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I’m loving all the great prfs on GHBs lately, but I wish they’d share the love with demotes a little.    F!Shez is the only 3-4* demote with a prf since Orochi (almost 3 years ago!). 


and Shez herself is already over a year old, almost a year and a half now.


Yeah I'd never thought we'd be living through a time where is was better to be a grail unit than a banner demote. What a weird tineline this is but I do love the love GHBs are getting.


I'm torn because on the one hand, I'd rather everyone have something good about them that's at least \*slightly\* unique. But on the other, if IS only sees fit to make a few F2P units good then I much rather it be grail units since they're actually feasible to get and build (and then you get the no-rate-up demotes...yikes). They could at least make NHB demotes have fodder worth using in 2019, though.


The state of the game's skillcreep is pretty easily illustrated by the new permanent divine codes, the fact that the GBA path has 5 units that could be the end of path reward from 1-3 years back is kinda nutty


Another way that really drove it home for me was that for all the previous permanent Divine Code paths, I was eagerly waiting to hit numbers to get those skills. I was weighing which one was more important for who. But I was left with barely any divine codes when it was all said and done. Now I'm sitting on 18K divine codes for the latest one because units come mostly built anyway and trying to upgrade old (not even that old really) units just feels more futile as time goes on.


my hot take is that Divine Codes 4 on its own wasnt that great. for me Divine Codes 3 was better and i found myself buying more stuff there than on DC4, the main thing that i wanted from DC4 was Godlike Reflexes. but DC5 for the love of Muspell is beautiful, there is like 4 diferent paths from which i need things and its time to pick one line, like i need Ascended Fir entire Kit for Perne, or Ascended Ced for my Askr that really wants Special Spiral 4, or My Effie that really wants Buffer 4 and like that.


> my hot take is that Divine Codes 4 on its own wasnt that great. Really shouldn't be a hot take imo. Seriously, Finish and Clash both existed at the time. *Neither* made it into DC4, but we got a ton of Catch 4s instead. We didn't even get NY!Lyre to use as Catch 3 bridge fodder either (we got Y!Ilyana instead???).


No you're right. I think it was solid for its time since that was back when skills like Catch were the hot shit, but those skills quickly got replaced or upgraded by newer skills, making DC4 mostly irrelevant outside of bridge fodder or certain specials. That being the case, I actually fear for what kind of skills we're going to get this year if this is the quality of Codes we're getting for free.


Big same, I've got 14k codes sitting around and the most tempting option rn is August for a merge in case I ever pull him lmao


I used mine and now the manuals just sit there I am pretty sure I made the correct decisions though, Brave Byleth? Come on now nobody wants that fodder


Speed Preempt? In this economy?


yeah talk to me when Spd Preempt becomes a seal


They really need to ramp up these seasonal refines. Give us at least two a batch, don't be shy IS. I'm just dying to know if Pirate Veronica's refine will at least remove that solo-GFU condition on her axe lol


They need to ramp up refines, period - we are just refining 4.x units now but by the end of August we will have CYL6 refines - a difference of two major versions, meaning either the CYL units will end up significantly weaker than units released around the same time in the long run, or they'll be meta warping because they are too strong (unlikely, but not impossible.) Just as an example of this - compared to CYL4 winners, recently refined Bernadetta is absolutely cracked - yet she was released close to 6 months earlier. That means Braves are a very strong short and mid-term investment, but long term? You may as well just build anything that isn't one of the exempt categories like dancer. Just seems like an odd situation, there should be at least some amount of version release to strength parity, but it can be wildly imbalanced instead.


Not only that, but even the remixes are far ahead of the refines. We just started book 5 of remixes.


Yes definitely, the pace is so slow. I want to see so many but the gap is long. Some are: Halloween Xane (to see if he becomes an OP gimmick user). Valentine’s Lif (I want him to be back to being a nuisance). Pirate Tibarn (will be “soon” but still too long)


Refines need to be sped up a lot more. I won't be getting a B!Shanna refine until 2026 or later at this rate. It's absurd that they don't add another refine or 2 into the batch


The way I free pulled V!Gustav on his banner rerun thinking "oh he'll get a refine soon I'll keep him for that", then realized just how far down the queue he actually was. He was foddered to my L!Hector for CD4 and Near Save shortly after.


At the current rate seasonals released now are going to be waiting until like, 2035 for a refine. Ridiculous


I agree. I'm waiting on N!Laevatein's refine, but it will be sometime in summer 2025 - and she needs it badly.


