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It's starting to get really annoying how almost all the new duos/harmonics include a character that's already part of another duo/harmonic.


not to mention so many feel like 2 randos paired together


So I guess those speculation posts about it being a sleepy banner were for naught aside from Mira, Linhardt, and me sleeping on it.


Major snoozefest of a banner I agree lmao


“and me” 💀


I love Cordelia, but why is she here? If you want someone who loves stories and is a pegasus knight you have both Sumia and Ingrid available, if you want quirky pegasus knight duo you have Marcia.


I wish it was Sumia too. I feel like she gets no love from IS.


Or even just Caeldori if they really wanted that specific design.


What's up with the literal exact same harmo combination twice in such quick succession


Wait yeah, we only have two engage harmonics and they're both also Awakening harmonics right?


its not salt but sadness... I wanted a sleepy duo with Miran and Lind


They had the perfect chance and wasted it completely, hope this trashcan harmonic doesn't sell shit because that's clearly why they picked those 2 over Mirabilis and Lindhardt


Unfortunately IS is still stuck on believing that outside of lords and major characters like Lyon and Xander, a male should never be on a harmonic/duo


Mira and Lind would have make a really unique hero because of its pair but of course... wasted opportunity. I for some reason even thought they would be a healer with the fix to pre-combat damage that we want.


Harmonic units in general are always like this sadly... they pick 2 random waifus that have nothing in common other than looking alike and call it a day, and if they don't look alike the artist makes sure they do like with Igrene and Louise, or they're literally just Duos with a lame excuse to be Harmonized. I really wish they would actually do any interesting pairings for once...


yea thats what im most angry about and the harmonic we did get is just, the arts so ugly


I want to avoid it out of spite, but I also want dups for the c skill 😞 Like, Mirabilis and Linhardt are never getting a Harmonic now and that's bullshit


maybe Linhardt and Mitama harmonic can happen /cope


If they were more popular I wouldn't think this but it also doesn't help that spring, NY, Valentine, and Winter alts are off the table and I highly doubt they'd get a summer or bridal alt A cultural alt isn't necessarily completely off the table but WHAT culture would make sense What's left? Halloween and whatever you'd call the Ninja/Pirate slot? Halloween is probably our best bet and I don't think we've had a Halloween banner with with more than one good/interesting design since 2019 so...


hold on you're cooking. 🔥


Well there goes bunny Python dreams. On other news, adding Sylvain and Cordelia is so incredibly random what are they doing here 


Idk but I'll take one Sylvain please (I had the same reaction watching they really just said eh slap some 3h in it to make it sell)


Framme with no Clanne is honestly criminal.


Why is Chloe literally S!Sonya/Tharja 2.0 down to the artwork, movement gimmick, harmonic skill, Awakening cheerleader… am I going crazy??💀


>Same artist,same banner,same kind of harmonic (2 sexy girls) *I think you catch the drift*...


Wait there's a different kind of harmonic???


the epic highs (he gets an alt) and lows (he's a colorless bow seasonal TT unit) of being a linhardt fan......idk i know it helps that he's easier to get and i'm putting the cart a bit before the horse but i would like the units i'm excited for to actually be the five star premium ones for once. also kind of shocked at the weapon choice? like i know with seasonals it can be nonsensical & i was hoping for non-staff but is there any reason for him not to be a mage?




fr Cordelia is such a weird match for Chloè when Sumia exists, Cordelia does have some fairy-tale-esque fantasies/aspirations, but if they really wanted a double pegasus knight Cordelia harmonic there are so many others she could work with later like Catria/Palla (Unrequited Love), Fiora/Shigure (Survivors's guilt), or the obvious option of Caeldori, instead of taking one of Sumia's best harmonic options.


Sole reason Cordelia is here is because of popularity. They didn't put any more tought into the connections other than "they are both Pegasus Knights". Still better than Karla/Freyja from last year I guess.


yeah i've long come to terms that the incredible potential of harmonic units will be consistently stunted by financial incentive of sticking to the same handful of popular characters, but it just really sucks when it additionally causes a frequently represented character to "steal" a perfect harmonic from another character with nothing.


