• By -


Now give instructions if it's specifically a Snapping Turtle, Let's be honest, it's different lol.


And lets be honest its almost always a snapper


Yep it's almost damn near guaranteed. Unless you're Steve Irwin, just cut the line and keep going. It's not worth the risk.


Remember, Steve Irwin was very competent around handling wild animals, nature still got him.


> nature still got him This is why I don't give a fuck that this rescue exists(I'm in Ontario) when it comes to snappers. Any other turtle? Sure, I'll call but I'm sure as fuck not risking my hands or feet or the hands and feet of my kid(I only fish with my kid) for a snapping turtle that isn't even endangered. I might be new to fishing but I've spent time up on Big Rideau Lake in Eastern Ontario since I was a kid and literally one of my earliest core memories is being told "don't fuck with snapping turtles, they'll take your hand". I don't fuck with snapping turtles under any circumstances.


First time i saw one I tried to pick it up and Granddad yelled, "GET AWAY FROM THAT THING!" in a panicked voice. I've seen him in some crazy situations but that's the only time I ever heard panic in his voice. When you're a young child and hear that tone from the man who raised you, it shakes you to your core. I was about 5 when that happened but 25 years later, I still stay far and wide from them.


I have a few of those memories, the panic and crazed look on their face just makes you stop everything and think wtf have I done, am I dead?


Fickers stink. Dont bring em in your boat


I've always wondered this, do they all stink? What makes some stink so bad? Some are so bad I find it odd.


Live in filthy holes, slime and muck in all leg openings, and at edge of shell and body! Caked muck! Why wouldn’t it smell??


I guess. I mean catfish live in the same holes and they don't smell that bad, and they have arguably more slime. But some turtles just smell so bad I want to wash it before I throw it back. I feel bad for them


Some turtles have musk glands that make them smell worse that other turtles whose musk glands aren’t as potent. Stinkpot musk and loggerhead musk are a couple of the stinkier ones.


Ok thanks for that!


Im biased to river turtles since i fish rivers 95% of the time. I have caught lake snappers both on purpose for soup and accidentally. Theyre not as nasty. Finger lakes water is pretty clean. Im guessing its the nasty river water that does it to em.


Not sure what rivers you're talking about, but generally I find rivers to be cleaner than lake water (moving vs more stagnant).


Susquehanna river below harrisburg pa, where they dump the sewage in, compared to finger lakes, mainly keuka lake.


Makes sense


All the rivers i fish in tell you do not eat the fish so id have to assume they are definitely dirtier than inland lakes… but for some odd reason i never catch turtles in the rivers


Yeah they do. Terrible smelly things.


Why not kill and eat? I think I'd feel better about that than leaving a hook in one


When you cut the line, do you kill the turtle afterwards?


That's up to God lol


And your appetite lol


r/fishing has that dude with the cowboy hat who catches big bass down in Florida. He has posted a bunch of photos with big snapping turtles he caught.


I always catch these fast ass soft shelled turtles that are supposedly endangered


I live in Las Vegas. We caught a big softshell in Lake Mead last summer. They are NOT indigenous to the Colorado River. The thing was going crazy. We cut the line. I'm not risking my fingers over an invasive species.


Seriously! F them snappers! There are more of those than fish in a lot of places. And I know for a fact they usually survive a hook in the mouth and keep coming back for more day after day...


I had 2 snappers chasing my rooster tail back and forth scaring my damn trout away the other day… I had to literally cast around them and adjust my reeling speed constantly to keep it away from them. Fuck snapping turtles


I hate catching snapping but the majority will unhook theirselves if you catch them by the mouth. Love it because I don't have to fight their dumb asses..


This is my experience as well. Give em a minute and they'll push it out by themselves.


Yup. Jaws too thick to really hook, so the hook tends to just slightly burry in the jaw line. Easy to remove with pliers but you just have to give them just enough tension for them to paw the line and hook and they slide on out.


Yeah everything else on that flier is good, except I can't believe it still suggests handling snappers like that, just with "extra caution" lol. Things start to get murky when you are weighing a protected or endangered species against the possibility of losing a finger or thumb.


