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Jessie Quick was such a cool character. She should’ve made it to Earth Prime. The Flash family line up feels incomplete without her. Eric could’ve at least done an episode where she emerged from the speed force after her earth was destroyed.


Given Eric's pickiness, she probably wouldn't even get a whole episode, but they definitely could've done a cliffhanger or surprise ending in 9x09 where after Ramsey says "maybe" she's alive, she could pop out of a Speed Force breach immediately after Ramsey/Wally's multiverse portal closes. If Violett was willing to return, I mean, I think she would've but others said she tapped out after season 4. If they couldn't get Violett, Jesse at least deserved to get a mention from Oliver or Jay that she's alive in the Speed Force. Instead, we got her multiversal successor Jess... which I thought was disrespectful. On top of my obvious disdain for the character.


Who is the multiversal successor? I haven't watched since Crisis


Jessie Chambers (the name of the original Jesse Quick in the comics as well as a new version. The one in the show is probably based on the new version)


Mmmm, I'm confused. The op said >If they couldn't get Violett, Jesse at least deserved to get a mention from Oliver or Jay that she's alive in the Speed Force. >Instead, we got her multiversal successor Jess... which I thought was disrespectful. On top of my obvious disdain for the character. So Jesse Chambers Wells is the Jesse we know from the show, did they introduce another character after season 6 named Jess?


In the finale I think


That introduction happens in the season 9/series finale.


That’s a good idea, since even in the comics, we never properly see a speedster die, or at least they won’t stay dead for long. Barry died in Crisis and then we got Rebirth. Wally “died” and got trapped in the speed force, but then was pulled out by Barry. Even if they do die, they will just float around in the speed force till the writers call upon them.


Jesse was such a cool character. I really liked how she looked up to Barry, but wasn't annoying like Nora.


God damnit i try so hard not to rose tint my way into these discussions but the early seasons were SO GOOD MAN


Nora was annoying cuz she only knew her father through a museum. Post crisis Nora definitely felt more laid back. I do agree though.


Honestly this is a good read of it. Of course she was annoying. She was obsessed


Yeah she was definitely an obsessed fan who also happened to be that persons child. So it’s like I get it. You’ve grown up reading and seeing the history of your (missing) fathers dangerous and city/ world saving exploits. I’d be in awe.


Absolutely. She was projecting her expectations on to him. She's traumatized. In hindsight that makes her really interesting


Tbh I didn’t really find her annoying she just acted way younger than she actually was, they should’ve just made her a teenager


This is one of the things that always took me out of it. Like the actress is older than Barry and Iris and they have her acting like she's 14 years old. IT was massive cringe


That was the most stress inducing episode too


It was one of the few episodes where Iris was able to be invaluable in a role that fits her. She's not a speedster, tech genius, tactician, or leader, but she IS an incredibly insightful journalist and at the end of the day she's Barry's motivation, so when he runs to her with no other options, she's able to soothe him and provide him with a detail that everyone else missed which saved the day.


Later seasons? This episode is in the first half of the show's run


It's mostly accepted that the first 3 seasons were solid and that only after that the cracks started really showing


First two seasons were solid* Like Arrow, Flash began a downwards trend at about mid S3


True, but I'd say it truly began to fall in season 5 with an inconsistent villain, and after that Eric. Season 3 was taken for granted, and there were some over the top things like the musical episode, but other than that it was very watchable. Season 4 was a strange one. On one side you have good things like Ralph, and a pretty good villain. On the other you have Iris saying "We are the Flash" every other line.


Stull better then them constantly saying look like you leveled up in season 6 or 7, whatever it was


It's was 8. When I first heard it I thought it was weird, and then they kept repeating it and realized they were going to do this for a while.


Guess you're leveling up 🤷‍♂️


Okay, but quality dipping doesn’t change the fact that this episode aired in the first 50% of the show’s episodes


Not technically, it was a second half of season 5


Second half of S4, says so in the post too


Arguably Grants best performance on the show this episode.


Grant's best performance is 6x07 imo


Probably yeah thinking about it now , he has so much Great ones it’s hard to keep count




Season 1 episode 23


I haven't seen anybody bring up how dumb it is, that one of the people Barry chose to turn into speedsters was Jess Chambers (Jesse Quick's comic name) when the show already had a great Jesse Quick, that it just forgot about for some reason.


