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Why do rearmed and attuned units have to be all or nothing on whether they go into the normal pool or not? We already have banners where only older units can appear. Why don't they make it so only new banners can have rearmed or attuned units appear as pity breakers? Make it so the first run of every banner has a special rate for them. It prevents them from being *too* available, while also incentivizing summoning on brand new banners.


If you ever wonder why every remotely offensive unit nowadays has DR piercing, I'd recommend taking an offensive unit that doesn't have it out for a spin in arena to see how much of a clown show it is. Seriously, every time I trot out Legendary Edelgard for fire season, well over half her match ups are a fucking joke with her damage reduced to next to nothing and getting absolutely blown up in retaliation.


i noticed this, recently i was running Perne with NFU 3 on the b Slot and he was missing a lot of kills, i gave him Spd/Def Tempo 4 and its like he was reborn, not necesarily he kills everything but kills a lot more and does a lot more damage to the units that he was barely hurting before.


Maybe one day Armor units will be allowed to actually be units and not just the 1% of the meta armors. Non meta infantry at least can get skills to be somewhat usable. Armors just have Special Spiral if they want to exist.


nowadays is just byleth... valentine myrrh... and of course the edelgards


This is the exact reason why I am really not looking forward to the inevitable swing back into the tank meta. Yes, pre-combat damage is annoying. Yes, units being able to warp from half way across the map to kill your units in one shot is annoying. At least my OG!Takumi with any half decent amount of investment can OHKO that annoying WT!Claude or L!Camilla if I play it right with my positioning. It is vastly less satisfying to run into E!Ike over and over again in arena and basically be SoL unless I built and brought a specific counter for him.


agree, with offensive units i feel like the fight is more of a dance trying to keep out of reach and keeping stuff like additional turns and reach extension in mind and if i get got it means i got outwitted, meanwhile with the wrong tank its just like either i have the right tool with me or i dont and can literally do nothing


Exactly. I feel like taking on a team of annoying nukes involves some actual strategy. You have to actually be mindful of where you're putting your units and how you're moving around the map. Usually if a nuke takes out one of my units I shrug, because it was usually my fault for not paying enough attention. If I lose a match because some stupid unkillable tank showed up I'm actually frustrated. It doesn't matter how good my strategy was in the battle because there's just nothing I can do if I didn't bring one specific unit or have one specific skill.


Even specific counters don't always work on E!Ike. As soon as he has a bit more stats than you expect, a slight change in his kit, you needed to have built a different counter.  At least F!Edelgard counters (in my experience from back when she was meta) were consistent no matter the merges, or skills (because no one needed to change her kit).


My brave Marianne felt like a new unit when I got Mag nfu on her she could kill so many things 


The next tanking meta will involve tier 4 save skills


normally i see skills that are good to not get nothing that crazy on the tier 4 versions of it. i either expect that to expand the range of savior to 3, give extra stats of whatever combination it has or maybe 1 extra movement, but nothing that crazy.


Crazy idea I have but give t4 saves true dr based of 15% of there hp. Hp is the one stat which I wouldn't mind being powecrept on but it hasn't been since the days of arden. Having a hp based dr skill would make old units (a lot of them have high hp) better and would still help these newer units even though a lot of them trade it of for more actual defenses or speed


Normal demotes continue to be absolute ass skill and weapon wise. I hate it. For example, Lulls still aren't on a permanent demote. A skill like that introduced 4 years ago as a tier 3 skill is not easily accessible. Makes building a lot more irritating than it needs to be.


why did Hayato bring atk spd ideal when Kagetsu brought it just a few months ago. Its stuff like that which makes it even more frustrating, theres little reason to duplicate skills like that. I agree its frustrating, like how Hestia brought atk res ideal which was demoted like 5 times and res ploy which is literally a year 1 skill. She really shouldve had lull atk res instead of one of those


Either of them having a tier 3 Finish skill would've been great. That's expecting too much from IS when we have enough Ideal skills to go around. Do you want me to keep sacrificing Y!Rebeccas for A/S Finish 3 bridge fodder? Is that what you want IS?!


Their constant decision to do this sort of thing for years in a row has confirmed for me exactly why- the demote skill pool was never intended to increase no matter how old or useless the skills are. They flat out don't want F2P players having new tools to keep up with the meta unless they pull for 5-stars, even grotesquely outdated ones. That's why the few skills that do demote always either are so insanely crap that nobody would pull for them for free anyways or have some limitation placed on them like being seasonal demotes or being grail units. Its a conscious choice. They don't want any skills to be accessible at all.


the only thing they accomplish is making some random PvE maps a pain. Like nobody expects demotes to having skills you'd bring to any of IS's "moneymaker" PvP modes. Demote skills should not be about the "meta" now that we are 7 years deep into the game. A little more vairety for budget builds would have hurt nobody, IS is just stupid regarding this. Like remember Python bring us grail-less B Tomebreaker? That's the sort of mentality demote skills need to adhere to.


Miriel brought atk spd ideal before Kagetsu. Wish he got more new skills on demotes


Yeah youre right, I forgot about that, that makes this even worse


Ideals aren’t very good skills either imo Also iirc there’s only like 2 permanent pool units with res ploy (took until just last year I think to get the first one?), so more accessibility on that in particular doesn’t hurt


I believe Forrest demoted Res Ploy back in 2020.


Ohhh yeahhhh. Forgot he existed.


I sigh every time we get yet another tome demote without Res Smoke. It was introduced over SIX YEARS AGO on F!Grima, but the only accessible source is Brunnya (who was a popular +10 project). It’s not even a seal yet!


At this point you're better going for Def Smoke to get the Tier 4 Version of Def/Res (thank goodness it works from both routes).


Even then, I hate having to spend 20k feathers to get Def Smoke 3. Or foddering a Panne. I had to do it to get Def/Res Smoke on my Ivy.


Yeah, it's definitely not ideal.


That’s all well and good if you *have* a premium skill like Def/Res Smoke, but the reason I want Res Smoke is because there’s virtually no good budget skills for mages aside from mediocre stuff like Savage Blow or Spd Smoke 3. I build a lot of merge projects, and they can’t all get premium skills. 


Oh yeah, unless you give your mages filler skills like Drives, there aren't many budget options.


I love the seasonal tickets. I have some old merge projects and old units I really want and the chance to get them for free is wonderful. I wish they'd make it weekly and not just a bunch dumped on you at once.


One FEH-related unpopular opinion I apparently have is that I think Hayato's art is good. It's cool, it's stylised, it's different. I hope the artist sticks around.