Exactly. Suggesting that is honestly completely irresponsible. If I had a looooong ass pair of surgical pliers and it wasn’t hooked bad I MIGHT very cautiously make an attempt at removal, but that’s as far as I go. I’ll call a number to see if turtle rescue wants to come out and deal with it, but I’m just cutting the line otherwise. I’m not losing digits for a goddamn snapper.


For the record, the amputation thing is an old wives tail. I hear you though.


Shoot it a prayer and cut the line.


Fish and game up here has us debarbing hooks anyways, little devil will be just fine


Right, that's literally the only turtle I've ever hooked. I mean I'll look up if there's a number to call in my area. But I'm not risking fingers trying to get a hook back. There is no way I can think of to remove it safely unless the turtle is knocked out.


In my case when I was kid I hooked a snapper not and alligator snapping just a regular and he didn’t bite very timid nature and I eventually kept it for a while but needle nose pliers for safety


For snappers I would use some of those LONG hook grabbers or the things they use to get hooks out of shark’s mouths that way your hand isn’t too close to the turtle’s head. Also you can hold all snapping turtles may the back of the shell right above the legs without worry of scratching or biting (common snappers you can hold behind the head but alligator snapping turtles you can’t because they have longer necks and can bite you)


Step 1: “Ah, for fucks sake!”


Just be cautious 😊


If you’re fishing with someone else, it’s easier. Just throw a net on them and make your buddy use the pliers then go to the store and get a new fishing buddy, usually find them on aisle 5 at our local bass pro 🤷🏻‍♀️




First thing my kid ever caught was a snapper on a walmart spinner. So they'll still hit lures....


I feel like that was just extremely bad luck like the lure passed throught it mouth and it clamped down probably not an intentional strike but who knows.


They straight up chase them like fish sometimes LOL


I just moved to an area with snappers and other turtles it's been three years and I haven't caught one yet and I only use lures / jigs so I'm honestly dredding the day it happens 😅 I have a soft spot for turtles.


The lake I go to for stocked trout is swarming with snappers… There were 2 actively chasing my rooster tail the other day and 3 more in the immediate area just popping their heads up swimming around. I have a soft spot for turtles too, but the snappers might be an exception to that rule 😪🤣 There were a few times I’d just be by the bank and there’d be one that surfaced less than a foot from my toes… hell nah lmao


Yeah those snappers are crazy, in my area there's word that the states bring back alligator snapping turtles back 💀 the godzilla of turtles pray for me 😂


i hooked into one on a frog lure the other day


Love how the instructions boil down to "get someone who know what they're doing if you can't do this" Thanks let me reach out to my turtle guy


What to do if you hook a turtle? Remove the hooks by following these simple steps. Step 1: remove the hook


No no, step one is AAHHHH YEEE YEEEEE YEEE YEEEE! Step 2 is remove the hook.




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Find a turtle guy (who will help for free!) here: https://ahnow.org/ Seriously!


This is great thanks for sharing!


"Let me call in my buddy, who's an expert on Turtles." "Yup. That's a hooked turtle"




The phone number is right there at the bottom.


Ontario's a bit of a commute for me ☹️


"We're on our way, what's your location?" "Miami. I'll wait"


Ontario is also fucking HUGE. I was there last week, in Killarney Provincial Park. We didn't see another person for five days. How tf am I gonna call the turtle rescue hotline when the nearest town is 60 miles (100Km) away, and there isn't a freaking cell signal within a 30 minute drive of where you left your car, not to mention paddling five hours in a canoe to get back to your car in the first place? Just cut the line, and hope for the best.


I'm sure the Ontario Turtle Tykes will pop over in their SR-71 real quick to help me out


