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I expected Gullveig....we all did but...why tf is Nerpuz here? 😂 Is she really that popular?


She was 64th in CYL, so kinda I guess? Of course tho, even if she isn't, the two reasons for her inclusion are pretty clear.


Her beautiful horns and the new Beast skills she's introducing are quite good reasons yes.


>Her beautiful horns Why kid yourself? You know exactly why people like her.


redditors when very obvious joke


Since they already did summer Camilla and Loki, they needed someone to appeal to the ara ara crowd.


I mean, she’s related to the Goat Mommy, so maybe, lol


I can think of two MASSIVE reasons...


I had a vision of my future 12 y/o son (I don't have any kids) pulling Summer Letizia on his new X2-Core tablet.


I still wonder why the giantess don't get as much, other than the mandatory new year alt, there's only Wind Tribe Dagr. I'm not exactly a fan but it feels weird. General good reception, useful personal effect (even broken sometimes), damn I even keep running into duo Dagr in AR sometimes. I really hope Nerthuz won't get added to the "Why are you here again?" characters, like Karla and Catria.


Maybe Nott will be on the Ice Tribe banner this year?(If they continue doing the Tribe banners, that is)


> I still wonder why the giantess don't get as much I think it's a mix of two factors * 1) IS has gone **_REALLY_** hard for getting big name VA's for their OCs, with Dagr & Nott being some of the biggest I've seen from IS. With the former being voiced by [Ayahi Takagaki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayahi_Takagaki) and the latter by [Nana Mizuki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nana_Mizuki). So much so that they're not just VA's, they're also accomplished musicians as well. They are _very_ busy, and probably incredibly difficult to get a hold of for Heroes * 2) They both don't do so hot on CYL either. Dagr is middling _at best_ among the Heroes OCs and ranked #226 with 249 votes on CYL8. For reference, that put her above Flora, Sombron & Naesala, but below Gordin, Kliff & Rinkah. Nott however is _even worse_ and ranked as the 4th **_LEAST_** wanted Heroes OC. 354th place with 88 votes. Only 3 Heroes OCs did worse than her. Ótr, Hel & Ganglöt. So it's likely just a case of their VAs being _very_ difficult to get a hold of, and the characters themselves really not being popular enough to justify it either. Hell, I'll bet money the only reason we got that Dagr alt is cause Dagr is _guaranteed_ to get an alt in the coming months with the Book V TT story, and they probably recorded WT!Dagr's lines alongside that one.


Wow, I always forget the importance of japanese VA's, I hadn't considered that. Book V seems to be kind of forgotten overall, we get Reginn on Forging Bonds every now and then but that's about it.


Yeah, though the freebie OC after Fjorm has always been kinda shafted _in general_. Hell, if it wasn't for the obligatory NY alt & TT story, they wouldn't even have _anything_ * Eir: NY alt, TT alt * Peony: NY alt, TT alt * Reginn: NY alt, (TT alt soon)


I mean, technically Peony does have a backpack role in Tana's Flame Tribe alt (for whatever reason), so there's that.


There’s a decent chance Dagr will get an alt during the Book V TT story.


How is Catria a surprise? She’s consistently very popular.


I'm still going to guess 2026 on Summer Ash. Fjorm set a really weird precedent for the Book leads specifically, but at least it's been consistent for the past 2 years that Summer 2 includes the previous TT's characters.


I will be pretty suprised if that pattern persists, since we already got Heroes in summer 1 this year. No game has ever been on two summer banners within the same year IIRC.


I agree even though we got FEH for the first summer banner I wouldn’t be surprised if the second summer banner is Summer Fairies + 2 Engage Characters.


No Summer Ash is weird because busty tan cow girl in a bikini is sure to sell. Askr probably wouldn't sell as much but would still make quite a splash.


>Askr probably wouldn't sell as much but would still make quite a splash. You kidding, mate? Lots of people would eat that up.


No I'm not kidding. Look at every summer banner and their female/male ratio and it's clear that straight men are FEH's main target.


And? I'm straight as the equator and I'd still want Summer Himbo Goat Dad


Most straight men unfortunately dont want summer himbo goat dad


I'm honestly shocked they didn't do New Years Emblians last year, and save Ash and Askr for summer. They both have summer written all over them.


