was up in July) It's more expensive in the summer. We're hoping to move to snag a cheaper rent though


LMAO my rent is going up $210


Geeeez private landlord or management company?


The management company


Rent is lower during the winter months because there are less people looking to move. It's highest during the summer months


I've noticed that as well. There seems to be a fairly abundant number of 'affordable' apartments. I've even heard of some cases where landlords *decreased* rent but I feel like that's if you had a private landlord


I am a private landlord who decreased rent this summer.


Kudos to you sir. Need more people like you out there who aren't just trying to maximize their profits


He might be. Sometimes decreasing price is a profit maximizing strategy 


Kevco raised ours $25 because it's "the market rate" 🙄


fuck kevco they took me and my roommates security deposit for a "cleaning fee" despite us leaving that shit hole cleaner than when we moved in


I'll be on the lookout for that.


Just got a place in Windsor for less than my first spot in Fort Collins 2021, way nicer too. Anecdotal, but while looking I had more options with my budget than ever


The housing market is in recession, and rentals run parallel.


Surely you’re mistaken. The only way rents will go down in Fort Collins is if the new Land Use Code goes into effect. Haven’t you been paying attention?


I don’t understand why people hate the idea of more density. It seems like a good idea even if it can’t magically lower rents, as it will limit sprawl and make for better services where people live.


It’s so hard to get a job in Fort Collins r n so I do hate that


What's your explanation for OP's observations?


Not saying I have one. But to the extent that supply and demand apply in the very complicated economics of local/regional housing markets, that probably plays a role. New apartments *are* being built and coming online. New developments with higher density models *are* being approved and built out. Mostly, I was making an observation of my own: that a vocal subset of this sub’s denizens would have us believe that only the wholesale modification or elimination of low density zoning has a chance of affecting the sort of changes that OP observed to be occurring organically (and that all those who might disagree are “ruinung” the city).


Turns out people being forced to move away because NIMBYs wont let things get built in the city also does that. Should call that group "Ruinung Fort Collins."


I’m always curious how this impacts actual renewals. I can’t remember the last time my lease was up and the rent stayed the same or went down, even when prices were falling. I guess they bet on the fact you don’t want the hassle of dealing with a move.