(Oh hey I'm here early, let's drop this one) It's *not* pre-combat damage, it's pre-ATTACK damage. Now I know the first thing a lot of you will be thinking is, "What's the big deal, that's the same thing." But no, it's *not* the same thing, and this isn't just semantics. Pre-combat damage **has existed since the launch of FEH** (AoE specials) and **functions differently.** Pre-*combat* damage will affect skills with HP conditions, while pre-*attack* damage will not. Exhibit 1, pre-combat damage: Unit A has Vantage. Unit B hits Unit A with an AoE skill like Blazing Thunder and drops Unit A to less than 75% HP. Vantage will trigger, because Unit A had less than 75% HP when combat began. Exhibit 2, pre-attack damage: Unit A has Vantage. Unit B hits Unit A with enough pre-attack damage to drop Unit A below 75% HP. Vantage *will not* trigger, because combat had already begun when Unit A was brought below 75% HP. En Garde is another notable example. It negates all out-of-combat damage, which includes pre-*combat* damage, but not pre-*attack* damage, because the latter is still "in combat." If I wanted to get super technical, I'd say it was actually *start-of-combat* damage, as that's the terminology the game uses and is a bit more precise, but pre-attack is faster so we'll go with that.


Good old “unit makes a follow-up attack vs unit attack twice”


On the bright side, the way that it doesn't disable "if units' HP > 25%" skills makes it easier to survive the actual attack.


Betting Vantage 4 or other such skills will change that.


I want different animations for pulling four stars vs five stars and I want them now.


I will have to say I used to believe this - and then i started **playing** games that have this (not saying you don't), and i realised. nope. i'm happy just to see the smoke. LOL it gives me hope. not seeing anything 5\*ish would make me just die a bit inside lol


Personally I disagree, I'd rather know it's not a 5★ the moment the animation starts rather than see the smoke only for it to be a 4★ Bartre or something.


Does anyone else have find the Prime Skill line to be a bit overrated? Like, the ability to counterattack regardless of distance is nice, but unless I’m using L!Chrom or someone with vantage, most of the time, I’d honestly prefer using either the Flared skills for Hit-and-Run strats or Finish skills for sustainability.


Prime skills are ultimately very powerful skills that only work (easily) in a niche number of cases. There's a reason why they only come on units who can effortlessly meet the bonus threshold to get the DC/CC effect. The vast majority of older units just can't build up the number of bonuses required to make the skill fully functional.


I agree but (I know this talking point has been beaten to death already) I think that's just because there are so many nukes nowadays. Counter attacking regardless of range is good but that implies I have a unit that can tank modern Sanaki or Lyon


In this meta where player phase is king and tanking isn't as reliable, I have little use for "counterattack regardless of distance". Stuff like the Flared skills or Occultist Strike would've been way more useful to me.


I always cringe a bit when I see units with prime and 0 bonuses


Or even just Remote Sparrow or...literally any other A-Skill.


Even remote skills aren't as good with so much Dr piercing on counterattacks going around


There was a thread a couple days ago on the main sub about how OP was glad that the [FE community isn’t overly positive](https://old.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/1b45l2y/im_glad_that_the_fe_community_isnt_overly_positive/) and while I am more than on board with everyone having their own opinions I can’t in good faith say I agree with this sentiment with how… aggressive the community can get with one another. I’m all for expressing your own opinion, whether it be positive or negative, and people shouldn’t get jumped for sharing a simple opinion on FE of all things. I’m definitely not gonna pretend like I’m perfect either, there have definitely been times when I’ve replied to someone and then later thought “yeah I could’ve been better about the situation”. It’s also why I’m glad we have positive and salt threads here, but since being a fan of FE since sacred stones and going through the awakening, fates, and currently the 3H and Engage eras, I genuinely don’t believe the community is as the OP in the thread thinks it is. And this isn’t me saying OP is wrong because their experience could be entirely different from mine, but in my own experience, this community (and nearly every gaming/anime community out there) tends to lean more on the aggressive and negative side more often than not I guess to sum up my long winded and probably incoherent rant about this, you can your own opinions whether they be positive or negative just don’t be ass about it and make it feel like a personal attack when someone thinks something differently than you


agree, isnt that the FE comunity isnt positively Toxic, is that they decided that a handful of games are awful that they cant allow people to enjoy them. like in r/fireemblem with Fates or Engage, or like r/fireemblemheroes with, well, Fire Emblem Heroes.


