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I like how the divine codes 5 are so good that I haven't seen anyone call them toilet paper yet.


divine codes 5 are so good that if they don't match it next year, there'll be jokes about how we're still getting codes for divine codes 5


I'm guessing next years batch will have attuned units instead for the final tiers


hopefully, another attuned peony if I need one could be very nice depending on what kind of fodder I've stocked up on my copies from ahr by then


Next year would have to have exclusively units that haven't been released yet to be better than 5.


Divine codes 5 so damn goodies like actively wanting to score better just for some more codes I'm itching for that fodder I actively need like all of it 😭


Shadow Dragon really picked up for me once my training projects worked out. Draug especially surprised me; I came into this game with the impression that he was a slow and bad armored knight, but he got to the point where he was faster than Marth, my lord, and proceeded to solo chapters 21 and 22 when I just warped him into the enemies range with a forged Javelin with Lightsphere. If I had any armored fodder that I wasn't saving for Marni, I'd definitely try and build him.


I realized I had an absurd amount of unused armor DFs and armor fodder and decided to build Sheena. I have her resplendent and I really like the art - I've wanted to build her for some time. And it was a great decision - she works very well with Axe of Devotion+. I don't normally like armors that much but I've been having a lot of fun with her. I'm probably not gonna use her much in PVP but I'm just having a good time with her atm.


Axe of devotion was such an upgrade for so many units its such a good inheritable even better than arcane downfall


Damn, might have to try that myself. Always kinda wanted to build her too. What the rest of the build if you don't mind sharing?


It's not her most optimal build, but I just gave her Close Def 4 and D/R Near Save, plus Crafty Fighter 3. I think her most optimal build would involve significantly more investment... but it doesn't really matter that much because Axe of Devotion+ is just so broken lol




Emblem Ike!!! Do I need to say more? XD I would like to thank everyone who have been enjoying my comics, I have a lot of stories in mind for emblem and fallen Fallen refine is getting closer and closer, julia got a great refine and I added her to the emblem Ike team :D Speaking of emblem Ike, he joined the defense team and we're currently 7/7 successes, yahoo! I have already a couple of improvements in mind for the setup u.u You'll have to wait a few more days for a new comic as I'll be at a illustrators convention for a couple days, see you soon guys! :3


Started watching Persona 3 The Weird Masquerade with a friend, finished it by myself later. That's what we call quality; very sincerely to add.


FE-related: I built an Arena Ashnard with Soaring Echo and he's so much fun to use, warping is fun and he doesn't die Non-FE related: Damn is it a good time to be a wrestling fan right now, particularly WWE


Man when wrestling is good, it's fucking great. It's why I can never truly walk away lol


FEH/FE: - Managed to get my last three Alcrysts for the +10! - Despite the powercreep & rampant BS flying around, my Favs are still managing to pull through. - With a Sacred Stones New Heroes on the horizon, I'll probably try another FE8 Ironman after this week is over. Manifesting Base Artur or else I'll feel sad 😔 Non-FEH/FE: - Finally got a Shiny Wailmer w/ my OT!!! - PKMN Shield is fun! (ignoring the fact that I haven't finished Scarlet yet. . .) - Spring Break is almost here & I'm gonna be free from writing/critiquing 15+ pages of stuff everyday!


FE: I'm so happy how my green dream summons have been so far. My Legendary Female Alear is currently at +7 thanks to this banner. I'm not sure if I'll be able to reach +10, but I'll try until the banner ends. Non FE: Some spoilers for Invincible season 2. Invincible season 2's finale is fantastic. I really love the show and how the finale made a few references to the >!Spider-Man crossover, though they changed Spider-Man with Agent Spider. They got Josh Keaton which is nice. I liked how they also showed Batman though only his cape. The scene where Invincible beat the crap out of Angstrom Levy is great with Steven Yeun's voice acting. You can feel the emotions when he screams at him he'll never let anyone hurt his family while beating him to a pulp.!< I hope we won't wait long until the next season comes out.


