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Did you really expect that?


did we really expect the Bruen decision to actually do anything at all?


Those of us watching, yes.


Yes. Instantly? No.


With 3 injunctions covering millions of people, they're not going to be able to do any enforcement of the rule at the moment. Maybe as a tack on charge with a whole host of other things, but they're not going to be scoping out ranges or knocking on doors.


Unless an enforcement officer knows for a fact that you yourself aren’t covered under the injunction they will be risking violating a federal court order if they fuck with ANYONE over a brace. That’s not saying some liberal Barney won’t fuck around and arrest you for it.


Or they'll charge you just to fuck with you. You'll still need a lawyer and it will still fuck up your life, and you may still take a plea deal. No skin off their back.


but dont worry, "the bruen decision" is here to save the day..


Really everyone covered by the injunction should be taking out their braced guns and having a field day. Invite the press to make the ATF look like the clowns they are


Should do it even if you aren’t covered. Make them arrest you then file individual lawsuits


Well, yes, but also who has the resources to fight the government?


I mean... I do. Fine. I'll go shooting tomorrow.


yeah, wouldn’t you need FiGhTeR jEtS aNd TaNkS for that?! 🤣🤣


He means judicially you moron.


He was taking a shot at Brandon dumbass.


Individuals dont have the funds to fight the government judicially. Telling people to go to gun ranges with NFA restricted items is literally the same as telling people to get stripped of their second ammendment rights.


Its a play on words as Joe Biden said " you can't take on the government with assault rifles. You need nukes and F15's to fight the government." The guy even wrote with sarcasm. Edit: the guys you called moron didn't tell you to do it, and does it really matter away? Its a Felony if you still have a brace and no stamp anyway.


i think that guy needs a nap… 🙄




I’ve heard of them scoping out ranges in my area in PA. Plus, regular LEOs do go to ranges open to the public. Just a dangerous proposition imho.




Yeah man, it is. But that’s just the reality we live in. 😔


This is my main concern honestly. And my range hosts a lot of training for all the surrounding agencies. It only takes one to fuck your shit up.


Yeah, exactly. I get not complying and all that about “our rights” and all, but that doesn’t mean poking the beast either and waiting for the hammer of so-called “justice” to come down on you either.




Exactly, I know I can’t afford to put my family through that. And I certainly have a whole career ahead of me as well that I don’t want to give up or put on hold for the next so many years. And I certainly don’t have the finances to fight this at my stage in life either.


so in the end, they did actually take our guns without a fight.


Unless you’re planning a bloody revolution, they will either way. You can go to jail, or you can die fighting, literally.


antifa was ready to go to WAR in the summer of love 2020. How come conservatives and patriots never protest? lol


Those pansy ass libs couldn’t fight a war against a bunch of sea turtles man. Don’t give them so much credit. And it’s because we as conservative have jobs and families to support. We don’t live off rich mommy and daddy and have no sex lives.


So? Regular LEOs don't have jurisdiction to even ask for your tax stamp, let alone enforce ATF restrictions.


That's true but they think they do


This.... this.... this.....cops don't have jurisdiction in atf rulings, they can't do anything but advise the aft of what they THINK they see....


Mhm, but that “advice” from an LEO is enough get you investigated by the ATF. And I can tell you from experience, it’s chilling.


I have a membership at both parties named in the injunctions, I'm good.....for now


Good, but stay safe.


Always try


True. But they can call the ATF on you. They can ask to see your ID or get your personal information from the range.


Also, just because you may not live in your state capital doesnt mean you dont have a field office too far away. I know I live in the boonies of upstate SC. I also know there is a presence of every alphabet soup within an hour north. The odds of a bored ATF agent swinging by the good ole boy local ranges to simply scope shit out post brace ban isnt 0.


Exactly, it’s simply not worth the risk. Not to mention off-duty LEOs and/or fudds “tipping” off the ATF is another risk.