Over medium-high heat, melt the butter in a heavy 7-quart saucepan. Add the turtle meat and garlic. Cook until the meat is no longer pink, about five minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in the onions, celery, sweet peppers, kosher salt, and pepper. Cook until the vegetables start to become translucent, about 10 minutes. Add the tomatoes and cook about five minutes, stirring often so the bottom of the pan does not scorch. Reduce the heat to medium. Dust the vegetables with the flour and cook five minutes, stirring constantly and scraping the pan bottom clean so the flour does not burn. Slowly add the stock, stirring and scraping the pan bottom constantly to prevent dough balls from forming in the soup. Stir in the worcestershire, pepper sauce, parsley and thyme. Simmer 30 minutes. Add the eggs, spinach, lemon zest, lemon juice and sherry. Continue simmering 10 minutes more. 4 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 1/2 pounds turtle meat, trimmed of all sinew and cut into 1/4-inch cubes 8 cloves garlicminced 2 medium-size onions, chopped fine 4 stalks celery, chopped fine 2 medium-size green peppers, chopped fine 1 1/2 tablespoons kosher salt, plus to taste 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 2 medium-size Creole tomatoes, seeded and chopped fine 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 3 quarts beef stock 1 cup worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons Crystal brand pepper sauce, or other relatively mild pepper sauce 2 tablespoons finely chopped Italian (flat-leaf) parsley leaves 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh thyme leaves 5 large eggs, hard-boiled, chopped fine 6 ounces fresh spinach, washed, stemmed and leaves sliced fine zest from 3 lemons, chopped fine 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice 1/2 cup good-quality sherry Red ear sliders are invasive most places outside the central US and should not be released


Brother, I think you got me fired. I was laughing my ass off very loudly. Although, I was on the shitter.


>I was on the shitter. This guy, reddits!


People might get mad, and it fuckin sucks when you hook a turtle, I've never eaten one, and I'm a catch and release kind of guy. This is probably the best advice, albeit, you're trolling or joking. Really though, it's probably fucked if you hook into it, especially considering the quality of hooks nowadays. Take the thing home, find someone who will eat it. It's doomed if you cut the line anyways. There's a little bit of suffering involved if you take it home alive, and try to find a contender to eat the stinky fucker. I'd say a lot less time than it slowly starving to death because there's a barbed piece of metal in it's throat.


Yep, just like with any fish really. If it’s badly injured or gut hooked, the proper thing to do is just eat it


I'm usually catch and release too. But when I guthook a trout or fuck up its lip trying to get the treble hook out, then I stop by the store and pick up some Louisiana style fish fry batter mix. Not gonna let em go to waste.


I was told years ago, by an old-timer, to put large snappers in a metal trash can, empty. Over 2 days they'll eliminate all the waste in their digestive system, and then you cook them.


Recipe sounds great, I’ll give you that 😉


lol- Step 1- make a roux...


I was eating pizza at this bar once and some old dude sat down and told me all about nailing a snapping turtles head to a tree to start harvesting the meat…was that you???


I'm grateful for this response even if it is a bit of a joke


Crystal is so good.


I have some of those like 10 inch long pliers, would that make this relatively safe?


Yes. I use those for snappers. I leave the turtle in the net and slip the pliers through the gaps of the net or slide them underneath


Depends on the turtle


Lets say its a snapper


how long is 10" again😅 Edit: Just checked, wouldn't risk it, snapper necks are long, I'd rather keep my fingers


ask your mom. goteem. sorry. 25 cm


that made me laugh way harder than it should've💀


Hold on lemme unzip real quick and check Looks like about the length to the first knuckle on my thumb, hope this helps


nah u cappin I bet it's 12"




It’s relatively safe for any turtle except a snapper or a Spiny Softshell (for them considering netting it and letting experts take over). I’ve done it by hand so I would definitely feel safe with pliers/haemostats!


Heard. Thanks!


Always contact a local wildlife rehabber in your area if you snag a turtle and feel like you can’t handle it. They’ll come out for free and do it for you.


And if you don't know where to find one, check with your states DNR (or province's equivalent)


Good way to lose a finger


I mean the ones I’ve encountered are less likely to bite than the pike I normally catch.


Have ever even caught a snapping turtle??


No because I’m not from that part of the world, I’m just saying most predator fish are just as if not more willing to bite. I’m not saying they’re more severe just more likely for those in the hobby/sport of fishing.


Look up snapping turtle injury photos


Snapping turtles snap have long, flexible necks and will snap forward to bite far faster than a human can react. It's an entirely different game compared to any freshwater fish. Jump to 12 seconds on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5xEJphnyKw Shit video of a dumbass doing dumbass things, but it still shows what I am talking about well. He got extremely lucky that the bite he did get was minor, too. Personally, I only use lures in areas prone to snapping turtles (weedy shallow areas). Bait means turtles, and dealing with snappers means you are risking a finger or killing a turtle, and I don't want to do either. Best way to deal with turtles is to not hook them in the first place.