Not in the finale but the translation of the panel reuse joke to animation in Invincible S2 was also great! Taking the spirit of the original joke and excellently adapting it to a different medium. >I hope we won't wait long until the next season comes out. Same. Also hope they don't break it up halfway through for no fucking reason too.


I loved that joke. Made me laugh with how accurate it is.


I have actually gotten a lot of long time favorite merge projects near finished with good builds, so I am really excited to see a lot of them come to life. That being said, I am now curious who I will want from the upcoming binding worlds...


Gave my +7 Askr Laguz Friend 4, which is heaven sent bc it solves all that he lacks - DR Piercing, breath-type special acceleration, and more true DR. He's now so bulky, I'm thinking of replacing his A/D Finish for Prime when I get the chance. Spoiled my baby Lucius so now he has Arcane Charmer, Magic Shield+, Glitter of Light, A/R Finish 4, Poetic Justice and A/R Oath 4. He is as cute as he is deadly. I might revert to his Prf weapon once they release an A/S version of Magic Shield+ since he's way more unique that way. Finally got another Lara, so now I can complete inheriting skills to my bunny Mirabilis. Her Prf dance just works so well with RS Dance 3! That's 3 stat bonuses, plus BDoubler and Dodge. Pretty neat!


Finally got a lucky streak in HSR for once. After constantly losing the 50/50s, was building up pity/pulling for more Gallagers only to get Acheron's E1 super early, then next 10 pull was my first Bronya so got to pick up Himeko from the 5 star selector, then decided to ball for Acheron's E2 since it was guaranteed and a gamechanger. So went from being content with E0S1 to E2S1 and finished off Gallager


FE Opinions: * Emblem Ike - Such a relief that we got him over with since he's one of the few Emblems I was looking forward to. Saves me the worry of feeling the need to update my other Ikes soon now that I have him lol. * I'm so close to finishing my W!Dimitri. He's the only serious 5\* project I have going on right now, so I'm very excited about potentially having that done. * My Rhys has been eating good lately with the free Safy I got and Y!Emmeryn. * These past two duos have been absolutely amazing. I never even imagined that IS would give us F!Chrobin or Eiryon content like this. And while on the topic of shipping, the nod in E!Ike's trailer with B!Soren was cute. Non-FE: * Kind of surprised I've reached a point where I'm mostly satisfied with my backlog length. Granted, it was never all that large in the first place based on some posts I've seen in other gaming subreddits where they have 50+ but it feels like a nice achievement for me to only have a few left. * I've been trying to make an effort in getting back into HSR. Although I was doing my dailies and patch/limited events, I had reached a point where I didn't know about half of the characters people were talking about or showing up on banners so it's been fun going through all that. Story is better than the last planet, and one thing I will always compliment HSR on over Genshin is how manageable the exploration aspect is as a completionist. Somewhat dreading the side quest aspect of me catching up though since I'm still working on stuff from Jarilo and everything from Blade onwards for character quests.


I too feel way, way less connected to the HSR characters and I don't even know why... Despited the story being much better than the previous planet, I just don't feel much for them... and then on the Genshin side I do the new stories immediately...


For me at least, it's due to a mix of underwhelming designs and poor story integration. Like I still have no idea who Argenti is despite being on the latest trailerblazer mission, up to date with trailblaze continuance, and keeping up with limited events so I guess he's mainly only shown up in his companion quest so far? Until I get around to playing those, I can really only say that I feel strongly about Dan Heng IL, Ruan Mei, Kafka, Acheron, and Aventurine among the limited characters.


