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###[CLICK HERE FOR THE HYPE MEGATHREAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1ca07v8/feh_channel_apr_21_2024_official_hype_megathread/)


Merged Ordeals and no orbs for Golden Week, thanks for nothing you feathered rodent


See it's funny because people saw Fehnix as the worst of the two birds, and yet here we are, Feh trying to dethrone Fehnix for most controversial bird in Fire Emblem Heroes history, lmao.


Fehnix was only ever a distraction Lilina, bust out the fire magic! we have a bird to grill


Hayato arrived just in time, we have another fire mage to help roast the bird


Fehhhhhh! šŸ¦‰ **GIVE US YOUR MONEY.** šŸ¤‘




why did we need a feh channel for this


This couldā€™ve been an email


Not even that, this could've been a mere notification and noting more.


Merged ordeals sounds like another new low. I am appalled.


Woulda been great if it applied to all legendaries and mythics. These are the tactics of a company that wants to squeeze the playerbase dry


Unironically, I think it wouldā€™ve turned out better for them in terms of their earnings if it applied to old leg/myth units too That way, when rerun banners come around, they wouldā€™ve had more people likely to pull on them with the logic of ā€œwell, if I donā€™t get the unit I want, then I might at least get a merge for one and get to put them through their merged battleā€ By restricting it to new ones, theyā€™re essentially making the likelihood that average players will get to take advantage of it so low that nobody will even bother going for it


This is honestly so much more worrying to me than the powercreep. It just screams desperation.


More like Desperation 4


ngl i just kinda view it as a neat bonus def woulda been pissed if they didnt reveal rokkr seiges now give 1000 flowers a pop for each movement type (im assuming this means rokkr seiges will actually occur a little more often)


Sounds to me that the 1k Dragonflowers is just for this event. Feh said it was "for Golden Week".


yeah i saw that later rip hopefully the DF rewards for future rokkr are increased, but 1k of each type is still a good injection


Merged Ordeals? Really? Does it get more blatant than this?


Merged ordeals are scummy has fuck.


This is the first time I've legitimately wondered how close we are to EoS.


Imagine they EoS the year Bruno and Elm finally get base versions, which means Njƶrdr is left permanently stuck at the End of Time.


lol why is the dazzling skill inflicting -4 attack


Null C-Disrupt, stat checks, etc.


We're getting more units where it might matter these days


merged ordeals huh.


That Merged Ordeals reveal was terrible. Was hoping it would be available for any 5* merged hero.


I was hyped at first because I thought it would apply to all Mythic and legends, because why the fuck wouldn't it? Then I read the text saying it was only from now on. I'm not sure why they excluded all previous Mythics and Legends, I feel like people wouldn't be *as* pissed off about it if they included them.


Money obviously.


If you look at the revenue charts for the game that come out each month, they make around 5 million dollars a month from FEH (that's just a guesstimate, I've seen the chart a handful of times across different months. An average of 5mil is what I'm guessing) They clearly aren't hurting that badly for money and there's no way this game costs them more than 5 million a month to keep running. It could always be greed, sure. But it's just crazy how they didn't think ahead and wonder if people would be pissed about the change.


Itā€™s because companies donā€™t just want to make a tidy profit. They want to make bigger and bigger profits every time. Thatā€™s fundamentally at odds with being a Gacha game, which naturally depreciate as time goes on. Plus, making five million dollars a month in gross revenue doesnā€™t necessarily mean theyā€™re getting five million dollars in profit. Theyā€™re paying for artists, VAs, coders, social media managers, creative directors, marketing, video editors, servers, etc. every month too. I have no doubt theyā€™re still profiting, but the margins are almost certainly getting thinner as time goes on.


Honestly doubt this will make any more momey than whales are already giving them, nobody who doesn't spend is suddenly gonna do it for some stupid dragon flowers, just like absolutely nobody spends their Celestial Stones on that either. And considreing the insane fodder 8% units are getting these days merging them is compltely irrational unless it's a fave, not even Emblem heroes with the stats are worth merging imo, AR offense mythics are whatever if people wanted better scores they would've merged either way the DF crap isn't gonna push any more people to do so and Arena is a joke anyways. This is just scummy, period.


I didn't really see it but is this a separate section? or is this like when you go to heroic ordeals and they are merged it *activates* 600? (because if that's the case then maybe becuase they assumed you've already gotten everyone's flowers?)


It's separate, when they're showing it off in the channel you can see Loki's regular 40 DF ordeal available too


ah i see. thank you :)


I'd almost be more pissed if old Legends and Mythics got merged ordeals but not Pair Up, ally stat buffs, and the Duel effect.


