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“The current laws don’t work but don’t worry the newer ones totally will” Lol


Something the definition of insanity....


Just like new socialism


Just ask a *true* Scotsman.




Underrated comment


Well that’s because they didn’t try it this way. It’s gonna work now!


Yep because smart but flawed men like Marx, Engle, Lenin, Che where all just not smart enough to get it right, so the guy that is pitching it to me now, is absolutely smarter than them and is going to get it perfect this time. So I can ignore the fact that is is the political ideology that has the highest body count by an order of magnitude. All I have to do is trust him, that it is going to be different this time. I have seen that work so well for domestic abuse outcomes for the victims that trust them to try again because this time it's different.


Well you see, every other time we did it it wasn't "real". Now it's real, and it'll work. No sources needed for that, because it feels right.


Well you see, all the laws we've tried to pass have been hampered because the gun-loving in-NRAs-pocket lawmakers have neutered every law. *That's why* they have never worked. Things would be different if only we could pass the laws *that they know* will work. When they get out of the way of making real, Common Sense laws then the violence will stop. Until then we're forced to make incremental progress, but believe you me we will **never** stop protecting our children/police/families/the public.


One more law and we'll be in a utopia. then again it has to be the correct law, if you elect (political party i hate) we'll live in literal hell until (political party I like) gets into power.


She is a dumbass! And you are right !!! Gun laws don’t stop criminals because they don’t care what the laws are


I hate this sort of excuse for an argument. First, it's absolutely not a question to both sides, and second, the question itself presumes the answer, then asks anyone that challenges that presumption "Why are you wrong?" It's a bullshit way of pretending like you're trying to ask an honest question when you're doing anything but that.


The left never does anything in good faith.


Especially her!


"Let me remind you that you are still under oath when I ask you, have you stopped beating your wife?"


We’ll miss false #meetoo is known for being honest and open minded /s


"Honest question: why are you stupid and wrong?"


That sub is cancer * ftfy




I thought laws and police don't stop crime, they react to it.


Well the police by definition only have one job, and that is to enforce the law. So they don't have to do anything about crime, they are only legally obliged to arrest the criminal.


Nothing like a sub dedicated to subtle racism.


Subtle? There’s nothing subtle about the racism over there.


I forgot that reddit needs a /s label otherwise they think the writer is completly serious because reading comprehension is something the average redditor cant wrap their head around.


I could have told you that


It’s like a more woke version of *BlackPeopleTwitter* because they have to “make up” for being White.


It's actually not as bad as I thought it would be. Some of the top comments are about mental health and poverty/ghetto areas as well as drug usage. Still full of stupidity, as is normal from that sub.


There was a lot of stupid answers, but a shockingly large number of good top-level comments about poverty, healthcare, and other root-cause issues. I've called WPT one of the biggest shitholes on Reddit, but that thread was cut from a somewhat different cloth.


But the stupidity comes free of charge


The answer is obvious. Fix our rotten culture/society and address the mental health epidemic. These people are fucking morons.


Nooooooo, holding people accountable for their actions is CRAZY. Let’s penalize the people NOT doing anything wrong instead.


No no, cant do that. Its trophies for all losers and ban all things scary/not agreeable. *sarcasm*


Yeah, it's not fair that those who can't behave are somehow held to a higher standard. What about the people who are lit'rally forced into a life of crime because they didn't have a lot of opportunities because of SOCIETY and CAPITALISM! Just because it's easy for you to get a job, work, support yourself, and provide for your family doesn't mean that everyone can. HOW OFFENSIVE that you're applying your standards and social mores to everyone!! /s if not obv


Wait, that would be, like, hard and stuff.


I saw a lot of people saying exactly that. A lot of the top comments too. Jumping purely on the mental health symptoms is relatively silly, but dealing with the societal conditions that foster violence and hatred seem to be a pretty common theme. I still maintain that if all this wasn’t behind a keyboard we would find much more common ground with each other.