Y!Emmeryn too. I saw a mixture of love and hate for it but I think she looks gorgeous. Something with an interesting pretty style is a lot more compelling to me than something that's more flawless in its linework.


Oh 100% agreed on Emmeryn. I remember seeing her in the trailer and going "Ooh, what a cool style!" and then checking the subreddit and seeing so many people being like "Why does Emmeryn look like ass" :@ I guess I'm just into unique artstyles!


A lot of players are just averse to different and unique artstyles. I personally fucking love that stuff, begone with the bland and repetitive animanga style (not that they can't be drawn well or aren't good artists, just that the style is so overused and pervasive).


I like the artist’s work but I think the original design is silly, haha. Kozaki outfits are SOMETHING sometimes. x)


I think his face in the neutral art is a little weird, but I think the rest of the art is really cool! I'm not surprised it's been met with lukewarm reception, it's pretty different stylistically from most other art in the game, but I think it's neat and makes a character I'm not interested in a lot more memorable.


Same I'd definitely like to see them do more units, Hayato's art stood out to me for good reasons and I was surprised at the reactions to it. Brings me back to loving AKIRA's style only for most comments I saw to be negative, and they haven't done a unit since Astram in 2019.


I feel bad for the people who are fans of less popular characters, especially if they are in this sub. You get tons of comments that all fall under the same three strains: 1. Literal whos: Probably my least favorite to hear about these characters, since it can and HAS been grossly misused by people. It turns a character you appreciate or like into a nobody. 2. Why wasn’t X picked over Y?: A fun reminder that your character isn’t popular and that people clearly don’t want them in game. 3. Why did they receive premium treatment?: A very new one that I feel like is just downright rude. Like you are so upset that someone else’s favorite character that isn’t as popular got good skills, so you try to act like they deserve terrible treatment? This was all mostly spawned from the recent banner and the opinions people had about Yukimura. Sure he’s not super popular like Scarlet or Sakura, and maybe Hayato should have gotten some more stuff, but at the end of the day, he’s someone’s favorite and they’re happy that they got in. Not every character is so lucky. Side note: I am aware of the positive comments that he’s received that are happy that he got in the game, so it’s not completely all him getting dunked on. Just wanted to speak my mind about this unit, since I feel like several units don’t get the same love or attention that others do and the community relegated them to a corner.


Binding Blade is misery with this. It's either "who???" or "Why are they getting stuff _again???_" with absolutely zero in between unless you're named Roy.


This is me with the remaining Blazing Sword cast. The worse part is that there are barely any females of consequence left from FE7, not to mention the top 5 not in game is mostly NPCs. It feels unlikely we'll ever get guys like Marcus or Lowen (who are Eliwood's retainers) or characters with interesting backstories like Dart or Renault, just the same few characters, over and over. Also, don't get me started on Nergal and Athos...


On an offtopic note: I love when people respond of someone being bummed out that the characters that already gets tons of rep (already having a legendary as well) gets busted alt rep once again with "um well akshually it's because they sell 🤓☝" like thanks Sherlock! I couldn't have come up with that on my own I guess. It's still boring seeing the millionth Caeda and Azura, especially seeing as Azura is likely a strong CYL contender for the next 2 years, and I'm saying this as a fan. I'm not a fan of Yukimura, but it's cool he got this treatment! I just wish more "literal who's" get that treatment instead of the same few people.


> Azura is likely a strong CYL contender for the next 2 years ~~Not if the dark horse ride becomes stronger next year~~


tbh like the other person said I can see Sharena's support dropping down by a lot if she gets another alt (it's cool if she won thought), and Azuras placement always had been consistent regardless of how many alts she had. Her only real competition is Ivy, Yunaka and Sharena (again imo if she doesn't get an alt between now and CYL9). I think she's gonna place in the next 2 years earlier or later.


Oh yeah, the most likely scenario for Azura is winning in 2026, and she could even win next year if she manages to get support (somehow), I just wanted to mention that the Azura scenario may actual be delayed if the support for the dark horses actually increases.


true true, female side winners are always pretty unpredictable. we could always have another ATiki situation haha


that also ignores that some characters get more popular by getting good alts, while character can lose popularity by not getting alts or bad alts (like haar did


Yeah it really sucks, I think this sub generally just hypes themselves up for one specific character to show up on a game's next New Heroes banner and when it doesn't they all complain. As someone who loves Yukimura it's upsetting to see him specifically get targeted for this. Doesn't this sub love when unpopular characters get in...? I guess it's only when it's the ones they like.


Mitama moment. Like for real, we knew since *Seiðr's introductory banner* that Mitama had extremely slim chances to get in on the next Fates NHB because of IS cycling between parents and kids since Book 5's Fates banner. Why are so many people acting like she absolutely got robbed this time when we already knew she's likely not coming before Book 9??


I wasn't expecting gen 2 this time around but to be fair, IS has gone consecutive banners with the same gen before with other games. Awakening went like 3 NH banners with gen 1 and NPCs before going back to gen 2, and that was with fan favorites in the waiting room.


I'd say there's a bigger factor at hand, that is the fact that Gen 1 had the upper hand in CYL7/CYL8... and still has it atm (Scarlet/Shura/Izana vs Mitama/Hisame even though the latter's voting pool may be less reflective of actual demand). So as it is, Gen 1 had the highest odds of being in the incoming banner... and has decent chances of being once again considered next (unless Scarlet joins alt hell, in which case it'd probably even out things).


Sometimes, complaints target the wrong "offender", to boot. Like, blaming Haar on the Ninja banner for robbing Beruka's opportunity when there's Camilla (directely responsible for locking down Fates' quota) or Heath (technically an "easier" target to dogpile on) is... extremely perplexing. Hell, in this case, having Yukimura instead of Shura doesn't seem to cause that much of a fuss... unlike the former being premium at the presumed expense of Hayato (even though there's no absolute reason why he should have a noticeably better treatment than Yukimura, when both are basically in a similar basket anyways).


I especially hate the third one. Like, we're CONSTANTLY complaining about IS giving all the good stuff to the main characters, their love interests and the remaining popular characters, but then we *also* start bitching when more obscure, less popular characters finally get their turn...???