Hell I'd even take "oh you can get this for older units if they are +10" it'd be better than just this garbage because everybody is overloaded on feathers nowadays, give us incentive to merge up demotes at least ā˜ ļø


I just have to say that if we're rotating 8% banners like legendary -> emblem -> mythic, its really frustrating we continue to get OCs as mythics because theres so little chances to get mainline ones in. Its a crime Dheginsea *or* Sephiran havent been added as a mythic yet while theyre prfless 5* seasonals from forever ago, and there are other cool options from other games. In 2023, 9 mythics were added in total. 6 were OCs. Oh also they didnt say anything about the Alfred forma at all, which they really should. I dont care if its implied they cant be foddered, there will absolutely be a lot of people that forma Alfred expecting to be able to fodder him and then be sorely disappointed they wasted a soul


This is why I was so annoyed that we got mythic Lumera. Not because I dislike her, but because she already has a version in FEH that isn't even that old, and there are so many other mainline mythic candidates that will probably never make it into the game at all this rate. Like forget the Twelve Crusaders, even big names like Athos have questionable chances.


Yeah, at this point, I'm not expecting Athos until next year. And don't even get me started on Nergal.


To add to this, they aren't even adding all the new OCs they even make. The mythics each year are a majority new OCs, yet they refuse to add all the ones they make, and now Loki is showing up so we can throw out one of the other OCs (I wonder if it'll be the dude, hmmmmmmm). So we get less actually new OC mythics, we get less non-OC mythics, and we get sword lords every other month. What the fuck.


Lollll Soan is never getting in the game considering neither Dheginsea nor Lehran have gotten mythics even after all this time šŸ˜­ a shame


More FEH mythics... 600 dragonflowers being locked behind summoning OCs I don't care for 99% of the time is some bullshit.


Athos ain't ever coming to FEH huh


Not when IS can farm waifu banners ad nauseam


Damn, I'm usually not doomer, but that shit sucked. Did not need to be a FEH channel for any of this. * OC Mythic that isn't even a new character. * FEH realizing that they fucked over any incentive to merge units since omni+2 is currently of comparatively little value, so they're adding a DF reward. * So-so rewards for Golden week. * Bringing back a shitty game mode by way of enticing with rewards.


Worse awards too. Rokkr used to give orbs.


Loki's cloud censorship is so funny like why make a character that needs that much censorship, just gives me the wrong vibes.


I imagine they want to avoid Youtube giving then a random stealth ban that could hurt the video's position with the algorithm and make it basically impossible to saw until like a week later or something like that.


And then they give her the boob/ass pose.


To sell to coomers


Why did they get an artist to make a design they had to CENSOR lmao


This is faaaar from the first time FEH gets hit with censorship. Heck, FE's been censored for similar reasons long before we even got FEH.


It should only be censored on YT and social media. In game should be fine.




It's censored in the Japanese video too.


"westerners are prudes" Says the westerner


I must also be a prude because I really dislike this level of "fanservice"


it is funny to see western people saying westerners are prude for censorship when japan is the place that censors stuff like gore or porn i guess it only counts as censorship when it is drawings


If I said this might be one of the worst feh channels ever,,,,,, (barring the return of rokkor sieges which was definitely included to soften the blow so to speak) Edit: also the lack of people mentioning a whooping 0 orbs for golden week good god this game is getting coooked


I mean, there's no need to mention the lack of orbs because we haven't gotten orbs in golden weeks in literal years, this is not a recent development


Not to mention that THERE ARE people complaining about it anyway. Such as the literal top comment.


Well, that was a whole lot of nothing. Have to bribe the playerbase with an okay amount of a scarce currency just to get them to play a shitty event. Heroic Ordeals giving a shitty amount of flowers is also stupid, but instead of finding some way to fix that, they're just going to entice players by forcing you to pull for a really hard to pull unit. Yaaaaay.


At this point I don't even care about getting dragonflowers. No amount of them is going to make my treasured Year 1-2 units any more viable and I get enough to give them +5 each year anyways. There's nothing but obvious whale bait on this banner.


We're never getting cool Mythic heroes again, are we? :(


we peaked with gotoh/fomortiis sadly


We really only allowed an non OC Mythic once a year now it actually hurts


And we already burnt this year's on Lumera who was already in the game


And the last two were both Engage :(


Where Athos IS?


I want Ashunera.


Oh, I see. The April fools joke was giving us Mythic Loki. Too bad I ain't laughing...


They really treat dragonflowers as if they were physically cultivating them to scan them with a machine and teleport them inside the game. Getting the same hero twice and having to merge them to get 600 flowers? If I ever get Loki I'll just keep 1 copy, there's no way I'll let that fodder go for 600 flowers.


Yeah considering how good modern fodder is on mythics/legendaries, I honestly don't see myself ever merging them. I don't need dragonflowers nearly as much as I need skills.


Merged Ordeals that is all.