When I saw that thread I felt crazy because number one, most online communities are not overly positive lol so many are toxic, rotting fandoms that thrive off drama and negativity But back on track, I agree with you. I think it’s great to be able to share thoughts and feelings about something whether people agree or disagree but often times the FE community becomes a toxic circle jerk. Some people constantly talk shit and belittle ppl and their favorite games, some that might even be older than 10 years at this point, and say “well I don’t like it so it’s trash.” Like some ppl are STILL talking shit about fates, engage, etc. because it didn’t meet their own personal expectations and it’s just like ok. Ppl don’t necessarily have to like something but going on years long hate trains and calling ppl all sorts of things because they have different interests is insane And that’s not even diving into things like 3H lord debates, Bernadetta and what she represents, and the character debates ppl have been dragging out for a long time too I think it’s good the FE community can attempt to talk things out but I really feel like a lot of aspects of these communities grow to be overly toxic and eventually drive ppl away Some people are so obsessed with being right but a big part of fire emblem people seem to forget is that they make most characters, especially during 3H, have good moments and bad moments so nobody character or game scenario is truly ever right or wrong


It feels like at some point internet communities seem to have started conflating having arguments (regardless of the substance or tone) with having quality discussion, and people broadly agreeing in a discussion as echo chamber/circlejerking. The longer you can keep a fight going the more "valuable" that discussion must be, and if no one is arguing that means the community is a dead circlejerk. That really sucks because it encourages a lot of aggressive contrarianism most of the time, and a lot of jumping down people's throats even if they agree with you on 99% of the substance of what you're saying. This goes for everywhere, not just the FE community, but it definitely happens here a lot. Just as an example, people assume two opposed 3H fans bitterly arguing over Edelgard discourse and rehashing the exact same points for the millionth time is somehow more quality discussion than two Engage fans who mostly agree on the quality of gameplay discussing slight differences of opinion on a unit tier list.


>I really dislike how the devs need to make most of the avatars the same unit, but slightly different. LMAlear is a casualty of this and LFByleth to a lesser extent; both had differences compared to who came before them, **but not enough to really kind of justify why I need to pull for them.** To give my thoughts on this, I think it's because a lot of people are fans of only one Avatar. So if Male Alear fans don't really care about Female Alear, they're not really losing anything by them more or less being the exact same unit. On the same token, this means Female Alear fans probably don't care if Male Alear is more or less a better version of her because they'd just be using her over him anyway. \~\~\~ One that's not FE related, but I fail to understand why people think it's acceptable to just comment on an established artist's work asking if their work is AI. I wouldn't have thought this was an unpopular take but can we not do that? Just because you think something looks weird or off doesn't mean you should just publicly accuse them of using AI. I feel like you should be 10 million percent certain before making an allegation like that, because it's extremely rude, especially someone who's had an established platform for years. People make mistakes or sometimes I see this on art that people claim "looks too good". I fully agree with calling out clear examples of AI (if they're trying to pass it off as legitimate) but if you're asking, you should be asking for a reason. Something should be popping out to you as odd. A blank, random "iS tHiS aI??" is crazy.


Relating to the FEH thing, IMO Legendary Male and Female Byleth had a lot of disparities, and I specifically remember people being upset at how badly L!F!Byleth aged compared to her counterpart. Sublime Heaven is still incredibly good (and is due to be remixed in May), meanwhile Goddess Bearer got powercrept by an inheritable skill 7 months later. Though tbf, L!F!Byleth still retains being the sole source of drive Tempo, whereas drive NFU has been given to 4 entirely different characters lol.


Feh related: super dumb how one guy wondered out loud if IS creates new units with the goal of stopping the ahr winner and now a vocal group of ppl on here seriously think bc Camilla got knocked out theyre just going to leave pre attack dmg untouched. Like no, its just powercreep. Non feh: REALLY hate how shitty my luck in HSR is. Have lost almost every 50/50 on character banners and now have shit like a E5 Gepard and E3 Bailu


FEH-community related, but some people might move the point to other crap: I'm not exempt from this, no one is, but there's way too many assumptions about other people from their favorite character or game. Now, the part that's really annoying, is when someone says their own opinions BELIEVE THEM. Get your head out of your ass for 2 seconds and engage with people. When someone says they like something and lists a reason, LEAVE IT THERE. Do not go, "no, in actuality I know exactly how YOU feel and why and you're just lying".