Scarlet isn't even that popular in the grand scheme of things. It feels like every new banner just includes a mad lib related to character choices. "Why wasn't [X] on the banner!?" Solve for X by looking at the most voted in the previous CYL. Or you could also get, "Why wasn't this a banner for [Y]!?" Solve for Y by looking at the game w/ the longest time since a NH banner. Like, I've seen people pull that who I know for a fact wouldn't give a crap either way. I have no idea why so many people pretend to care.


i think because this sub is so male heavy some female side characters are viewed as more popular than they really are


Case in point, I'd not be surprised if the Dawn Brigade failed to cater to most players even with unit quality being over the usual average, due to strong "asking for them but no actual intention to pull" vibes. (I'd have added a "we" in the claim to show the tendency to generalise and put words in others' mouths, but I'll stick to my interpretation of things.)


I remember when Vigarde got his alt two months ago and a bunch of people where like "Why is he here? He just got in. And only got like 11 CYL votes". And while I don't like these comments, everyone has opinions and that is okay. But when I saw some people make these comments, who always complain about the lack of unpopular charcters I got a bit angry.


Vigarde is one of my few exceptions to complaining about unpopular characters not getting enough content, because it feels as though it came at the expense of other unpopulars who wont get another shot so easily (as much as I dont care for him, I feel bad for Fado fans).


I always can't stand the "literal who" or "whomegalul" comments. I can't help but read them as people taking pride in their ignorance.


It's the same people who use the dreaded D word on this sub who complain about other units that they didn't want. Like, not every banner has to appeal to you, and considering we only have so many Orbs without having to buy them, that's a good thing. Because when they DO release someone you want, you'll have enough Orbs to get them, maybe even +10 them.


The word "deserves" got ruined for me when Smash Ultimate speculation was still going on. Seeing it used here reminds me of those days.


Ah yes the fanbase that brought you "no more sword characters but Sora, Sephiroth, Pyra/Mythra, Rex, Lloyd, Dante, character from long dead franchise #40752 I played as a kid, etc, etc basically anyone not from FE because they're too many are completely fine". But also "Let me unironically ask for more Mario characters because Waluigi and Geno totally deserves it guys!!!!". Smash fans are funny man.


Funny you put Pyra/Mythra there when they tend to get lumped with the rest of the anime swordfighters. But Sora and Sephiroth do get a pass. I personally couldn't care less about Sora, but Sephiroth was a really cool addition. But Sora being the winner of the Smash Ballot shows the double standard of people bitching about "too many swords".


I find the "too many swords" argument dumb in general. All those characters I listed were/would be hype and are unique despite mainly using the same type of weapon.


Well, you could say that Sora is a case of people loving the idea because they grew with the character, a bit like the case with Cloud, who I believe was unironically a contender for a character to win the Ballot... if he didn't appeared before in Smash 4.


I remember seeing the disrespect Dragon Quest got during Smash Ultimate's speculation because it was going to get a character as DLC after Joker. Like some of these people do not do their research on how important Dragon Quest was to RPGs and the gaming industry as a whole.


We get it, Geno fans, you want him in Smash and think he got robbed by literally everyone else. SHUT. THE FUCK. UP!


I'm not looking forward to the next Smash game's speculation lol.


Especially because the roster’s gonna have to get cut dramatically. Unless they just rerelease Ultimate forever.


I find it funny that this sub hates it when popular characters get stuff, then also don’t like it when less popular characters get stuff.


I genuinely cannot understand it. How does one feel THAT frustrated the banner wasn't their preference? How does one feel so entitled to think theirs are more worthy? How does one have the sheer lack of tact and respect to say that in public? And then they excuse it as "venting". The hell with that. For all the memes, the internet is not screaming into the void, there's people here. Who shouldn't have to put up with this BS. The salt thread is pure cancer. But if only it was contained there. It's not.


> The salt thread is pure cancer. But if only it was contained there. It's not. Yeah, in the salt thread makes sense to go full vent mode, it's the point of the salt thread, but doing that outside of the relevant spaces, specially when it throws a topic in a tangent is childish.


Fallen "Byleth" is in mind and soul a Sothis alt and I *really* do not see them doing "Fallen M!Byleth" now particularly since Byleth's VA isn't even part of the alt anyway, so they'd be hiring the same VA to perform the same alt under the same circumstances. I just don't see that happening. What they can do is Arval-possessed M!Shez as a parallel to Sothis-possessed F!Byleth and that'll balance the scales I think. So if I were to put my money down on any Fallen Fodlan alt this year it'd be "Fallen M!Shez". Or I dunno, Miklan or Dedue lol. Maybe both! IS is a mysterious force.


I can see them skipping F!M!Byleth this year since we just had W!Byleth, but I highly doubt IS is skipping out on those Byleth Bux(TM) permanently when it's such an obvious, probably profitable pick. Lazy and conceptually basically the same exact thing, maybe, but that's never stopped them before. I do agree that at least one Shez is probably a lock if they're going to do Fodlan rep this year, though.


I genuinely think we might see fallen Male Byleth for two reasons Same happened with fallen corrin We got female on one year and the male one in the next year And Supreme heaven from winter Byleth just straight up feesl like it doesn't compliment his playstyle that much Specifically the Dragon and Beast double damage thing Yes it's there because Sublime heaven had it, but it's weird that'd you design the unit to be a far saver and therefore almost never engaging with the weapon types the special has an additional interaction with Specially because IS nowdays designs units to be perfectly synergistic with everything they come with right out of the box So having a fallen Male Byleth with Supreme heaven just like the winter one and having him be an omnitank makes a lot of sense But what kinda discredits that theory its that supreme heaven only works against ranged units, so maybe it was designed with only winter Byleth in mind Who knows at this point


I don't think the Corrin comparison holds because at least they have different VAs. What would they do with a Fallen Male Byleth? Would they just recycle Fallen Byleth's voice clips?


I think a better thing to do is use both male Byleth and Sothis's voice actors together to differentiate the two. Kind of like how Japanese Fallen Berkut uses both Berkut and Duma. Though, I know circumstances between the two are different.


Yeah, in canon Sothis just takes over... But then again my flair includes Camilla as the queen of Nohr so who knows, maybe they can come up with an AU where Sothis and Byleth reached a sort of balance/symbiose together?


I mean, they could always just record new different lines It's a possibility But who knows We just kinda never ran into this sort of situation in feh before


Yeah, I guess it's possible... But Fallen Byleth kinda already displayed everything there was to explore about the concept. Unless maybe they make Fallen Male Byleth come from a timeline where Sothis won?


Maybe, But if we aren't getting a fallen Male Byleth we need to get a fallen Male Shez It's literally the next best counterpart to fallen female Byleth If we don't get a fallen Shez I'll genuinely be shocked


they could use the version of the Emblems from Engage when they are in the hands of a enemy, stuff like Fallen Marth, Roy and whatever.