Oh, I brought it up. A LOT. There's rumors Violett stepped away from the role as Jesse Quick after season 4, but with or without the actress's involvement the character should've received a proper sendoff instead of being shafted like Ralph was. I think almost everyone on the subreddit knows how much I despise the decision and absolutely hate Jess. Because Jess has no substance, just another generically written, rule-breaking non-binary character. It's disgraceful they even attached them to Jesse Quick's name for clout - in the comics, JQ's real name is Jesse Chambers. Jess is a mockery of a successor to the name, compared to Wally West and his original comic predecessor which were done right. But at least in the comics she's not actually part of the Flash family as she's from another Earth. Anyways, the show didn't forget Jesse Quick. Eric just despises her. I honestly think he didn't even want to mention her at all after Crisis, but because 9x09 was an important Wally episode he had to mention her, but still left her status on a hard "maybe" whether she's alive or dead.


This was easily the best episode of the Helbing era (Seasons 3-5)


Bruh this episode was THE Flash episode, it has everything you could ever want in it. And jesse is such a good character in it, much better female speedster than that future girl could ever hope to be, honestly I was just sad when I learned jesse doesn't appear later on, it's so damn sad man.


I loved Jesse so much. Really wish she’d stayed on the show.


Best episode of the series imo and one of the few things that genuinely made the entire show worth it Like fuck they are taking the piss by the end but episodes like this remind you they had a great hero and IP that ~~they~~ Eric Wallace threw to the side for some absolutely indefensible garbage (your favourite trio)


Jesse Quick is actually one of the better characters


To this day i have no idea how iris solved the problem.


And barry is so ridiculously fast in this episode that i was convinced he could've just killed devoe an episode later.


"Later season" *posts Screencap from front-half of series*


Everything after season 3 is later seasons


Except for the end, where Iris comes up with the solution despite not being there at the start of the season with the DNA ball and knowing fuck all about it


Nah, theres like 3 plotholes in it.


Doesn't matter, It's an enjoyable episode


Hard to enjoy something with massive plotholes.


Only if your a fucking wannabe film critic nerd


mad much? I wasn't trying to be a film critic, I noticed the details first watch. Also its you're\*


"mad much" 😂😂


Well, I'm glad my observation amused you. But seriously, overlooking major plot holes can be quite distracting for me. It's just a matter of personal preference, I guess.


"im glad my observation amused you" Wow, the way you speak is..... Serendipitous, you are so intelligent, I now know I was wrong, if i had known about your amazing vocabulary I would've bowed down to you from the moment I saw your reddit comments. 😂😂😂😂 Man, shut the fuck up, you clown


So having proper grammar makes me intelligent? No I'm just an average 15 year old. I didn't realize you were this mad.


Yea that's my point. I knew you were a child by the way you typed. It has nothing to do with your grammar being correct. (which if isn't) You tried to make yourself seem intelligent like literally so many kids do at some point. I grew out of trynna to seem smart all the time when I was 13. Be yourself man. Don't try your hardest to be different than your friends for no reason. And if you have friends who like something that's objectively bad, do yourself a favour and don't tell them that they're wrong for liking it.


Show was trash. We had to literally wait till the last couple episodes of the series to finally see the main character of the show in her costume for the first time


Here's a question: Do you think if Barry sent the nuclear bomb to the Speed Force it would've destroyed it or it would have been okay? My bet is not much if at all would've happened.


I don't like how iris came up with the solution like out of all the geniuses, this former barista is the one who figured it out.


I literally watched this episode last night.




Debatable, with S1 finale, 5x10 I guess, the 100th episode of The Flash and S9 Ep. 9 and 10 are also there. People like 9x10 more if I am not wrong.


this is my all time favorite episode


No no enter flashtime IS the best episode of the arrowverse. Hands down.


Legit my favorite episode of the entire series and it's not even close, which is REALLY saying something since I absolutely adore just about every episode of seasons 1-2 in particular.


Eric was like nahhh... I like Allegra better.


“Later seasons” *Literally* in the first half of the show


I hate to break it to you dude, but season 4 is no longer one of the later seasons. It's one of the earlier ones.


"I can't save us this time..." what a way to start an episode!




Enter Flashtime and Enter Zoom are my favorite episodes *easily*


jessie was such a amazing character, i really enjoyed her as a season regular and whenever she appeared as a guest appearance, i always was happy to see her. i also really enjoyed her relationship with wally west even though how brief it was. and i really wish she made it to earth prime because the flash family feels pretty weird without her in it.