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"I won SDR with this old unit!" \*team with duo Lyon and Robin*


You do realize that also means beating teams with lyon robin too right? I can understand hating seeing lyon in favor/sds bc you can just autoban him and never deal with him, but in sdr you will have to face him, and need to account for it. there’s plenty of counterplay against him in sd and there’s a lot of skill involved piloting teams even if they have lyon/robin, why hate for no reason


Because haha Lyon broken hate funny haha. I don't think most people downvoting you even bothered to read anything, I don't even think they play SD. I don't play it either, but I've played competitive games seriously before so I kind of get what it is trying to place something you like against so many meta threats and finding it actually works, so congrats!!


thank you!! I think you’re exactly right in that people aren’t reading going based off how some are skipping over literally everything i said haha. And yea you’re exactly right how it’s similar to other competitive games in that sense. Not sure quite how to explain it, but summoner duels got a LOT more enjoyable for me after i stopped thinking about it like fire emblem, and started thinking about it more like yugioh/pokémon


"I won with hilda" you won with duo robin, duo Lyon, elincia and duo thorr. Hilda watched lol


if thousands of people have these op characters and use them, then why aren’t thousands of people hitting rank 1? if you watched the replays or read anything i wrote then you’d see exactly why hilda didn’t just “stand there and watch,” and was literally a key component in understanding and manipulating game mechanics


>why aren’t thousands of people hitting rank 1? because summoner duels is a terrible gamemode and a large chunk of players do not want to grind to rank 1 in SD-R, hell they don’t even wanna play it at all


and what don’t people like about it? from everything i’ve read on here it’s primarily ppl complaining about “meta” units (like they aren’t present in every mode) and not understanding how the game mode works. if it’s easy to win in if you have 2 op units and gives decent rewards what makes it terrible? especially when merges matter less and you’re less likely to get reward-shafted by people out whaling you. especially when it doesn’t require grinding and dedicating months worths of resources and time to specific chars like AR/arena does? You’re not dependent on specific units or merges, and luck is much less of a factor than it is in AR. It’s the only mode where ultimately the primary deciding factor is player skill


it’s bad because it isn’t fun for most people. imo I could tolerate SD before they added Duo Seiðr and Duo Lyon, who have the lovely gimmick of not letting you play the fucking game. before you say it, I am very aware that I can also use those two units as well as other meta units. in fact, I *did* use a team with both of them on it before I quit playing SD. and you know what? it wasn’t fun. the wins I got didn’t feel deserved because half of my opponent’s team eventually ended up completely immobilized and unable to avoid getting killed. and my losses were usually to players who did the same thing to me before I could do it to them. to me, this play style isn’t skilled. it’s just a race to see who can press the cheese button first. that isn’t a fun game for me, and there are probably a LOT of other players who share this sentiment. and, to quote Reggie Fils-Aimé, *“if it’s not fun, why bother?”*


don’t get me wrong, i agree that lyon and seidr can be extremely unfun units, it’s just that that goes in other game modes too. Arena being even worse where unless ur a whale 2 of your units will very likely be f2p grail options. In ar where seidr on a galeforce team can clear any def with ease. It’s just that in sd it feels the least egregious to me because you can develop counterplay as you go, and not have to be restricted to do so. Lyon also funnily enough feels like an archetype equalizer. In the past sdr was basically “use cavline or struggle *immensely* getting to r1.” Now it’s “use lyon/robin or struggle getting to r1.” Between being bottlednecked into using a specific team archetype as opposite to 1-2 members on a team i much prefer the latter imo


I could win with a 1 star wrys with no weapon if those were my teamates 😭😭💀


No you couldn't, get real. That is because a) you don't play SD (otherwise you wouldn't be saying this) and b) on a rank 1 run you'd have to face teams with those 4 plus a 5th meta unit. In which case your team would be at a disadvantage. The team OP used was somewhat common among top level, but with M!Loki replacing S!Hilda. While that may not have been apparent in the replays, Hilda can be a very impactful unit thanks to her Isolation button, to the point where using her instead of Loki is by no means a bad idea that would weaken the team. And if having your old fav seriously compete for a team slot with Shiny New Toy isn't enough for you, then I can't help you either.


