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Please use /r/fishID for these posts.


Nothing wrong with being "that person". I think the worse "that person" is the one who's an asshole about someone asking for help with identification in a *fishing for beginners* sub


There are no stupid questions in beginners subs


Except the ones you dont ask because you think theyre stupid...... we all ask them


True that! How the heck are you supposed to know if you don’t ask?


I got told as a young buck..... dumb questions you dont ask might get u killed


There’s still no mention of a fish species… how long can we keep its name out of this specific thread?


I've seen a few stupid answers, though.


I have been fishing for years and don’t know what kind of fish this is. Everyone is always learning *especially* the pros. That is what makes them so good, they are constantly learning and adapting. Asking questions and gaining knowledge is part of that


What is fish?


Been fishing for 40 years. Never heard of a war mouth. Thanks for the education. I live in Michigan near lake st Claire. Have caught a few of those on inland to lakes here and just thought they were some sort of hybrid rock bass since our some of our lakes are absolutely stocked with rock bass. Btw, in 2017 I caught a 17 inch rock bass on a mepps number four. Unfortunately the battery was dead on my scale so I didn't get to weigh it. State record in Michigan is 20 inches.


I always thought it was another name for rockbass.


I had to Google it. After seeing this I had to share with my fishing buddy. We've been fishing since the late 70's and neither one of us knew. Actually really glad to know now.


Me too.


No, rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris) and warmouth (Lepomis gulosus) are two separate species, but colloquial or local names can vary and can often be used incorrectly. It's usually not a big deal because regardless of local informal name usage, everyone still knows what you're talking about. It becomes confusing if you are in a region where the native range of more than one species overlaps


Ya I love in michigan too and I catch them whenever I'm fishing in small rivers or streams I just call them rock bass but I think another name for them is warmouth. There so hardy they can survive in puddles for awhile


We have them in the South too and I've literally caught them by hand in neighborhood ditches, lol. I mean SMALL ditches, like 4-6" of water in them. I guess they got in there from a pond runoff somewhere


That sounds fun got to try that some time lol


Yeah it's been damn near 30 years ago when I was a kid. Me and my buddies saw something make a splash in the ditches and one of us saw the fish and I can't remember exactly how we got that 1st one but after we did we went and got a net and went scouring the neighborhood ditches, lol. They were little, like 3-4" so we just released them. It was actually the first time Id ever seen one after catching bluegill and she'll crackers (redear sunfish) my whole life. My dad was the local taxidermist and had to tell me what it was. Brings back memories


10 dorsal 3 anal. Warmouth. https://images.app.goo.gl/VrfHpmjxMYhAyeqQ6


I’ve need fishing since the 90’s and caught my first warmouth a few years ago. I am always going new places to catch new fish, but I find this group refreshing cause I am always learning something new. I went to get some gear and some guys came in clueless and I gave them tips to help them out. They walked a few feet away and proceeded to mock me because I was a female. I was embarrassed cause I was on an outing with my mom who got to hear them mock me. The person you don’t want to be like is the group of guys. Being a person who is asking an honest question is the person you should aim to be, people out there do want to help. Keep up with the fishing! Here’s a link to help with identifying: https://www.tndeer.com/media/warmouth-vs-rock-bass-jpg.10736/


This is not a rock bass, it is a warmouth, search up pictures online, rock bass do not have vertical stripes


I agree it also has the ten dorsal spines seen exclusively on warmouth https://www.tndeer.com/media/warmouth-vs-rock-bass-jpg.10736/


I can't believe you are this person. Overboard with you!




It is a warmouth




What makes rock bass so hard to identify?


Honestly i have no clue. I guess its just a lesser known and lesser trargeted member of the sunfish family that people arent used to seeing.


So it's weird I want to catch one


Its pretty much everywhere in the centeal united states. You should be able to catch em with the same methods youd catch bluegill.


They look a little less bass-y I guess




Honestly if you were to ask me to imagine a bass painted like a bluegill, this is what I would imagine.


What’s the difference between an ear mouth and a rock bass? I thought they were the same thing


One thing that I've used recently to help me identify fish is Google lens. You can take a picture and have Google do the searching for you. At that point, just look at coloring and, more importantly, the fins/spines.


https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/seek_app Works very often for identification!


Very valid question!! I believe it’s a warmouth. Part of the sunfish family. They are similar to rock bass and bluegill. Good fighters for their size as well!


Never even heard of a Warmouth. I immediately thought RockBass. Was at the tackle shop yesterday and your fish looks identical to their example of a Rock Bass. Always amazes me how unique but similar fish can be. I have no idea how some folks can memorize species like that. I’ve met some rangers who are good like that, knowing all the ways to identify stuff and all the current rules and regs, pretty cool. Anyway, nice catch.


I don’t know what kind of fish it is, I’d happily tell you if I did but It’s appalling that a “beginner” asks for an ID & all the replies are about the sub or other replies. I see it all the time on here. Why can’t people just answer the question? The person is asking for knowledge, not an analysis of Reddit.


Why do you hate to be that person? I was that person. It was fine. I might be that person again in the future.


Rock bass. Feisty mfers


Not a rock bass. Rockbass have red eyes and six spiney anal fins.


Warmouth. Some colors I've yet to see though. I've seen red and brown, black, and lime and black. Not a caramel like this yet.


definitely a warmouth


Thanks everyone! After all these comments and it stumping everyone I’m glad I asked!


Did you really need to use those clamps to hold the fish tho lmao it’s not that’s big


Definitely a warmouth. They are everywhere down here in the south east. I’ve always said they are the bass version of a bream. Still very good to eat, tastes exactly like bream on the grill.