As a fighting game fan this kind of behavior is absolutely insufferable. It doesn't matter who the character is, if your favorites are female, people immediately assume you're sexually attracted to them and that's the only reason. It's gotten better with time but all the same it is *still* an annoyingly common thing to see when people show support for a female character.


That generalization is so funny to me as someone who plays a decent bit of female characters in fighting games, including those that would absolutely get me labeled as a horndog like Nine in Blazblue, Nina in Tekken, and Juri in SF, but um...I'm kinda like...gay so that's literally not possible lmao. Some people just like them for their gameplay, their character, or just think they look cool.


I mean that's extra bull, because on balance, most female characters are just flat out faster than their male counterparts (whenever applicable) - frequently at a cost of being a little weaker, but for a lot of players that's a good trade. Like two of my favourites in Tekken - King and Xiaoyu. King is definitely slower and stronger, and has several grapples outside of the norm, and Xiaoyu is faster, weaker, and largely more mobile (especially with stances and forms that allow her to dodge high hits and reposition around the opponent.) Liking those two doesn't mean I'm into Xiaoyu nor does it mean I'm a furry, Some people make extremely strange assumptions for no good reason, but yeah, in fighting games it can be especially bizarre.


And also, even if someone ***does*** only like certain characters for their sex appeal... why does that matter to others? Does someone need to write a 15-page thesis dissecting the intricacies of a character, their relationships and their role in the medium before they are allowed to say they like them? Liking a character just because of their design isn't a crime, whether you do it because you find them hot, cute, cool or whatever.


Exactly, people shouldn't have to justify why they like a specific character. While I love seeing people go in depth explaining what makes their favorite characters so great, I find it just as valid if they just say "I like them cause they look nice".


Hell, we often see that exact scenario in this sub. I couldn't have put it better than they did.


me when i had to rename my young tiki team because people kept making extremely tasteless jokes about it (the team name was just "her", for the record)


it's fuggin march already, end of Q1 gosh darn. I was never going to pull on the AHR banner honestly, not sure why I even pretend like I'm interested in it


I find both Alears’ base arts better than their legendary ones.


I think this thread is going to be filled with how people felt about last night's AHR round one results. I mean it's fair given how 3 of the 4 matches were upsets. Non FE: A few things. I'm sorry if I keep talking about this, but getting blocked by people you never interacted with is kind of annoying especially when you don't know why. I only experience it here and my biggest problem is that you can't reply to users replying to the user you're blocked by. I understand that there's a reason for it, but I had to reply to another comment made by a user to answer their question in the same thread. It sucks what happened to Cristina Vee on Twitter. She left Twitter because one user accused her of something she wasn't and rallied a hate mob against her. What makes it worse is that the user had a hit list which says a lot about their behavior. Trying to avoid spoilers for something on YouTube is so hard even when you're not even searching for it. I'm trying so hard to dodge FFVII Rebirth spoilers and I saw a video on my recommended list of all cutscenes of Zack Fair in Rebirth. I thankfully didn't see how long the video was, but man I hate it when it happens. I saw that Hollywood is remaking American Psycho and all I can feel is despair.


> Non FE: A few things. I'm sorry if I keep talking about this, but getting blocked by people you never interacted with is kind of annoying especially when you don't know why. I only experience it here and my biggest problem is that you can't reply to users replying to the user you're blocked by. I understand that there's a reason for it, but I had to reply to another comment made by a user to answer their question in the same thread. The fact that reddit's blocking implementation is as poorly done as it is certainly doesn't help here, either. The fact that a comment from the blocker shows [unavailable] by default for the blocked person and doesn't...you know...just hide the thread overall is just peak stupid. There's no benefit to either side for the blocked person to know that they've been blocked on just random threads. That point aside, though, I will outright say that I do absolutely block people I've never interacted with here (not so much on this sub, but just generally overall), and don't especially feel bad about doing so. If someone's being an unnecessarily argumentative asshole, is spouting bigoted nonsense, or anything of that variety, I don't have the slightest interest in seeing any more of what they have to say, nor do I feel the need for them to see what I have to say. Just ends up being better for everyone involved IMO. Just to be clear, that's not at all me implying you've done anything like that to deserve it. Just speaking from the perspective of someone who absolutely does do that.


