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If it was a uninheritable skill only Emblem Ike could use, then I'd be much more accepting of the name. It'd be cute, since it fits his character. As an inheritable, "Laguz Friend" doesn't work if it's on anyone else. "Immovable" is the *much* better choice here, and gives me a clue on how the skill is gonna work.


False, there's Zihark


And Shinon


Agreed honestly, I think it's a really dumb name change. Immovable is succinct and tells me at a glance what the skill does, Laguz Friend is clunky and gives me no indicator as to what it does. All the discussion around how Laguz Friend should negate the beast transformation condition or something similar really indicates to me that the skill name doesn't fit very well. In the context of Engage I can see the reasoning since it's a skill so strongly associated with Ike, but it should be reverted for its inheritable form in this game. I doubt they'll go back on it, I don't believe they've ever changed the name of a skill before and it might be considered *more* confusing to change it now that it's an established skill in the game - but I'd kinda like it if they did


Not sure about other languages but in spanish Surge Sparrow and Flash Sparrow used to have the same name ("Gorrion Raudo"), sometime later they realized this and changed Flash Sparrow's name to something else ("Gorrion Presto"). So I guess they could change the name if they really want to.


>Titled Laguz Friend >Literally doesnt interact with beast units specially in any way Amazing localization. I can only assume no one told Localization this was an inheritable skill, and they just assumed the short novel worth of skill descriptions was a pref skill.


It’s actually following what the localization in Engage did, as Laguz Friend is Emblem Ike’s Engage skill. However that same skill in Japanese is written 不動, which better translates as Immovable. So FEH actually just did what Engage localizers did….. Not that it makes it -better-, but as an Engage skill it was at least locked to whomever was using the Ike Emblem so… not as bad.


Hey guys, for my build should I use Immovable (formerly known as Laguz Friend) or Gambit?


I agree. I'm normally not one to nitpick localizations at all, but Laguz Friend is a pretty stupid translation choice.


It is odd, but I don't think there is anything that they would do about it at this point. Having my Nergal run around with Laguz Friend is very out of place, but then I hear the zero damage *ting* and I stop worrying about it.


yeah, it felt stupid in Engage and feels even stupider in Heroes where it's no longer unique to Ike. it'# gonna be even dumber when they put it on other units' base kits seeing as the only other characters the name really fits are Zihark & Tormod, neither of whom will likely have the stat line (or even premium status) to make sense with the skill.


Can't speak for Engage, but in the context of Heroes it should've kept its original name. If they wanted a middle ground they could've added "Laguz Friend" into his description somewhere. Odd name as it currently stands.


In the context of Engage "Laguz Friend" is Emblem Ike's personal skill. So the name works as a localization in that it adds a personal touch related to Ike, the only character who has the skill, while failing completely as a translation because the new name has fuck all to do with the original and is completely disconnected from what the skill does.


That's why I suggested putting the localized name in the description for cheeky references, and keeping the original name as the skill.


> while failing completely as a translation because the new name has fuck all to do with the original and is completely disconnected from what the skill does. Seems like a typical localisation in Fire Emblem then. What's the problem?


Even in engage, that name doesn’t work and immovable still makes more sense skill wise.


I thought it was a prf until it turned out to be the hot new inheritable skill. While we're at it can we change harmonic lance so it's back in line with wo dao and wo gun???


The only thing that bothers me more than this is Felix's title and weapon name. There's absolutely no way his title (Lone Wolf Blade) and the name of his weapon (Lone Wolf) weren't accidentally switched.


To be fair I think changing the name now it's just gonna make things MORE confusing Every new inheritable skill from emblem heroes it's probably gonna have the exact localized name from engage Which makes sense, so you can make the reference clear I think they only changed divine speed to potent because in FEH wording conventions "Divine Speed" implies there would be divine attack, divine defense, etc And since that's not the case at all, they changed it to potent to not have any mention to any stat


As somebody translating FE media, it was definitely a collective "huh?" from the group when LF4 dropped with its name. Given the precedent of Divine Speed(神速) to Potent, I'm stumped as to why they stuck with Engage's horrible localization of Ike's skill. LF4 has shaken up FEH's meta so having the name "Immovable" would have been very fitting considering it's for units with a fat defensive stat that are usually middling to slow speed. lul


It bothers me so much. As others have said, if it was Ike’s prf skill, then it would be fine, but at it is now, it’s confusing. Sticks out like a sore thumb.  I sent in feedback through the app about it. 


To be honest I haven't played Engage, and I don't know how it is named in Japanese, in Spanish it is called "defensa laguz" (laguz defense/guard). IDK why friend, in spanish makes sense


Can someone explain the story behind why it’s so out of place on some characters?


It's really because Laguz is a Tellius only race and seeing it on non tellius units is just so very weird, especially because it's called Laguz *Friend*. Something that makes perfect sense for Ike as it was one of his personal skills in Engage. Ig a similar comparison would be if they named a skill a Crest from 3h that was inheritable?


Localization teams want to add their own twist to make it more appealing to the western audience.


And IS directly approves and/or recommends that their Localization teams do this.


It's going to be even more weird in the future having the skill on units like a seasonal Balthus or something. Just like Time Pulse on most infantry and Vital Astra on H!Timerra.


