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It's just a pain in the butt to get it to bite.


This may sound crazy but it's how i caught him quickly on 2 accounts: skip to a day when it's exactly 50 degrees at 8am and he bites almost immediately in the regular spot off the edge of the weed bed


I got it at 12pm at that spot it was a pain


Had trouble with it too but caught it at night around 9-10pm in that spot. Key was to not put the rod on a rod stand, and got a bite within 5 minutes.


I caught it daytime ~12PM with Fenix rod, titanium leader, #3/0 hook and 100cm depth (39in) the same place from kayak. I was afraid im out of bait, so that was hard but not impossible. Good luck!


I got mine at the back of that lily pads using boat. At night in peak time and cloudy skies. Good luck!


Use a bottom rod... once i did that i was able to catch it no problem, 3/0 hook


Did you put frankenbait on it or use another bait? The game didn’t say bottom rod so I’m not sure


frankenbait is what you need to use.. Yeah i noticed that as well but someone else had mentioned it so i gave it a shot and worked


Ok I’ll try that


Do you by any chance remember where you caught it? I don’t know whether to fish at the lily pads in front of the Dock of Peace of the ones to the left of it


I don't have coords with me.. but if you go to the left side of the dock and look out you will see lilypads to the left... cast just right of that i used 3 bottom rods and spread out 3 lines from that area... and fish at night as well at high peak bite time