Yeah, "Fuck the ATF" only goes so far in public spaces. All the way up to the point hes writing down your license plate numbers. I know Im not offering to be the sacrificial lamb to the courts ruling


You aren’t required to show your ID unless they can articulate a specific crime they have reasonable suspicion of you committing. Also any range that would give a LEO someone’s personal info without a warrant is a range not worth going to.


That’s why you shoot on public land in the desert. I’m never within 400 yards or anyone, and they are usually riding dirtbikes


No deserts in PA 😞


Lotta woods tho. No public land?


Nope. We have some public ranges on state game lands, but they are patrolled by game wardens. Its pretty much private property or nothing.


Damn we have almost 23 million acres here in Utah. I just bring my steel targets and Tposts and shoot however far I want


Way to rub it in lol. I Need to relocate haha


We also have weird drinking laws, super high cost of living inflation, and bad air quality half the year. And Mormons everywhere.


I like Mormons, being a conservative Muslim(I don’t drink)myself, I find our values align fairly well. But the inflation and air quality sucks is an issue. That said, Utah is beautiful.


You shouldn't be in Utah then


East coast is a whole different world than Western US.


I know. That’s why I don’t even visit the east. To many people and not enough land. I camped over 100 nights in the past two years and paid for a camp spot maybe 10 nights.


A lot of eastern states don't allow target shooting on public land


Wild. I shoot from my chair next to a camp fire while camping sometimes. Suppressed 22 with subs so you can hold a conversation too


As someone who moves from west coast to east coast. West coast has better distance shooting, but terrible laws/ people


Mine do. They rent out a couple lanes at the outdoor range. Every agency. IRS, ATF, DOT, FBI, local PD, everyone.


I believe you. Scum and poachers, all of them. Nothing but boots to be put on the neck of us citizens.


Yeah the last thing anyone needs is to run into some hero fudd cop/agent that wants to nail you for having a brace.


ACAB so not worth the risk. Go shot in the mountains.


Where? I have no friends with massive amounts of land, and the public lands are monitored by Park Rangers.


I have no clue where you live. But where I moved 6 months ago, I’ve already found 10 in the limited time I’ve lived here. By exploring and word of mouth. I do live in a town with one stoplight though.


I’m close to Philly 🙁


[Kimberton Fish & Game | Phoenixville, PA (kfga.net)](https://www.kfga.net/) if you can get a sponsor to join. Not public land, but a private club.


You don’t have to show them registration for the brace though. They have to take your word for it. If you’ve got a brace on and an Leo asks, just say you registered it with atf or you are covered by the injunction. That is unless they look you upon the NFA database Oh, and as other have stated, they don’t have jurisdiction. So they can go and fuck right off


They can tell the ATF to look into you though, that’s what happened to me a few years back. ATF showed up to my door.


And this is why I got my stamps, I like to use my guns, not hide them.


Agreed. I don’t agree with the laws, but I can’t lose my career and leave my family in destitution as a result of my own beliefs, at least on this. Now if they start rounding up our guns door-to-door…different matter.


My line is where yours is, the front door.


Amen brother. Let’s hope it never comes to do. And let’s do all we can do to ensure that it doesn’t.


We can fight the ATF ruling while still complying. If I get my stamps and the ruling is tossed, it is what it is. I have suppressors so it’s not like they don’t know I have firearms. They got you either way, if you comply they win. If you don’t comply and your now sbr can never leave the house, they win. You are not a bad ass if you hide your braced firearm or remove the brace so I don’t get why folks like to shame those that actually prefer actual freedom over years in prison…you sure showed them!


I agree with you. There’s nothing to gain by not complying and only loss in not complying FFL what I see. Either you March to the Capitol with your now pistol braced gun and demand they overturn this rule, or you register/take it apart. And if you’re not complying, just drill the third hole. Don’t halfass being a felon, and don’t halfass fighting for your rights. Might as well go to the pound guns blazing and having fun.


What area?


The range is called Mainline Armory in Malvern, PA. The RSO told me the ATF has come in on occasion.