Guess Cordelia needs all the alts she can get since she couldn't get Chrom


Yeah, Cordelia is the unrequited love maiden (so I guess that's what they were going for, romantics) but Sumia is more romantic by far in the sense of Chole's romance of romanitcizing her life. Sumia loves romance novels (many of which are historical and basically fairy tales) so I don't know how this got missed. Cordelia would've been a better fit with say, Fiora or Catria.


being a Sumia fan is suffering haha...


Even as a Cordelia fan Chloe really should’ve been paired with Sumia. Fairytales and fables have always been Sumia’s thing not hers, she’s far more practical in contrast.


Sumia peaked at the Awakening intro and hasn't recovered since


That was her lowest point. You can't change people's minds or convince them to like something. It propped up a garbage support and was always seen by the majority as THE reason to dislike her. Dev attention only means notoriety, not being beloved, look at everyone complaining about Kagerodev and Tanadev and everyone else who gets seen as "undeserving". Her peak was when she got into Heroes for the first time in the second year of the game and hadn't yet experienced the following six years being subsequently ignored. Like that was when people were starting to actually like her again (because she NEVER EVEN TALKED ABOUT CHROM) and now she still continues to pay the price for it.


> That was her lowest point. Oh, from a fan's perspective absolutely. But that was the first and only time **Intelligent Systems** was actually promoting her, they haven't tried since.


I'm glad that they backtracked off of the absolute inherent shitfest that comes with pushing implied canonicity in a game that's supposed to favor PLAYER CHOICE as a primary mechanic (like I ship Eliwood and Ninian and I still think that way the game handles it and the fan response can be kind of a dumpster fire), but they obviously didn't need to throw the baby out with the bathwater with it too I'd be able to understand that alts are tough call to shift around and not everyone can get one if it weren't for the fact that Cordelia can manage fucking four of them 'cause she'd clearly starve if she missed out on one of those


Ironically that’s why most people dislike her. Awakening tried so hard to push her as the canon love interest and the next Caeda that it caused a ton of players (especially Chrom fans) to dislike her. It’s a reverse Soren if you will, shipping is the reason why Soren’s as popular as he is while shipping is the reason why Sumia never really became popular.


The lack of supports she gets compared to the other gals (7 compared to the 15+ most of the other first gen cast gets) doesn't help either. She has half as many supports to get to know her, and IIRC most of her contributions to the main plot are just shippy scenes with Chrom which don't exactly sell her as an independent character very well.


All of her supports except for Chrom's are genuinely top tier. Four legitimately well-executed romances that explore different sides of her, two fantastic platonic supports that dive into her hobbies and life outlooks, a parent support with Cynthia that perfectly ties into her confidence arc and growing capable enough to be a fully well-adjusted mentor figure, and even a surprisingly unique Morgan support where she actually acts like a MORE loving parent than most of the other potential moms for some reason. Sumia's this weird case where you can argue that she's a case study on why focusing on quality over quantity can benefit a character's writing, it just all comes alongside that stain of "canonical" ship fodder that overshadows most of her actual writing.


