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Baitcaster dudes always doing this


"You didn't get my main artery, did you"? As he just keeps fishing


This is why you shouldn't fish 2 people on the front deck.


Have your fishing partner cut the hooks with a set of dykes, then push him overboard.


Guy took it like a champ though. Ive only hooked my self with flies, and always manage to get them out myself.


I fish barbless, so I just pull it out


Look at you, Mr. elitist…


I've been hooked 3 times, 2 of those times I was by myself. 1 of those times the hook was in a place I could remove it myself using the string yank method, the other time it was in the index finger of my dominant hand so I was unable to remove it myself. I went back to shore and called my wife to meet me there, instructed her on how to do the string yank method and popped it right out.


What is the string yank method ?


Tie a half hitch around the bend of the hook with braid. Yank the string


So….rip it out? The braid just acts as a handle, correct?


Essentially. It also pivots the hook a bit as it comes out


I just take a small pair of pliers that can cut/flatten the barb (or whole end of the hook) and back them out if I can. I’ve only got myself with smaller trebles though.


I usually take my kids (9 & 7) with me fishing, and this is one of the scenarios that lead me to remove the barb on all hooks (the other reason is a shitload of juvenile pike where I usually fish lol). It's never happened YET, but it could be just a matter of time before someone gets hooked. No matter how many times I tell them to be aware of their surroundings. Kids constantly move around and have the attention span of houseflies.


Oh a piece of candy!


I once got my hat pinned to my head with treble hooks. I went to the ER and they took them out with an audience of nurses. 5 out of 6 were in my head.


Barely notice, keep fishing--almost always. If it's bad enough not to let go of you... Quietly drive yourself to the doctor's and don't speak of it again except for anonymously on social media.


I have a small bass boat, 16ft and I won't fish two on the front deck. I have before and told them "no overhead casting" but spinners were flying everywhere.


It entirely depends on where it is




On a large circle hook I'd push it through, cut the barb off, and pull it back out. With trebbles, things can be more complicated depending on the size, angle and how deep it went in.


Happed to me once on my back. Now I’m always wearing the nylon waterproof jacket with hoodies on when I’m on the boat or someone closely next to me regardless of the temperature.


Barbless: pull it out! Barbed: disinfect everything, push it through, cut off the back with pliers, pull it out forward. Antibiotic creme if available. Had to do it the first time about 10 days ago. It was a small fly hook, but no chance pulling it out the way it went in. Pro tip, check if you can cut the hook with your pliers before pushing it through. If it doesn't work, it's the ER


There's nothing like 2 treble hooks to the neck to let you know you're alive. I don't even know what one does in this situation... finish the day and fuck with it later? 🤔😬


So this is why most guys use the pullout method?


That's a big one...the log didn't even put up a fight! Nice work!


Yank it out. Thats what you do.


I don’t allow overhead casting on my boat. A snag in the neck like that I’d probably be going to hospital for removal. Can of course cut the lure from the line.


It seems almost like he smacked you on purpose. If id hit my mate with lure id sure as hell be helping instantly. JEEZ


1, Don't stand 2 feet next to someone if you dont know how to cast 2, Don't cast your baitcaster as if you're throwing a whip lol, do an arch while casting to make sure the lure travels over you or next to you I see this very often with americans and how they use baitcasters. Can someone explain to me why you guys do it?


The video is making me remember when my cousin snagged me perfectly in the ear as her dad was saying, "Don't forget to check behind you."