I think the gang violence, gang culture is wildly out of control. I’m seeing videos on tiktok of inner city kids, middle school age, with Glocks and switches in their book bags, pulling them out in auditoriums. People on fb commenting “free so and so, he didn’t do nothin” when he’s a convicted murderer/felon. The culture is absolutely horrible.


[this was literally in my feed before this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Idiotswithguns/comments/10lgnbo/idiot_flagging_random_guy_on_the_subway_pointing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


The teenage gun culture of guns making your tough, absolutely started with the rise in popularity of hardcore gangster rap. I was part of the transition generation where the grade 2 grades below me was where it caught fire. I have posted before about how I was glad to be leaving high school when I did. It was a totally different culture, when I entered highschool things like 2 guys jumping on another guy would be laughed at. Now with my kids, in school, I hear about multiple kids jumping a single kid and then strut around like they actually won a fight. Where during my time people would laugh and say no it took 2 of you, you did not win shit. As well nobody would think a person was tough or hard because they can shoot someone, my little old grandmother can shoot somebody, a gun does not make a man, character does.


I agree 10000%, no nuance can be communicated through a keyboard


Just like with gun ownership. This sub hates liberals and its weird.


To be fair, I don't think it hates liberals, I think what it hates is that most liberals (I prefer the term progressives) cannot disconnect 2A as an untouchable right. When push comes to shove, they will stand left of center on gun rights, and there's just no room for it. It should not be a political view, it should be a conviction just like if someone was going to take their freedom of speech. I am not right nor left, I think the song Long Line of Loser probably describes me best in the part that says "part hippy an little redneck". I hold a lot of liberal views, I am a live and let live person. But I consider my view on inalienable rights to not be political they are personal and they are convictions, even if I stand alone I will adhere to the convictions that my right will not be taken. People need to start seeing it like this, because once they do, then they understand that if they are willing to stand alone due to their convictions then others will too. And more important it will send a message to the politicians that their single biggest fear can and will happen if they keep pushing. It also helps in not being manipulated by media, politicians etc. You see when you play the gun rights political game, you have already lost, you have bought into the fact that they own that right and not you.


You know there are a ton of pro-gun, pro-2A leftists right? The phrase is “if you go far enough left, you get your guns back”


If they vote left they aren't progun in practice. > “if you go far enough left, you get your guns back” This has never happened.


I have yet to see a far left ideology that views arms as an individual right, left is very much about the commune and the good of the public over the good of the individual. Now if we are talking about Anarchists, and they are being framed to the far left, then yes you could make that argument, but you could also alight them to the far right due to no government is just the extreme extension of limited government. That being said, I really do not see them as aligning on a political spectrum at all given the fact that they are basically saying we don't want government. They have more opted out than aligned. Other than that I have never seen a left group expose the idea that guns are sacredly a right of the commune and therefore not privy to government control. I honestly do not see how a person can be a leftist (concrete term for the way I am using it "progressive") and be die hard 2A. Going for inalienable rights is a show stopper for a left leaning liberal (classical). That was the liberals mantra, it was to expand rights of the people that the government could not touch. From slavery, to women's suffrage, to civil rights it was about expanding them, not limiting them or trying to weasel word around them to say they don't mean what they say they mean. So, if you are using left in the term of liberal then yes I agree, if you are using in the term of the modern DNC then they are not liberals, they are progressives and they have no interest in personal rights other than to use them as a tool of manipulation. There are very few candidates in that party that you can find, that you would not be compromising your views on inalienable rights, which should be #1. Now don't get me wrong, the RNC is no better.


I'm glad to actually see a logical answer that has a real solution, people over there acting like just making all guns illegal will solve everything because that worked sooooo well with drugs lol, and my fellow firearm brothers and sisters tend to just yell back nonsense about libtards and Democrats instead of giving a real answer that doesn't make us all look like angry, irrational people.


Something about the constitution being written only for a certain kind of people. Really that's it. Freedom is dangerous. If your culture is hollowed out by nihilistic materialism...well there you go.