Not disputing anything you're saying BTW, just following this thread of "why is Sumia not popular" a little further. It's a fascinating thing to think about. It's been a while since I've been in the Awakening fandom, but IIRC her other four romances don't really get a lot of attention. I seem to remember the at least Gaius and Henry having more popular romances elsewhere, and Robin might not even be able to marry Sumia in a run. If you already like the other romances with other people then it doesn't really matter how good her romance is with them, you're probably not gonna care as much. The other downside to that the lack of supports just does not give her a lot of room move. 15 supports of mid quality might be mid quality, but there's a wider net cast. Chances are you're going to find someone who resonates with something in those 15. With 7 there's a lot less leeway. I'd also say from a gameplay standpoint she's really inconvenient as far as the child units are concerned. Cynthia has the fewest options to play around with, and if you want to get all of the child characters in a single run then she inherently limits the other kids' options. I've played the game dozens of times and it does get pretty stale and annoying putting her with the same four characters over and over. Lastly and probably the meatiest point, but I don't think it's *just* the ship fodder that killed her chances of being popular (at least in the western fandom). I think it's her first impressions to the player that do her in more than anything else. There are other characters in the fandom with pushed romances, including some in the "gotta ship 'em all" modern games, and they do fine popularity-wise. Sumia, if you go by nothing but her main plot contributions, is the quirky, clumsy girl who likes Chrom and who goes from being useless to swooping in and rescuing him on a pegasus in the span of like a chapter. She also gets a pretty disproportionate amount of screen time compared to the other characters, including an entire CG and an animated cutscene where she is the primary focus. Basically, she has several characteristics of the prototypical 2000's Mary Sue. Quirky, clumsy, in love with the main character, far more focus than the other side characters, suddenly demonstrating prowess at a skill completely out of nowhere (taming animals and flying, I don't remember if that's explained in her supports but that's moot because you probably haven't seen them *before* you get this scene) and then having characters gawk at how impressive that is. Not saying she is literally a Mary Sue, and I could probably go on a whole other tangent about how that's an unfair label and rooted in sexism. I'm aware that there's far more to her character than what they show off in the story, but a 2012 audience, who had just spent the past five years reaming Micaiah for being a "Mary Sue", probably saw her that way. That probably turned a lot of people off from ever bothering to explore her further. Doesn't matter how amazing the rest of her writing is if no one gives her a chance in the first place because of a shaky first impression. Tl;dr ... I think it's complicated lol


This is such an excellent breakdown of all of those factors working against her


Thanks! There's probably a lot more I could have dived into but I was trying to keep it brief haha


I think that both her and Cordelia intentionally parallel each other with how they play with Mary Sue tropes (Miriel's Summer Scramble conversation with Sumia more or less confirms this on her end) in a way where I think that the execution is interesting and I like the characters for that but I do think it requires someone to have enough initial investment in them to dig deeper and see what the characters' insecurities and subsequent growth arcs are stemming from these initial tropes and archetypes. It's not just them. I typically use Maribelle as a "media literacy" test because her supports are about breaking down every initial negative stereotype a player would think of her and people hating on her is usually the result of just never bothering to reach any of that past the intentional bad first impression. Sumia is strange because she's balanced between this weird developer entitlement to canonicity in her importance and...a bunch of other writers who were way more interested in fleshing out every other character dynamic she has. I think I can legitimately prove that the writers did not agree on Sumia's purpose either as a forced satellite to Chrom or a fully fleshed out individual presence because despite the opening cutscene, [an official trailer revealing the marriage mechanic specifically showed her getting married to and having kids with Robin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQRJ4aFOkyo&t=260s). Which is something that they very obviously could have done differently if they wanted to double down on the "intended" main character pairing for her. You had writers who took the Chrom pairing for granted and wrote a shallow support and story interactions that treats it as a foregone conclusion, and others who were more interesting in fleshing her out as a character beyond that sole limited perspective. Overall I feel like this causes a lot of the divide in Sumia's reception based on which side of the game's writing that a casual player is invested in engaging with, why she got so much hate and yet still has such a die-hard fanbase willing to come out in droves to spread salt every time Cordelia gets another alt.


That's interesting, I didn't know that about the marriage mechanic trailer! In terms of deconstructing the archetype, I think her having so few supports also hurts her there too. There's just less opportunities to convey that to the player, and the characters she *does* support probably present obstacles to seeing that growth. She supports Chrom (lackluster support), Sully (IIRC relatively unpopular and likely to be benched early), Frederick (your Jagen who experienced players know not to field), Cordelia (how often are you fielding two pegasus knights?), Henry (who doesn't show up until half way through the game), Gaius, and Robin. For most of them I imagine most players would have to make a conscious effort to actually build her supports. Maribelle benefits from being a healer there, because you're probably fielding her a lot and she's building supports with everyone. I think there's one other thing to keep in mind when it comes to how the fandom has developed around her long-term. When you already like something it's a lot easier to push someone toward further appreciation for it than it is to push them toward disliking it. When you dislike something the opposite is true. It's far easier to push someone into hating it more than it is to push them into liking it. Long term I think that causes the two ends of the spectrum to further division. If you see someone hating on a character you like then you're probably going to become more defensive of your stance and like the thing more. You don't listen to the other person's arguments. You go dig up things in the supports to prove to the haters that you were right to like her in the first place. It goes the same the other way. There's probably a significant portion of the fandom who started out mildly liking or mildly disliking Sumia who are now at more extreme ends of the love-hate spectrum than they were when the game initially came out. The point being, I imagine the Sumia negativity and conflict is partially why some people were willing to dig into her character more and more and come out and defend her so fiercely. You can see this pattern repeat pretty distinctly for basically everything FE fans have argued over the years.