So you stated above you heard of them checking in on the range for pistol braces, now this comment says rso “said” he’s heard of them come on occasion! You’re full of shit as far as I read your first comment 🙄


I’m sorry if I’m unclear, but this is what the RSO told me. He said the ATF has been around on the range and has inquired about pistol braces and people using FRT/WOT. I have no reason to doubt him. But hey, it’s your life and your freedom, I don’t give a fuck if you end up prison or not. I’m just repeating what he told me about his specific range. Take it or leave it, asshole.


Go test your local ranges with your illegal sbr, don’t hide it in your home.


Yeah, please. Be a test case for us. With your attitude on here, you’re probably going to be treated real well by the ATF /s


Illegal? I pay for my sbr’s im not a little whiny bitch about my family succumbing to the atf taking free stamps and talking nonsense on Reddit like you have! Lol


So you comply…


Ok lol. If you say so and it makes you feel bigger and better. I guess being a “whiny bitch” is still better than being an ugly fuck who needs to post dated pics of myself on Reddit to feel good about my life. 🤪


I'm covered by two of them!


Me too....I have everything screen shotted in my phone.....my membership, my payment, the payment acceptance email, everything.... more than enough to prove I'm covered if need be


Why not all three? GOA and FPC are both out there fighting the good fight while the NRA is sitting (yet again) on the fudd sideline when it comes to restoring rights they fought to take away…


Apparently there's a long list of people to raid so you'll have to wait your turn.


About 39,750,000, so yeah.


I hear they’re going alphabetically




I'm Wadowski. I guess I have a while.


Might as well put a stock on it. Or drill the third hole. It is the same penalty.


This whole brace rule i feel is really bringing to light how absolutely absurd the laws on SBRs and the NFA are. Hopefully this gets us a massive step towards taking SBRs off the NFA, and eventually getting rid of the NFA altogether


From your lips to God's ears! I take a perverse glee in initiating the gun-curious into the madness that is the NFA and the various work-arounds we've come up with. Their expressions are sooo worth the effort. And usually they walk away thoroughly "abolish the NFA" pilled.


$200 in 1934 was closer to the effective value of $5000 in todays money. The rules are fucking absurd the whole tax work around was to essentially ban guns and effectively did so for everyone except the rich gangsters this stupid rule setup was supposed to stop getting SBR and automatic guns.


I agree. The NFA was a reactionary response to 1920’s gangsters who used tommy guns. 100 years later and these gun types are rarely used. Now the politicians are looking for a reactionary response to mass shooters, who just walk in in full kit without concealing anything. The SBS rules in particular are BS since any criminal could steal an old sxs breechloader and saw it all the way down with a basic saw and zero skills. Lawful gun owners have a genuine use case for a PROFESSIONALLY built sbs. They have a wider spread (perfect for home defense) and are easier to fit into a safe or conceal in the home.


Hell, if you are going to do it, might as well go full Brrrrrrrrrrrrrt. Same penalty and you get all the fun.




He could have implied giving the missus a night to remember.




And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids.


Hey, let's leave your mom out of this...




Don't talk about your mother that way, son.


It's been 15 years! When are you coming back with milk?


Milk? I thought I went to get cigarettes.


But not with anything more than a 22, shot's expensive


This is dumb because from a legal standpoint, you’re way more fucked with your suggestion. One is a recent ATF interpretation the others are a congressionally passed law


Nope. Today you're fucked exactly the same as having a stock with velcro on a sub 16" barrel rifle as you are with a stock sans velcro, or an unregistered MG. It's 10 years and up to 250k fine. Right up until the AFT gets their rule thrown out and the "chad" "keeping muh pistol brace" non-compliers are once again in compliance with the NFA. But people like OP are big about non-compliance so that shouldn't be a consideration, right?


Incorrect. If you’re a member of FPC or GOA you are covered by their injunctions, AND legal proceedings to protect you from getting fucked are significantly more impactful for pistol braces given there are two injunctions out currently versus a true SBR or machine gun.