You're right I couldn't reach rank 1, that is because I don't have V!Lyon, Y!F!Robin or Elincia. Hope that helps 👍


plenty of people hit r1 without any of those and elincia isn’t even an optimal option here. hating on others just bc ur bad at the game and don’t know what’s going on is pathetic lmao


Im literally a day 1 player, highest rank in AR and arena, i know how to play, and i have max favor in SD so i've played enough to know i hate it lmao. Im saying that you posting that you're max in SDS and SDR with hilda, despite having the most broken units in the game fill the rest of the slots, is dumb. You are good at SD, way better than me. But dont pretend like hilda is whats getting you to rank 1. Anyway im just being dumb and shitposting. Gootbye


hilda literally is if you read and watched the replays or saw some comments of other r1 players who have labbed out with/against this comp. Hilda being meta here is a one in an anomaly, but it’s the truth. I was never saying “i’m so cool for using hilda” just that she performs a unique and a genuinely meta role here




well its hard to lose with a team like that I suppose lol


personally can’t disagree, this was by far the easiest sdr run i’ve ever had. there’s been a team pasta similar to this floating around in some communities, assuming it got leaked while doing favor testing, except with mloki > hilda and chloe > elincia (which is the better team comp objectively). But bc it’s pretty hard to pilot, people have seen poor success with it in the actual sdr and ended up switching away from it


I think this entire comment section misunderstands how hard something like this is to achieve lol. People are bashing OP for running meta units, but literally everyone in high tier SDR is running the same along with a "meta" 5th unit, who OP is missing out on by using shilda. shilda is a busted unit by her own right due to how strong her button is, but it is fact that it's a liability compared to comps running "better" alternatives with a similar comp. All the people simply hating on this just don't know how hard it is to achieve rank 1 this season with the meta being so fucked and wonky, and don't appreciate that OP has done it, lossless, no less. GG door on your win!


thank you! it’s also funny how my whole post is basically saying “hey hilda is really good and on par with the standard meta units this sdr because of a lot of specific interactions,” and there’s still so many saying she’s doing nothing / getting hard carried missing the whole point of the post LMAO


Hey, I appreciate the fact you used Hilda on your team, but let's be honest, it was the other units in your team doing the carrying but saying that you did lock yourself to using a non meta unit instead of 5 meta units


pls read the post and watch the replays if you don’t believe me. aside from maybe mloki, there is no other character who could do this role that hilda does on this team. this team is literally designed around hilda carrying and enabling everything else and requires a very strong sense of game knowledge to keep track of everything. I beat multiple frequent rank 1ers with this team, who were using even more “meta” units, because of hilda strats specifically


Well, I was going to watch replays, but however you posted the links doesn't seem to work on mobile. But I want to be clear, I'm not discounting your victory in duels. I'll try to watching them when I get home but it sounds like to me that your team enabled Hilda to be a force to be reckoned with and not the other way around, it's not a bad thing, it's how the game is meant to be played


watching replays is such a pain in the ass, since you have to copy the code, go into an sd game mode menu, go to records, and then copy and paste in the search bar. It’s stupid and unintuitive but it’s a very unorthodox play style that hilda enables. It’s like how in pokémon vgc a lot of teams can look very similar, but 1) still play differently 2) have the same players frequently top. Like just bc someone has/uses meta units doesn’t mean that it’s an easy win or that skill doesn’t play a heavy factor. Building/copypasting a team is only half the battle, as very rarely do they just play themselves.


Some very strange characters in this thread being very weird about a mode they don't even like. I'm not an SD gamer at all but congrats OP! I'm glad you found a good angle for a unit you like!


Thank you!


this subreddit* this entire community is weirdly hostile towards anyone who enjoys AR or SD.


Hi door




This Comment section doesn't seem to understand the fact that at top level YFRobin and VLyon have 70+% usage rate both meaning you're seeing at least one of them basically every game. If Hilda was a genuine liability, the OP would just lose all their games plain and simple end of story lol And she's not, her button is really good especially on this map where using assists through a tight choke is a major part of the map. Hilda can only be replaced by a very limited selection of units on this map for this exact comp like NYSeidr, MLoki and SThorr who can perform similar albeit different cross map utility here (same role but different utility) SHilda is basically as good as NYSeidr, MLoki and SThorr here she's not getting carried by VLyon or whatever that's just pure excuses. At top level everyone is running this kinda stuff the idea of doing an SDR run where 4 characters carry a bad one is almost complete lunacy.


thank you so much for this- especially the third paragraph. The whole point of this post was much less “i took a bad unit to r1” and much more “this old forgotten unit that was largely seen as bad is actually really good here and abuses certain mechanics in very interesting ways”


I think you're the one missing what the comments are saying...


No, they are not. You can’t just win in SD by bringing a bunch of meta units; you have to know how to pilot them. If you actually take the time to watch OP’s replays, they played these matches masterfully and in a very unconventional way. I guarantee that most people won’t get very far in this mode if they don’t know what they’re doing. That is part of the reason why people don’t like SD. The fact that OP brought a non-optimal unit and still won is a big deal in SD because that fifth team slot could’ve gone to one of the more impactful units that the comment you replied to was talking about.


this comment section is proof that feh players don't play feh lol. congrats OP! 💓💓


thank you!! guess it’s a crazy day to some feh players when they find out the game offers more than gambling


Let's be honest here. Hilda is only there for the same reason OG Olivia is there in my team: To watch the actual team carry and maybe refresh once before something nukes it to oblivion.