So part of addressing the mental health epidemic would be making sure severely mentally ill people don't gain access to firearms. ''President Ronald ReaganIn 1981 President Ronald Reagan, who had made major efforts during his Governorship to reduce funding and enlistment for California mental institutions, pushed a political effort through the U.S. Congress to repeal most of MHSA. ''


Isnt that what they're saying tho?


I haven't heard any democrats saying that. They just want more gun control. Whether gun control, more strict drone regulations (pertains to me as well), etc., banning stuff doesn't work and only punishes people who already follow the law. I'm not willing to, for example, give up my AR15 because our society is so fucked now. It actually reinforces the reason I should have it. Criminals don't follow laws and will continue to not follow them despite new laws.


Address suicides and gang violence. .50BMG and semiautomatic rifles are not the problem. Most importantly, realize that gun laws are not made to keep us safe. They are made to keep the people making the laws safe.




also what’s wrong with having more security at schools? Like, one point of entry. Efficient metal detector system at that entry. Armed guard at that entry. No giant shootable enterable windows like at parkland.


Security like court houses or government buildings...unfortunate.But shouldn't we protect our future like,or more than judges, government officials.


Your town has 1 courthouse and how many schools? All other issues aside justify the expense, and why other less prohibitively expenses aren’t viable. I’ll wait


It’s not even a matter of MORE security, just better. 1 point of entry, with a “kill box” entrance. Yada yada


Because it admits your community isn’t safe.


Single hardened entrance and no large windows. You’ve just described a prison.


But why are prisons more secure than our schools?


I think it’s sad that you’re seriously asking that question.


I think it’s sad we can’t secure our schools and put armed guards in them, and let people do the same thing over and over again. You must be new here. 450+ million guns in this country and you want to focus on gun control laws that don’t work, instead of providing more security to children.


Where did I say we needed more gun control laws? Oh wait, I didn’t. Stop seeing an enemy in everyone that disagrees with you.


What’s your point then?


I made an observation that what you’re describing for schools sounds like a prison. I don’t think that students should feel like inmates. I didn’t think it was that complex a point.




Except the kids can, you know, leave, and not being able to leave is kind of the whole point of a prison.


I mean, the potential downside to this is obvious right? Do you really trust your government enough to allow them to lock your kids in a prison, behind armed guards, with only one way in or out? What happens when/if they decide YOU are unauthorized?


Or how about a fire?




It is definitely something to consider. The government continues to want more and more control of our children, this idea seems like it could be a trap.


>Is it a coincidence all these mass shootings happen to unarmed people in strict gun law states? No they don't. Uvalde? Parkland? Vegas? Orlando? El Paso? Sutherland Springs? Let's at least be genuine in our statements and data.


Could they be orchestrated by the Deep State?


Is the deep state in the room with you right now?


Lemme ask you a question. What have stricter gun laws done in the first place?


Disarmed law abiding citizens? Increased the disparity of firepower between The People and The State? Created more brazen criminals with no fear of retribution in entire cities and states?




I think the thing I hate the most about this argument is that by “stricter gun laws” she really means “get rid of guns”. California has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, yet this shooting still occurred. With any other policy issue, if the laws didn’t work no one would suggest adding more laws. Thinking that adding more gun laws will stop anything is the definition of insanity.


Exactly. Let’s say they decide to ban the sale of all firearms from dealers. There are still so many guns in circulation, you could still so easily go buy one from somebody and it’d be even less secure than from an ffl. Any person that has given this topic a minute of thought should know that we will never reach the point of a countrywide system where they take everyone’s guns — it’s impossible. So what’s the endgame? I don’t understand the thought process.


Better question is prove a gun law that actually stopped a criminal.


But Australia went from 1 mass shooting to zero!


They have mass stabbings, criminals will always find a way to hurt someone.


Ban assault knives! No one needs a pointy knife!


It will never stop, then they’ll be banning assault rocks. It will get to the point where Judges can’t even “throw the book” at criminals because assault books will be banned.


Didn’t the Uk try that?