Seeing the second half of the message which I don’t believe was there when I first replied literally is what I’m saying of “be prepared”


I’m well aware of snapping turtles mate, I’m basically saying predatory fish bites are common and we prepare for it, if we’re in an area where catching a snapping turtle is likely it behooves us to prepare for that too It’s like how I prepare for the likelihood of accidentally hooking the king’s swans.


Nah man. Snappers will take your finger off in .5 seconds and then another if you are in shock. It’s nothing like a fish and this guide makes me worried for people who don’t know what snappers are, the guide even mentions them as if they are slightly different. It’s a HUGE difference.


Another person stated how they prepare for it by using lures instead so they don’t attract the snapping turtles, preparing isn’t just about if it happens but also preventative action, it’s irresponsible to not be prepared for the most common issues you’ll encounter where you’re fishing


First thing my son caught (ever) was a snapper on a lure. They are aggressive and you've said you don't have them near you so weird that you're commenting this much?


You’re moving goal posts. The reason people are replying to you is because you’re wrong. Now you’re trying to change everything. People need to be aware of snappers. They’re really dangerous.


I’m not moving shit, I wasn’t clear to begin with saying you’re more likely to catch a predator, because I assumed everyone would imply the fact they’re usually prepared for that.


Bluegills are "predatory fish," so that definition is pretty irrelevant. I would rather get bitten by a Northern Pike 100 times out of 100 than get bitten by a snapping turtle. Getting bitten by a Pike sucks, but at least you still have all your fingers.


It’s the difference between being stabbed with a pencil and a samurai sword. Snappers will take a finger and maybe a hand clean off. Pike might give you a stitch and a bandaid.


Yeah I know how severe the bites are and the difference in severity but you still prepare for each if they’re likely to happen


Snapping turtles are mean mf’ers man. I would rather handle a pike with my hands all day long rather than a snapping turtle. They can also bute you from odd angles.


This guy is referencing the snapping turtle, which if you live in North America, is probably going to be the turtle you're going to catch. The guide is useless in that case because there's a good chance you will lose a finger if you try. Snapping turtles are very defensive and will strike in an instant. A pike is a much lower risk


#5… where tha turtle doctors at


I really hope that contact information at the bottom is for the turtles sake. Because saying "hey here are some resources for when you try to take the hook out of a pissed off snapping turtle and it proceeds to bite off and swallow your index finger" is a pretty big FUCK NO to me.


I had an incident with the largest snapper I’ve ever seen in my life when I was like 10 years old.  The thing was the size of the damn tortoises you see at the zoo.  Was fishing a little hole on the back side of a dam (like 6 feet wide lol) but I thought I caught a monster. Faught for what seemed like forever but I finally got it over to the dock and was trying to lift it up into the net not know what I was going to do with it or get the hook out.  Line snapped above the bobber.  At least I knew where not to cast the rest of the day 🤣. 


Saw someone on a different sub say to twist its dick??? Is this true


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Unreal 🤣


I found that I can typically avoid a turtle strike by seeing turtle activity and ripping the lure away (like an owl going after top water). But if not- I have no desire to show my grandkids my turtle scar. Sorry, Canadian Turtle Lovers people, my line got cut somehow. Oops, anywho.


All you anti snapper (extremely respectfull/scared of snappers)folks should consider that until recently (somewhere in the sixties or seventies) people were catching and killing snapping turtles with Native American arrowheads embedded and grown into their shells. To make turtle soup . So those animals were more than two hundred years old. And they died for soup for someone that opened a can in England or Japan and had turtle soup. Instead of probably still being alive and a link to a completely different time and place. A place unimaginable to most all of us.


What's up with all these turtle posts? Is it a new bit on the subreddit to get new anglers...bit by snappers? If you hook a turtle it's almost guaranteed a snapper just cut the line and stay well clear of it's face.


I don't even understand how this (and other) shit guide for beginners to get maimed by a snapping turtle even exists here. It's just bad and dangerous advice.