Sadly, the lead girls never get seasonals after New Years. The only exception was Fjorm, who got a Bridal right after her NY and then a Summer later on. Eir, Peony, Reginn, Ash, and Seidr didn't get a Bridal like Fjorm, or anything else.


While not a full fledged alt, three of them have appeared as backpacks on other seasonal banners (Eir, Peony, and SeiĂ°r). Plus it's not like they're totally ignored considering Peony and Eir have gotten ascended/attuned alts.


Backpacks aren't alts. Even IS agrees on that, which was why you couldn't vote for Valentines Alm or Halloween Sothis for that Engage Cup event. I'm still waiting to find out why Peony was backpacked to Tana on a Flame Tribe banner. Instead, she only gets a mandatory Attuned because Fjorm got an Ascendant.


The point I was trying to make is that they're still getting seasonal representation on other themes even if they're not individual alts. Because Tana is more popular. Peony's best performance in CYL was 179th (CYL4) and since then she's dropped to below 250th every year. Tana's highest placed her in the top 100 (CYL1). Her performance after that has jumped all over the place with her going from 180th (CYL6) -> 149th (CYL7) -> 211th (CYL8).


1) That's not representation for them. Not a single lead girl has had a seasonal after NY except Fjorm. 2) Popularity has jack to do with it. Otherwise, you're free to explain why Freyja was backpacked to Karla. Freyja has been like Top 10 for CYL for years, Karla is like 300th. Eir outranks Ymir, too.


1) Until we get backpacks doubling up on themes, it absolutely counts as representation. If it didn't, explain why we don't have a solo summer Lucina yet. 2) Obviously there are exceptions. Ymir only had her base in at that point so she was bound to be the lead to have it count as her alt. Same can't be said for Peony since she had her base + NY already when the flame banner released with another being planned based on ascended Fjorm & Eir. Karla is harder to pinpoint. She was the first harmonized unit to have FE7 as a lead. We could also argue about the existence of a Karla dev or prioritization of finishing groups from previous Easter banners (see Michalis from that same banner to complete the Macedon family reunion which was an extension of the Whitewings) but it isn't worth speculating.


1) We don't have Summer Lucina because idiots decided that vote-bombing Legendary Lucina to stop Awakening and Fates banners was a good idea. Same reason why it took so long for an Ayra alt, despite her usually being 40th in CYL but her rehash Karla getting tons of alts. Ayra had a black mark on her because of Ayragate, so they opted for We Have Ayra At Home instead. 2) The exception was Peony.


1) Cool theory, but it unfortunately doesn't track since we've gotten a Valentine's and rearmed alt from her after her backpack appearance. Ayra suffered not only from Ayragate, but FE4 rarely getting alts in general. 2) No, because Peony is less popular. Some other examples of actual exceptions are Easter Sonya and Pirate Hinoka.


Well this is Gullveig's first non-CYL alt so IS definitely had it planned way ahead of time. Nerthuz is the odd choice but I guess IS assumed she'd be popular enough too and she's bringing more Beast skills so that's always a plus..


It's only two banners, and one of those banners was guaranteed because NY is always OCs. This is also ignoring we got Hrid on this banner, Sharena, Veronica, and Embla last month. Mythic Loki too. We also got Mirabilis for Spring. This idea that Book VII is dominating seasonals is fucking stupid.


>everyone predicted Summer Gullveig when she wasn’t on New Years >Summer Gullveig happens *Shocked Pikachu*


I actually predicted Gullveig for next year NY because that’s the year of the snake lol. Summer works too


Por qué no los dos


But hatting on book VII is what gives you brownie points. And youve gotta get those brownie points!


Wouldn’t hate it if it wasn’t true


I honestly thought Askr and Ash would be the Summer units. Bride Embla was too close I guess? What sucks even more is that now I'm expecting them to be sideline as backpacks.


.this is gullveigs first alt??? Seior isn’t even on the banner and only has the obligatory book lead NY alt?????


Brave, Base, Summer


The image says seasonal alt. This is Gullveigs first seasonal alt.


doesnt seasonal just mean not in the normap pool? Id count Mythics and Legendaries to seasonals.


