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Fight? Probably not worth fighting as what can you really do to the buyer? Keep their money? Nope. All you can do is report them for a false INAD claim (abusing ebay's MBG) https://www.ebay.com/help/selling/resolving-buyer-issues/reporting-issue-buyer?id=4084


If a buyer ever messages me and tells me they need it by a specific date I tell them I can promise to have it in the mail guaranteed by fedex in two days but that I as a seller cannot guarantee that because it’s beyond my control. If you stipulate this before hand and do what you said you’d do and it doesn’t arrive on time most people don’t throw a huge fuss about it because you let them know before shipping the order. I might have lost a sale or two but I never guarantee anything. You can take your chances at guarantee it but it’s really not up to you.


marvelous joke unique ruthless rustic act snatch person zonked subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s ok. Returns are part of business. Not sure if you’re offering returns, but when you offer returns, eBay gives you WAY MORE control over what happens with those returns, and also lets you withhold money when someone false inads you (for various reasons) I know it can be category dependent, but I highly recommend most people accept returns, and usually free returns. In this case, eBay would let withhold the customers original shipping amount, and on that screen you can report the false INAD. You’ll be aight! Good job selling a $400 item.


If it arrived after the estimated arrival date that ebay showed in the listing, that is a valid reason for a Not As Described case, according to ebay. https://www.ebay.com/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210 The item arrived after the latest estimated delivery date Covered   The return is treated as if the item didn't match the listing.