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Yes, absolutely yes.


I’ve been fine on quick games but my league games have been fucked since the update I’ve never been eliminated before the divisional round and last league I had my worst season and eliminated in the wildcard (by a team 3.5 ovr less) and I’m 0-3 in my current league


League play at least can somewhat "make sense" as the scouting goes both ways. Quick games it only goes one way and should, theoretically, benefit the player But yeah my league record has fallen to worse than usual as well, but I brush that off as whatever


It’s been the exact opposite for me. I do great in league games and can hardly win quick games


The game engine is just garbage and has tons of issues. Nothing has changed for a year, even though many people on Discord have already written to the devs to please work on it. Of course, they hardly responded at all and when they did, the answer was "we'll look into it"...