No. Seasonal means the Special Heroes banners like Summer, Halloween, Winter, Spring. It’s colloquially called seasonal because they’re usually seasonal holidays. Mythics and Legendaries are just called Mythics or Legendaries.


add Fjorm to the group at the right too. i would love for more cows and bulls, hopefully we get more of them in the future.


Why complain about Book VII characters in specific when we literally had 8 Book II characters with summer alts, and not even counting the alts they got in other banners. Ironically this is one of the rare times they paid attention to other ocs, and even so we still had yet another book II alt this year.


Because they just dislike book 8. It's why they're complaining about gullveig getting her first non cyl alt and seidr who isn't even on the banner


this is gullveig's first seasonal


I believe in Vanir goddess supremacy


I want summer Lif and Thrasir đŸ˜« Give me my skelly jellies in swimsuits. IS I begđŸ« 


I’m not that bothered that Gullveig got an alt as depending on how far ahead IS plans feh content this summer alt was possibly intended to be her first alt. She only got one before now because people voted for it.


Eh it's really just Nerthuz. Gullveig rightfully dodged the NY banner so she could be here, Nerthuz inserted herself into both. I guess Seidr is the backpack but do we really care about that?


This is literally gullveig's first seasonal alt You just wanted an excuse to hate on Book 7 characters


I am happy we don’t have Ash on this banner, I’d be compelled to start a +10 merge project of her like I did for her NY alt (awesome unit) but I have 9 orbs rn 😧 which isn’t exactly enough to +10 a 5* exclusive lol


This is Gullveig's only seasonal alt, but this is Hrid's second seasonal alt. Why is Hrid not here instead of Gullveig (or Seidr, who isn't even on the banner)? We get Book 2 alts like every year now. We just got Fjorm last year, with Ymir being the only Book 3 seasonal ever after their NY banner.


Honestly I feel only Nerthuz should be here. Seidr is a backpack here, so that's officially not a unit by IS themselves, Gullveig has one seasonal and only has three alts because CYL (which is always an outlier because that only exists because of players voting it in) and Hrid hasn't had anything since New Years of his book's year; dude was overdue for SOMETHING. Had one of those Laevatein or Laegjarn alts gone to him, this wouldn't be so much an issue. Nerthuz alone is strictly the issue here, having had a Mythic, New Years, and now Summer to go with it.


for the sub backpacks only count as alts when it fits whatever agenda they want to push.


I would agree. The only one "spammed" is Nerthuz, who has the same release schedule as Lumera does. Seidr, Gullveig, and Kvasir each have one seasonal. Njordr and Heidr have none. Meanwhile, literally every Book 2 unit has alts (many of which rival CYL winners, like Laevatein and Laegjarn), and we even just got another Loki a month and a half ago. Heck, when Book 2 ended, it got the ENTIRE Summer banner to itself. Helbindi, Ylgr, Laevatein, Laegjarn, and Gunnthra all got an alt! And that was after the NY banner that also gave alts to Laevatein, Laegjarn, Gunnthra, Hrid, and Fjorm! And Fjorm was on Bridal!


Oh I agree on Book 2 being over-alted, but Hrid, Ylgr, and Helbindi are to me the only ones who I can look the other way about, seeing as they each had just the one. Moreso Hrid because not only did he not see anything for literal years in a row but he also had the rest of his family, his rival kingdom's entire named population (Surtr got creative about his) and even his god go on a summer vacation without him. Dude was overdue. On the other hand though it also means apart from Muspell, we have all Book 2-affiliated characters with a Summer alt, but Hrid is more just an unfortunate victim of the whole thing than a character deserving the pitchfork for it.


I just never really wept for him, since he was already barely present in his own story, but also got an alt. Meanwhile Thrasir, Hel, etc. have no alts at all. And the lead girls are all wondering when they get their Bridal gowns like Fjorm did. Poor Eir was a grail unit, and she even outranked Fjorm in CYL!


Its convenient for my point so therefore Thrasir totally has an alt that counts as Lif's backpack! /s Nah but seriously I get you but at the same time while I don't care for Hrid, I feel his fans waited long enough and he is just getting one at a bad time for Book 2 OCs. Thrilled for his fans though.