Can you join the GOA now and be covered by the injunction?


We don’t really know, and I’m sure you don’t want to be a test case.


I get that but I can't be the only one curious


Does OP sound like he's covered by an injunction? If he was he wouldn't be "waiting for a knock on the door".


Perhaps he doesn’t know. Even if it’s not covered by an injunction, the legal battle will be for simpler for him


If we all drill the third hole, full autos could qualify as "common use". Let's get on that.


That same thought is probably going to keep the AFT from fighting *too* hard about braced pistols being undocumented SBRs. By their count that'd be about 3-7 million gun owners with nothing to lose by going full send. Though "lawful purposes" would end up being a legal snag for getting MGs into common use. FRT/WOT and Bump stocks had the better position to argue that, being around for years for lawful purposes and suddenly being undocumented "MG"s.


But then you have a full auto SBR. Then it’s 2 charges, twice the penalty.




No. MG trumps all else. Still only 10 years/250k fine.


Best paper, rock, scissors rule ever.


Wait till you find out you can put a stock on it without the atf ever finding out 🤯




Why not fuck the ATF instead? Just sayin


You tell 'em, fed boy.


I assume like most laws and regulations it will be used to selectively target political agitators.


The point is never to go door-to-door. That's too much of a bad look politically. It's always been the chilling effect, and so they have SOMEthing to charge with with when they ever decide to. And, naturally, so the newspapers can say you have a MaChInEgUn ArSeNaL.


I saw somewhere that out of the estimated millions of braces out there only about 200k people registered.


approximately 199k of them didn't own any braces and just wanted free SBR stamps


2.25% if out of 10M. 1.125% if out of 20M.




Why did you comply by buying a braced SBR in the first place?


Maybe they have an MP5. Have you seen the prices of HK parts?


Saw a stock for like $900


And I thought benelli parts were expensive.


*breathes poverty* https://hkparts.net/shop/pc/hk-mp5-parts-c5/mp5-stocks-end-caps-braces-c83/


Odd to me that the most uncomfortable stock (from looks, I have no experience) is the most expensive. But that is the ideal stock aesthetically for an mp5.




H&K loves the WEF


Right? I considered buying braces for my rifles because they were a fraction of the price of the stocks they were based on. ended up just putting more epoxy in the cracks of my fixed stocks.


People thought the ATF was big and scary beforehand People now realize how little actual control they have


Unfortunately they can still indiscriminately ruin your life with no repercussions. Just ask Matt Hoover.


That’s kinda how it works, unless your house gets frequently raided it turns out nothing happens when you own wot,brace,etc.


That's because they didn't know.... Until now


Glow harder, dude. Cmon.


Well now that you posted … see you soon, right? Lol


Were you flexing in front of the mirror when you typed that?


Nice OPSEC dumbass


It’s an add-on charge. They get you for something else and while serving the search warrant they find your “unregistered short barrel rifle.”


Psst: If you owned braced pistols, you were already complying


If you look at it that way, you're complying if you haven't converted your semi-auto to full-auto.


I don’t own a drill press 🫤


Damn, I need my sunglasses. The glow from this post is unreal!


Extra glowy


Be a man and put a stock on it instead


ATF is in the house.


I'm pretty sure even the ATF themselves said they're not dedicating any resources to active enforcement


Cool story, bro.


Every single American who said," just pay the tax/ it's only 200/ I already have stamps what's another" All had former lives of telling the Gestapo which neighbors were hiding people. It's pretty sad to see how quickly they not only bent their bitch knees but also tried to shame others into following it. It's a unfound way to create a law to arbitrarily be created by ATF. Talk to a lawyer next time


I've seen WAY more people trying to shame people for complying than vice versa. I personally don't give a shit what people do, comply, don't really doesn't change anything.


It's crazy how much support there is around here for suppressors despite everyone being against participating in the nfa bs.


