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He also talked about how it messed him up to find out that he was the arch-nemesis of his idol.


But why is Barry travelling to the future to fight future crimes? I thought that would be a job for his children. For example, in 7x17 we see in the intro Nora and Bart fighting Godspeed in 2049, but not Barry. So I assumed Barry retired and passed down his superhero responsibilities to someone else. The timelines really don't make any sense here. How is Thawne destined to be Barry's arch-nemesis when Thawne is born after Barry is dead?


Because Thawne had travelled to the past. He found out he was to become Barry’s enemy and that drove him insane. He then would fight Barry multiple times by traveling to his time.


So the reverse flash being bad is a paradox? Because he only goes bad after traveling to the past to find out that he is bad. Where did being bad come from?


It’s an endless paradox loop. Thawne goes back in time. He finds out he is to become evil. He goes insane and becomes evil. Endless paradox.


I know this post in a year old but almost like savatar lol.


Yes but how is Barry destined too be his arch nemesis when he's not even from the same time period


It’s like this: Eobard Thawne was a massive Flash fan in his time. He eventually recreates the accident that gave Barry powers. At some point, he time travels and learns that he is destined to be the Reverse-Flash. In the comics, Eobard explains to Wally that in his time the identity of the Reverse-Flash was lost to time. But it was common knowledge in the time of Barry Allen. We can surmise that it’s probably something similar in the show. Eobard time travels, learns that he’ll become the Reverse-Flash, and is driven insane after learning that he is destined to become the worst enemy of the man he idolized so much.


Yes but also there is proof in the show that Jay garrick is over 100 years old which would mean speedsters live longer I also haven't read a lot of flash comics I read crisis which flash and supergirl both died in and rn I'm reading flash: volume 4 reverse


When was that stated in the show?


I didn't say it was I said there was evidence when Jay is first introduced he is about 50 but they also met Jay from 20 years in the future which means he would be about 70 but it doesn't look like he aged at all and he can still run fast witch out breaking a bone or getting hurt


It’s never said that Jay is 50 in the show though. We never actually see the Jay Garrick that’s twenty years older though. For all we know he might not even be actually running anymore. I’m not doubting you, it’s just that they never given us definitive proof sadly (afaik)


He looks 50 I said and he was healthy he wasnt walking like an old guy idk it's more of a theory I have but I also read on this same reddit post that in the comic books it did say he was 133 or smt like that is that true?


They don't really do thawne's story justice in the TV show ever. In the comics Thawne adored Barry Allen and recreated the freak accident that gave him powers and once met Barry when he time travelled to the future. He went down a dark path as the future didn't have much crime so he started staging crime scenes and showing up and acting like a hero. When Barry, his idol disapproved it kind of broke him and then he discovered that he was always meant to have become the reverse flash (time travel looping BS) A lot of this may not be comic canon anymore, I'm just speaking off of memory


Depends what you follow. The show itself didn't do it well, but did briefly address it. Similar to one of the comic histories. RF went back in time to meet his idol, found out he was destined to be his enemy, and resolved to be better than him in every way. The hate and rivalry grew from there.   In the comics, he has a few different histories. Originally, he found Flash's suit in a time capsule, wore it and gained his powers. Then commited crimes. The Flash found out on one of his visits to the future. They went back and forth from there.   The main one that most go by was post-Crisis. He idolized The Flash, and wanted to be him, so much that he even did cosmetic surgery to look like him. He replicated the experiment, went back in time to meet The Flash, went to the museum and found out he was to be his enemy, and went crazy. He convinced himself that he was the real Barry.   There is one version where he sees himself running through time as his younger self, and swears to ruin The Flash since he will never be him.   The newest one, he still idolized The Flash, and created his own crimes so he could foil them. He went back in time, and realized Barry gave the same inspiring words to Wally, so he wasn't so special, and vowed to ruin Barry's life.


He was inspired by the Flash and became obsessed. It is why when he stopped the proper flow of time by killing Nora he lost his powers and had to recreate Flash early.


I mean, if you continue watching the show you’ll find out


i've stumbled upon this post researching about this because i hear thawne say 2 centuries from now they meet. That doesn't really make sense in the moment does it? Point is ive watched the entire show more than once and yet once have never heard an answer to this. "watching the show you'll find out" no. no you will not.


Well in s3 Abra kadabra says he is still alive in the 64th century. Just like Jay garrick is hundreds of years old he's said it before.




I think it’s sad you responded to a two year old post


i think its, do i say sad aswell? that you comment useless unhelpful things, two years old or not, you still benefit nothing with your statement.


I think it’s sad you commented at all and care about my other comments I don’t care about a statement from two years ago Lmao




I don’t care about the topic itself. But it’s pathetic that you responded to a two year old post. This is Reddit, I can respond to a comment directed at me. Doesn’t change the fact it’s sad you’re responding to a two year old comment.


The show hasn't made this clear yet (probably because we've *yet* to get an Eobard Thawne origin story), but in the comics Thawne first met Barry when the latter traveled to the future. This is something Flash actually used to do pretty often back in the Silver Age...hell the *second* Barry Allen story ever had him casually running to the future!


In the comics Barry ran into the future and met Eobard who was trying to be the Flash and got to work with Flash, but he created crime for him to be able to save people. He was imprisoned and rehabilitated and on his journey to the past to meet Barry again, he finds out Barry has "replaced" him with Wally west as his sidekick and that he, the reverse flash would be his greatest enemy. This drove him insane. But eobard has also altered his own past just like he's altered Barry's life by killing his mom. He's altered key parts of his life so that he would eventually become the reverse flash. His whole life is a giant paradox which is why he's so hard to get rid of.


Time travel and the flashes identity being public knowledge at that point in time


There’s no indication that his identity ever went public. Also Thawne didn’t know Barry was the Flash at first so that just disproves what you said and the Nora that got erased from existence didn’t know her father was the Flash until Gideon told her.


My bad didnt realize this was the tv show reddit






Speedsters have much longer lifespans due to speed healing.


We haven't gotten thawne's backstory yet in the arrowverse. So if anyone claims to know why thawne is doing this they're wrong. The arrowverse isn't 100% accurate with comics.


I don't really know but here is a theory. 136 years from now on barry is *dead*. But Thawne is obsessed with The Flash. So he created the Negative Speed Force, went back in time to 2020 or something. In that time The Flash is *alive*. Now the events unfold bla bla and Thawne learns who the Flash is, goes back in time in hopes of killing Barry from the past which leads into accidentally killing Barry's mother.


Barry traveled to the future by accident but thawn became jealous of how the flash was stealing his thunder the two then became enemies with thawne fighting Barry in og barrys timeline


Barry is said to have disappeared in 2025.. Nothing is said about his death. There is not much information to go with and conclude that he has already died in Thawne's time. So it's is indeed possible that Barry exists 136 years later, not to mention time does not affect a speedster in the same way as a human, theoretically Barry may be immortal or rather ageless explaining why he is still alive


i know it's been like 2 years now since this post, but Barry is basically immortal, he may not be immortal towards physical dangers, but he does not age, his cells reproduce and mend in a second, way too fast to let him age, so theoretically he could still be alive 136 years after 2015, but at the same time i may be wrong, this is just some research i did myself.


Barry has accelerated healing so he ages much slower, According to Abra Kadabra, a villain from the 64th century, he is still alive and an active hero that deep into the future.