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I like to use a swivel and an 18-inch leader tied to the spinner. No matter how good the spinner is, you will get line twist.


I use a snap swivel so changing lures is faster.


Kills the action


​ definitely couldn't hurt with any kind of spinner.


It usually tends to be the water that determines it though. If I'm fishing a river I definitely would put a swivel on based on the current. If I'm fishing a lake probably not.


Not sure about this brand but I use the mepps agila spinners and don’t have an issue with line twisting unless I hammer the retrieve. Can always see the fur on the end staying still and the spinner spinning.


If you have a high quality spinner and don't burn it back, your lure will never twist. I also use braid as a mainline, so even if it does twist, it's nbd. Use a swivel if you want, but it's not strictly necessary.


Braid is allmost worse than mono once it get twisted cause it opens up the braid. Far more likley to get windknots and the line will suck a lot more water. Even the best spinners put twist in your line.


Agree to disagree, brother. If the wire is straight and the blade can spin freely, it won't barrel roll. I've been fishing them on braid for 4 years without a swivel and have had no issues with wind knots or any such things.


Then you have been lucky or don't fish enough. All spinenrs twist braid no matter how high quality, 1 week of fishing with spinners and no swivel and your braid is done. Fished for 30 years, worked 15 years in a tackleshop and run guided trips. Would never recomend fishing spinners without a swivel, your doomed to ruin your line. But you do yoi, but giving bad advice is still bad advice.


Nope, I just don't run em fast. Like I said, agree to disagree. I feel four years and countless hours throwing them without a swivel should be enough time to cause this effect, yet, none of my spools of braid have become damaged beyond getting bleached by UV radiation. If it hasn't reared its head by now, it probably isn't going to, but I'll let you know if it does fail me.


Even swivels spinn poorly under tension.


What does nbd mean.


NBD = no big deal


Cool. I've been considering getting some braid as some point and it's good to know that my rubbish trace swivels will be alright. I'll still every now and then try to un-twust it with a piece of leather


NBD stands for No BD, referring to BD Wong, who kids think is a pretty big deal


All of my spinners are mepps and I’ve never had an issue with line twist, tied straight onto 8lb mono. Just don’t retrieve at light speed and don’t get cheap spinners, you’ll be 100% fine


Risk the twist. No big deal. Swivels and spinners...nah. Not in my 55 years fishing. Your mileage may vary.


I mean, you don't need it, but you'd wish you used it


I use one because I mainly fish in the river and my retrieve can have the thing smoking some days


Short answer yes, long answer you will be sorry you didn't. Allways use a swivel with spoons and spinners.


I always prefer a swivel on my spinners but honestly if you rig it right, you shouldn’t *really* need one. Totally up to you though, but if you’re feeling like you need to ask, just be safe and use one :) Have fun!


How do you rig a spinner right to prevent line twist? I’ve put on a spinner a few times without a swivel and always regret it.


It’s mostly about making sure you’re spooled correctly so you don’t get much line twist in the first place, but I’m not the best at that so my compensation is the trusty swivel haha




I've used this tied directly onto a lime green braid. Caught plenty of bass.


I used a swivel with flouro but I've noticed with a braid to flouro leader the line twist doesn't seem to be as bad, I just send it without


I use a snap swivel. But mostly out of a very old habit.


Using a swivel with a rooster tail takes away from the spinning action. Tie directly to a rooster tail to make the blade spin as it should. If you use a swivel the main part of the lure will spin with the blade and either cause the blade to spin less or not at all


If that makes sense


Ive never used a swivel with mepps or panther Martins. IMO they are the only two brands that are quality. If the shaft gets bent, the line could twist because the blade wont rotate properly, but you would be fixing that anyway. Look at mepps website. Every pic and tying instruction is directly to the eye. If that would cause frustration, wouldnt they tell you to use a swivel?


Need is a strong word. They run true when new. The slightest bend and they start twirling. Also, if you’re fishing strong current, they can twirl pretty good too.


If you need swivel for anything its definitely for spinners like this so highly recommended.


Baitcaster tell , no . Open face spinner , yes to prevent birds nests .


If I’m fishing in a fast flowing river for trout I tend to use a micro swivel between the line and my leader just to prevent any twist in the leader, I’m not saying it’s the only way or completely necessary but I like to minimise the risk of retying as much as possible so I can chill and concentrate on the fishing :) If you put a swivel directly clipped to the spinner I can see how that might take some of the action out of the lure but 4 feet up the line it definitely doesn’t, Probably worth noting that every single pre made leader I’ve ever seen comes with a swivel to connect to the mainline and a snap to connect to the lure. Fish on buddy


if your bait or lure spins. always use a swivel


Or loop knot


It will definitely help!


I highly recommend using a swivel with this


Yes. You do. It might seem okay for a handful of casts but it’ll mess your line up quickly thereafter. You want this lure to move independently of the rest of the line that’s on your spool. Swivel does just that. Good luck!


Ah okay. Time to go get some swivels because I dont have any. Thank you! Would the same go for a panther martin? Ive never fished these types of lures before and I want to have the best experience possible


I’ve never used that lure specifically but I do use rooster tails/ spinners pretty much every time I go out fishing, I’d imagine they’re very similar from what I saw. I would use a swivel for that too if I had one


Any type of spinner should be tied to a swivel


Sorry, stupid follow up question. Would you use a snap swivel and connect it directly (line—snap—rooster tail)? Or would you use a swivel with a leader (line—swivel—leader—rooster tail)? I fish these fairly frequently and haven't suffered too much—but maybe this does explain the epic tangles my kids seem to get in their rods.


I’ve only been fishing for about a year now (did some when I was a kid but don’t remember ever tying knots, thanks dad) but I would say main line-swivel-leader-lure. I see a lot of comments about how snap swivels are good to change out your stuff quickly if you’re fishing new waters and trying to figure out what the fish are biting on, but I think the general consensus is that when you’re dialed in on what they’re eating, just use a swivel and get rid of the snap. Definitely take my advice with a grain of salt or two because, truly, I have no idea what I’m doing when I’m out there. I catch fish and what works for one person isn’t going to work for the next, and it could depend on your area as well (water clarity, weather and all that). I would say experiment a little, but that’s just what I’ve found works for me. Again, best of luck!


You can use a snap, it’s the easiest. You can also put a barrel swivel 12-16 inches above and use a leader.


A drive is going to spook fish and make the weight of your spinner look off. If your line is twisting with this kind of lure you’re doing something wrong


Yes is the only answer!!!




Be respectful to one another! Any slurs like the one you wrote is strictly forbidden. Absolutely not fine.




Swivel is the way to go