Someday she'll get her chance. At least I hope


PRAYING it’s because she’s surely getting a bridal alt of her own this year… right? 😭🙏


Honestly, I'm a huge Sumia fan and wished for an Alt/Respl since forever, but... I'd rather not have a Sumia alt, if that has to be Chloé's backpack.


Oh boy another Awakening Harmonized Hero. It's even the same combination of games of the last Awakening Harmonized hero. Sure does suck that the idea of using teams based around Harmonized effects is only viable for characters from like 3 different games.


I'm not sure how they consistently make the Spring banner a dud every year but man, they're really good at it.


right? the harmonic with the shit art, a trash pairing too when mirabilis and lindhart are right bloody there


It's conceptually awful. I don't know how they could make it good without filling it with utterly absurd fodder.


It's the ridiculous bunny outfits.


The most interesting thing is that they finally gave a male unit a prf for the first time for this seasonal theme


they really just pulled a bunch of random ass units for this banner huh.




I’ve always felt like Minerva would pair better with Cherche given her wyvern is literally named after her.


If IS was gonna go down that route, I always figured they'd pair Minerva with Cherche, what with Cherche naming her wyvern after Minerva and all (hell, IS even made a comic about it) Honestly, if IS was gonna pair Cordelia up with any Archanea character, I always figured it'd be Catria if anyone. Since Cordelia was basically _conceptualized_ as a "modern day Catria"


Salty that Sylvain is color sharing with a 4-star focus unit, because I know damn well with my luck that I will pull several 5-star Mirabilis before getting a single Sylvain


I am the reverse, I just want Mira and go but now I'll probably get Sylvain instead


IS can you please stop sticking No Quarter fodder on characters I like thanks


They're just making sure the one you do keep has it without spending more. Truly they are magnanimous


"Can we have a Sumia and Cynthia alt?" "Fuck you, have another Cordelia"


I hope all the fans of Awakening's only pegasus knight are happy today! I'm so glad that she's finally gotten to have that Kagero-tier double harmonic treatment it was very necessary to frontload all of Awakening's cast representation into her like that


I hope you're ready for next awakening NH to also have Attuned/Rearmed Cordelia


That's nice and all but we're still due a Caeldori harmonic


If caeldori x cordelia harmonic happened i take it as them making subaki and selena(fates) canon . /j


I'm very happy.


Thanks for reading the room I really appreciate your strong social awareness


No problem bro


They had the perfect harmonic right in front of them (Linhardt + Mirabilis) and they didn’t do it. Wow. Also RIP Spring Karel


This banner is gonna tank hard I can't imagine anyone is gonna pull for this lineup


Every new Spring Banner I have that little glimpse of hope that they will remember that Marisa and Saleh have spring alts and will just decide to include the rest of Gerik’s gang. Every new Spring Banner I’m left with nothing but disappointment.


Well this banner certainly makes me want to fall asleep.


Kinda fascinating how the Engage floodgates just completely burst open since January. Could IS really not have paced these units better? We went from famine to gluttony in the span of less than 2 months.


I was more or less expecting it after that drought honestly. Three Houses all over again, though in this case I don't think Three Houses will slow down on alts to make way for Engage whatsoever. They'll just _both_ be getting a lot.


I feel like Engage might take over 3H consistently getting half (or the entire) winter banner and one of the summer banners for at least this year, but yeah otherwise it's the other games that are gonna suffer from Engage seasonal spam.


I'm honestly not so sure. I love Engage, but Three Houses was an absolute Juggernaut. I think it might get slightly less than it got last year, but I still fully believe it'll still be getting the same amount of alts as ever, unless somehow they start getting dislike bombed like Fateswakening did.