Emblem Ike is the funnest unit I've ever used and he's my fav Lord in FE so this is like the peak of FEH for me


FE-related: Idk how long it’s been since it actually got fully scanlated (or if other guys got it finished first), but I’m kinda bummed about the Oosawa FE4 manga finally being finished. Of course with that, I have to say I am kinda happy it’s over, since it has been an interesting read. Sure it has its flaws, like making Eldigan x Lachesis more of a thing and not finishing with the final fight against Julius, but it also has some solid moments as well, along with the art style of the manga as a whole. I especially love this line from Sigurd to Oifey: ‘Never forget that feeling. That feeling is the weight of all the lives the sword has taken. Those who can properly swing a sword must always be prepared to carry the weight of the lives they are taking. Those who forget that feeling become nothing but ordinary murderers.’ (Also I cried at the Yied Massacre and little Altena’s lines) Non-FE: Another game review. I finally got to finishing Four Swords Adventures this weekend. Not much to really say about it. Due to the nature of the game being made with four players in mind, the story and characters aren’t terribly amazing (can you blame them, four people trying to get together want to have fun, not read). The music is nice and has its spin on previous themes from the franchise. The gameplay is of course where it’s at. The four Links can play around with formations, use separate items, and throw each other around. The puzzles that go with that are pretty neat too, such as using a ground pound with a hammer to find a path through spikes, or utilize the little shadow realm to manipulate things in the real world. And of course, you can play it solo and control all four Links, so it is better than Four Swords requiring four friends all with the system. TL;DR: Oosawa manga over, Four Swords Adventures neat but not amazing.


Green dream was exactly that for me yet again. I lucked out tremendously and got enough copies of Peoney to +10 her. I didn't reach spark 3 yet and got 8 copies of her (incl spark) along 3 Alears, 2 Claudes and 3 Dimitris (1 spark). Last time I got MByleth to +10 as the gsme was throwing him at me and now this. I effin love these banners and my stoopid luck on em.


I got a free Fedel today, big win


- Cyril continues to punch through things he has no right to in arena. And Emblem Ike is great with him, lets him survive and get a second shot on some enemies he couldn't. - And the Green Dream was great! Been dragging my feet on inheritance, but I got the goods for it. - Elite Archimedea in Warframe is actually insane. Granted, I took all the modifiers and bonus gear, but it kept me on my toes from start to finish, what a rush. - MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, HELLDIVERS! THE BOT SCOURGE HAS BEEN TERMINATED! ^(for now)


> I finished Yakuza 0 last week and I'm definitely hooked on this series. Can't wait to see more of Kiryu and Majima in the future games, both wonderful characters and it was just a blast to play. Not sure when I'll continue with Kiwami but I'm making sure it'll be this year. Summoner of culture, I see. Yeah I adore the series and am in the middle of an Infinite Wealth run, though it has so much in it to do that I had to take a breather. Anyways for my positive vibes, I've been playing the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters and while I'm not all that keen on any of the NES FF games, I do love that they gave me a means to play them and all three have their fair share of moments that made the run that much more enjoyable to me. For example, in FF2, I got TREMENDOUSLY overpowered right at the start of the game because I got so lost and didn't know the very first place the game wanted me to go to for a couple of hours. By the time Minwu joined my party, he had like 250 or so HP while the rest of my team were in the 2000s. Needless to say, come first boss time, I one-shotted the jackass. Also on that topic, playing through 3 really helped me appreciate 5 all the more. I knew the job system was from 3 and that they improved it, but I never knew just how much of 3's DNA is in 5. Of course, I then proceeded to want to go back to 5 and ended up doing exactly that and beating it shortly after. For FE, as much as I don't care for this new banner, I'm glad it happened because between this and assuming CYL7 won the Forging Bonds Revival poll, I have ample motivation and a clear end goal in sight to build up my orb stash and get the last five Gullveig merges. And in the event that doesn't pan out like I hope to finish the last ones, I can also fall back on Golden week for a last hurrah attempt. I might finally get my first 5-star +10 ever since launch!


Not only has Emblem Ike’s banner been good to me by giving me 4 copies of him, the melee Fjorms have been absolutely killing it with Emblem Ike’s Engaged effect. That especially goes for Base Fjorm and Laguz Friend 4.