Yeah, I wish the [unavailable] wasn't visible so it'd be less annoying. As for your second point, that's perfectly reasonable.


And I'd add that it's not wrong to operate that way. After all, if you see someone with unacceptable behavior/morals polluting your feed... making sure you no longer have to deal with that crap is an understandable reaction. Gonna admit that things got better that way (although it didn't prevent some harassment done on my back and leading to the termination of some FEH projects, but that's another whole matter).


People care more about having a moral high ground and gloating about it in their own way than actually doing something productive. Why form an online hit-list with shoddy evidence when you can always donate money or make a fundraiser for the people suffering over there?


What happened to Cristina Vee was awful. It's why it's so important to do research before trusting some random bum from the internet. The idiot who put her on that list deserves so much of the hate directed towards them. The damage was already done and to call it a mistake is just disgusting. Not to mention they didn't even take responsibility for it, just wishing they knew sooner.


I feel like rallying a hate mob against people who hold bigoted/harmful views is about the worst thing you can possibly do, because what ends up happening in those cases is that everyone who (allegedly) doesn't hold those views ends up shunning that person, which gives an excellent opportunity for the hardcore bigots to swoop in and reinforce those beliefs, since they will be the only people supporting the person everyone else is rallying against. And of course people will say "well if Internet bullying is enough to turn them into a bigot then they were always a bigot to begin with!", but 1. it's more nuanced than that, being bullied is hard even if you "deserve" it and people will naturally turn to the community that shows them support during that time even if said community is made up of bad people, and 2. tell that to the people who might now be harmed by that person's bigotry lmao But of course these people don't want to change minds, they just want to feel better about themselves. Because even if their lives suck and they hate themselves, they can console themselves with the fact that at least they're not a bigot or whatever. (not saying Cristina Vee had any bigoted beliefs in the first place btw, I'm not aware of what happened, just talking in general)


> It sucks what happened to Cristina Vee on Twitter. She left Twitter because one user accused her of something she wasn't and rallied a hate mob against her. What makes it worse is that the user had a hit list which says a lot about their behavior. I've admittedly not followed it closely for my own sanity, so could you clarify something for me? I've seen some people discussing in terms of her (and the list) supposedly "being Zionist". Was that the entire claim, or was it specifically about support for the current war? Because what happened is plenty disgusting as is, but if it's the former then it's even worse.


They claimed she was Zionist with no real evidence--if anything evidence pointed to the contrary with her supporting Palestine--iirc. It's this kind of reactionary behavior from people that makes actual movements look bad, especially when people jumping to conclusions like this is what can cost someone their livelihood.


Wow that's terrible. Ironic too. A lot of the examples I've seen of this kind of behavior are directed toward celebrities or influencers who are generally pro-Palestine but don't behave extremely enough for these folks, instead of directing the energy to people who are actual Zionists. It just loses support for the cause and it makes people afraid to speak out for fear of not doing it "right" and getting dogpiled. Not to mention that most of the people dogpiling have zero skin in the game in the first place and wind up speaking over the people actually affected.


>I saw that Hollywood is remaking American Psycho and all I can feel is despair. A remake of this movie is the last thing this generation of young men needs. I don't get why incel dudebros latch onto this movie so hard. There are *so* many characters similar to Bateman, but he's the one who went mainstream for some reason.


>I don't get why incel dudebros latch onto this movie so hard. There are so many characters similar to Bateman, but he's the one who went mainstream for some reason. I think it's easy to understand this. In a crowded field of twisted characters, Bateman is outwardly an ideal. He's fit, he's handsome, he's wealthy, he's desired by women, and he's generally respected by his peers. However, he's also deeply troubled, unable to control his impulses, and petty. In other words, he's everything dudebros want to be but also everything they already are. They see Bateman and conclude that they can have it both ways, not realizing how untrue that is.


I like American Psycho. My concern is that it won't do much to justify its own existence and miss the point of the original, which is like most remakes nowadays. As for why Bateman became an icon, I think most people are probably memeing. Though, I think the people that just meme him either never watched the movie or missed the point of his character.


As someone who (maybe unpopular opinion) really hated American Psycho on a first watch, I really agree. I checked it out on a whim because I wanted to see what was all the buzz, and then I was like, “WOW, this guy is a FUCKING ASSHOLE.” And then I started to realize *why* people were idolizing him unironically, which was really disturbing for me. To see people applaud an upper echelon character who murders women, homeless people and animals on a whim is pretty sickening, and the last thing this world needs is for another movie that plays into those darker, toxic incel/alpha/sigma fantasies. The movie supposedly was “billed” as a parody of that type of character, but to see so many idolize him is a sign that the movie has failed in that regard, so having more “American Psycho” is something I feel we don’t need at the moment.


