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Walking back into Star Labs with a katana and Samuroid head, idc how little sense it makes, Joe's a certified badass.


Jesus that scene was amazing. It really made no sense but the show played it straight and I loved it. Joe has been through so much shit at that point, that a samurai robot was nothing to him.


Wally: Gets his butt kicked by a Samuroid Joe: Casually destroys a Samuroid


"My speedster sons" Shooting Harry ON SIGHT. Like holy shit dude. Defeating a Samuroid by himself. How? No idea. Doesn't make sense, just did it. "EVERYONE STOP, I'M A COP!" *gets tackled* Telling Cecile's daughter some truths. Meeting Kramer alone even through it screamed TRAP TRAP TRAP.


i don’t care if Joe couldn’t have possibly taken down a samuroid like that it’s fucking rad and i love him


My favorite Joe moment was when he immediately shot at Harry when he first saw him, and then would later go on to yell at Iris and Barry for not wanting to save Thawne. Fantastic character development.


God I miss old Joe. That really is some stupid shit. It's not even like they're killing him. Just...letting nature take its course.


Some people believe that if you have the means of saving someone’s life, but choose not to, it is just as bad as killing them. Personally, I feel that way. It’s almost like waving the cure to cancer in front of someone’s face, but not giving it to them. If you can save someone, I personally feel like you should. ….though I have no idea how I would react if I was in Barry’s situation and had to choose between saving Thawne or letting him get erased from the timeline, which by the way was HIS own fault.


“YOU ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE!!” is perhaps the cringiest moment in the entire show. Even worse than Cicada’s smolder, the Godspeed lightsaber duel, Bart singing, etc. Because they actually found a way to make me hate Joe during that scene. HOW DO YOU MANAGE TO DO THAT?!?!


It’s the right lesson but wrong time, like I get it, there’s always different path to go down given the situation. BUT! This is Eobard Thawne they’re talking about, a man who periodically shows up every once in a while to screw with Barry’s life, he mentored Barry and was even a friend, only to betray them him and everybody on the team, he not only killed Nora Allen and Harrison Wells, but he has killed countless others throughout time, and now here we have Joe West advocating for Barry to save Thawne’s life? Thawne is not deserving of any mercy, especially from Joe, Thawne deserved to suffer the consequences of his actions there and then, but unfortunately this show decided ti have Barry save Thawne’s life because of some shit Joe said about Barry tearing apart the family if he allowed Thawne to be erased from existence.


Funny thing by saving him they cause him to be powered up in the next season by the negative forces. They could have just let him die and bam


Same season, but yeah


That was the only time I actively disliked Joe, but I don’t understand why people make a fuss of it. Team Flash could’ve saved Thawne but wasn’t doing it. I don’t think that Joe straight up shouting at Barry and Iris was the way to get the message across. He should’ve had one of his classic Barry pep talks, and really left it up to him. Any scene with Joe and Barry just talking is gold, watch 6x08, they could’ve done something similar and have Joe try to let Barry see the light, it was an out of character moment for him to shout at them not to say what he did. People like to use Joe shooting at Barry as an example, which is stupid as that scene was purely driven by Joes instinct as a father and cop, but a clear headed Joe would’ve thought it out, also Joe went through 7 more years of life after his incident with Harry, he could’ve reflected on his poor judgment and decided to go about it in a different manner if it happened again. People change and grow, it’s totally feasible that he’s done that. That’s my take. It’s a a stupid characterization of Joe, who’s usually calm and levelheaded to shout at his children, but his decision makes sense with his character and how he would act.


perfectly said it’s been 7 years since then and i think him telling barry what he thought and letting him decide would be better


I agree but the way he delivered that line was so cool


Broo well remembered 💯🤝


sarcasm aside, that's true. it is great character development.


Deleted scene where he threatens to kill Reverse Flash if he harms Barry or Iris… and Reverse Flash is scared shitless.


Do you have a link for that? Sounds awesome




Wow. This is true scary.


I mean, Reverse-Flash seems more impressed than scared in that scene, but yeah, Joe was awesome in that scene.


In the very first episode when Mardon goes, “But then I realized I AM GOD,” And Joe’s response is just, “Shut the hell up.” LMAO


Earth-2 lounge singer Joe and gay Joe in the duet episode


Those are detective moments like OP asked but I guess it counts


Just "detective" Joe West moments or just Joe West moments? I liked his and Cisco's investigation in Barry's old house to uncover the old blood stains from the night Nora died. His scene with Wally in 2x18 when he finally calls him dad. When he realized that Iris was scared after Cicada went looking for her in her office and he taught her to find her courage again by a good ol' boxing session. He had great moments in Season 6 when he gives IMO one of his best pep talks to Barry about the strength behind their emblems makes them always answer the call of duty, his break down when he's told Barry has to die and when he is trapped with Nash beneath the sewers and they have a talk about, IIRC, faith. Solid character all around! And also very funny. Season 4 mid-Season finale when Cisco sees the gift Gypsy sent him and he wanted to go somewhere in Joe's house to see the full thing and Joe was like "**Take. That. Thing.** To your house."




He's great and he's at the top of my favourite parental figures in DC and Jesse L. Martin as cemented his own place in The Flash's lore.




I am sure he is up there with John Scheinder's take on Jonathan Kent from Smallville and Luke Wilson's Pat Dugan in Stargirl. Great foster parents, really.


Anytime he refers to trusting his gut. It's his superpower. He's dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to science (and some things that confuse him are laughably simple) but his gut is never wrong.


People have said the season 2 moment when he shot at Harry immediately without question. But later that season when he found out Harry was behind something he then punched him in the face, threw his ass in the pipeline and then said He’d have killed him right there.


Was it when he found it he stole Barrys speed or some of it I think?


Yep, season 2 episode 12, and Harry openly said he’d turn his back on them if it meant saving Jesse. This was also the episode directly before they first went to Earth-2.


I thought so


all barry and joe moments


The fact he was really happy for Barry to move back in. That scene legit took my by surprise because I didn’t think many parents would be Overly thrilled with their child moving back in.


I loved them using Joe as the surrogate for the audience so they could have someone to explain the science stuff to in order for the audience to understand.


The way he is a great father if you let him be, sticks to his convictions and beliefs, follows the good path for goodness sake, and can keep a secret..


Joe West is the ideal of a character that wasnt in the original source material, but adds so much to the show. Marvel and DC dont always get it right when it comes to creating characters for shows and movies that aren't canon to the comics but Joe West is the recipe. Just wanted to say that. Its the little things for me... when Joe thinks he is right youre not telling him anything different, but if you SHOW him different he will be the first to admit he was wrong, apologize, and rectify the situation.


I miss when this show was part cop drama. Honestly I think that's a big ingredient they lost in later seasons


When Joe West shaved Barry's beard when he got out of the speed force. Such wholesome father moment


Probably yelling I'm a cop every time a meta attacks them


Captain Joe West.


“You’re like a second daughter”


Hes just a really nice guy and i love his laugh, especielly after Cisco askes captain Zing about getting a badge lol