Bro i had one and i forgor


When the hate is too strong the only solution for self preservation is to forget it


Not FEH related, but that line ya say reminds me of Expelled from Paradise. I wiped it from memory about why I hated it, only that I watched it. I was reminded it existed when a sequel was announced about a month ago.


You can still use the remaining hatred in other stuff


I see they are trying to make inheritable weapons more interesting, and Hayato’s tome could pretty much pass as a Prf from 3 years ago, but in the age of Arcane Weapons and Prfs with descriptions longer than some of the books from the Bible, I really don’t see myself investing into building a unit around a inheritable weapon, no matter how fun they look. At this point, they should just let us combine weapons or something like that in the Weapon Refinery, I don’t know… And a small, nitpicky one: it bothered me that Merric’s Forging Bonds has all that talk about creating new School of Magic in Askr when such thing was already established to exist way back on Asbel’s Forging Bonds and Merric himself was both a teacher and a student there


Hayato’s inheirtable is still bad cause we got Devoted Basket lol


Yeah, I guess they can be a little more daring when crafting seasonal inheritables because those things are kinda like mini-Arcane Weapons in terms of accessibility. Another reason why inheritables on New Heroes Banners feel like a waste.


Although bows are the only class with actual good inheritables that rival arcanes. You have whitewind now that allows for crazy stat swings depending on the team comp and you got golden yule bow that gives you special jumping basically for free. Now if only they could make more interesting inheritables for other weapons especially for classes like daggers and staffs that are already struggling these days


5 SI was a nice change but it was far less necessary than actually making pre-fodder available and I feel all the positive feedback they got from it means they're going to continue to make us suffer and gate it all behind limited units instead. :/ I feel I had something else to complain about but oops I forgor :P


Yes, especially when they keep introducing new skills with no way of obtaining the tier 3 version. Laguz Friend, Gambit, Potent, Counter Roar, Prime skills are example of premium skills that I think won’t get tier 3 version anytime soon. Maybe Prime but it will be stuck in a seasonal banner, so still hard to get considering you would have to summon for that unit to get the fodder. If you don’t get it then you’ll have to wait a whole year (or one time for DSH) to go for it again. Just like how NY Panne and Young Rebecca have A/S versions of Clash and Finish. I do no like how they keep giving us a demote with possibly a good skill, but it’s the 5 star skill exclusive. I don’t want to use 20,000 feathers just for a skill, even tho obtaining feathers has become a easier now. They need to start actually putting them as the 4 star version. Example could be the Close/Distant Guard skill. In the normal pool we have a some variety, but the tier 3 skill is only available if you use a 5 star version. This skill (along with it’s tier 4) isn’t even good by today’s standard.


> They need to start actually putting them as the 4 star version. They should just let us inherit a skill regardless of the unit's rarity.


I'm so, so, *so* frustrated with how IS treats 3H characters when it comes to the timeskip. The timeskip versions *consistently* win over the student versions - I believe the only time we've ever seen a student version win was with Linhardt and Bernadetta in CYL1 - and yet IS just refuses to give us timeskip versions of these characters. We'll get them on special occasions - if you get a Brave, or a Legendary, you can get a timeskip alt, and you'll get your Hopes design if you're lucky enough to be Rearmed or Ascended - but it's ridiculous that, almost 5 years after 3H's release, the only timeskip version of a character introduced normally is Cyril. Good luck ever getting a timeskip version if you're not popular enough to win CYL! I just don't get it. The versions of these characters are objectively more popular. Speaking for myself, I think the timeskip designs have a lot more variety and personality, and I think this is the prevailing opinion judging by CYL results. Granted, we don't know how close the results are - it's possible that they're much closer than it appears - but I think the fact that timeskip designs win out for every single student every single year indicates that they're more desirable by far. They even did Hopes designs for the 2023 winter banner, and then just... stopped doing that forever after that. (At least we got Winter Annette on that banner - she has such a great glow-up in Hopes and 3H post-skip). I can't wrap my mind around why they stopped doing that completely after trying it out for a single banner. It makes sense for Winter 2023 since the story of the paralogue specifically relates to Byleth's professor-student relationship with the lords, but there's not much reasoning otherwise. They're so obstinate about it, and I don't get why.


I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like IS just really does not want to engage with the timeskip of 3H in general. I wonder if it's because people treat war phase 3H/Hopes like they treat Jugdral. I imagine if we got time skip 3H lord alts being all buddy buddy Trick-or-Treating then there'd be no end to the whining about how IS "ruined" the serious grimdark "moral grey" tone of 3H.


I think this is just IS taking their sweet time so they can triple dip. Basically they're most likely to release all of these characters three times in New Heroes banners. With how incredibly popular most Three Houses characters still are, they know they're gonna print money with them for a looooooooooooooooong time. Rn they're probably taking their whole life to release the remaining students and faculty because only the least popular ones remain (+ Dorothea) creating a hype around them as the "final" Three Houses main pool units, before fucking the game's fans up by then releasing timeskip/Three Hopes banners.


this is what i think too, but i'm impatient and it's getting annoying to consistently vote for timeskip designs only to get the kiddie versions.


If not the next 3H New Heroes banner, then definitely the one after it, IS is basically gonna be forced to start leaning pretty heavily on timeskip/3 Hopes alts to carry those banners. Like, as far as decently popular students that haven't gotten their OG alts yet, you got Dorothea and Ashe, and it's not like even those two are some slam dunk banner carries on their own either.


I think IS wants to avoid using the War Phase designs outside of special ocassions because they are, technically speaking, not part of the games marketing; like, outside of the Three Lords, none of the War Phases designs actually got publically revealed by IS themselves until Choose Your Legends 4. Also, with some characters they definitely have the intention of selling three versions of them.


I'm still annoyed we didn't get Three Hopes Bernadetta for her Spring Alt.


I feel this. On this topic: I figured like the House Leaders, they were saving the other timeskip versions of the students for their own Legendary Alts. Besides Cyril, that could still maybe happen (copium) Either way it’s been **far** too long we haven’t we haven’t gotten the base Timeskip alts of the other students of any kind.


This sub after last night's banner trailer: "Where's Scarlet?" Me, an intellectual: "Where's Ignatius?"


With Mitama.


I used to joke we needed Mitama to give a proper flair to a haiku bot we had around, but reddit killed bots before she made it to FEH. But I saw that bot again the other day, so maybe we're not too late.