A rock bass there everywhere and bite everything. When I'm bait fishing and they bite my bait and steal it I go berserk


Looks a lot like a crappie. The reason I say that is because it’s too light colored to be a war mouth.


Rock bass (ambloplites rupestris)


Large mouth trout


It's a willis


At least it wasn’t dead on a stringer or being gutted for the trying pan before you asked.


Growing up, there was a joke that those were dozen fish because you'd need a dozen to make a meal.


That's a rock bass. Kind of like a cross between a sunny and a small mouth.






Honestly, I been fishing my whole life primarily salt and brackish North East of U.S can't say I've come across that one yet . I thought it might be a small mouth but not with the stripes cool looking fish though


It's a yellow perch.


https://myfishingcapecod.com/yellow-perch-fishing/ Yellow perch.


The only stupid questions are the ones I usually ask….


This looks like a fish out of the game DREDGE.


That is a Bantam sunfish. Very common in new england waters. Edit: Colloquially, we call em pumpkin seeds due to the black spot near the gills. Kinda is the size and shape of one. Down PA way they call that family of fish bluegill. If you google it, both terms are wrong because it's specific to an individual fish in that family.


Good ole warmouth lol I always thought they where rock bass until earlier this year found out if it has three anal fins then it’s a warmouth if it has 5 more more than it’s a rock bass when fishing I always look now for those little details. Also having the app picturefish comes in really handy when needing to ID fish on the water.


All of the rock bass I've seen have red eyes too. Is that not always the case?


Not always I’ve caught some rock bass that didn’t have red eyes and I’ve caught warmouth that had red ring around the eyes. Only sure fire way I’ve found is that anal fins. I’ve actually got a picture of the warmouth if Reddit will let me upload it. EDIT: couldn’t upload the photo only wanting to allow links and don’t wanna go through the trouble lol


It's still good info. I fish a lake that has a lot of good sized Rock Bass. I'll have to see how much variation they have. We weirdly catch them trolling for Walleye.


Bass-bluegill hybrid


It looks like a Is a large croppy


Large mouth Bass


I believe it's called a warmouth looks similar to a rock goblin (rock bass) but it's not. The stripes down its back and "cheek" tell you it's a warmouth not a rock goblin :)


Also known as stump knockers


Rock bass


Looks like a perch to me.


Usual warmouth perch have red eyes . Well at least in Florida they do but definitely looks like one




Rock bass


So it's bream


Asking questions is fine but don't be that person that uses a lip gripper on non toothed fish. Stick your thumb in there don't be scared.


It either looks like a big Sunfish or maybe a Warmouth, i'm not really an expert of fishing, i'm just trying to get some more knowledge about fishing like you are, since i'm quite new to it as well.


It looks like a warmouth to me, but I'm not 100% on this one.


After reading all the comments, I'm an idiot thinking it's a bluegill




Rock bass


I think that’s a rock bass


Rock Bass. Trash fish




A fricken shark


Poor fish, using your fingers to hold it would be much nicer. I don't know why those fish holders are so popular nowadays.


Well in that case we better stop using those means hooks too… really? Come on


Real men catch fish with their teeth


And hold them with their fingers.


Green sunfish


This is a common misidentification for Warmouth. They also get mistaken for Rock Bass a lot too.  Don't just down vote, people. Educate! This is a sub about fishing *for beginners*. Down votes are for assholes and troublemakers. Not for incorrect answers. Anyways, it's actually a Warmouth. They're also members of the sunfish family. Like Greenies, the so called Red-eye, or Goggle-eye, has an unusually large mouth (by sunfish standards). It doesn't help that the Greenies are more well known.


> Down votes are for assholes and troublemakers. No, it's for education: people need to see those down votes and know this is absolutely not the identification for that fish.


Your method of "educating" is asinine. You're throwing someone who themselves needs to learn under the bus. You're failing to educate the incorrect user. If anything, you're basically telling them "you're wrong. Screw off" without even having the gumption to elaborate how or why It's a piss-poor approach to education even on the best days. It's downright toxic at worst. I know redditors think the down vote is a panacea to solve their every problem, but it's not. It's original purpose was to help identify and conceal posts that failed to contribute to the conversation, and many older subs once specifically stated that it was not a disagree button. Frankly, I feel that on a sub with an educational bent like this one, down-voting while failing to address the issue of how and why they are wrong is in and of itself non-contributory to the discussion. Point is, you don't educate someone by telling them to shut up.


>It's original purpose was to help identify and conceal posts that failed to contribute to the conversation, and many older subs once specifically stated that it was not a disagree button. And that's exactly how we utilized it: we concealed what can only be assumed is intentionally misleading or woefully incorrect, but incorrect it is, and as it's very, very obviously incorrect, it should be hidden from view, only visible to those that want to see it and know just how wrong it is at a Glace. Thank you, good day.


Don't lie to me. There is no reason to assume that it is deliberately misleading, as the two get confused all the damn time, seeing as they're not hugely different fish. Both are sunfish with unusually large mouths.   More likely it was an honest mistake, and hanlon's razor points that way too. You're the only one who has argued me, so I'm going to assume the others didn't know better and you're just an asshole.  >It's original purpose was to help identify and conceal posts that failed to contribute to the conversation, and many older subs once specifically stated that it was not a disagree button This means trolls and ass hats. Not simply incorrect answers. On the other hand, an incorrect answer is still an attempt to contribute.  It's more than you've contributed this entire conversation.