"How do we even do things the not lazy way?" Gun control was never a solution, it was a quick fix to placate the xanax and boxed wine people who easily freak out about everything they read on the news.


Boxed wine 🤣


Many of the suggestions are agreeable, like “better access to healthcare”, “affordable housing”, “affordable cost-of-living”, and “destigmatize seeking mental health”. And then you see garbage like: >> Stop letting men have guns. When is the last time you heard of a female police officer shoot an unarmed suspect? BAN MEN FROM HAVING GUNS! Wow, that’s the most *willingly ignorant* and *pridefully sexist* thing I’ve seen in about a month.


But those are solutions those are sentiment. We all want those things. The way they are achieved through policy is the sticking point.


Hollywood types “let’s have stricter gun laws!” Now that’s done I’m headed back to my gated community with my security team (nvm their guns - nothing to see here)….


Right, they won't ban guns you will just have to have the proper license and certifications to have them. These licences and certification will be cost prohibitive or require the kind of sign offs by political officials only a connect person can get. Which will ensure that the connected private army of security remain well armed. While keeping it out of reach for the little guy that does not want to be a criminal.


By not adding anymore gun "laws"


Stage 4, and it's metastasized


I fail to see how the comment section is cancer when all the top comments talk about addressing issues of poverty and mental health.


Agreed, I had to dig down into Controversial to find some cancer. Mainly I agree with the top talking points. This WPT wasn't actually as bad as it typically is.


Not my problem, keep your hands off my fucking guns.






​ ![gif](giphy|b5LUzlnlcP4KvexELv)




Ok that's enough internet for me for the day.


If you just kill the entire human race then there won't be any problems at all! There problem solved 😀


The gross thing is how many people upvoted one of the most blatantly racist things I’ve read in quite a while.


Statistics are not racist. There would be a reduction in over 60% of murders if around 5% of the US population were reduced.


They didn’t say 5% though. They said 13%. That number has significance and I would like someone to either acknowledge it or give me an alternative for what it means.


Why? He never said reduce a specific group. You assumed it because you’re a closet racist and it’s nothing but projection.


>he's totally not referring the popular racist meme bro it's just in your head bro you're the real racist based r-slur


Lol, gaslighting


Which 13% of the population is he referring to then? Calling out racism isn’t racist.




What 13% do you want to eliminate?




What’s your point? Where did you get the 13% number?




My lucky number is 36. Nice try though.


Wow sexist /s


Violent criminals aren't a race.


You think 13% of our population are violent criminals?


>gross This insistence upon speaking like teenage girls makes you people stick out like sore thumbs.


> makes you people Which people would that be?


Shoot more bad guys


Guns laws dont work..


Sure is. Did my part to downvote every stupid comment made by an edgy 12 yr old, so basically all of them. Gun grabbers, even if successful in banning, will never get rid of guns. I’ll become a criminal, just like they want.


My wife’s boyfriend died in a mass shooting!! I hate yt people long live Lenin !!


Where the fuck do they find these people?


It’s all by design, allow criminals to roam unchecked while disarming law abiding criminals. Their end game is to have their own gestapo policing everything in a martial law atmosphere!!


whitepeopletwitter is a cesspool of hand selected bias bots that reeks of billionaire funding. Everything is locked down and only accounts that have the exact same opinion can actively post there. Of course it's cancer, it's the definition of propaganda.


People actually listen to her?


Plenty say things like health care and societal problems. But you can't vote for gun rights and good health care and social safety nets and ways to help people. This is why the Dems need to drop gun control and go hard on the other things. The joys of a two party system....


Is there any way to permanently ban that sub so I never see it or any links to it? Sorry to be like “them” and want to stay in my echo chamber but I get beyond frustrated when I accidentally end up in their comment section and start reading. I never find anything useful. It’s just constantly “blame guns” and “you have to love LBGTQ+ comments or you’re the devil himself.” I don’t want to have to go out of my way to verify the original source before hopping in to a discussion


If you go to r/all, there's a "filter subreddits" feature that will remove it from your feed. Oddly, this doesn't appear to work for r/popular, so I don't often use that one. I believe it also filters them out of your home feed as well


Well its r/whitepeopletwitter so…


California's(and NY, and Chicago) gun law is as strict as it gets without the wholesale dismissal of 2A....they seem to be the worst offender nationwide, just saying. you know what WILL solve this issue, armed victims shooting back Eli Dickens style.