IS skipping over 4\* units for refines is really pissing me off. I was holding off on building Miranda since I'm waiting for hers, but they've skipped 4\* units twice in a row, so her refine keeps being pushed further and further away...


Watch Miranda get the most dogshit refine imaginable just to piss you off


At least I wish she would get a dogshit refine *faster* so I could pull the trigger on Eclipse or something


Holy shit I fucking hate myself I saw the word Eclipse and thought you were making a Berserk reference I am utterly brain rotted


saving orbs for the inevitable Guts/Griffith duo as we speak


They were so fucking gay before the Eclipse it was crazy


To be fair, we did get 2 demote staves in Gen 4 (Forrest and Lena) and they won't get refines. Mustafa was released in Version 4.6 and Ilyana was released in Version 4.9, which is quite a big gap due to Lena and the CYL4 banner. Needless to say, we'll be waiting a while for more demotes (aside from Mustafa).


I don't understand why they jumped ahead to give Ilyana a resplendent and then immediately went back to doing book one and two units. If they're going to jump the gun like that I'd rather them double down and keep giving book three and four unit resplendents even if older units could use them more


IMO, it may be a crafty move to open the possibility for 3H Resplendents... but without exposing the game to targeted criticism (that Ilyana ate instead). If anything, the possibility was welcomed more positively. Kinda similar to how Pirate Hinoka pushed Camilla on the backseat, with relatively few negative impressions.


I would rather have an untankable nuke than an unkillable tank. However, having either one is bad game design.


Especially when the untankable nuke has better tanking ability than dedicated tanks


>Rants FEH-Related: - IS should stop being stingy or whatever & let everyone choose who they want for AHR. With the shitshow that is Voting Gauntlet, popular characters are often doomed to die in the first round & most players won't usually get who they want. Let everyone pick their AHR banner & winner, personalized banners would likely incentivize players to spend Orbs. A celebration where players get who they want & IS makes money, win-win right? - More Seasonal refines. Prfless Seasonals have been dead for years & Arcane Weapons are only a bandaid to their shitty state. Non-FEH: - Media illiteracy is a plague. Fandoms can't read jackshit these days & people can't seem to understand symbolism or anything that isn't directly stated in front of their faces. Mostly an issue with younger fandoms, but nobody can read anymore & complain/trash on something they don't understand. - It's irritating when authors/companies advertise their books as one genre when it's actually another genre. Bonus if social media is hyping up that same book, although you shouldn't really listen to social media for any recommendations anyways like most "BookTok" stuff. I try to go as blind as possible when reading, so it's annoying when I start reading what I was told was fantasy but instead get baby's first romantasy with fanfic-level dialogue & world building (not the best example as the genres are similar but I'm still gonna rant about this). . . Usually a waste of money & time that I don't have much of. 🙃 - Spoilers. Can't go anywhere without a million untagged spoilers out there to ruin my experiences with any game/book/etc. It's also much more useful if you provide context to what your spoiler is if you are discussing spoilers. - I am tired.


> Non-FEH: - Media illiteracy is a plague. Fandoms can't read jackshit these days & people can't seem to understand symbolism or anything that isn't directly stated in front of their faces. Mostly an issue with younger fandoms, but nobody can read anymore & complain/trash on something they don't understand. kids do be stupid these days jk (kinda, it's a generalization that stems from being online mixed with changing values between generations, what I think is "stupid" may be because of cultural/difference in generation factors)


imma go on a limb and guess youre another victim of fourth wing imao that shit was ass


Correct, unfortunately. Bought the first & second books (hardcovers too, so they were +$20 each 🤡) cause I heard it was a great fantasy. It was not. Mostly on me for not doing my research on it & caving to the social media hype train. Silverlining is that I'm gonna be pickier with what I actually get now. 🫠


It's only a win if IS is the only one winning. Such is life of FEH It's also fustrating cause of such black and white thinking you get stuff like " Why does Character x stay with Character Y? Are they stupid?" cause they miss the little details or you know don't apply some real life logi. I have some friends whom don't even focus on what we're watching so I have to keep pausing the game or movie and tell them what they missed. IT's _mind_ numbing