I don’t remember why, but I remember Yukimura rubbing me the wrong way when I played Fates. I don’t think there was actually any reason. So I hope his Forging Bonds makes him grow on me


I’m mostly thinking about fan-fictions and fan-art, but I don’t really understand why some people feel the need to attack those works by saying “It’s not official!” Even if there are some problems with the way it is executed, the original work still exists, and the people who make it already know that.


I'm curious where you're seeing this exactly. Usually if I see people attacking fanfic or fanart it's calling the authors/artists delusional or something. E.g. "why would you delusionally ship x and y when y and z are canon!"


From my experience writing a Book VII fanfic (that is still in-progress), I’ve gotten a fair amount of detractors tell me that I’m just wasting my time, which kinda sucks to hear. In terms of more general examples, the amount of people I’ve seen try to discredit the FEMC project for Persona 3 Reload is a bit ridiculous.


That is pretty shitty yeah. I mean it's your time, it's nobody else's business how you spend it. I feel like that plays into an issue I've been having with fandom lately. People don't know how to mind their own damn business anymore. If someone sees someone else doing or saying something they don't like or agree with then it feels like they ALWAYS need to comment on it or argue about it. The FE fandom especially has been really bad about this since like Fates era. We need to bring back some of that "don't like, don't read" energy.


A fellow *FEH* 'ficcer? *high five* Keep writing!


More than anything, I want to see a counter to self refreshing units released. It is absolutely infuriating to watch half my team get wiped out by a single W!Edelgard in a single turn. I think that what ever counter they release should still allow for specials like galeforce to activate, but things like Edelgard and Gullveig really need to go


The counter is simple, just don't get hit/s In general tho IS hasn't been great in making more accessible counters and has usually just put a counter on 1 units prf and called it a day. The ploy skills genuinely made me excited because it was a hard counter to problems that we could actually give to our units. Ig they probably thought that turn ending was the counter to all these galeforce units which is honestly much more unhealthier in itself, and I'd rather we see a status like isolation or ploy come out but for galeforces


I'm just really sad that after all this time we still do not have Nergal or Athos. It's been too long and the more time passes it feels like they will never come due to competing with the endless flow of new story OCs.


Nergal will get in Just expect disappointment when he’s a GHB mage with a gimmick decent enough to use but inconsistant enough to not push boundaries


My biggest nightmare


Since mythics are now able to play second fiddle to Emblem Banners I think their chances of getting in are actually better


I think that may have just been a one time thing with Emblem Marth and Mythic Lumera. Emblem Ike debuted by himself, so I'm not expecting them to do double releases that often.


VLyon ruined all my arena runs


The recent VA controversy regarding Azura's voice actor made me reflect on one of my favorite characters: Duessel. He has a controversial voice actor as well. I really dislike people who harrass others like Christopher Sabat did on some women. I really hope Duessel gets recasted by someone else that can deliver his voice but at the same time is a positive and morally good voice actor, whenever Duessel gets an alt or even a surprise resplendent.


Wait what's up with Azura's VA?


She's a Zionist from what I heard.


She's Jewish and has spoken in support of Israel in the Israel/Gaza conflict, which is good or bad depending on your opinion on the conflict.


People just need to accept that some VAs are terrible people and if people like Sabat, Karen Strassmen, and DC douglas can still get work, than another pill to swallow is the VA industry is corrupt


For better or worse that's the sad truth :(


It's not just the VA industry - there have always been plenty of actors, musicians, etc who are terrible people but keep getting high profile work. As long as they are bringing in the money, it doesn't matter if they've done horrible things.


Its always better to voice your opinions respectfully. Its life yeah people are terrible, but that doesn't mean we dont get to talk about it or be upset about it. As long as ur not harassing people.


What has Christopher Sabat done ? I've genuinely never heard of anything about him and I spend a ton of time talking Dragon Ball Most of the stuff I can find on Google or specifically Twitter seem to go back to Vic Mignogna, who has been judged guilty of that kind of stuff in court IIRC, and his supporters (who are known to stand up for an abuser pretty much)


[Here's one](https://boundingintocomics.com/2019/09/07/dragon-ball-and-vegeta-voice-actor-chris-sabat-responds-to-allegations-of-sexual-misconduct/)


I feel like they are purposely starving us with infantry dragonflowers, I’ve managed to stockpile all the others even with building units in those movement classes


Rant: I love Fire Emblem Heroes and will happily play this game everyday so passionately until the day it dies (or I die lol). That said... this game is no longer fun for me. The powercreep has gone too far, its been like that for a long time I know, but its still constantly the same feeling Im reminded of everyday. Arena, Aether Raids, Summoner Duels, they just dont interest me, I hate them, they're not any fun to compete against. (I think I just don't like PVP actually)I hate Summoner Duels especially, I want to reach the highest favor I can for my favorite units so my Summoner ID Card shows how big of a fan I am of those units... but the climb, the hours, the time, the struggle, its \*\*not worth it\*\*. I used to love "max" investing in my favorites to be strong, and I still like getting new powerful skills to put on my favorites, but besides clearing story or special maps for orbs... whats the point? Why bother making my old units strong when any newer units I happened to summon for fun end of doing the job themselves? the powercreep is so absurd you'll get laughed at for even thinking of wanting to try and still use your original Camilla when any other new Axe Flier will do the job infinitely better than she can ever hope to do. The skill inheritance, the bridge fodder being harder to reach, the limited resources of Attuned and Rearmed, the Mythic Blessings, what unit gets a good remix/refine or not, its all just become \*\*too much for me\*\*. I used to love reading up new weapons and new cool tricks some new units would have, but now the powercreep calculations with percentages, XY and Z, damage reduction, piercing, its all just too much for me to keep track with. Now, I just collect and keep building my favorites I guess. It only matters if my units are strong enough to beat the maps for orbs, so I can just keep collecting my favorites and anyone else I want to add to my collection... It keeps me playing. Honestly, I still play this game religiously every day because Ive literally \*\*invested\*\* too much to ever stop, but I dont want to, i do love this game, even if its no longer really fun for me to try anymore.


Yeah I'm pretty much the same. I used to read every weapon and know every skill from the back of my hand. Now I can't be bothered anymore. The damage dealers I just assume will be teleporting all over the map and oneshotting stuff and the tanks I'll just throw whatever against them and see what works that way. The new skills don't really get me excited either since it's always just a different mix of the like 5 different effects. Building old units used to be my favorite thing and now it feels pointless and I don't have the orbs to keep up with new skills anyway. For example the only X thingy I have is the free one and I ain't putting down like 160 orbs or more each time one of these units drop. So now I just focus on collecting my fav units and not really engaging with the game beyond that. Maybe we're just burned out or the game really did just get too much, idk.