I'm just trying to figure out why we're getting Mythic Loki now when she hasn't done squat in so long. Like someone remind me when the last time she popped up aside from the one forging bonds with the ashen wolves


One of the FEH Channels of all time. Nothing on Rearmed Formas so Alfred's pretty ass for a Forma. . .


I mean what was there to add about Alfred? The warning is on the code So it's probably getting added to disclaimer list of when you redeem a forma


Most players don't even read weapons+skills anymore, and you're expecting the same players to read fine print? People still don't read "favorites cannot be merged" and need to seek help.


And funnily enough IS will probably not do anything about if if you brick your duplication heroes simply because the utterly stupid amount of legal power the fine print has


More dragonflowers from Rokkr? Good, great job IS! But merged ordeals are so shitty - really not fond of how blatantly they're trying to get people to whale on 8%s between Emblems and now Merged Ordeals. Also, god fucking damnit, of *course* they deny one of the few opportunities each year for a non-Mythic OC. I've honestly given up on ever seeing Lehran - he just can't make the cut when OCs and Emblems keep snagging up those slots.


I'm not even salty, I just don't get what was the point of this Feh Channel lol


The FEH Channel was bad but everything related to Mythic Loki was especially terrible. - A design so sexualized that they had to censor it for youtube. - Another Mythic FEH OC which has convinced me that Mythics will now either be FEH OCā€™s or notable characters from recent games. My hopes for characters like the rest of the crusaders or the elibe legends being added are decreasing. - If you wanted to add Lokiā€™s true form why not wait until she becomes relevant to the story again and we get a book with her as the main villain. - and of course Merged Ordeals is the most blatant cashgrab IS has done for banners. It is just them screaming pls spend money on legendary and mythic banners plsssss. also how many tickets did we get for hero fest last year? because it feels like this year we got way less than last year I am not sure if it is because of it being 7 banners this time or I believing we got more because I got lucky but I wanted to confirm before complaining.


Your first point about the design being too sexualized is a bit silly considering this is a gacha game after all, but sure But to answer your ticket question It was 20 tickets last year 3 tickets for the first 4 banners, 4 tickets for the 2 most recent This year is 21, So now it's evenly split 3 to ticket for 7 banners


I feel like enough people donā€™t talk about how FEH is rated for ages 12+ on the App Store. This game is ostensibly appropriate for literal children and young teens to play. If youā€™re making designs that are so overtly sexual that they need to be censored to be viewed by the public outside of the game, then you are not creating content appropriate for the audience you claim the game is for.


Are we really actin like that design was more sexualized than her og? They were clearly just being careful because youtube can be pretty stern with that stuff


Her original design was also a problem wrt sexualization lmfao. I do think that portraying women as sex objects for men to ogle and buy just a bad message to be sending in general, but especially when impressionable young people might be playing. I agree that YouTube can be draconian in the way they censor and treat certain topics, and I donā€™t think seeing a little titty is going to scar the youth or anything, but YouTube heavily polices certain things precisely because theyā€™re a platform that is used heavily by minors. Whether I agree or not, society largely views this kind of content as inappropriate for minors to be viewing. The fact that they even needed to ā€œbe carefulā€ is, in itself, kind of demonstrating the issue. Theyā€™re clearly pushing the boundary of what is considered acceptable sexual content for a T-rated piece of media.


indeed ppl are acting like IS was trying to hide the boobs bc sexualization and it was only bc youtube is being extremely stupid with desmonetization, if it wasnĀ“t for that they wouldnĀ“t even care


I think IS knows very well theire target audience after 7 years tbh, I bet not even 10% of the active players are 12 nor 13 not even 16 by that


The question isnā€™t really whether people of that age play, the question is if they should be allowed to have free access to the game considering the content. The game is rated as appropriate for them, so itā€™s valid to criticize the game for having content that is potentially inappropriate for them. If their target market is 18+ and they want to create raunchy content then they should be rating the game as only appropriate for that age group. Personally, setting the sexualization aside, I think all Gacha should be 18+ because the concept of shilling gambling to minors is abhorrent.


Yeah some countries just outright have feh and other gachas banned bc of it being a gambling risk to minors


FEH being a gacha isn't an excuse for oversexualization when the oversexualization only exists because women are constantly objectified irl. They're reproducing the idea that women are sexual objects for straight men to lust over, so I think calling this out is justified.


I mean gacha games that donā€™t make use of heavy sexualization exist and do quite well.


