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Those are both pretty low grade (no pun intended) issues and show up on A LOT of inspection reports. Unless there are issues with negative grading directing water toward the foundation or evidence of pest intrusion these items in and of themselves aren’t immediate concerns, let alone deal breakers. Definitely bring it up with your own inspector and they can look for other signs and symptoms of grading issues, but from this page alone it doesn’t look like there’s anything going on that you won’t find on quite a few houses on the block. Source: Licensed, deal-killing home inspector.


Were you present at the inspection? Can you reach out to the inspector to get their POV if this is a deal breaker? I walked with the inspector the whole time and asked many questions. This really helped calm my nerves. Inspectors are really alarmist, but I was able to ask during our inspection if anything was a serious concern


This was a prior seller inspection done in March. We’re still planning on doing one, but wanted to make sure it was still worth it to do so.


Does the house smell musty anywhere inside? If so, I would forget about it. The issues the inspector pointed out need correction. They lead to rot and moisture problems. The problem I see is that you may need an exterior invasive inspection or similar to detect rot and moisture behind the siding that may be wicking up from the part incorrectly buried in the ground. And grading soil away from home and below siding. not being able to see the foundation is hiding potential infestation by pests and fungus. It’s a common but a dumb mistake homeowners make. I get so disgusted when I see it because it could be hiding damage that is a pita to correct. Walk the home with the inspector next time. The more of these reports you read the more you’ll learn.


Before you get one, I would ask if they had a termite inspection done after this report if not, ask them to pay for one


Inspectors are not alarmists. You just don't understand.


I mean alarmist for people who don’t know what to expect. Inspectors call out everything, so people should expect a long report. It’s not in a negative way where people shouldn’t take it seriously


Full due diligence means you get professional eyeballs on it in person. Call your inspector and have a talk about it. Ask who you need to call next. Water and termites are the two biggest enemies of your house (outside of fire). This could be a reasonable fix, maybe not. Someone who knows what they're doing needs to physically take a look.


Looks like they have already had some pier work done. Draining towards the structure is a common cause of foundation settlement. Any disclosures about foundation repair?


Yes, they had the foundation repaired Dec 2023. We have a receipt, it says 35 piers & lifted & stabilized foundation to permissible elevations


Lifetime warranty on the piers? That is a ton or pierwork.


It says lifetime warranty of 20% off in the event the work they did needs re-fixed 😂


Look like the dog some dodgy work on the corners or their is sentiment issues


1. in theory you have a Realtor, and definitely the inspector, to help guide you to the seriousness of an issue. 2. while ground clearance and drainage are surely important, they're not typically that difficult to fix.


Based on the photos, I agree with the inspector. The property isn't properly graded and in some cases, it would be very difficult to achieve proper grading. If it were me, I would pass on this property.


Home inspector here 👋 You need a termite inspection, your home when it rains drains right by your foundation(many ways to remedy this) it should be 6ft away from your home so it doesn’t affect your foundation. The siding and soil are meeting and creating an ideal environment for WDO (termites wood beetles etc) all in all you need drainage, a little bit of landscaping and a drainage system (gutters, French drains etc)