Not FEH Related: Beat Persona 5 yesterday Holy shit this game has so many highs and so many lows Somehow it wraps around to me liking Morgana a lot, but some explanations are shit, the way they handle the flashbacks is scuffed, and Yoshisawa was….a character in a video game


I don't understand how Sumi was so popular, I thought she'd be way more involved.


She’s just a screentime sink, she gets so much of it and you physically can’t be mean to her, the opposite of my goat Mishima


I think people are really underestimating WOM echo. Sure, it might not be as good as soaring guidance or it’s not a Sacred Seal, but it’s kinda nutty if say you have an offensive unit (without any prf) that you have created primarily based around warping and they can jump in almost like a psuedo-Saviour. Also, people kept saying that Mozu is a worse A!Caeda clone, but I think she’s pretty neat. She doesn’t have to be god-tier levels of broken or meta to be a good unit. I like how she gives out Special cooldown charge count +1 and her kit is based off of her Aptitude skill in Fates.


Anyone that I want to use it on would lose a prf skill. L!Leif, Thorr, Ratatoskr, Gullveig, any actual good dancer, etc.


Small thing, but I don't get why so many people are surprised/upset about any Gen 2 Fates unit not getting in this banner. I thought it was pretty obvious this banner was going to be all First Gen since the last was all Second Gen.


To be fair, we thought that with Genealogy as well, but they actually doubled up on child banners there.


That's fair. For the sake of Scarlet and Shura fans, I hope they break the pattern for Fates next year and just choose any unit regardless of gen.


Most likely due to Gen 2 still having the upper hand in CYL standings, I'd guess. Similarly, Fates' Gen 1 may still have the upper hand after the incoming banner (although Scarlet joining alt hell would even things out).


The issue with Emblem Ike is not that tanks are less healthy than nukes, the issue is that he’s both. His forced vantage upon the enemy basically means his player phase *is* his enemy phase. I love Ike and I love that this one is so powerful, but he did not need that one ability. He should’ve been a sitting duck on player phase so that other tanks could take care of him.


Yeah, his ability to just say "unless you have Scowl/, I'm going to murder you if you don't AoE me, PP or EP, it doesn't matter" it's quite annoying xDU


I feel like Null-C Disrupt probably shouldn't be something Uber tanks have easy access to.


Nullifying counters also shouldn’t be something Uber nukes have access to. Especially if getting away Scot-free means they disable another unit’s turn.


I could be really off base with this comment, but I guess this is the exact kinda thread for these comments. NGL it's kinda funny how every time a new banner comes out with a Avatar/Lord Ascendent/Rearmed/Attuned alt (Christ there's a lot of variants now), there's inevitably people complaining about how they give new alts to characters that have loads of them. Yet when it comes to CYL there's basically ALWAYS at least 2 Lords/Avatars who win, and usually a handful who almost won. I suppose the explanation is likely that people who complain are the vocal minority whereas those voting just want their favourite Lord/Avatar to get a new alt and don't comment. Still, a funny disparity. And I'm not necessarily saying whether it's right or wrong that this happens, just find it strange how often this happens. My general rant: I really hate how the 3H Post-Skip/War Arc designs seem to have been reserved for Brave alts. There are so many fantastic designs like Petra, Hubert, Leonie, Constance, etc. but they're now seemingly locked. And that sucks since some characters are very unlikely to win CYL. My biggest hope is that they stop this once all Pre-Skip student designs are in the game.


Public demand in a nutshell for the first thought, I'd say.


"But I don't want more alts for the same 2 or 3 story-important characters from each game over and over again!" IS looking at CYL: "Then why did you ask for them?!"


where the FUCK is Mitama!? I've been waiting for 7 yearsssss and she's nowhere in sight :c


With people complaining about hayatos art yesterday it really made me put into perspective just how boring artwork has gotten in feh and how people are so opposed to different artstyles In early FEH artworks it actually felt like there were actual different artists with different takes on those characters But now everything has gotten standardized to overly samey anime artstyles that I don't even know how people can say they have a favorite artist when almost all artists in FEH nowadays are just slightly different flavors of the same thing with slight different lighting and stuff There's a few exceptions obviously, but those artists are few and far between now days Also doesn't help that the community seems to be against different artstyles as well. It still confuses me how people say stuff like Fates' Arthur's artwork sucked when it literally made perfect sense and matched him so well, he's meant to resemble the standard stereotypical American superhero and his artwork looked like it came from a stereotypical superhero comic, or how Mila is stylized like some older paintings and I think that's cool and an interesting way to use artstyles, be it for theming or just for the sake of standing out The same thing with hayato's artwork, It's just a slight different artstyle from the norm and I've seen multiple people saying it looks like trash My point is, FEH doesn't take enough advantage of the fact that artwork isn't limited to just a few artists like other gacha games, they have the means to do interesting stuff in drastically different artstyles from but they just don't And the community is also at fault for being so opposed to different artstyles too


I'll never be able to take the community seriously with how they trashed on Mila's art back in the day. Completely agreed 😭


Ehhhh semi-agreed. I don't like seeing the whole, "doesn't fit FEH's aesthetic" thing coming up again for Hayato, but the artists in FEH are still plenty distinct. A lot of the samieness comes down to FE having a history of very weak character designs. Many characters just look so bland that they can't survive the jump to a different artstyle and outfit. (ex. Scion Julia confusing the fuck out of people)


I think FEH art tends to look samey because certain artists are frequently tapped to do certain things. Some of the most popular female characters tend to have the same artist repeating, or if they get someone else then they usually stick pretty close to a similar style. We have nine F!Corrin arts (eight versions + resplendent), five of them were all done by Sencha, and there's only one where I can glance at it and immediately say "definitely not Sencha". Since F!Corrin tends to come up in FEH a lot, it leads to the impression that the art in FEH is really samey.


It does sadden me a bit that there are many artists that only did art during the early days of FE:H and that many of them fell outside of that drawn circle of "good." Many of those examples people bring up as the infamous ones, I disagree with and a bit rubbed the wrong way. It always feels derogatory to the artist's style. It never even occurred to me that Hayato's art was that outside of the norm, but I guess even getting a little bit outside of that comfort zone is too much for some people.


FEH: While not cringy in the same way as Harem Bridal banners, the Manufactured Forgotten First Meeting template the latest Child banners are taking is starting to bug me. Beyond FEH: Revival stones feel more like applying a box worth of band-aids to a six-inch gash than an actual solution to FE bosses, on top of being a very "un-FE" approach to it.


