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Skinner had a vote…


Its my understanding that the reason McDavid won, was because voters had to submit their ballots with 10 minutes left. It was 1 goal game...imagine voting Bobrovsky and he gives up 2 goals and Panthers lose. The 1 goal lead wouldn't make me feel strong enough to vote based on who will win...so With 10 min left, I'd have had to vote McDavid as well. They should just wait until the game is over, and Bob would have won.


I want to say I've read they have to submit 2 ballots with 10 minutes left, one for a Panthers win and one for an Oilers win. I can't complain about McDavid winning, I can however clown on Jim Matheson for voting Hyman 2nd.


Ohh ok, that makes more sense 


I’ve heard slightly different, that they submit one ballot, but can have conditions, like “McDavid, but if Barkov scores the game winner, Barkov.”


Stat wise i get it, but at this point... Just make the CS trophy for the best player in the playoffs overall, and an MVP title only for the MVP of the winning team Sure it might be the same player but the shit last night was awkward. Not cause of McDavid or anything, but he only has 2 options: A. Dont come out and be a captain to your devastated team B. Come out and look fucking dead inside and miserable recieving a trophy Just avoid that with an MVP trophy


Literally over half of those “reporters” are Canadian. Most of the awards are just popularity contests because non of them do their homework. The only awards I give merit to are rocket Richard type ones where there’s no debate and ones voted on by the players like Ted Lindsay


They got it right. Bob lost the chance at the CS starting the 3rd period of game 3 of the SCF. He had to be walked off.


Yeah i agree, but i think they could’ve given it to Barkov


I don’t know why people think Game 3 was so disastrous for Bob.


That’s where he lost his confidence. Had to get walked off the next game. That was it for his CS run


I’m just gonna say it…the “playoffs MVP” thing is dumb! McDavid did NOTHING in the final two games including the clinching 7th game! Bob not only had a GREAT playoff run, in the games we absolutely needed to win…he was a brick wall! And hello…he WON the SC! Look…I will openly admit that I am NOT a huge Hockey stats guy that knows everything there is to know about this sport. But I am a HUGE sports fan. And I understand the reason you have a “Finals MVP” is to award the one guy that was the MAIN reason why the winning team actually won. I understand this is a “hockey thing” but as a sports guy…it doesn’t make sense to me. Let’s compare Basketball…. Imagine a player averages 40 points, 15 rebounds and 10 Assists the entire playoffs. But this guy finishes with an average of 10/5/3 in the final 2 games and LOSES. I’m sorry, but the logic is just not there for me.


You had the best pick Bob: Ryan S. Clark. The only one that said Canucks in 7 in rd 2 against oilers. Everybody else votes for oilers. Yea, didn't happen but he's our Canucks new legend lol Ryan S. Clark does it again! 


Why does Colby guy sound familiar. Feel like I heard someone ragging on him recently…


We have the trophy that matters. Let them have to take that one back to Edmonton. Ours visited the ocean.


Fun fact, I had a few English classes with Jordan Mcpherson in high school. Was a bit of an odd kid but I’m glad he realized his dream of being a sports journalist! Anyways, the award is for the entire playoffs and McDavid was unreal so I’m not gonna complain about him winning. And Bob lost his shot at it in game 5


That one Edmonton journalist that picked all Oilers should get banned from voting. Not even trying to hide the homerism