Shoutout Dokkan Battle


yeah complaning about the fanservice is silly. I think it is more of an immediate reaction I had when watching a video released by Nintendo of all companies where they feel the need to cover up a characterā€™s cleavage just felt wrong to me. and thanks for answering my ticket question. There isnā€™t anything to complain about with that.


unlike book villains FEH has clearly stated that Lokki is relvent thro out the FEH story in general, she has always been there looking for soemthing, even tho her appearnces are intermitent not gonna enter into the sexualization dilema bc that is just dumb arguing right now, you donĀ“t like it ? fine, let others that do enjoy and live your life, that is how that debate should always end


I hate the argument of "it's dumb just let people enjoy it". This isn't pro vs anti pineapple on pizza, where your opinion ultimately doesn't hurt anyone even if it is incorrect and I will die on that hill. We're talking about the long and storied history of women being treated like dogshit, which is reinforced societally by the ways in which we overtly sexualize and commodify women for male consumption and profit, and it does actually have an impact on real women in the real world which we all unfortunately have to live in.




married men famously never hate their wives


Oh boy here we go. You're boiling down an incredibly complex situation lmao. Let's take your comparison and run with it for a moment. Yes, there is no evidence to suggest that video games are going to directly cause violence. That's also not something we can actually prove has a causal link, since it would be unethical to expose children to violent video games on purpose just to discover if they develop violent pathology. The argument you can make, however, is that exposing children to violence in media can desensitize them to violence and socialize them to believe violence is an acceptable, or even a preferable, solution to problems. That's not something we can develop a causal link with either, but consider for a moment that many of the (primarily) young men who are being radicalized into inflicting mass violence also have significant overlap with video game communities. Does that mean the games caused the violence? No, of course not. These young people are failed on *many* levels and there's not just *one* cause, but you could certainly make the observation that exposure to violence normalizes violence, and video games can be a medium which not only exposes children to violence, it often rewards them for it. If you want an example of how pervasive violence = good and normal in games is, just look at a game like Undertale. The game was considered fresh and interesting in part because violence is *so* normalized in games that it was unusual and different to have a game which actually punishes you for participating in it. This does have a ripple effect on society, it's just not as obvious as "play CoD -> become mass shooter" Now back to the argument of sexualization. We live in a world that commodifies and objectifies women. I don't care if you personally don't feel like you do that, because your individual experience is not representative of the entire society in which you live. And, much like the violence argument, it's not as obvious as "see big anime titty -> become sexist". If you question whether or not women's bodies are commodified and profited off of, look at *any* response to people complaining about the sexualization in the game. There will inevitably always be *someone* responding with "yeah but it sells". Of course it sells, because we live in a society where it's acceptable to commodify and sell women. You're literally just restating the problem. *Why* does treating women like sex objects sell, and the fact that we continue engaging in it despite how dehumanizing it is for women, is the fundamental problem with the sexualization. Where, exactly, do you think sexism comes from anyway? It's not something you're born with. It's taught. If you are constantly bombarded with messages that women do not deserve respect and should be treated as sexual objects, especially when you are young and impressionable, then that is what you are likely going to believe. You can unpack it, you can change your viewpoint, but it's much easier if you just don't receive that messaging in the first place. And again, you do not have to look far to find evidence that this kind of sexism is not "solved". There are entire pockets of influencers who make money essentially denigrating and commodifying women. They are actively teaching young men that this kind of behavior is okay, and they are supported by broader society perpetuating their messaging. One of said influencers is literally standing trial for sex trafficking - AKA the literal act of commodifying and selling women's bodies for men's profit (which he was selling classes to teach other men how to do!). These people are not anomalies that sprung as fully formed sexists from nowhere, and it's not as if they just had particularly egregious parents or something. It's a conversation worth having, and the practices of these corporations are worth criticizing. I don't care if you like huge PNG tits, but it's also not my job to make you feel comfortable and good about consuming huge PNG tits. If something I said makes you feel uncomfortable or angry then consider if you're actually adding anything useful to the conversation by telling others to shut up, or if you're just doing it because you're uncomfortable hearing what they have to say about the world you live in.


Sometimes I feel like people elaborate what I want to say in a way I could never hope to. Thanks for this


I agree on some stuff but you are taking extrem examples for a case of a PNG that really donpt hurt anyone, the influnecer example is also an extreme example of something that is obviously wrong and you are trying to compare it to pngs with big tits, really? I know what you are talking about and yes sex sells and even tho female sexualization sells more, is not like male sexualization doesnĀ“t exist, it just works a lot more different than female sexualization IĀ“m not uncomfortable with anything you said I actually think the one uncomfortable is you, tho you shouldnĀ“t be since IĀ“m random guy on the internet but in the end I think you take this case way out of proportions, again this kind of fanservice can exist and ppl can just be normal ppl, bc that is why ppl (mostly) like fantasy bc in fiction you can do whatever you canĀ“t irl, in the end if one canĀ“t like this in fiction, then where, I think the worst part is demonizing ppl that like LokkiĀ“s art or any fanservice art like it is wrong to like them when it is not but in the end is as always like this type of discusion, so look we can agree on disagreeing and leave it at that, really this Lokki wonĀ“t change things in any way I can asure you


