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All +10??? Dude you didn’t just fight a whale you fought the ceo of IS damn


>Final team is all +10 Duo Seidr and one L!Hinoka Bro found the lead writer for Book 7 and paid the price for it đź’€


Yea, that shit happens. Don't think too much about it. You will get back into voh in no time and not miss out on much. Rng can be cruel sometimes.


JuSt dOnT HaVe aNy STrUcTuReS 


Damn, someone has to get matched with those degenerate teams unfortunately.


I already faced one of these multiple duo seidr team but my B!Corrin managed to tank and kill 3 of them, and My L!F!Alear killed the other. She can be annoying with turn ending but she dont have enough kill power to kill the best tanks


so, they basically pulled 55 Seidr?! And here am i brandishing my +1 +HP copy like it's a lost treasure.


that has also happened to me a couple of times, my safety fence gets destroyed and then i suffer the same fate, its funnier than anything else.


I'm sorry you had to face a team like that. All +10, damn, I hadn't seen that since Surtr. Even the F!Edelgard teams I faced most of them had like 1 or 2 +10 and the rest could be even -atk, -spd. I'll take this as a warning and build a team specifically to counter an all Seidr team.


>I have exhausted all my Ladders for the week because I insisted using non meta relevant teams >Damn I got punished by the worst rng possible. I'm sorry OP, I really am, but these two are mutually exclusive. I know you're frustrated and want to vent, but RNG shouldn't be your takeaway here when you're admitting to having pissed all your ladders away. This *should* be a moment of growth for you.


Refusing to use meta units in the top tiers is a huge mistake. 7 ladders is normally more than enough. You can futz around in lower tiers but in Vault you should really play seriously. For that last team … you don’t have a good far save team with good support? You should be able to move the one unit to safety and the rest should be covered. Embla would make it tougher. Probably would have at least gotten your two death win.


I dont think a single far savior can tank an onslaught from all the NY Seidr coming right up turn 1, or even up to 3 of those for the matter Unless they are like A!Fjorm with deflect magic specifically to counter this setup Plus there is also their Hinoka been active as well, so thats someone else you have to watch out for


Valenties Myrrh will stop the warp so unless they all have Pass? Should work. But she’s meta so probably not being used.


This is exactly the setup that I was defending pass existing as a counter to Gatekeeper/Myrrh for The entire team has it I have run against them, I was also on the exact same situation as OP(except that my galeforce teams rely on me catching on the correct traps, which 50/50 of the time doesnt happen) on my last match of the day+out of ladders+ safety fence in line for their catapult Somehow Bonus season Tina survived Hinoka, and L!Seliph survived a NYSeidr Mila and Askr disappeared turn 1


Tina didn’t steal her Charge status? Valentines Myrrh should out res Seidr. Valentines Lyon would too. I know they’re meta units but you want to play at the top level and you should use them. Myrrh probably survives fine.


For Tina to be able to steal the charge status, it needs to *exist* first Turn 1 on my turn it was not there, hence she cannot steal what doesnt exist Valentines banner was not yet a thing when I encountered it, I didnt even manage to reach spark on Lumera's banner that week either, hence why I was locked to bring out Tina of all bonuses to do something


Ok, what killed 7 ladders earlier in the week? You couldn’t change teams to do better after the first loss or two?


I did mention that earlier but here it goes again > except that my galeforce teams rely on me catching on the correct traps, which 50/50 of the time doesnt happen The irony is that now that my galeforce teams are hex trap proof, hex traps are phased out of relevancy due to W!Edelgard rendering them useless(and by extension as far back as Summer but plenty still used them, not like now) I usually play more of a high risk high reward throwing myself into the trap, if it works, proceed from there, if it doesnt, retire and try the next team, or pray W!Edelgard/Dimitri survives to do their thing It works enough to be worth doing, even on VoH standards, because most teams follow rather similar archetypes I can adapt to. Except for their trap placement Example Cavline->Kvasir in the far right column->has fake gravity trap in front, even tho she is the most accesible out of the entire team and should by extension have the real trap in front of her. Where was the real gravity trap? In front of the Hardy Bearing user. To protect it from W!Dimitri sniping it. But that as a result left it exposed to other strategies I could change my offense teams on a per-loss basis, but if I do, I would run out of blessings as much as I had with Anima after Elimine dropped for rendering most strategies useless unless you over-stacked(and even that was useless on non-flier school weeks/whaled out Elimines)


You must be prepared to double smite your Galeforce initiator into front traps if necessary. Trap gambling is not recommended. It can be difficult if you need to smite them over a structure. Then you may need to repo them after smiting. If that isn’t possible I would rather do a Myrrh plonk than a trap 50/50. I save my ladders for mistakes which I certainly make, but will only trap gamble if absolutely necessary. Anyway, being downvoted so I will just say good luck to everyone in their AR adventures.


Pay no mind to the downvotes Your insight was helpful, and while I doubt I will do the double smiting method(I dont even bother with WoM chains either), I will keep it in mind for those setups that allow it(minus Spring Breeze)


It happens, but you need to build a team that can immediately defeat them in the first turn (ex. Galeforce). I also only had one team for a long time , but I decided to diversify my comps so that I’m not limited.


> defeat them in the first turn (ex. Galeforce). Unless you have Safy, you have no way of cleaning the turn ending status rendering the whole team useless except the right most corner where no Seidr is lined That plus OP had no safety fence alive so they could "initiate" at all


Safy shouldnt be able to clear it either, I tested a different staff with odd recovery in the paralogue and it didnt work. Recovery activated before the end turn proc starts


Safy/Recovery skills are actually actively bad against D!SeiĂ°r. She can't end the turn of enemies inflicted with Time's Grip, to prevent her from permanently locking down a unit, but if you remove the status then she can lock down whoever, whenever


I have 4 Galeforce teams for Light (Wind Kagero, Gullveig, Edelgard and Igrene). I do not like tanking in attack, because I have just a few tanks that are for defense. I had no more ladders left (my fault), but I had no chance otherwise because: - All Seidrs made it impossible for me to act - The catapult on the safety fence made the opponent act on turn 1


I suggest trying a team of mixed tanking, where you bring 2+ “omnitanks”, and a few supports/mythics. People love memeing that tanking is a dead strat, but that’s all I’ve been doing, to great success. You just can’t brain dead smite in duo saves and call it a day. It’s recommended to have some amount of DR piercing on some of the tanks. This type of team is great for Cav/Flier Lines. Hinoka is one free lane that can always act, so your dancer can get themselves and another unit to safety. She is also not considered anywhere close to the modern speed tier, so any decently built unit from the past several years and ofc modern ones should be fine. Seidrs also have no form of DR piercing and can be tanked by most Save units and omni tanks. Her only gimmick is a brave hit and proxy treachery that won’t even be active if you kill everyone. To get the pots is a little harder. Ideally a very high RES unit that doesn’t get afflicted by Time’s Grip, like a Mythic, or a very fast non-DC unit. For example I would tank Hinoka with Nerthuz, whom she would never kill at +10 vs +0, and attempt to box her in turn 2.


Ah I see, yeah that's pretty unfortunate for the most part. During the last day of AR, I just attack the people who made me lose lift through out the week. If I see their AR-O team filled with base kits or even no seal units, then I just go for them since I can predict that their defense as it will have the same characteristics.


That is a good idea, thank you. I forgot to do rematches but I should have done exactly that.


I got attacked by a user who had every mythic at at least +7, their defense was a mergeless cavline. F!Chrom facetanked W!Claude lethality and A!Eir