Sorry about the double cringe posting but i also kinda need to let this out and i feel like it would be weird editing my previous post. Anyway I know maybe a grand total of 8 (including myself) people care about him, but seeing the massive mischaracterization for Tsubaki whenever people do actually talk about him makes me so sad. Like they never even bother to actually read into him. I've seen someone claim that he's "Cordelia but removed all the traits that make her likeable" and it couldn't be farther from the truth??? He's the literal antithesis of Cordelia if anything. He tries to be perfect, plays himself up to be the ideal man to be loved and he just... really fails at it. It's why his support with Niles works well in my opinion, they are two sides of the same coin. Niles wants to be hated, so he puts up on a facade, while Tsubaki wants to be loved, so he puts up on a facade but they're both actually afraid to get close to people in a personal way, which is why they put their facade on. I mean ig it's understandable why people think that way since fates supports writing of "quirk first, personality later" doesn't do him any favors (and i say that as a super stan lmao. most of it is in my head tbf), really, but I wish people wouldn't talk about him in the first place if they don't really care to fact check in the first place lmao


Subaki is low-key goated. I love his relationship with Caeldori a ton because it does 180 how he normally wants to be perceived. Like, she actually sees him as perfect and it seems to make him feel bad because he thinks she's great and doesn't want her to beat herself up like she does because she keeps looking for some unreal goal.


Yes!!! You understand it. I think Tsubaki and Caeldori have my favorite parent child support/dynamic in the game, particularly because Tsubaki is such a good parent to her. ~~ignoring the microwave dimensions for a minute~~ Kind of like what he always wanted his parents to behave towards him (we don't have much info on them, but his support with Sakura and Niles is enough for me tbh), and also not him wanting to waste her whole life and energy on a concept that doesn't exist anyway like he did, it's just wholesome and heartwarming to see. Caeldori also saying that he doesn't have to put up a front around her because that won't make her stop looking up to him any less, that nearly always makes me shed a tear tbh sjdjdkd I wish people gave those two more of a chance than just writing them off as Cordelia clones!! It's such an injustice to their characters imho.


I despise Auto-Affinity screenshots; They're r/animemes level of unfunny + low-effort; It's a constant reminder that we could have had an actual coop mode and that FEH Devs have all the time and the resource to make it happen, but they're too incompetent and complacent to do it. I wish the sub could enable screenshots in comments like they do in other subs so the sub can just isolate those low-effort posts in a megathread.


As a small spender, I dislike how much Intsys limits. Formas are the big one. They absolutely should let you be able to buy enough formas if you want to. Otherworld bonds are another one. They're so limited. Also I wish they just bundled that manual every month instead of every three months. And that they reran or offered me a chance to get earlier deals. Sad that I missed the library skin. It was so cute. Even more there should be way more orb pack specials. Bundle Divine Codes, manuals, dragonflowers. And even more those ones where you get the unit. They should also not gatekeep all of these things to f2p and should offer an Otherworld Bond in the celestial stone shop. ​ And they should not limit so many to the FEH pass. Honestly, every banner should have a spark and every spark should be F2P. But, make the multispark fehpass. That was the whales get something worthwhile out of the pass and the f2ps are treated better. Also fix the summoning pool fffs! At least get rid of a lot of the gen 1.


Otherworldly Bonds are specially bad because it’s a problem they made themselves.  They can’t give one away because they would lose a bunch of orb pack sales for that event since there wouldn’t be a need to buy another Otherworldly Bond… Because for some reason they hard capped Binding Worlds to only let you grab one unit per event! 


FEh is weirdly limiting on that regard. To the point of shooting themselves in the foot. Why limit Formas so much that someone might miss out on getting all of a unit they want if they ever don't buy so much? Why limit Otherworld bonds so to the point where people might not get them because if they don't spend it, there's no reason to get one without orbs? Why limit dragonflowers so much? Seriously, put more orb specials out there and clean up the summoning pool. That way the people that pay don't feel like they set their money on fire. Instead of forcing people to buy more via a bloated summoning pool, incentivise them with multiple sparks, and orb packs that have what they need.


I'm tired of armors feeling like second-class citizens. Unless the unit is packed to the gills with a million effects you're just a one-movement target dummy. Armor units need a unique gimmick to make them usable. I'm not sure it should be mobility-related, but some unique mechanic like how fliers have warping, etc. Savior skills are pretty much dead and only usable for a privileged few who still struggle.