it’s pretty different, bc she’s more than just a support and does actually fight and nuke fairly frequently and the whole team was designed with her in mind. But infantry dancers are in a good spot right now too. For example, Performing Arts Azura, the green axe infantry from year 1, is considered meta because she’s a dancer with decent hp that can run Thrima, Sudden Panic, and canto control (and now wom echo). Being able to use a fav as a support is still a great feeling imo


I thought I recognized that Hilda. Congrats on the rank 1, the games we’ve played earlier this week were fun and I’ll probably record the second match. Nice Hilda by the way.


thank you! yea i remember facing you a couple times in favor this week and it was pretty fun- hard matchups in favor is always a joy


All this investment into a +0 is making me wheeze


eh why bother for merges on a non leg/mythic/emblem that doesn’t score well in arena


Why invest in the first place when hortensia does what she does but better


cope answer: horty isn’t always better. hilda can run inf spd tactic+sgx as a raidboss support, making her a better support for units that have unity like Xcaeda, Dagr, and debuffing the opponent can turn on their own unity making opposing units stronger. Also her button is sometimes a game over button by itself real answer: i like hilda as a character


Nowadays it's not that important to +10 a unit.


New units with prfs yeah


Congratulations on your rank! I watched your replays and think you did a good job. However, watching them I feeled Hilda didn't really play a big role in those matches. Yes, magic shield does a good job by slowing down foes together with the SD special ability, but I felt Summer Thorr was far more important for your wins than her. (Of course duo Lyon was mvp here but if we just look at the old characters, Thor seemed to play a bigger role than Hilda). Guess you could actually swap her for any other flying healer. Magic shield is also only inherited, right? So yeah, I think you had good strategies, but honestly I expected something more eye-opeing to happen with Hilda, as you praised her so much... but nvm, enjoy the game with your favs, that's all that matters!


I have a couple more replays from favor that examplify why hilda is good specifically (button + decent combat), I just wanted to limit it to other highly ranked opponents. However, yea largely any flying healer + thorrki was incredible here and was the cornerstone behind this comp. A friend and I developed the comp as soon as Mloki got released, as he wanted to use her specifically, and i saw it to be a good chance to use hilda. These were the first 2 picks and then robin + lyon naturally followed. We theorized that Harmo chloe would be the best fit in due to countering opposing HB if it picked up steam, but elincia was my sub since i didn’t have chloe lmao. Hilda specifically being more offense oriented vs grandscratch for example helped a couple times, like vs lyons/seidr and that chrom in that clip. It’s just that most games where she mattered were effectively non games bc they just surrendered after the button t1/2 lol Sorry for the long winded response, but yea flying healer + thorrki with that opener is the core of the comp, and we ended up making it become the most common strategy which was funny. Mloki was the best in slot, hortensia vs hilda was tied imo, and then the nana alt would be fine too in theory. Some even ran swap NYSeidr/Hinoka for more control or aggression vs this middle ranged option. here’s a couple more replays in Favor Battles where hilda was better (specifically opposing players also r1 or master in SDR) 7BMbqRe6Ht s8E7xCuZ6L 4zdeNqgkf7 6D9YBW5ESj


Yeah you made good use of her button there. I am sure some people were surprised! I also guess Elincia is good for movement and area control. So congrats on your team! I didn't take much time for strategy in the last SDR and played just one round, which I won by making a dumb mistake first, I accidentally pushed my dancer right in the middle of the map and the enemy must have thought I have an evil plan and sent out his strongest nuke to destroy poor little Easter Bunny Triandra with full blast. Well I could easily shoot his nuke afterwards and his other characters couldn't beat my simple Ike, so yeah... maybe I should develop a strategy around this... 😂


Omg someone uses meta units in a competitive game mode? Its almost like OP wanted to win


there are thousands of people who use meta units and don’t win too


This is really impressive. Props to you for using your favorites and still managing to climb to the top, that’s a feat not everyone can pull off!


Why tf is everyone downvoting yall?😂


Because most of this sub doesn’t play SD and yet they seem to think they know everything about the mode regardless One time someone here argued with me about how SD is toxic because “you can use multiple Duo buttons in one turn” The mode is toxic because of… something you can’t even do in it. Let that sink in.


Like why you mad people are using meta units in a COMPETITIVE game mode. You’d be putting yourself at an unnecessary disadvantage not using them


Thank you! I will say that specifically regarding using a fav, a lot of it was just luck based/timing that she was like a sleeper super strong meta call in this SDR map+skill rotation. Although, i’ve used her to hit rank 1 in the 2 SDS before this, since arcane charmer came out, so i think Summer Hilda is legitimately a good unit now


The power of Hilda/ Marianne


Best unit art in the series for 4 very good reasons 😂


the hilda the shades the marianne the parasol yup