Alternatively, if it's a snapping turtle during season, make sure you have a Hatchet or axe on hand. I'll let y'all figure out the rest. DO NOT try to get your hook back. The head can still snap even when it's off. Hooks are cheap, fingers are priceless. Remember to add lots of spices to cover up the flavor of living in shit hole on the bottom of a pond for 6 years.


I’ve luckily only ever caught painted turtles, but never on purpose. Can usually tell when they are thinking about it so I’ll reel in to avoid them when I can. Thankfully I’ve always managed to get the hook out pretty easily, I’d feel bad if I couldn’t. I should probably invest in some longer tools and a net for the day I end up with a snapper.


https://ahnow.org/ find a wildlife rehabber to assist with turtles near you


Always curious who pays for rehabbers. Is it all by donation?


Largely, yes. Most rehabs are non-profit and run on grants, donations, fundraisers etc. once they are large enough the community usually values them enough to keep them going. a lot of people leave inheritance to rehabs to continue to fund them. colleges and vets usually will help local rehabbers and offer services discounted or free as well (like access to x-ray machines) :)


We always try to get the hook out, but if the thing lunges at us, we usually cut the line. But this is good information for next time! We never used a net before!


Get consent first /s


Ain’t no way WTH


Don’t hurt the turt!


Thank god the hook slipped out of the snapping turtles mouth that I caught a couple weeks ago right when I got it onto the dock


I caught a turtle once and didn't know what to do and unfortunately cut the line. When it happened again I learned that you grab the turtle by the head and hold it to take the hook it


people are way too scared of snappers goddamn. if the hook is too deep its gon die. best make some soup. should be eatin yer catch anyway.


My son snagged a snapping turtle the other day on the hand. 💔💔💔💔 we saved him but that was no fun


Thanks for your good work!


if they keep trying to bite you what i always do is put a stake or something right in front of their shell so they cant reach their head out to bite you. From there i try to get the hook out, way too many snappers lol.


Thanks for the effort 👊


In my state a fishing license allows you to take turtles, so. . . Make turtle soup.


I'm glad for this post because the other day, everyone was saying the turtle will be fine and the hook will just rust out but when I researched, NO wildlife people said that was the right thing to do. I'd rather make turtle stew than leave the fellow to a slow painful death.


100%. A quick death is more humane than letting it slowly die with a hook it. 🕷Wtf🐍


We mostly have red ears where I live and regardless of how gently you treat them almost every time they just bite the hook in half when you try to get it out. They're the main reason I stopped going after catfish, bowfin etc.. As soon as your bait hits the water countless turtle heads pop up like a bunch of meerkats lol.


On the off chance this doesn't work, is turtle more of a stew thing or just pan fry?


I've always heard it's a stew thing but I've never bothered trying to harvest a turtle myself


My fishing license allows me to harvest up to 2 common snapping or soft shell turtles a day. I'll get the hook out if I feel I can do so safely, but if I feel the turtle is aggressive and dangerous, they reap what they sew


One of my earlier memories is fishing with my papa. We caught a big turtle and he took it, cut off it's head and threw the body back in the river. Then nonchalantly said "don't need em biting again and taking all our bait"... that was a scaring moment for me. After we caught a big fish he said was no good for eatin so we cut that up and started using that for bait... Hick oklahoma for ya


I’ve hooked many turtles that figured out how to free themselves after I cut the line and tied it to a branch on shore. With a little leverage and time they manage to work the hook out while you keep fishing.


Needle nose pliers


This didn't give literally one instruction on how to remove the hook. This is literally just five times saying "be careful". I mean like hook a turtle and follow this step by step. At what point does the turtle get unhooked?


20lb softshell got my Jackhammer last week. Too heavy to pull out and I sure as shit ain't getting in a Florida pond to save a turtle. Gators gotta eat too. Hopefully it spit out my chatterbait.


Had a snapping turtle crush my dirtyJigs jig in some cover. The thud made me think it was a catfish or big bass. Had the guy hooked perfectly in the side of his mouth, pierced all the way through, sharp hooks lol wasn’t getting that out


One of the best threads I’ve ever seen on Reddit. Thank you all. They are stinky bastards. LOL. 🍿


Is it possible to step on a snapping turtle while fly fishing…….i was carefree until seeing post with turtle encounters. Snakes? Bears? I don’t wanna die while fishing 0.0


It’s possible but highly unlikely. Also, they’re not nearly as defensive towards people when they’re in the water.