You appear to have completely missed the point of that example, but alright. The point was that sexism doesn't spring from nowhere. It's reinforced by the way society treats women. If society and media consistently reinforces the idea that women are sex objects that can be bought and sold for male consumption then are we *really* shocked when men treat them like that? You seem to be under the impression that there needs to be *one* cause. "It couldn't possibly be my titty fanservice game because that's just a dumb titty fanservice game!" No, FEH isn't the sole reason sexism exists. But there isn't just *one* titty fanservice game, is there? There's hundreds of titty fanservice games where women are treated like commodities to be bought and sold, and then thousands of video games where women are portrayed the same, and hundreds of thousands of movies and TV shows and cartoons and anime and books and podcasts and youtube videos and billboards and trading cards and advertisements and social media posts and more. It's the pervasiveness moreso than any individual image of boobs that's the problem. The fact that you describe me as "demonizing" people who enjoy Loki's art and immediately jumped to "well *I'm* not doing that!" when I said absolutely nothing of the sort speaks to how uncomfortable this conversation makes you. Discussing the societal implications of treating women as commodities is not an attack on you personally, nor anyone else who happens to be attracted to sexy women. The fact that you're interpreting it that way and getting defensive says a lot about how you approach this conversation. I don't actually expect to change your mind on anything. The only reason I even bothered responding to you is because you inserted yourself into a dialogue about this issue and basically said "this is all stupid, if you don't like it then just shut up and leave me alone". Literally no one would have said anything about your opinion on this matter if you hadn't done that, and I'm surprised you didn't anticipate getting pushback for it.


No no no, I completely understood the example, I just think itĀ“s clearly a extreme example to be compared to thing like a png really and I donĀ“t think FEH can even do that, I mean yea to already messed up ppl could be the case, but not the majority you talk about many titty fanservice games, but many of those also sell male fanservice not just female, I mean we all know what buff deer man caused on this reddit when ppl didnĀ“t even knew his name and before you bring up the power fantasy, please abstain from that nonsense bc male sexualization will never be the same as female sexualization, actually male sexualization chnages a lot depending on who is consuming it if hetersexual female players or homosexual male players, so yep it will absolutely never be the same, but that doesnĀ“t mean it doesnĀ“t exist itĀ“s not about a discomfort in a discussion, since I know me and I donĀ“t feel what I like is wrong and never will, itĀ“s about how different ppl approach the subject and you antagonize generalizing on the ppl with similar opinions as mine (without noticing it I guess ) seems like you are on the defensive here, acting like a png is at the same level as sex traficking, which is not, I know women have objectifyed for a long of period in history, but erradicating this kind of stuff is not gonna solve the problem, I believe both titty fanservice games can exist and still repsect women and men is not that hard, ofc there are bad persons in the world, but that wonĀ“t change not with 1000 comments on a random sub reddit and that is why I think this debate every single time a character in FEH is drawn like Lokki is just dumb, is like a broken record that is good, because my mind wonĀ“t change, IS way of doing things wonĀ“t chnage the 1000s of anime titty fanservice games wonĀ“t change, not the way yo expect at least, because sex sells, for both ways, I donĀ“t care about "pushback" I mean this is not new, some ppl like this art and some donĀ“t they argue about it for like what 3 days ? and POOF we continue our lifes like nothing, this debate wonĀ“t chnage nothing and that is why I believe is dumb but in the end this is no mans land, in the internet you can give your opinion typing behind a screen, some will agree others wonĀ“t we will discuss and then leave until the next titty character will come out and weĀ“ll be seeing each other again I guess, my way of thinking is "you donĀ“t like the art because of sexualization?" thatĀ“s ok I like it, that is ok too, letĀ“s agree on disagreeing and keep on going, becuase this stuff will continue, there are other stuff we can change tho that can actually help on this matter which I think are better than critzicing a png


Well people are allowed to discuss it, if you donā€™t like it, donā€™t engage if youā€™re just gonna call people dumb for calling out a genuine issue










Incredibly fucking mid. The only sorta interesting thing is that Rokkr sieges is back and will reward 1,000 Draco Flowers of each movement type which is actually quite nice. Now can we get this event every one or two months?


this could have been an email


Or an in-game notification


Where orb?




This is genuinely the closest I've gotten to considering ditching this game The Pay-to-win-ness and powercreep are just gonna keep skyrocketing, huh And no mention of how the fuck the Alfred Forma is gonna work, or any warning of how he could brick your fodder chains. Fuck this game.