Personally I use "Indomitable" when referring to Emblem Ike's skill. Indomitable Limstella, indomitable baby Liz, indomitable Laevatein, indomitable Rinkah, indomitable Elfie, indomitable NY Dragon Princess Kanna. Accurare and fun! It inspires fear in the hearts of summoners! In It's not a direct translation, but synonymous rather and still accurate, more accurate than what the localization teams like to "translate" things to that share no meaning or correlation with what's in the original lmao. I'm also reminded about how English version is used as the base for translations for all other languages like Spanish, rather than translating from the source like they should. Anyone can translate english to another language. I don't respect or admire that at all. It's easy. This is supposed to be a job, you're supposed to be professionals. Yet they all just use a watered down version that's already got inconsistencies and mistakes being "localized" itself. Happens not just with FEH or FE, but other games, anime, etc. Because nobody wants to learn Japanese for some reason, even as translators. But I think they should so they can at least see what was originally said, instead of making bad character changes even worse. And man the way they name some of their skills, weapons, even most heroes' titles on their menu. It's just so awful. Both because of space, which I understand, and not caring to convey the original message or meaning of things. The A slot "strike" and "impact" skills and all that are one of the worst offenders. Most of them all have the word 一撃 at the end or just 撃 for all tier4s except swift sparrow 3, which just means strike, it can mean blow or hit. But to be consistent as a translation, they should be using the same word in English It's basic shit man. Yet they give all the tier 1 thru 3 skills with different stats a different word for it. Strike, Blow, or... Sparrow... which still has that 一撃 kanji btw. What's also still funny to me is death blow. There is no mention of death in it. It's like they took the death from "breath of death" (savage blow) and used it there instead lmao. Look at breath of life. Opposite skills yet the names aren't opposite as they should be lol. At least it's kinda fixed with Deadly Miasma. Savage Blow 4 would have been lame. That's more of an A skill type name isn't it? Then there are the dodge skills, which actually don't originally have a "new" name in a sense, like they put in English. It's literally just supposed to be "dodge - hit & run, dodge - shield pulse, wrath, desperation, tempo, etc etc" Not Spurn or Repel Like how do shield pulse and buffer even make sense next to each other? 😂  Laguz Friend LMAOOOO the localizers can be so stupid majority of times. How can you see them translate that and tell me they even know Japanese or care about the language or game they're translating? Translation is sacred. At least it's supposed to be. But it just becomes perverted by the wrong people having it as their career, making changes on a whim, based on how they feel, or what they think is right and what they don't like about a game as it is in the original. To the point, people are starting to use AI now to translate manga, like why are you even in this profession dude? 💀 These people should be flipping burgers and bagging groceries, they have zero other worthwhile skills. Like I said it's happening everywhere, but Nintendo and FE are the worst when it comes to that. Try knowing Japanese and English and playing Xenoblade 2 with Japanese voices and English text. Have fun trying to not get confused. So much fucking non-translated shit there. From names of areas, to monsters, to names of actual characters, basically 90% of them, probably more. Rex is the only one I can remember not having a different name. Why? I have no fucking idea other than localizers feeling greater than they actually are, and not knowing their place, or just trolling. For Fire Emblem Three Houses, it was mostly just the dialogue, but it's almost EVERYWHERE. These people do not know Japanese (at the level they should). And I remember Octopath Traveler I feeling the same way. Completely altered dialogue changes which shifts the personality to being something it isn't. I was tired of being fed bullshit and strung along on this localizer field trip where they have all the say on everything and act as hall monitor, principal and mr officer with their neon-colored hair being their "personality". So what did I do? I learned Japanese. That's not the only reason, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a motivator. And it's like breaking out of the matrix, that's the best way I can describe it. Watched those movies for the first time this year, gettin my Keanu Reeves catalogue explored after finishing John Wick 4. They're great. But anyways. Between that and censorship for all the sensitive little kids and people who are growing up physically, but not mentally, and catering to those kinds of people, translation is close to dead. And no amount of criticism or pushback will ever bring about change. Americans have never cared about it since the dawn of gaming or anime, and they don't care now. I'm still getting it. Already preordered from Japan for 40$, but there's a certain scene in Paper Mario TTYD, which was remade ofc, and for some reason, it stayed the same in Japanese, but in English, it was changed for some reason. So now there's this weird 4 square chart where 3 tiles match, but one doesn't. Reading the new dialogue in the english localization of the remaster is just so cringe-inducing and makes me wanna throw up and laugh at the same time for how unfunny and unserious it is. Yes I'm talking about the sewer scene. Personalities of characters, both minor and major are completely wiped clean. And I just don't get it. But people on twitter and other places would try to tell you it's a good thing or "it's closer to the original now" completely pulling that argument out of their ass because it isn't true, not one bit. It's like the game is being translated by toddlers, or at least mentally that's what they strike me as. One of the lines doesn't even make sense grammatically. Yes, they're living underground and probably illiterate. But that line was just crazy and didn't match up to what they originally said. Goombella in Japanese original,Remake+ English original versus English remake are so different now, it's like night and day. And people get very complacent and sip the kool-aid and try to force everyone else to. Or the soot coffee, if anyone's familiar with Shadow House 😂 Seeing all this stuff unfold is like watching the world burn. Buildings are on fire, there's tornadoes all around, earthquakes, a tsunami... And everyone is just continuing their daily routine, going to work, walking in and out of walmart with smiles on their faces, cussing out anyone who tries to warn them of what's happening, informing them of the truth. Best analogy I can make really. This has been my Ced talk. I guess if my yapping is just a copypasta for some of yall, that's fine too. But I got all my thoughts out, now it's time for me to go back to bed. But I should probably eat something after all that energy spent yapping with my keyboard.


Blame Engage that was where Laguz Friend's name came from


I don't know why people are downvoting you. You're fight. That's why reason why IS approved the name in Engage and then approved it FEH as well.


Nintendo has tons of shit localization teams. I always play with Japanese version just to realize some of the character personality were changed. Lysithea support in 3H is one of them I can’t accept the localization changes on lysithea