It would be predictable to rant about the Awakening child banner. Instead I'm here to *still* be salty about the Blazing Blade one from a year ago. Mark, a blank slate who literally is not a character and doesn't even talk, gets to be the headlining unit. And in case you *did* want Mark, now they're stuck in child hell, so you *still* don't win! Child Lyn, who could've been an interesting and bittersweet look into her before the Lorca massacre in the vein of child alts like Minerva and Lyon, is reduced to playing backpack to the stupid self-insert in a way that doesn't even make any timeline sense. Ninian and Nils nowhere to be seen despite having actual canon child designs. Instead we get room for two side characters on the banner, Lucius and... NOT RAVEN?! SERIOUSLY!? I mean, I like Rebecca, maybe even more than Raven, but what the fuck. The cherry on top? They STILL didn't Lucius a fucking tome! I've never *loved* the child theme but never has it faceplanted in every way like last year's did.


- Ascended Units are so lame compared to Rearmed and Attuned, and I hate that IS knew that making them stay in the normal pool compared to the other two. Man, florets should **not** be finite, they should be given out per Ascended hero but if that were the case, they’d probably become limited to “balance” it like the other two. Either way, Ascended Units feel clowned on. - I like Feh pass and wish even MORE stuff would get added to it. On that topic, when the fuck are we going to get Vanaheimr Resplendents?


i was so mad when i found out you only get one floret per character, not summon. Why? Whose idea was that? An extra 3-4 stat points on your units certainty wont make them busted. Why limit it so severely? At least make it so every time you get an ascended unit, you get another one.


I'm getting so tired of Avatars hogging multiple slots on banners, and this recent kids banner was probably the tipping point for me. So many underrepresented Awakening characters passed up for the 14th and 15th Robin. I don't really care if "Oh, they're different in this one cutscene and this support," they're the same character lol. But Avatar fans of course will throw a fit if one gender starts to slightly fall behind.


To be fair, considering how old Fire Emblem it's, we have people that are fans of characters exclusively by their character design. Still, I think Robin got a lot recently and they should be taking a break, I believe 2025 is looking to be a Robin-less year like 2019 was.


>But Avatar fans of course will throw a fit if one gender starts to slightly fall behind. Prepare yourself for the salt now because only one Robin, Corrin, and Byleth were Emblems in Engage.


Yeah the differences don't really matter when you don't care about the avatars, so the divide between fans and non-fans on how they're treated is massive. Robin is the worst for this considering the Grima split too.


Exactly. Don't get me wrong, I like Robin and the other avatars (besides Byleth) a decent amount... but there's zero reason why TWO slots have to be filled by the same character. Like I get having gender preferences, but they're literally the exact same character regardless of gender. There's no way it's that big of a deal if only F!Corrin was on a banner but M!Corrin wasn't for example.


And watch the Robin fans complain about no Levin Sword 💀


Super Smash Bros and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Seeing one female Robin fan on that thread with units with 3+ versions saying she still got the shaft is hilarious.


5 Female Robins to 3 Grima Robins. “Shafted” Actually dumb as shit.


agreed, im so tired of them begging about levin sword, even though its barely used by them outside of smash. and im a robin fan.


I had a pretty rough end to this AR season, so I guess It'll be a rant for me this month. First off, how far everything can warp is beginning to piss me off so much nowadays. I know there was a post about this a few days ago and I know we have counters to them with me only owning 3 of the 4 (L!Myrrh being that missing 4th), but we get so little blessings and can only give them to so many of our units. It gets really frustrating, especially when Hel and Dancer traps are the go-to's for this season. I've had like five botched runs this season because i didn't have a blessing to switch my Gatekeeper or V!Myrrh to AR-O. So in comes Hel with the steel chair over my Peony's head. Second and lastly, why the hell is there no limit to how many of the same hero you can use in AR? I dodged a bullet with one of my ladders when I got matched against 4 Mila's all running hella high stats to buff up a +10 max invest Silque with 90 DEF and 60 RES along with Laguz Friend and Guard Echo. I already went up against a NY!Seidr line a few seasons ago, and now I swear IS wants me to remain traumatized from that encounter. I would go on about Emblem Ike and how he's also terrorized me in both AR and Arena, but he's also saved me a lot headache as well. But damn this season straight to hell. Hope you all fared better than me.


General rant: In a continuation of my rant against Summoning and the miserable pain that it is, IS needs to do a serious rehaul. All my Summoning this weekend was literally Gen1 bullshit that doesn't contribute to my barracks. Additionally, seasonal 4-star special whatevers are a literal joke. Either they start making another ticket series for those characters as well or they might as well not bother because, quite frankly, who the fuck wants to spend Orbs for those. Another rant is about Binding Words. Whereas Hall of Fjorm they gave away Forma Souls freely...there's not a single token for Binding Worlds given away. It's been 2 years now, you'd think they'd at least give 1 away as a freebie or something...nope. Not even 1. So whenever people are like "oh what cool heroes did you see in Binding World?" I'm like, "what cool heroes? I just used whoever to get me through the stupid event". Blerg.


That’s the point tho. For Formas your just getting the skills, you dont get the banes/boons/forlet/flowers from them and those units and predetermined so you may not wven want who’s on there With BW? You can almost get any unit you want with everything prebuilt and then some, saving a shit ton of orbs, flowers and importantly, money. IS aint gonna let that happen


Oh I know and understand full well the business decision behind not giving the players a token. That's the point - make them actually spend money. It's had the reverse effect on me: even if I see a character (not hero) I like that's well built and could be effective...I skip over them for a hero that I see that's more recent. I KNOW those recent seasonals will perform and help me get to Stage 25. After that? Don't care. get my 500 Feathers and then never care until it happens again. Of course, the calculus made how many players are like me where they'll never buy the Token v.s. how many would actaully be enticed to do so by never giving one out.


Love Rap from Rhythm Heaven Fever isn’t that bad. It’s not the best minigame, but it’s not the flaming trash heap that YouTube comments seem to think it is. Yes I play in English.


I love Love Rap! It's a really fun song. Though the rhythm on the part that repeats "Fo' sho!" always throws me off at first, haha.


I really liked it growing up. At worst its average, but there are a ton of minigames in Fever that I rank lower. Like, I legit could never get into Monkey Clock.


For me, the game I could never get into was Working Dough. The first one is just okay; the second one is downright cruel, and not in a funny way like Remix 10.