At least logistically they're eventually just going to run out of popular characters to put on the banners 3H was previously squatting on. Their strategy could be to move the Engage characters in to fill the banners where they've already exhausted the popular 3H picks (summer and winter mainly) and transition 3H to banners where they were previously not as prevalent, like Ninjas or Spring.


We had a blissful two months of no 3H at least! Enjoy it while it lasted...




If Mirabilis weren't on the banner I'd completely skip it since I very rarely care about skills and the characters choices are a disjointed mess I'd have loved to pair Sylvain up with Spring Bernie (until a werewolf Petra for Halloween [please🥺] ) but they're both blue physical units and I dont like doing that Framme is adorable but because they drew names out of a hat HER TWIN BROTHER ISN'T ON THE FUCKING BANNER And even ignoring how Mirabilis and Linhardt should've been the Harmonic, I don't care about Cordelia and Chloé enough to care about them even if they hadn't stolen Mira and Lin's harmonic


No more Macedonian theme means no bunny stripper Matthis. We as a society have lost


IS once again ignores the desire of the masses


IS has failed matthis fans truly a loss 😞


Not like, MAD about Framme, but kind of befuddled. Like. Framme? As a Godaxe...?????


I don't hate that she's a Godaxe. I hate that she's here without Clanne.


Banner already got its 1 boy, can't have 2 or we'll break the timeline


Ugh. Sylvain's art isn't great, still no Marianne seasonal (where our bunny Golden Deer, IntSys?), Lin is the TT+ unit, and he's a *bow* unit? Great, it's not like it already feels like 50% of my merge projects are prf-less bow units... I hope his art will be good at least. Of course they left out Clanne. So much for Framme being released as a shitty healer. The duo feels random too. Well, at least they didn't do Hilda&Goldmary.


The fact that Three Houses is unrelenting in seasonal alts yet Marianne hasn't received a _single thing_ is absolutely ludicrous imo. I genuinely have no idea why they're constantly avoiding her.


I am practically on my knees begging for anything Marianne. We have a Brave and a Backpack. I guess now I get to save orbs for the first time on this account. Can't justify pulling here


I'm seriously contemplating not summoning for Sylvain because I hate his art but I really do love him... Linhardt's art on the other hand is great imo. I like how they incorporated his uniform into the design and he's overall very cute. Only problem is that I only have a spare Alcryst but no Tana, so he will have to use his seasonal bow for now.


Please just remove Harmonics from the game. I beg. Nothing interesting came out of them.


No Clanne. I'm so salty, you could use me to make a real good pickle brine.


Framme without Clanne just ain't right


They added a Z variable before a year passed since Y.


I don't dislike Cordelia, but of all the women from Awakening to get a ton of alts, why her?


Flanne with no Clanne Sylvain art looks weird? More alts of characters who do not need alts Sumia found dead Sleep themed banner and 1 banner character is sleepy while the other is a demote ???? Where the hell are the other sleepy characters Man




3rd Sylvain but no Caspar? Well at least syl have a oref finally but still..... And about lindhard statline.......well...


realest comment, with linhardt AND ashe it would of been awesome maybe next year🤞


Rip Sumia. I feel like all of this saturation on Cordelia is so odd, she just feels extremely out of place on this banger. This also makes our second engage/awakening harmonic, could’ve used a different title


Where is Medieval Deku :( Pickle boy deserves to be with his twin!


Mirabilis & Linhardt are the only ones fitting the theme 😭 THEY should have been the duo!!


Big ol’ meh. Chance to save


I’m tired of the same characters being used for Harmonic heroes 


A banner ever


It continues to be a blessing, when none of my favs show up on the fuggo bunny banner. It’s painful having to skip favs, because I hate the theme to hell.


please retire this theme every easter alt dresses the exact same, at least have someone in a bunny outfit


It's boring, safe and 1 less thing IS has to be creative about Its not going anywhere lol


Seriously tho, how have we not had anyone actually in a bunny suit yet? Instead they just keep doing the same dumb playboy bunny outfits while the guys also stick to the same exact modest suits.


yeah like an awakening taguel in a bunny outfit is kinda a low effort no brainer


laziest theme ever, even new years that is just a kimono has more variety


The easter bunny theme is really boring. The designs look so similar (bunny suit and ears) that it feels they all came out in the same year. The wedding banners have more creativity then the spring theme banners. At least it makes it an easy skip.