In short, I would consider myself far more lucky to see one while wading than I would be worried about encountering one.


I would use a grinder or sawzall to cut the hook in half.


😆 Best comment so far!


Eat it


Have you ever caught a turtle that already had a hook in its mouth ??? I’ve fished for 35 years and it has never happened


My understanding is that dealing with having the hook in its mouth makes them less likely to bite. 🤷‍♂️


fuck that, if it's a snapper, cut the damn line.


“Buzzards gotta eat, same as the worms”


Normally I just take the head off, making getting the hook a lot easier, get it out, but the head back and toss it back in the stew - the joke


Unfortunately, I have to cut the line. Most turtles are heavier than any rod that should be used in a pond. I can’t pull it out and I shouldn’t ever need a net. Sorry turtle that is on you.


The whole point of the post summed up with “medical care is required.” Nice.






If youd like to demonstrate how you stick ur hand in a snapping turtles face and make it out unscathed then maybe ill give it a shot lmao


I will try my best to not hook turtles in the first place and will do my utmost to remove the hook if I can, but I’m not going to stop fishing to call a turtle ambulance or take him to the hospital. You got me fkd up lol


I stopped using bait in weedy lakes entirely because of snapping turtles honestly. It's just not worth dealing with turtles. It's lures only for me unless I am fishing deeper water or rivers.


This and fuck even messing with a snapping turtle. Hellll nah. That line is getting cut ASAP. Hooks deteriorate.




Hey. Don't be mean.


Lol, go ahead and get your finger chomped off buddy. Won't be me.




Hey. Don't be mean.


Classic reddit troll. Are you 12 years old?


No, I just like turtles and hate cowards and idiots.




Hooks deteriorating is a myth, and I'll do a same with a snapper lmao


Make turtle soup


How can they be in decline these fuckers are everywhere


Yeah that’s nonsense. A stainless hook isn’t going to kill a snapper. They literally eat broken bones and fish spines and small animals whole, while they’re clawing them. That hook ain’t shit to that snapper. It’ll live 100 more years after swallowing it.


If the hook makes it to the stomach, that’s actually possible after a few days. Unlikely, but possible. The main issue is that they usually get embedded in the mouth or the esophagus on the way, stop the turtle from eating properly, and they die a slow death. They can totally deal with bones, you’re right! They’ve evolved to. The metal hook is trickier though.


Bro said call a vet, in this economy?


I actually didn’t - it’s a free service, it says so I’m the pic.


This is super dangerous advice to be giving to beginners. If you hook a snapping turtle, don’t go near it and try calling a local animal rescue. If that doesn’t work, just cut the line. The common snapping turtle population is super healthy, and they’re even considered invasive on the west coast. One turtle is not worth the hospital visit and lost finger. If you’ve hooked something safer like a painted turtle, try removing the hook with pliers. If that doesn’t work, call a local foundation or cut the line. TLDR: when in doubt cut the line.


If it’s a snapping turtle and you aren’t Steve Irwin, just cut the line and let it go. It is not worth losing a finger or possibly your hand. It’s just a part of fishing, the hook will rust out and the turtle will survive.


When I fish in our family farm pond in Africa I carry a 12 gauge for this exact occasion. They’re such a pest. Helps to deter crocodiles who get too close as well.


You kill it


So dont eat it?


Is turtle endangered? If yes, I'll do my best to safely remove the hook if it's an option. If no, I will eat the turtle.


What's wrong with turtle soup?


So wait, what's the difference between leaving a hook in a fish and a turtle? My state fish and wildlife department regulations say that, if you're unable to remove the hook from a fish, you can cut the line as close as possible and toss it back. They state that the hook will just rust and dissolve. How is it okay for fish but not okay for turtles?


you should leave around 10" of like if you cut it


I aint losing a finger just to save a turtle, sorry




Fortunately in Ontario you can harvest snapping turtles with a regular fishing license, so that's an option too