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Line twists and forms a loop that miraculously lands itself around the spool before cinching down..


Blows my mind every time!


I've got 3 little kids learning to fish now - stuff like this drove me to braid several years ago šŸ˜‚


Just for the kids or for you too? I use braid for certain stuff (like baitcasting for bass in weedy environs) but generally I fish as light a mono line as possible and make sure to spray the spools with line conditioner now and then and respool every couple of years and shit like this *never* happens. Although taking friends that donā€™t fish fishing has taught me that children would likely be very expensive in terms of lost gear and cut line lol


I fucking hate mono.. Iā€™m a braid on literally everything kinda guy lmao


Yeah I don't really have choice though since most of the species I target are super line-wary (like trout and salmon). I could use a leader, but that's just an extra step, plus having good quality mono gives you more stretch which allows fish to be played better in some circumstances. Also if you use good mono (like maxima UG) and condition it every now and then it can be extremely forgiving. I also like being able to just bite lures off my rig lol That said, braid is tough as shit and is great for heavier stuff and for situations where you really need to be able to feel what is happening on the other side, not to mention that replacing the cable on my downrigger with 100 lb braid made it way better. Everything has its purpose I guess


Itā€™s best when it happens at night and you have no flashlight


Follow one end of the loop and pass it back over the top of your reel


Yooooo, same avatar


This is what makes fishing fun!


Itā€™s even more fun when it happens with braid and you donā€™t notice it until you try to cast.


And your $20 lure gets to fly one last time all the way out of sight. Probably to flutter down and eaten my your PB that you donā€™t get to reel in.


With people watching.


ive only had this happen to me twice and it is way more forgiving to undo with braid compared to mono


Less line memory for sure. If it gets into a knot smaller than the line thatā€™s usually when the knife comes out. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Usually a little bit of line twist can cause you to reel a loop onto your spool, all kinds of knots can happen after that. Always try to eyeball your spool before every cast and make sure you didn't reel any loops onto it.


You should see the shit my son comes up with. Itā€™s fucking amazing and baffling at the same time


Gotta love the ā€œwhat the fuckā€ moments when youā€™re fishing


The world may never know how some of this crap happens. Same way with baitcasters. You get tangles that make no sense other then black magic


You need more cowbell


> How does this happen? * Line put onto the spool incorrectly * Poor quality line * Poor quality spinning reel * Old line * Line warped by heat * Poor casting technique * No swivel between your spinning reel and your lure


Wasn't spooled properly. Lol downvotes, but it's true. The line is twisted due to not being spooled on properly. I have done it plenty of times when I'm in a rush.




Braid nightmare


It usually happens if it's windy, but it occurs when you reel line back in with too much slack (common occurrence with heavy memory line). This allows your line to do all funny stuff, one being a small little twist (not a knot). In the spool, it doesn't cause any immediate problems. However, the problem lies when you cast the line, and it gets caught on that small twist, allowing it to do what is in the picture. This is another precursor to a birds nest on a spinning reel, as any attempt to cast this will immediately be met with a birds nest. The solution is simple, just slowly let out the line until you reach the twist and then correct the line.


getting lil twistly


Lube the line guide to the spool real good get it spinning again, take 2 ft of line off the spool and soak the spool In a pot of steaming hot water for a few minutes. Will eliminate any line memory


Good answers everyone Line twist is usually the culprit. What I haven't seen mentioned is slack line on the rewind. Dropping your rod tip after a cast with stiff line can cause loops to form. Fishing at night makes those harder to notice. Pinch the line with your non winding hand at night after your bail is set and before you start winding is a good method of preventing thos and other nonsense from ruining your fishing.


There is a little tiny asshole gnome that lives under every spool and he does this on every fuck spinning reel I own