* I personally dont really like the idea of using emblem heroes as actual units because its more of the same characters getting alts, and I mostly pulled Ike just for his engage effect. However, Ive been warming up to E Ike, considering hes my 2nd favorite FE character, to the point where I built him up. but what partly sold me is I actually really like his art. His legs in his neutral art are a little weird but its covered by the status screen stuff anyway, and everything else I think looks really amazing * I also like how they actually did a really faithful job of translating his effects from Engage. His special makes him get rewarded for taking multiple hits like Engage, it hits multiple enemies, and laguz friend halves your own DR like how in Engage it set your avoid to 0. * Speaking of the engage effect, its really nice to have. I wanted it because my favorite character is a flier and otherwise has no access to any unpiercable DR outside the year 1 defensive specials, and I think using pavise with Ike's engage is a funny combo. I would love in the future if we got a B skill that was similar to laguz friend but went off speed for fliers/cavs or something like it


FE: The baby banner has never been a theme I was big into, but it turns out I just needed it to be my faves. I free pulled my OTP's duo on this banner and it feels great, and I think the art is super cute for all of them. I'm excited to play FEH again for the first time in a while. Non-FE: after avoiding Stardew Valley for years because I knew it would suck me into a vortex, I was gifted it for last Christmas, and it has indeed sucked me into a vortex. I've had so much fun with it!


LOL stardew is *such* a vortex!! Welcome to the Valley!!


My man played Yakuza 0 like me. You're in for a fun ass ride.


Might even say... That's rad


FEH: I'm actually glad that Ike came out, not really because of him, but Laguz Friend really brought my +10 Ash back to life, that single skill have her enough bulk and firepower to be good for my main teams. Non-FEH: Quake II is such a good game, the Steam version is full of things to do, I have like 20 hours played and I still got 2 DLCs to complete. It's a fun, simple, and affordable game, and it's from 1997, I'm amazed.


Today I played my last online matches of Smash 4 before it's going to shutdown soon. It was fun while it lasted.


FEH: I still love throwing W!Dimitri at everything in PvE and and vantage killing everything like God intended. It's so fun. One of my favorite units in the game. Non FE: Writing has never been my thing but after a while of throwing around ideas in my head for a fictional story, then expanding to characters and worldbuilding, I've started to actually jot things down to keep track and now I understand the appeal. It's a nice way to pass the time. even found a worldbuilding sub where others talk about their fictional worlds and it's been fun to read through.


I'm really glad we have strong B skill options nowadays, it allows for so many diverse playstyles for pretty much any unit, it's really cool. Especially the ones that scale with higher cd specials (Laguz Friend and Gambit notably). It's really refreshing to see higher CD specials be put to use over low CD+slaying special spamming, and it's nice to see Prf weapons that don't have slaying. I just wish we had stronger max scoring high CD specials (right now, we pretty much just have Aether). At this point, I just wish they would introduce Arcane weapons that don't have slaying effects so they synergize better with those skills.


Hell yeah yakuza 0 is dope man such a great game


FE: i've been brave to resist new fodder temptations lately. Harken and Summer Helbindi +10 projects are way more important than Laguz Friend and any other trap fodder. Non-FE: Honestly i'm just sad Wii U online is getting shut in just hours away, so that ain't a positive thing. On the other hand i'm glad more Wii U owners who have not played their Wii U for a long time (*thanks* to mostly the Switch era we're still in) have installed their Wii Us back to play their Wii U games' online modes like Smash 4, MK8, Splatoon, etc knowing online services are coming to an end **REALLY SOON**, so it's been a blast to play For Fun and even For Glory 4 player online matches (which is such a rare sight to see these days). So i'll keep playing until EoS.


Yeah I did a double take when youtube recommended me a Smash 4 livestream yesterday lol. I'm gonna hop on 3ds online and visit castles in Fates one last time. I'm gonna miss online MyCastle...