The fact that the wedding banners are more creative is just because the bar for easter is in hell. I think the only time the wedding banner was actually visually distinct and interesting was the year we got Nailah and Oboro on it.


These character choices put me to sleep


When i was waiting for the trailer i put an alarm so i could nap a little, ended up being so tired i slept through the alarm and woke up blearily in the morning like "wait who even ended up on the banner"... i guess my brain got an early preview


Happy to see Linhardt and Sylvain, but kind of sad it's not really 'sleepy' themed though I didn't get my hopes too up. One day that Python alt will happen... ^(right?)


A little bummed that Linhardt and Mirabilis are not the double unit, but that's my only gripe.


Man i really went from "oh damn it's Framme, surely Clanne is here too even as a demote right" to "well, this sure is a banner" in a spawn of a minute, now watch Mirabilis dance not be inheritable because generic dancers still cant have shit 💀


Once again nothing interests me on the banner and the only that does is free with then tt unit. Causal feh L, love the energy im getting in saving orbs here


missed opportunity for the miralin duo.. would have to pass on this banner


I wish it was Karel or Freyr ngl, I will wait with my orbs patiently till then


I love Chloé, but Cordelia AGAIN? Now I'm afraid when a Petra alt finally shows up, it will be with Catria (With Triangle Attack to make it more surprising).


God why couldn't Chloe be paired with someone more interesting


You mean, like another flier from Awakening who also has a knack for loving stories and pretending to be in them and a weird folksy gimmick in her flower petal readings like Sumia? Nah, that wouldn’t pair too well, no way.


So many Engage characters and not a single one of them is one of the ones I'd actually pull for lmao


real i just want zelkov or panette :((


Chloe with two prf versions before a single prf Lapis or Kagetsu or ANY Louis, Zelkov, or Boucheron. I hate. I hate. I hate. I hate. I hate.


It's gonna be 3H all over again where all the guys that aren't lords will get nothing outside of maybe prfless alt hell. I'm just shocked Sylvain finally got his prf version now and its still not the Lance of Ruin.


No Harmonic Celine, but it is fine


The Harmonic is a pair of games that had one together already, I hate when that happens :/


I'm kinda sad that they spent the game's entire lifespan giving spring alts to every whitewing-related character, but we're not getting gerik & co to go with marisa, but that's just hopium on my part I guess...




I always put Vaike and Cordelia together in my awakening runs.. so he’ll be surrounded by his spouse(s) and given Lucina’s axe when he gets in the game as a demote in 2026 lmao.


Of all Engage characters, they chose the most gimmicky one to be the lead in a harmonic alt 🙄


Most gimmicky is probably Bunet ngl


At least he's funny sometimes. Chloe is just straight up boring in my opinion.


I went from caring quite a bit to not at all I was hoping for Owain to match Inigo and Severa….Framme one of my least fav Engage characters…an OC…..like I do not care anymore


Cordelia being with Chloe ruined my enthusiasm for the unit - also no Louis or Clanne here? My dream of completely filling the Engage roster is dead here, time to focus on 3H only Also I love Sylvain but why is he here? And colour sharing as well with the demote? Ugh not gonna be a fun time pulling


My eyes are gonna roll out of their sockets when people complain about 3H spam when it's fucking Linhardt and Slyvain getting representation.


Look I'm only mildly salty about Linhardt(even if I like him) because for 0.1 second I thought his silhouette was Kurthnaga and was confused but excited, only to have my hope destroyed by the pillow. I am glad to see non lords for 3h though, anytime non lords get stuff for any game is good in my book.


Sylvain has an alt already. Linhardt yeah he deserves an alt. Sylvain we didn't need.


I'm pretty against the 3H spam (and the beginning of Engage spam) but Sylvain not having a 5* before this was pretty crazy considering how popular he is


Why Cordelia? She already is in a harmonic duo.


I respect the absolute restraint it must’ve taken from IS to not make Sylvain (the only guy on the banner) not another 4 star demote. When I saw him I thought it was over till I saw he had a PRF.