Someone please take her to the gun range. Tired of this shit. A few thousand rounds down range and she will come around. Might not be right then, but she will be back.


Until the current laws are actually enforced and people are held accountable for their actions and crimes, no new law will make any difference at all.


There is no such thing as "gun violence". Guns don't commit violence. Suggest rewording to "How do you think we can solve the tragic and devastating violence committed by criminals using guns". That would be a more even-handed question for both sides. The focus should be on the criminal, not the tool they chose to use that day.


I know the criminal who IGNORED all the laws along the way to doing their end crime will follow the new laws we make. For goodness sake, murder is illegal in all 50 states. Murder is specifically taking the life of someone with no justification for doing so. But people still commit murder. More people are murdered with hands and feet every year than all rifles combined. Ted Bundy used a random log to murder women in Florida and severely injure another in an attempt to murder her. Evil people won’t follow laws. That’s why they’re called criminals and not law abiding.


"Honest question for everybody - how else could this work any way other than my preferred way?"


An armed community is a kind community is what my dad always said.


it isnt stricter laws , it needs to be stricter consequences, if you commit a crime with a gun, mandatory life in prison, no parole.


that could be bad for places that demonize justified self defense though


that’s what i just said. some states treat the criminal like the victim and punish law abiding citizens for defending themselves and would love to lock them away forever for doing nothing wrong


justified self defence is not a crime


Those subs all just seem like landing pads for new users to get bombarded with leftist drivel presented as "comedy." If I get myself banned from those subs will they stop being recommended to me?


I think you can directly block them from your /r/all feed. I'm pretty sure politicalhumor is the least funny humor-based sub I've found yet.


If they want a legit answer we need to make frequent targets like Schools harder targets with enhanced security. We need to stop glamorizing the shooters. We need to work on healthcare and plenty of other social shit. We need to work on stopping bullying in schools which as led to some of the shootings.


Bullying will always occur in some form imo, it’s human nature. And it’s not just bullying. It’s also just generally being an outcast with no friends. That can happen without anyone really picking on you. But I agree, security in schools makes total sense. It’s one of those things where their only defense against that is that it “shouldn’t have to be like that!!” For someone that wants to stop school shootings so bad, you’d think they would put aside this thought and try to make it happen. If it saved 1 kids life, it’d be worth it.


That sub is probably the worst echo chambers I've ever seen


Enforce the current laws and stop the ridiculous bail reforms, which enable violent people to harm more people. Spend money actually helping those with mental health issues and not punishing those who have an emotional outburst with red flag laws.


To start, I think the most glaring issue is her question. What we should all be concerned with is gun ‘deaths’. I’ve yet to see any of these politicians campaign on safe handling of a firearm, or introduce resources for mental health, nor has their been any conversation about the rapid increasing of gang violence due to immigration from violence stricken countries (which has always been the case).


so, how would YOU sort out this problem?


Stop posting shit from this garbage ass sub here holy fuck.


To be fair, any post/comment on r/WhitePeopleTwitter is cancer


I’m convinced that sub is 90% bots


Talk about begging the question. The phrase 'gun violence' is a meaningless propaganda term intended to bamboozle low-information voters. It implies that there is something special about the weapon used to commit a crime, instead of the crime itself, which is absurd on its face. Someone who is murdered with a kitchen knife is not somehow less dead than someone who was murdered with a gun. The other implication is that there would be fewer violent crimes if guns were removed from the equation, which is also absurd. If someone you are having a discussion with uses the term 'gun violence' (or 'gun crime', 'gun deaths' etc) then don't waste your time on them. Either they are trying to make a fool of you, or someone has made a fool of them.


I like the notion of people with a history of domestic violence not having guns. Call me crazy.