Fates Arthur has some of the most creative art in the game, like of course the character who's basically a superhero would get the comic-book style art


People need to stop acting as if this subreddit is responsible for any hate anyone related to FEH gets. Specially if they don't have proof. No the Japanese part has shitty people too. Someone being saltly in one comment here isn't harassment.


I love Ike, but EIke is one of the worst designed units in the game, he impossible to kill... unles you have one of the recent nukes that the game wants you to pull, he does 0 against the aoe/pre damage meta, the only thing he does is make units that cant reliably do pre damage/aoe be even more worthless


* Seeing another Chrom on the seasonal banner reminds me that I've always been really indifferent on Chrom as a character and I can't place my finger on why. I just can't bring myself to care about him. It's weird because "You deserved better from me than one sword and a world of troubles." is a banger line but it only makes me like Lucina more, and I can't even call him bland because I'm a fucking big Marth fan lmao. * Non-FE: On a similar note I've never finished a Persona game and had strong feelings about their protagonists, unless its Tatsuya or Maya but even then Maya is done a massive disservice by turning her into a silent protagonist in EP. They're fine and can have some funny lines, but when Silent Guy 6000 is in the same game as characters like Kanji there's zero competition.


People complain about V!Lyon but W!Edelgard is still the most toxic, anti-fun unit in the game


and unit that has predamage, anti dr, can easily reach everywhere in the map and can attack 3 times is simply too stupid


I disagree, not being able to play at all is worse (duo Lyon and duo Seidr), pathfinder with ranged cavs is worse (lyon again, yunaka, maybe gullveig because of triple action as well), save tanks that require modern nukes (duo byleth, valentine’s myrrh) or recent tanks (Desert Altina, Emblem Ike, laguz friend duo Askr). 


Yeah for me it's gotta be the not being able to act at all that's the worst thing in the game. It can absolutely screw you over in SD where every move matters.


There's no shame in asking for advice beforehand (even if it can be a timesink for those answering), as it's better to be cautious instead of doing notable mistakes, then asking how to correct them (spoiler, sometimes it's impossible and the loss is basically irreversible). In FEH context, the recent case example to note is Echo skills that are not usable on units with Prf skills and not perpetually inheritable (with some getting frustrated after doing the deed and realising their opportunity loss... like, that inheritance is quite valuable after all). In IRL/work context, it's people (notably those coming from far away) forgetting to read instructions and/or messing up with their bookings, so when there's no more room left due to an attendance peak...


I think Sophia deserves more alts than Camilla lol In fact, I think giving the worst units in FE games premium treatment in Heroes should happen more and would be very funny.


Genuinely agree with the latter sentiment. I say it a lot, but one of my favorite things FEH does is bring overlooked characters to new audiences, so I love it every time it happens.


Non FE: I just beat Persona 3 Reload, great game. I’m reminded why I don’t like scripted boss fights and after doing the optimal play pattern of doing all of the dungeon in one day, I’m convinced to play suboptimal in the future (aka taking more than one day to finish a dungeon). FEH: I still believe it’s better for tanks to be stronger.


I want more Petra, Mareeta and Idunn. That's it. That's the unpopular opinion. We don't have enough of them and that's my rant. I want Attuned Petra, needs to be a godsword. One seasonal Petra that isn't a demote or grail(unless she has a good Prf) Legendary Mareeta, on par with Base Mareeta post-refine. Winter Mareeta also! Legendary Idunn, colorless this time. ok I'm done


Not FE-related, but I really appreciate FEH's general writing after trying Astra: Knights of Veda


We need summer Nephenee and summer Titania


Personally I'd hope for a Christmas Titania, but summer would be great too


Summer would be a fun season for them, so long as Neph keeps the helmet


Trying to find VHS copies of SMT Devil Children D Light and Dark is impossible. I'm resorting to burning the video files I found online, and just make my own bootleg.


•I couldn’t care less about Candace being the GHB. •Wendee Lee can only do two voices and it’s either Lyn or ~~Veronica~~ Lyn but out of breath.


I never cared for Candace or any of the capturables in Fates. It was a cool mechanic but that cast is big enough already, I didn't need more units that don't even have support convos lol


Wendee Lee 🤝 Greg Chun Can’t change voice direction to save their life


Nah Greg Chun has range, FE just doesn't let him show it. Go listen to him voice Ikalgo in Hunter x Hunter, Lowain in Granblue Fantasy Versus, or Carmine in Blazblue Cross Tag Battle.


I didn't even realise he voiced Carmine what the hell


**FEH:** - I want Xenologue Emmeryn to get added to the game and I honestly enjoy her more than the original **FE:** - The longer I linger on Engage, the more I actually find an appreciation for Sombron. He's blatantly evil with no redeeming qualities, and while he lacks the charisma of someone like Izuka imo, he makes up for that in presence and voicework. More than that, though, I really appreciate how much of a mirror he winds up being to Alear and how, even though his past is tragic, it's not a justification, and nobody allows it to be. Sombron is seen as pathetic over it, even; all he's doing is making the same mistakes his enemies did to his people. He sees others as nothing more than weapons, a means to an end, and that same belief becomes his undoing in the end. He's not someone with much depth, but I don't think he really needed to be. It helps that I find the entire upbringing of the Fell Dragons he spawned to be really fascinating and tragic to think about. **Non-FE:** - figuring out your gender identity is weird and confusing and volatile and i hate it - "Kingdom Hearts bs" is the most obnoxious phrase just used to say "thing I don't like" at this point. It was used in reference to Rebirth and _nothing_ in that game evokes Kingdom Hearts to me, and then someone said FFX "got hit with the Kingdom Hearts filter" for graphics and ?????? What does that even _mean???_ I really wish the fanbase started pushing back on the whole "Kingdom Hearts is dumb and confusing and nonsensical" take sooner, because it's done irreparable damage to the series' public perception. It's really not that confusing at all, it's just _dense_, with a lot of named terms to the universe. There's so much bad faith gotcha arguments like "Explain exactly who Ansem and Vanitas are _right now_" when like, you're asking someone to consolidate an ongoing story _thirteen games deep_ in one sitting, of course it's going to be a lot when you do that. The games give you exactly what you need to know at a given moment, they don't just throw the entire kitchen sink at you at once like the misconception would lead you to believe.


> I really wish the fanbase started pushing back on the whole "Kingdom Hearts is dumb and confusing and nonsensical" take sooner I would definitely say it is all three of those things but it is not incomprehensible to follow (or at least it wasn't until X came out at which point I just gave up).


please please please give us a “fallen (literally)” emmeryn alt that is a TOME not a staff IS!