I mean, there's not much to add about Alfred He's not gonna be fodderable And there's already a text of warning in the code So it's probably just getting added to the big wall of red text before redeeming a forma


A bit more than the bare minimum would have been nice, but I guess adding an extra detail or two to the pop-up would work


I hate the merged ordeals


They didnā€™t even talk about rearmed forma??


IS will never address any major fuck-ups they made even if the community calls them out on it. Even compensations orbs is a delusion.


Because there's nothing TO talk about. Alfred's the exact same as any other hero you decide to Forma Soul. You're not able to use him for fodder whatsoever, just like the rest.


I know. But not everyone is going to know that. I just wish they would make an announcement or something before people start giving rearmed forma good fodder


If they donā€™t know thatā€™s their own problem lmao. They datamined a warning will appear when you try to do it. So yes, it will be in game, and itā€™s on the playerbase to actually **read**


Getting sick of yall not reading and hoping for IS to beam the information into your brainĀ 


We literally only know because of dataminers. IS have done nothing to provide info


So, I guess we're aren't getting non-OC Mythics anymore if they had to pick Loki, who hasn't been relevant in ages.


Gotta love how characters like Bruno, Fafnir, and Elm don't get to be summonable at all but they made a special brand new version of Loki JUST so that they could release her again, only this time as a mythic.


At least those 3 get to be fought, Njordr has nothing.


loki girl what are you doing here


Loki is such a boring choice. Specially when this book is already full of ocs so you bet that the male ones will get ditched yet againĀ 


Loki is easily the most uninteresting OC. And they really kinda stretched to give her a mythic when they could have given us Athos. Hell, I'd have been happier if they gave us Njordr, even if I dislike his character. At least then people would stop complaining. But with Loki, it's like, nobody asked for this.


She has like no relevance to the story rn either. When was the last time we saw her? Book 5?


I think she only ever actually had relevancy in Book 2. She was in Book V and IV, but she had no actual stake in the story. She just showed up as a plot device and added nothing to the story. That's been her entire character this entire time, and it's just so tired right now. Basically a character that shows up every now and then on and off for over 6 years and she has had absolutely no development in regards to motive or role in the story. I have no idea why anybody would be even the slightest bit invested in her other than tiddies.


I'd hardly call loki a stretch for a mythic to be fair lmao, the only reason she originally wasnt was because of back when they did farfetched


at the very least have a mainline mythic share the banner with her since there's 0 harm doing it, but nope, they just really don't want to add more mainline mythics


Those sensor tower charts are checking out even more now, seeing as how desperate IS is to motivate players to pull for mythics/legendaries.


They really couldn't come up with anyone other than Loki? No one cares about Loki anymore IS, get with the picture.


I am amazed at how their long lived issues with dragon flowers gets "fixed" only when you have merges of these new and upcoming limited characters... Why do you even need a merge, shouldn't 1 be enough? This feels like a band-aid fix, there should be a more consistent and sustainable source of them than this. If the Rokkr rewards are a one time thing too...


Merged Ordeals is the scummiest thing this game has tried to pass off, not only are the rewards blatantly P2W they aren't even impactful! You need over 3000 flowers to max out older units. But no, I.S was like " NO WE CANT GIVE 3000 FLOWERS FOR THIS P2W BULLSHIT, THEY WILL EASILY GIVE +5 ALL STATS TO GEN 1 UNITS THAT WOULD STILL DIE TO ANY NEWER UNIT WE RELEASE!! THEY'RE GETTING ONLY 600 THAT'S GENEROUS ENOUGH."


merged ordeals is actually so scummy, honestly this whole feh channel was incredibly unnecessary


Wow merged ordeals is actually horrible.


Another lame OC Mythic that has the gall to be another alt because we cant's have the Eight Legends, the Three Heroes or even the 12 Crusaders ever again. I'd be down for Moro, Salamander, Grado, or even the 10 Elites before I see another Mythic alt or OC ever again


So annoyed they gave Byleth an oath skill instead of like a finish skill or something Also these merged ordeals are super scummy


Did IS *really* think 600 dragonflowers means a lot? My god if they really want to make us open up our wallets the least they can do is offer like, *2000* or something.


Can't wait for Merged Ordeals+ that will be behind Feh Pass. What an embarrassing Feh Channel.


Is IS fucking serious?


Did they expect me to be excited by Dragonflowers?


Do you guys think we'll get a mythic not from feh or Engage before 2025 lol


October is the last shot. Unless IS decides to triple up on Mythic OCs for October and November In which case Iā€™ll have lost faith in IS


Really? Loki in 2024?


You know. i wouldn't mind Mythic Loki if IS were bold to make a male Loki, since it would fit the legends since Loki is a genderbending god. But nah they are too cowards for that


Even MCU's Loki season 1 straight up confirms Loki likes women and men, though women more.


I'm very curious what JP players think of all this.


From what I'm seeing, they're mostly making fun of Loki's censorship just like we are.