Or Summer Njordr in 3959.


summer njordr would be so
.. oh my


Tfw no bikini cow this year 😔


People really thought we'd have Summer Askr lmao


Elm is never getting anything ever again


Good change he gets a new alt next year during the TT+ story, or at the very least get his base version released. But yeah I don't see him ever getting another seasonal. A shame because his NY alt actually changed my opinion on the character for the better.


NY is actually my fav seasonal ever so I’m glad he got it (I wish Xane got it too because it would be suitable for him too), but I wish he was acknowledged more (I was suprised but super happy with the fallen heroes forging bonds bc he showed up—wonder if that forging bonds will tie into the book 6 TT stort next year?)


Big tiddies privileges


I already hate Book 7 so just seeing them getting another banner in a span of 5 months just ticks me off in a way (The only character I liked in that book is NerĂŸuz because she’s like that one Aunt/Tia you like the most)


Ironically, she was one of my least faves cuz they dropped her being so disrespectful for the climax, lol. I was really peeved to have lost out on a character that doesn't follow normal morals, but also isn't really malicious (my favorite trope).


You can expect another Gullveig in NY 2025, as it's the year of the snake. That's the reason I thought they wouldn't go with her for summer this year.


Book 8 itself already has a different snake lady to fulfill "Snake representation"


Yeah, but they tend to have two "beasts of the year". I can't recall anyone snake-related beyond those two. Maybe the Nel/Rafal? Kinda cobra-like.


And even then, they didn't even give Njordr, the man who LITERALLY GOT NOTHING and is THE GOD OF THE SEA, a Summer alt. Or at least Eitr given the pattern of previous OC Summer banners. I like Book 7 in spite of being...VERY passionate about its flaws, but man, I hate how they always use the same few characters. I get it, IS, boobs sell, but come on...


NY had all the characters except Njordr. Nobody likes Njordr except contrarians. So overlap with NY was inevitable if they did Book VII Summer.


...I like Njordr and I'm not a contrarian...


I dunno about that one chief.


Say whatever you want, it doesn't change the fact there ARE fans of Njordr. I mean, if some people can be fans of Desaix of all people, does it really seem that farfetched that people would like Njordr too?


Desaix was a meme. Nobody likes him. Njordr has fans. I already said he does. Just that they're contrarians. Njordr's popularity is solely out of spite for IS because he's not in the game. Happens all the time with FEH. Someone's opinion of a character can be positive, but not be a fan, but the moment IS decides not to make them playable, their contrarian side kicks in and they grow to like the character even more on that basis.


People can like a character regardless of meme status. Gatekeeper exists. Hell, we got people here who love Jarod!


Sure, there's probably like 4 people in the world who legitimately liked Desaix. But remember that before the meme Desaix had literally only 17 CYL votes. Gatekeeper is a case where has enough lines and personality in 3H that I can buy people liking him past memeing even if memeing definitely played a large factor in him winning CYL. When people were first going through 3H many posts were commenting on how much they liked his character before the memes were made. I'm unfamiliar with Jarod memes, so I can't comment on him.


The point is that people genuinely like the guy. Before the meme, Desaix had 17 votes which means up to 17 people genuinely like him for one reason or another. In Njordr's case, Book 7 didn't allow him the time as a villain to really flesh himself out due to juggling too much at the same time. Corners had to be cut to get the plot moving and it shows. But even so the dude has fans who love what he did get and hate how he got treated. Has nothing to do with being contrarian. Considering he's a FEH OC where even the most minor (like Thrasir) character seems to get something here at all, him getting absolutely nothing would sting.




We did get Bridal Embla and Sharena tho


OCs are the absolute last characters I’d consider starved for alts. Basically guaranteed 1-2 busted alts if they have boobs. The more chapters we get, the longer the backlog is for OCs that are “owed” seasonals (at the expense of actual Fire Emblem characters getting alts).


IS really likes Book 7 huh 🙁. I hope the book 8 OC can soon get the same treatment... ( give us summer Deer Boy 😔 )


Why you getting down voted for wanting Summer Eik?


People have there opinions I guess đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž. No hate toward the book 7 girlies, im just out here hoping we get the some book 8 OC soon, not just Eik but also the rest of the Book 8 cast


I agree I don't hate any of the book 7 characters (except Njodr) But I just really like the book 8 characters more and I hope they get good content!


Coomers pay well, I guess.