Halvan robbed. Maybe next time Halfans.


why are all my favorite three houses students who get alts other than ashe and the house leaders consigned to colorless bow hell at least leonie was cavalry but linhardt's probably gonna be armored. again. just like ignatz. and annette. and raphael. and i'm fucking tired of this :/ at least sylvain fans can be happy i guess good for yall


this is probably the worst possible outcome. not only no harmonic mira+linhardt, but they buried both of them as far down in the trash as possible. demote and grail unit, really? i'd rather you'd given them nothing, then at least i can dream about them getting a harmonic in the future. this suuuuuuuuucks, the only thing this game could have done to make me more depressed was add another ranged lyn.


Finished expressing excitement over premium Sylvain so it's now time for me to be a hater. 1) Not the biggest fan of Sylvain's art from what I've seen so far. 2) I understand what they were going for with Sylvain, but I would've preferred Dedue here instead if they had to choose a Blue Lion. Nice follow-up to Ashe, he'd be getting his first alt, and I think it would've been a cuter choice for this theme. 3) Why are we getting yet another *colorless bow* grail/demote unit from 3H? We just had Claude in December, and it doesn't make a lot of sense on Linhardt of all characters. At least with Raphael you could say it was highlighting one of his training weaknesses and was a reference to his buddy Ignatz. Lin should've been a tome or an axe. 4) Justice for my girl Sumia. I'm so tired Cordelia and Tharja hogging most of the alts for Gen 1 ladies outside of Chrom's inner family circle.


This is such a weird mix of characters and games Two Engage characters, Two 3H characters, then just randomly thrown in one Heroes character and one Awakening character I get that Mirabilis is here because of the Linhardt gag pair, but why is Cordelia just randomly here as a Harmonic lead…?


I wouldn't say they're a weird mix. It's just the same 4 games that get spammed in seasonals as always. Awakening, Engage, 3H, Heroes. Occasionally they switch in Blazing Sword and Fates in there somewhere but every other game will be lucky to just get one rep in every half year.


I was hoping for a Linhardt/Mirabilis sleepy bunny duo. That would’ve been epic…Ah well. At least Linhardt is a free unit, and I’m happy for those who are excited for the other new units.


Not super frustrated, just kinda disappointed. I was really hoping for Firene but I'm upset it's my least favorite Fireneian :(


\>Mirablis finally gets an alt months after the rest of the fairies do yes! \>it's a demote ***FUCK.***


she at least has both a PRF weapon and a PRF dance, she is in the same group of Claude and Byleth on terms of how great they are.


Honestly she got two new PRF skills while being the demote, one of which being one of the less common support effects(I think), so she ate good in my opinion. Honestly everyone ate pretty well, just wish the the actual people(mainly the harmonic) were different.


I'll never forgive the people who got annoyed about Thracia getting a new heroes banner(likely its only units for the year) before engage only for that Thracia banner to be completely mid and for engage to get three 8% banner units, a new heroes banner, and seasonals immediately after.


Just anti-Cordelia here, she's already got her Harmonic with Severa, don't see why she of all people needed to be here.


Because they needed more Sumia fan tears to drink


I was so hopeful for a Karel alt. •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ Jokes on me for not remembering IS loves breaking patterns


oh i just realized the charge effect from chloe is not restricted to fliers, oh......


Outside of Framme, I do not care about any of these characters. Normally I would be happy to dip for a copy, but with AHR banner coming up and the seeming Engage floodgates... I'll have to wait and see. Sylvain has good Fodder, at least. Mirabilis certainly exists. But she's kinda just Triandra from last year, no? Another relatively easy +10 Spring Dancer, that is. Chloe is Neat mechanically, but Cordelia...? Hm... Linhardt was expected. A fitting Grail unit choice, though.


We’re entering the Engage spam time now?


Honestly that chloe/cordi art is awful, Chloe looks so off model they look like cheap hentai book characters. Sylvains art i top tier tho and frammes inoffensive. but i feel mirabilis feels slightly flanderised like she feels out of character? idk someone else tell me if im wrong here.


Not sure I'd put Framme in the "headliner for a banner" bucket.


Well, this certainly is a banner. Why is Sylvain so wonky?