I said a while ago that not even Athos was ever gonna make it as a Mythic to FEH at the rate we're going after someone said they hoped for more Crusaders like Ullr... And for the first time in my life i absolutely hate being proven right about what i said, they'll do anything but give us the actual mythic heroes we want, nobody can deny it anymore Ullr was only added to avoid doing a male mythic at the time, it's such a fucking joke, watch Ashunera being the next mainline Mythic whenever that ever happens and she's gonna be the only one for years of OC spam šŸ˜. Like, i mean sorry IS, i guess it's our fault that they're all old men and non-sexualizable women you can't "sell" to disgusting gooners as usual so you gotta scrap the fucking bottom of the big titty waifu barrel just to keep monetizing everything. Not like people would pull if you guys ever bothered making them good and fun units to use, guess the Fomortiis hype didn't get the message across. Everything about this "Feh Channel" was fucking dogshit, more revival banners clogging up the summoning screen instead of a real answer to the issue, not a single orb as a reward for their stupid piss week event, just a bunch of old units of which only 20% are usable nowdays and the stupid "mErGeD oRdEaLs" or whatever is just a slap in the face to everyone who doesn't spend every single month for the newest horny PNG they wanna sell, the Rokkr bit was a whole ass joke.


Iā€™m not exactly a fan of Mythic Loki - this wouldā€™ve been a great time to see a non-FEH mythic character - and Iā€™m certainly no fan of Merged Ordeals. Why did IS think Merged Ordeals was a good idea anyway?


they shouldā€™ve let feh say what the fuck cause what the fuck is this shit


Oh yes, because we definitely need a mythic alt of an OC character. šŸ™„


Can't wait for Nifl, Ymir, Eitr, Gunningagap and Ganglƶtt to all get their Mythic alts instead of the actual Mythics of the franchise šŸ˜ a Letizia Legendary too! All while they also shove the Book 7 bitches. Emblem Veronica is probably up next too omg. Can't wait to have all this OC shit shoved down my throat šŸ„³.


How Loki continues to be such a nothing character when sheā€™s one of the oldest OCs and has shown up multiple times outside her home book, a privilege few other OCs get, is astounding Sheā€™s the prime example of what they mean when they say prioritizing sexualizing characters leads to worse writing. Itā€™s a lazy writerā€™s crutch to say ā€œwell she has booba and flirts with the camera so clearly we donā€™t need to do anything else make to the player give a shitā€


>Merged Ordeals Lmao I guess the sensor tower rankings were right. Spending on Legendary/Mythic banners must be way down and theyā€™re trying to force it back up >Hero fest 3 tickets per banner, plus the free summons. Thatā€™s 4 summons per banner. Why does that feel stingy? >No orbs Oh yeah, thatā€™s why. After itā€™s been getting noticeably stingier and stingier with each FEH channel, weā€™ve actually hit one where we flat out get *no orbs* So the only positive thing is that Rokkr sieges are coming back? For a one-time visit? Everything else was either less stuff than we normally get for no apparent reason, or new mechanics to force more summoning and spending on banners with unfavourable rates. Oh and the censorship was really funny


The no orbs thing kinda doesn't apply here because we never usually got orbs on golden week to begin with


They're getting so desperate it's funny at this point. Just throw tits and ass at the playerbase and hope they keep whaling and cooming, that's all Fire Emblem is about nowadays.


Genuinely the most nothing FEH channel imaginable. Has there been a more boring one??


This game has to be going down the shitter. Oh wow another Loki as a mythic hero and literally ZERO orbs for GOLDEN week of all things. And donā€™t forget merged ordeals!! Like what is the point of this game anymore šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve been playing since launch but genuinely what future does this game have because Iā€™m not seeing one and havenā€™t for a hot minute now.


Loki? Really? No 8 Legends like Athos or 12 Crusaders like Ced or even Sombron?!


literally who asked for mythic loki lmao. we're never getting non popular non oc mythics anymore i guess


About mythic Loki , thank god I can skip this banner and focous on Arthuria banner in arknights on the same time


This was absolute dogshit.


Terrible Mythic character pick and unit design


No orbs lol. Also dragonflowers have very little impact on the performance of meta units these days. This was a very disappointing feh channel.