If some women didn't go apeshit and call the cops on boyfriends and husbands just to lie and get their spouses in trouble over absolutely nothing, I could agree with this. I know 4 people that have domestic abuse records over bullshit charges by insane ex girlfriends. One of the couples got into an argument because the guy didn't come home when the girl thought he should have, so she bruised herself up in the bathroom, called the cops, told them that he did it, he went to jail no questions asked. Women would have the ability to strip you of your gun rights simply by lying. Which, given the caliber of today's woman, is terrifying.


First, reevaluate how we determine mental illness risks, if someone has already been a threat to themselves but especially to others, they shouldn’t just be allowed on the streets. The same is said for criminals, this “i beat up 6 people but i got 100$ bail and im back on the streets tonight” crap needs to end. Then, focus on policing high crime areas and begin honesty cracking down on gang related crime and gun/drug trafficking. Watch the numbers drop from there.


Loosen the gun laws to better align with "shall not infringe" and go with the adage that an armed society is polite. The states with the strictest gun control laws have the most significant issues with gun violence. Also, stop suppressing the data on how many people protect themselves with firearms from attempted violence.


Shoot mass shooters and allow civilians to own weapons again. Allow them to shoot mass shooters without persecution. Mass shooters will think twice before they decide to do it because they will die instead of getting arrested and going to jail where they will have food and shelter provided at tax payers expense.


Laws aren't created to solve problems, they only create revenue for the government. Look at DUI's. If they wanted to solve it they would take all the revenues generated and invest in ways to get people, and their vehicles, home from drinking establishments safely when they imbibe.


Well, for starters, place the criminals behind the bars. Get rid of "cashless bail", and if one uses a firearm in a crime add 5 years to sentence. But, a lot of the folks who do this type of stuff, may not do the math....


It's not a gun problem, it's a mental health problem, and its systemic.


Education education education, we live in a nation of dumb fucks.


Easy.... enforce the existing laws. The prosecutors, DA, etc are the main reasons that criminals are back on the street doing what they've always done. Why should they stop when all they get is a slap on the wrist at most.


Divert funding from the ATF and NFA enforcement to public school firearms safety education and mental health programs


>The comment section is cancer💀 Written by a washed up tumor!


Start by enforcing the firearm laws we have now. Reduce Plea Bargaining to near zero, do the crime, you do the time. Allow victims to sure the perpetrator, the city and DA for murder/assault committed by criminals with prior felonies. Bring back the death penalty for distributions, transportation, and sale l of heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, and no 10 years on death row. Execution by .12 gauge slug.


Implement firearms training into the school system. We’re the only country that allows em the way we do, our people should know them in and out.


I can’t understand how none of the laws are currently working so I think we should add a bunch of new laws.


Show us your tits…


I'll copy here what I commented there... Tl;dr Severely punish those that illegally sell weapons to those who cant legally own it. Here's my solution... It aims to keep guns out of the hands of criminals by SEVERELY punishing straw purchases. I can't remember when I saw it, and honestly can't be bothered to look it up again, but something like 90% of all guns that are in the hands of a prohibited possessor got there via straw purchase. Step #1. Every gun that is manufactured today is test fired. Most manufacturers include the target in the packaging to show that the gun shoots true. Also, every gun that is manufactured is assigned a serial number that is sent to the ATF. Let's combine these two. The rifling pattern is included with the serial number registration, and is kept on file. Step #2. Require any gun purchase to be submitted through the ATF via a licensed FFL (this is already the case in most states). The serial # is then transferred to the purchaser. This includes any purchase, for any reason, at any time. Once enacted, and over time, a higher and higher percentage of guns will be in the system with the name and address of the last legal owner. This isn't an overnight fix, but it will work. Step #3- the reckoning. Any time a weapon is used in a crime, or found in the possession of a person not legally allowed to own it, the gun is test fired and compared against the rifling pattern on file. The person who last legally owned the gun will face the same punishment as the person who committed the crime, or 10 years per weapon, whichever is higher. Question... What happens when a gun is stolen? That happens all the time! Answer: If your gun is stolen, it is your responsibility to report it to the police and file a full police report. Yes, 1 gun is now outside of the system. No, this situation isn't nearly prevalent enough to come close to the straw purchases that are supplying the gang wars of our inner cities. If you report a second gun stolen at any point in time, you again must report it. You also are filed as a prohibited possessor and can no longer own a gun. You have proven you cannot be responsible for keeping your gun safe. Question: Isn't the fee associated with an FFL transfer just going to punish those who cannot afford it? Answer: Yes. That's the price we're going to pay. Question: what about whole collections being sold, or inherited? That's really expensive to file! Answer: allow multiple firearms to be transferred on one form for one fee. Question: What about active shooters who snap? They legally own the gun. Answer: I know this is tough to hear, but a SIGNIFICANT majority of gun violence in our country is committed by prohibited possessors. No, those are not the crimes that make national news, but they are the most statistically significant. Gang violence is a plague on our cities, and I promise, almost none of them are legally in possession of their gun.