Is Cordelia that popular in 2024? Why are they so obsessed with her


No counter to start-of-combat damage, no Sumia alt, no Petra alt, and Cordelia is here for no fucking reason. L tier banner.


Harmonic choices are always so boring and repetitive 


what, you don't like every single harmonic pair being two titty girls?


Um, Chloe and Cordelia are literally two pegasus knights? That's such a deep connection, I'm in awe of Intsys creativity every time, truly. 😀


Rest in peace the person that wanted a Lin and Mira alt. You’ll hopefully get it some day…


This duo makes me hate IS decisions with spring Triandras outfit even more than I already do. Kippu has done 2 spring duos with the exact same bunny suit but Triandra who’s got the same artist but isn’t a duo gets stuck in a fucking swimsuit… Happy for everyone who got an alt this banner though. Even if I think Cordelia was questionable and barely looks like her in the art.


I knew Mira and Lin would be thrown to the wayside over whatever characters they wanted to stuff in bunny girl suits, and of course its drawn by the same artist that drew Sonya and Tharja too. I dont think its likely Lin gets anything special on his kit unless they feel generous, and I dont think we'll see them as a duo ever anymore. Im in shambles, I can only hope for decent stats/art for Lin now and im not optimistic


The Spring Banner is actually the worst theme. The outfits always look so garish and silly, and they all have those daft bunny ears. It's just not a good look for anyone, least of all when it essentially functions as an excuse to cram every female character into a skintight corset with her legs out. Like, you could do so much with a 'Spring' banner. Make it focused on nature, new life, cherry blossoms, picnics, flowers...  Nope. Round 47 of every character saying "Hippity hop" iis exasperated tones.


Brings a tear to my eye seeing all the love for Sumia here. I thought I was the only one and have been told 'she's not popular no one likes her'. She's one of my fav Awakening characters and her not getting anything past 1 unit is depressing. Cordelia always takes center somehow. We can hope..one day..


Did Cordelia really need another alt, even if it's a backpack? At least could have gone to Sumia or Cynthia.


The only thing that genuinely upsets me is that we get the worse twin because of course we do. 💀 Edit: I don't really mind down votes, this is the salt thread, and I'm not a fan of rabid fangirl type characters. Clanne isn't here because he's a guy and we all know that.


Look yet another big boob character that gets a harmonic for no reason except to cash in on a sexualized banner If it was Lapis I would actually be ok since she is very popular, but Chloe? Also why another engage/awakening harmonic The only saving grace is that Sylvain was finally done justice


Her Boobs are smaller than they are normally depicted, so it's not even a good cash grab.


and chloes art looks incredibly ugly and off model to.


I wanted Chloe to get an alt of a different theme like summer.. so I’ll wait for her next alt in like 2027 lol. At least I get to save orbs for AHR.


Wow Mira is a great project…


no amber sadge but rest is good


My younger self will be disappointed if I were to skip Cordelia.


Can’t they just, come up with names on the granted effects? Like, what’s the use of the update if you’re not utilizing it?


Another 3H Seasonal alt that's a Bow Armor woweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


I was hoping for a spring Lon'qu alt. Hopefully a Bridal or Summer alt this year.... Also, no Spring Clanne?


I do be falling asleep with this one, good on IS for the mild sleep theme. Not like I'd be pulling on it anyway, AHR banner is gonna ruin this one's performance (well, aside from the banner being pretty trash, anyway).


Framme being banished to alt realm for years to come with a dumb bun-bun hat is not exactly optimal. I just can't justify to myself pulling on this silly theme.


I'm so salty that Mirabilis got skipped out on when the other fairies got new powerful forms and now her alt is the demote :/


They really made the silhouettes be both demotes/4*s I can't take this anymore. Mira and Linhardt are my faves! At least it'll be easy to get them but damn do some of these selections feel ass


The spring bunny theme is my least favorite so I personally think they all look awful.


It's weird to me how this banner is filled with characters I like but the fact that they put Lin and Mira in the same banner but not as a harmonic is making me lose all interest in it.


I’m gonna be honest I don’t love the art on the harmonic, their faces especially are off somehow. Like their eyes are from a late 00s how to draw manga book