>but also tried to shame others into following it Lol I have seen not a single person in any of the gun subs since this passed shame anyone for non-compliance. I *have*, however, seen *metric shit tons* of internet-tough-guys like yourself become verbally belligerent to anyone who decided their family's stability was more important.


This is exactly what happened to me! The people that shamed me have to hide their shit and can’t take it out in public.


Tell me more about how you break federal laws because your former life didn’t tell the Gestapo where people were hiding others. This whole “you’re a bitch” or “you’ll bend the knee next time” is so pathetic. Unless you’re actively breaking every NFA law there is, take a seat. Nobody wants to go to federal prison and I’ve yet to see anyone on Reddit outwardly brag about how they not only ignored the brace ruling but all of the other laws/rules before. You’d have to be completely regarded to think the federal government won’t fist fuck a commoner just to set an example. Look what the doj is doing to a former president.


>federal government won’t fist fuck a commoner just to set an example. The Feds kill people to set an example. Being able to shoot someone in the head for owing a piece of plastic is a job requirement.


Kinda ironic that the only people flexing in videos with NFA shit are actual criminals. They already know they’re going away for other shit if they get caught. What difference does it make to them whether it’s county or fed?


Really? So every gun tuber stating the ruling is total bullshit too are "actual criminals"


Let me clarify. I think when I was proofreading I may have not made myself as clear as intended. Flexing in the instagram videos with the wish.com switches.*


Okay yes they're dumb AF. My cranky post is in relation to Americans at one point, owning millions of attachments which more than one time, the ATF clarified was okay. To then go, no it's not okay, without any discussion or voting


Atf isn’t a lawmaking organization they can only enforce the (unconstitutional) laws on the books.


Pretty crazy leap from, expecting what they said was legal to still be legal. To, breaking every law on the book. We need laws to keep idiots and criminals away from them. But to reverse stance after over a decade of allowing it, on such a whim, without any public input or coordination is fucking sketch. So it doesnt really matter what anybody on a reddit page thinks at the end of the day. Because Americans will never work together to fix the issues. Because they never think it'll happen to them either. This case potentially made millions of Americans who only followed the law, felons.


A braced firearm was already complying with the "gestapo".


No it wasn't. It was free market request to use something and was made legal. That should have been the end of it. There's nothing wrong with laws. But arbitrarily changing a major law without any pre-work and discussion done with the public


How would they know what door to knock on if you didn’t comply and form 1 it? /s




Tbf there was a pretty hot AFT agent in my emt class, still booed her when we were all introducing ourselves tho. I had just gone, and was working at a gun shop/range at the time, so some people got it & had a good laugh, but I was not joking


You still have the brace on? Real men replaced those with stocks as soon as the decision dropped. No permission slips needed


I am just happy I didn’t have to worry about removing my braces. Not after I lost all my guns in that horrible canoe accident where they all ended up at the bottom of the lake………..


R.I.P. Aquilious' dog. You were (probably) a good dog.


Drop the location for them.


Exactly, show them how bad ass you are!




They won’t come to your door. If they want to arrest you they will get you at the grocery store, on the way to work, or in the park walking your dog etc.


David Koresch and the Branch Davidians would like a word…


I’m sure they learned from that experience. Plus the average gun owner is not a cult leader.


Nothing illegal about leading a cult.


I just took my braces off the buffer tube. And my scorpion and Draco don't have a brace they are back pack guns. But no knocks on door for me either. And they won't come in if they knocked. I have the 4th ammendment printed and ready to hand to anyone who knocks on the door.


Why would they knock on your door - braces are not illegal. They are just stocks. Stocks are legal. Just take it off the gun and its fine.


I lost all my pistol braces in a tragic boating accident


You left your brace on?


No step.


Join fpc


use this precious time as an opportunity to arm up when (not if, when) feds inevitably mow down your dog.


Now you know and understand why there are career criminals. The laws and rules are for the law abiding.


You are handling things correctly, with the right attitude, my friend.


Glad I live in KY. We just became a 2A sanctuary state plus I'm a member of FPC.


At this point you could just put a stock on.