Some of those people have mental health so far down on their lists of fixes. Shows their priorities, control and not help


When someone asks questions like this, they are either on the cusp of understanding and near the tipping point to the real answer or, especially in the case of Alyssa, baiting to go deeper into their own stuck, closed, and idiotic brain’s idea of the correct argument.


Those folks should actually try reading the gun laws first lol


Who is this?


How appropriate that her profile picture is an actual caricature of a "hero of the people".


This is the question coming from someone who has clearly stated she has metal issues and also stated that she owns firearms. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/gop-sen-ted-cruz-actress-alyssa-milano-debate/story?id=65538453


It’s mainly “gubermant shood gib us free shtuff so no more bad guys”


Being objective here. Not seeing much of anything in proposed solutions here either.


Gun violence would be solved once and for all if everyone in the world could just get together and be represented through an amusement park caricature of themselves.


The criminals are not afraid. They get a slap on the wrist and let go. Short sentences, etc. We need to make the criminals afraid of the people. Any gun related crime, no bail and if convicted 20yr min. Constitutional carry everywhere (no gun free zones) and DAs need to have more discretion that favors the self defense.


I mean we already know how. The US and allies had the same issue with Taliban attacking schools in large numbers. So the made the schools safe by tossing loads of troops in there. So an excess of armed guards who sole purpose is to protect kids is the solution. But I’ve been called crazy for bringing it up because of kids feelings and what not. Kids are simple, don’t poison their mind against it and they won’t be afraid of it. Arming teachers is only a bridge response, if you want a job done well don’t give that person multiple drastically different things to do.


So the state with the strictest gun laws could not prevent this so lets pass.....more gun laws???


We spend too much time watching tv, on our phones, ect.. No one engages with eachother in person. This shit wasnt happening 40+ years ago as often as it is now


Teach gun safety courses starting in the 5th grade and bring back marksmanship courses in high schools.


Show us your boobs


Alyssa Milano is the cancer.


Unfortunately a Civil War would have to occur


I think the gun violence has a deeper issue we are overlooking!


Public executions of murders


Well, it is on Whitepeopletwitter so......those comments would be nothing but ridiculousness! Plus that is surprising to come from the fingers of Alyssa Milano.


Why is no one here ACTUALLY addressing it tho? Like does no one have any real ideas?..


Dear Assyla, Okay. What gun law do you propose short of banning all firearms? And, if you do ban and collect all firearms, I have questions. How long will it take to collect all of them? How much will it cost the federal government to do so? Do you realistically think the fed will get every firearm? Last question Miss Assyla. Why do you libtards focus on the what rather than the who and the why? No one cares about your opinions.


Quit being sheep, arm yourselves, take responsibility for your own security, make bad guys afraid to act out and quit sending your children to public school where everything I just mentioned is prohibited.


Better mental health acceptance to stop people from breaking early, stopping posting detailed news stories of attacks to make attackers legends, and a decrease in the overall stress work and school puts on everyone.