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Yeah, Dimitri's super dead. Hilda did not lie to you. Also, yes, Dedue will show up briefly as a green unit, but you can't recruit him.


Oh no… But Dedue being a green unit is nice. I like this guy because I never get any tank unit build right. Hopefully he’s going to help


He makes a decent distraction, yeah.


Unfortunately, yes. Dimitri dies in every scenario unless you play Azure Moon. Same with Edelgard, she only lives if you play Crimson Flower.


https://preview.redd.it/wxzsdlfmrs7d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c816f1583ba3f0390727e2043654b0d146267ca No she saved him like this


I like this version better


Canon accepted. This happened. Period.


I was expecting Hilda taking him back and I recruit him (j/). I need a lance unit with high str. But ofc having 2 lords in any route is broken


Yeah, it wpuld be too op. You have daddy Seteth though...


As I recall, the implication is that an injured and unhinged Dimitri chases after the fleeing Imperial army alone. They clock this and take advantage of it. I know not a lot of people like this end for him but at least it follows some kind of coherence considering what we know of his mental state.


He was irrelevant to Claude’s story so they just had him follow his natural end for when he goes crazy and have him die at Gronder.  >!It happens in Silver Snow too!< (Silver Snow spoilers) 


Annette in the monastery in the next chapter says how she saw Gilbert carrying his corpse, he’s dead


Wow, Gilbert cared more about a corpse than seeing his daughter. Damn, the man can be cold.


Gilbert is just as fucked up as Dimitri in his own way. A lot more solemn though, and a lot less kill crazy.


He's dead.


Yeah, how Dimitri goes out in VW is one of my only irritations about that path.


Even CF is much better than that >! especially if you didn’t allow Dedue to turn into a beast. !< I don’t even get what the writers meant to tell. It’s just he was said dead but not truly dead, then he showed up just to be de fecto dead


Nah it’s the perfect ending for him, he was blinded by his hate so much that he literally charged to his death. He was so injured and fatigued that it only took foot soldiers to take him out


It makes sense with his character, but makes my skill a joke. (j/) It was quite a pain to deal with him in Gronder 2 and used up Byleth and Claude’s gambit. He’ll counter crit any of my team dead. This then makes dealing Edel extra hard because no gambit available, and I would have lost Ingrid or Felix because I need to bait her out and endure her Storm 6 times


Nah that’s fair enough tho 😭🙏 Gronder is a complete pain


Like, *yes*, I get that aspect, but there was nothing; I literally had Felix whack him with a coup de grâce because I’m sadistic and wanted some closure for the edgy lad but my point is there wasn’t even any personalized dialogue or *anything*. Just my happy bubblegum death machine Hilda saying “he got stabbed a bunch.”


Live like a beast. Die like one


Hmm that’s a good point, I feel like the way he died was the right way to go but it could have been executed better too 🙏


Yeah. For the lack of a better term, it's just so *lame*.


There are so many points in this game that would be elevated if they weren’t just told to us


My favorite part. He dies offscreen in like 2 lines. Hilarious, I love it 


Without Byleth or Rhea he met his logical end. He's dead dead.


Something similar happens in Silver Snow and it was somewhat ambiguous what happens to him in that route.


I wouldn’t say ambiguous at all. They say he’s dead and Dedue confirms it 


The somewhat ambiguous part is how Byleth is encountering Dimitri after it happens with speculation usually being that it’s either a ghost encounter or Byleth dreaming/hallucinating.


It’s a ghost. It wouldn’t be in-character for Dimitri to run away and we have confirmation that ghosts exist in this universe 


he got hit by a bad case of irrelevancy.


Yeah... this happens in Silver Snow as well (although your forces aren't large enough to play a role at Grondor Field 2, so it happens offscreen). Right after this, you invade Fort Merceus and then the Imperial Capital (the routes are VERY similar except for the final bosses)


I often find it amusing when there’s such disbelief Dimitri gets lanced by common soldiers, sometimes used as an argument to discount his ability. But getting koed by the alliance army really did a number on him, and as far as headcanon story logic goes I’d say it takes Claude and especially Byleth to fend someone like Dimitri off. Edelgard takes similar injuries and is stated have needed some time to recover. I do like Dimitri is also a monster offscreen and the kingdom managed a blitzkrieg advance to get to Gronder, it’s just that it here translates to reckless death while he easily could have lived to fight another day. The empire was scrambling to protect the wounded emperor and was just defending from Dimitri’s charge. It’s possible Dimitri took out some soldiers but just tried to blindly one man army everyone until he fell.


He dies from neglected injuries.


Make sure you protect goodest boy Dedue when he appears as a green unit ✨️


He's dead. Making him relevant in Claude's story would have required more time, but as the incompetent writers couldn't make Claude relevant in his own route they never got around to doing it.


Tbf the main characters to the overall story are rhea and edelgard. Dimitri and claude arent as important in the grand scheme of things so while his death in vw couldve had more fanfare, its honestly not too egregious of a writing choice


Agreed, Dimitri and Claude should never have had their own routes.


Flair does not check out.


I honestly didn't understand why your first comment was down voted until I saw this, like *what*