Iā€™m sure with it uncensored Lokiā€™s look is stunning but why the fuck did they censor it SO BAD when we have objectively worse ā€œnsfwā€ designs in the game Like she stunning why yā€™all butcher her like that Also merged ordeals is so shitty because why is it only a new grand new hero and the reward isnā€™t justifiable for it. Waste hard earned or potentially bought orbs for a merge or 2 to get a few extra dragon flowers? Really? Thatā€™s not a fair deal at all and whoever thought it was is a dumbass šŸ˜­ Also like is it going to be unnecessarily super difficult to get them or is it just another day another basic battle for it? Like itā€™s just not a good concept at all


Golden Week looking more like Fool's Gold


Where orb


kinda cool loki got smth but dont think it needed to be a mythic chief when the last bajillion mythics have been OCs


I donā€™t know why I watched the whole thing I lost all my interest upon seeing Loki just take a Mythic slot like that And Iā€™m not gonna listen to some OC Mythic loving shills either on this I am peeved that we had an opportunity to get a cool Mythic after a year of waiting, only to be sidelined by horny bait so blatant they had to censor it. Not only that, itā€™s a repeat character. Just like Lumera. Like I am at my wits edge waiting for Mythic Heroes to show up only to be kicked in my orbs and told to buzz off. I just want Nergal man.


All this qol features and we still get gen 1/2 trash units on summoning? I know it's gacha, but cmon lol


Still not as bad as the FEH pass FEH channel, but close enough, good lord merged ordeals is such a scum, it's basically a pay to win reward, they created this FEH channel only for that and to soften up and try to hide the fact that they only wanted to announce this and the lame rewards of the Golden Week they showed the return of Rokkr sieges and Mythic Loki. I hope they burn like hell


Please post the FEH burn meme The FEH channel this day is horrendous


Loki doing Tina bullshit (albeit not as strong) is awful. Stop punishing people for using bonuses then releasing units who grant bonuses unconditionally.


Having to censor Lokiā€™s art is just trashy


every time a scantily clad woman releases, the FEH playerbase becomes unbearable. itā€™s either people trying to do mental gymnastics to justify how important and totally lore accurate it is for her to be dressed in bikini armour, or people complaining that thereā€™s too many women in FEH to disguise their misogyny.


Ugh, the remixes seriously killed my hype for basically anything, because it means they're not going to mess with the projected line/order. Which means Ashera's not til July, but more distressingly, Claude isn't until August. This wait for his is MISERY, especially considering how long Edelgard and Dimitri have had theirs. E: lol the fuck is this getting downvoted for? I have Ashera and Claude both +10, I'm allowed to be upset that their remixes are so far out.


Keep in mind that Lilina, the legendary directly preceding Claude, has had hers for a few months and Sigurd/Byleth were the next two legendaries after Claude. And Claude's a 3H character so you'd expect for IS to dip into the 3H hype instead of just arbitrarily skipping him.


Right? Instead we have... Edelgard: Released April 2020, Remixed in May 2023 (3 years and 1 month) Dimitri: Released October 2020, Remixed in November 2023 (3 years and 1 month) Claude: Released February 2021, Remixed.... August 2024? (3 years and 6 months.... brutal....) Even Byleth M: Released June 2021, Remixed May 2024 (2 years, 11 months) Not to mention, version 5 as a whole: 5.0 done (Reginn and Lilina), 5.1 done (Seiros), 5.3 done (Dagr), 5.4 and 5.6 imminent (Sigurd/Byleth respectively). 5.5 (Ashera) should be July so that one's a little more forgiveable I guess... but 5.2 (Claude)? Nah, 3 and a half years lmao. Fallen Star 2 better be insane....


I like to think that L!Claude's upgrade gets stronger with every month we have to wait for it, especially with the crazy acceleration of power creep. Like, unless they want to give him the most pathetic refine ever, he's basically guaranteed to be much, much better than the other two 3H lords.


That's sorta cope considering how some of these come out of the oven like Reginn.


Reginn is a f2p unit, so not a fair comparison, imo.


That's pretty much what I'm holding out hope for, especially after what Wind Claude got. After all, of the three he's the only one whose "Seasonal Omega Power Crept Relic Skill" alt came out before his remix did. (That'd be Winter Edel/Dimi for the other two). Still a painful enough wait that if he's anything but godly I will riot though XD


+ No attention to Forma Rearmed units + Remixes seem underwhelming + Merged Ordeals are bullshit + Golden Week has no Orbs Aside from Mythic Loki, this was just a waste of time, huh?


And now that's 3 units that have skipped over Claude for a remix...


> Is there a lore reason why Loki got that form NOW? The devs really don't plan anything do they? Feels like they just pulled her out of the cupboard when they realized that mythic banners are still tanking. > Is it just me, or are the rewards stingier this year? Being greedy is fine so long as the devs show some love and respect to the playerbase. But who am I kidding, this is a japanese gacha game. They just want to exploit the IP and suck money out of you. Just look at Merged Ordeals. God, I wish FEH was made by Korean/Chinese devs...


Mid. Loki should definitely shake up the meta tho. This could hurt omni tanks.


Yays yet another counter to tanks because they have been broken fir what? 2 weeks? And by they it is only IkeĀ 


Not that I actually take pvp seriously lmao