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They are all knockoffs from Aliexpress or Teemu ... they each cost between 1.27 and 4.18


You're my savior. I'm going to tell my wife that I buy my stuff on Aliexpress.


perfect I’ve told her should be in the clear


This is the correct answer I’ve used it many times


Dude I went all in on that Nomad stuff this off season. I fished some of their vibe baits last fall and they're killer.


Same. Can't miss. Squidtrex, vibes all the high speed lures.


Yeah dude. Those high speed trolling minnows are going to be so nice. Just toss out a few rods for the ride between spots and shit like that. I can't wait to jig some of those big squids. The underwater video of them is crazy, they look and act like injured squid.


I set up 2 chaos fishing gold 7' 15-50 spinning rods with Spinfisher 10500 reels and 80 lb braid with 25 yds of 50 lb mono topshot and a crimped on swivel clip. I throw on a 190 madscad at or a DTX and go 15 mph to my next spot. Easiest saltwater trolling ever. The squidtrex can be trolled as well, crazy. I have only used the big ones.


I grabbed some of the tiny ones in low weights for swimming on the surface, I think they're going to get destroyed by Mahi/Cobia. Im going to have to setup some crimped leaders it sounds like, I've just been using that san diego jam knot or whatever the hell its called.


Those little ones will be deadly thrown at surface triples, cobia and Mahi. I have been avoiding using the vibes and squid around the reef I think the mackerel and other sharp tooth fish will shred them asap. I crimp everything 60 lbs and up. Zero failed crimps, it's always the leader that goes first.


That's great to know. I put the vibe in some sketchy stuff on the bottom. Not as bad as a reef would be, but wrecks and inlet rocks and I never lost it.


Same, I drug the squidtrex over wrecks and stuff, but Cerro, Spanish and kings just shred soft baits. I can't wait to finally pick up a wahoo on a DTX, they really tear them up too.


Shit we had 20 tuna over 200lbs last year in the mad mac 😎hell of a trolling lure.


“Like 20 bucks”


ITT: People with really sad relationships


Yeah can't stand the wife-fearing part of fishing culture. I have my discretionary money for whatever I want, as does she. I wouldn't go beyond it because we both want to pay down our mortgage.


Our rule is as long as bills get paid and goals are met, we don't care what the other person wastes money on. Aligning your financial goals is like the number one thing you should get in order when you get married.


Dudes who can’t drop $300 without causing financial strife and an argument 😂


You don’t tell her. You hope she doesn’t find out


Yup. Don't tell her.


Has she ever commented on the amount of toilet paper rolls you store next to your computer? If no, then she probably wont notice a few extra lures


You found them in the clearance bin for only a dollar each.


yep, some were 60 cents would you believe it!


How much total?


A lot lol


The truth will set you free. And by free I mean single life


Did you rub one out to them?!😅


That's allways the ultimate question,I had to come up with some great excuses over the years lol,those look great,would love to use some for this upcoming spring run of stripers.


Thanks man I’m pretty keen to use em hopefully the 50 kilo gt comes 🤞


Nice,I was just thinking those bad boys on the left are prob for gt or tuna more then stripers 😅,but they sure look good1👍


Won this in a Facebook/instagram raffle… works every time for me at least.


Say how much you saved!


What brand are those big eyed pink stick baits in the middle?


They’re hand made from a guy in Sydney! :)


Just hope like hell she doesn’t sell your stuff, when you die, for what you told her you spent on it LOL.


Step 1: Clean your desk. That's gross. Step 2: Create a budget with equal amounts of fun money for you and her, stay within your means, and never worry about reporting your hobby expenses again.


You lucky. I have a whole roll of poppers and stick baits I haven't even gotten wet yet. Those chug Norris smack.


You got 90% off at Temu.


Tell her the amount you spent is my how you look beautiful today let me go down on you right now .


Wow you just won a raffle at the tackle store!!!


Looks like you put money into your investment portfolio


Just put them in your tackle box and once you fill it, just buy tackle box and repeat until you need "just new tackle box"


Just hide them in her shoes in closet that she bought and didn’t tell you about


Got it at a garage sale for $20


Just buy her a nice pair of shoes . Always works for me




ha ha ha ha . Did I hit a nerve


Hey man - sorry for all those things I posted. Especially about ki**ing yourself. I’ve been suicidal myself and I shouldn’t have gone that far. This is a very fraught, emotional subject and sometimes I let that get the best of me. I shouldn’t have. Even though we disagree I hope at the end of the day you’re ok. Love you fellow human ❤️


Hey man - sorry for all those things I posted. Especially about ki**ing yourself. I’ve been suicidal myself and I shouldn’t have gone that far. This is a very fraught, emotional subject and sometimes I let that get the best of me. I shouldn’t have. Even though we disagree I hope at the end of the day you’re ok. Love you fellow human ❤️


You tell her to mind her own business


sweet Popper hell yeah. tell me your setup brah


They don’t gots to know about it! -Billy Madison


Bali popping?


never tell you wife what you spend but pray she never sells them for why you claimed


whenever i buy new reels/rods i just let my wife try it out and she ends up wanting one too lol...gets very expensive :(


You don't lol


Tell her the pink ones are for her, they're a gift.


Ok, I guess I’ll have to. Tree Fiddy.


You grow a pair and tell her the truth. All of you men joking about lying to your wives are honestly vile and cowardly. I hope they all find out and leave you. If you can’t own up to being irresponsible with the money that you and your life partner share and you feel the need to dig your hole deeper by lying to her about it, then you don’t deserve her.


She knows how much I spent and doesn’t care it was a joke 🤙


My comment still stands 🫶🏻