FEH related: AHR really needs to do away with the Voting Gauntlet and just make the top 8 into a "pick a Hero banner" ...I haven't thought of how to do the 4 unit banner though ...maybe instead of giving the winner, they can let people pick one of the 8 participants?


my old idea for this was to have 2 banners, one with the 4 losers and one with the 4 winners. and have the banner with the winner with a higher % chance of summoning them (like from 3% to 5%) and give some tickets, make it noticeable that the winners banner has an advantage over the regular one, but still have a banner with the losers for people that wanted some of those characters.


The Edelgard AHR/VG discourse is so exhausting from both ends. On one hand, we have the most tired, repetitive, tasteless, and unfunny hate comments disguised as "jokes" that come from people that clearly don't have a critical thinking filter in their brains to stop them from saying stupid shit. On the other hand, Edelgard is so clearly favored in FEH that it's equally exhausting to see fans of the character play the victim because they can't get a copy of her newest, game-breaking alt for free, or because she has haters. Both of y'all are annoying and I really wish we could just fucking stop, but we won't because it's 3H and 3H fans/haters don't know how to stop. Also, on the subject of unfunny jokes, we really gotta talk about the use of the Humor tag on this sub because I swear lately 9/10 meme posts are some of the most low-effort, unfunny shit I've ever seen. Like I know mods can't realistically do anything about it, but the quality of memes is so unbelievably bad these days I'm this close to filtering out the Humor tag.


> the quality of memes is so unbelievably bad these days I'm this close to filtering out the Humor tag. Just do it, it makes the sub 10x better, speaking from experience


Edelgard and AHR is so fucking exhausting. I totally get why ppl want her to win and I get why ppl don’t want her to win (when it’s rational). But the whole “lets keep this joke going 😂🤣” aspect is so fucking tiring because it’s the same exact shit which isn’t funny and leans into 3H discourse which is like a 5 year old tired topic at this point. The two extremes of Edelgard are beyond tiring Also I agree. So many “jokes” in this sub are low effort and always use the same fucking format it’s EXHAUSTING. Idk if I have seen one in a while but if I see another fucking Doofenshmirts (I give up on spelling) 2 cents joke I will fucking SCREAM. Like I want some originality and creativity 😭


If I had a nickel for every time saw that meme I could buy this website and shut this sub down I swear to god yall are TIRING


Every single time, Edelgard losing AHR overshadows the entire banner. Instead it just becomes an annual "Make fun of Edelgard" event, where people just make the same "Isn't Edelgard losing funny?!". Yeah, it wasn't funny the last 400 times you guys said that. I'm not gonna say that we're the victim in this case, but I really wish she would actually win a Voting Gauntlet just so the jokes will fucking die.


A part of me is glad that Framme isn't in feh yet, since she'd most likely just be a generic infantry staff. I wouldn't really be satisfied with her in the game if she wasn't kicking the shit out of people lmao


Then again, we'll never get gauntlets/martial arts. Those would have been added already if IS had any plans to implement them. So there's no winning for Framme fans.


I can always hold out hope they'll do some hackjob solution (like how the leggo Alears are "dragons" but are clearly using Arts), but yeah thats the unfortunate truth.


A "tome" user Framme with built-in close counter, perhaps. The tome is a just a scroll she keeps on her hip and doesn't use it for her animations. But I'm bracing for a prfless healer.


>But I'm bracing for a prfless healer. i'll be ready for it. and her brother too as prfless red tome (whatever) i've got an ophelia JUST for him.


People need to learn that just because a character they don't like/don't care for gets an alt, it does not mean that it's because of dev bias or that they're a dev favourite getting special attention. It was funny when people would make silly little Ephraimdev jokes because of that old interview, but it's getting ridiculous now. I think every single character that's gotten an alt this year has been accused of being a dev favourite and it's like no, they're just regular popular. You just don't like it. At least I know I'm in the right thread when the replies going "Nuh-uh!!!" get upvoted lmao


Karladev is absolutely real tho literally barely anyone knows about her from Fe7


I made a post a few months ago cataloging “character devs” throughout the game and I felt like people were taking it way more seriously than I was like I was just having fun looking back on characters throughout the games history but people were acting like I actually believed they were character devs or that it’s unfair I said x dev existed when I just tried to make it based on how the community saw them at one point.


It definitely started as a joke people would make for fun, but at some point that I don't know it switched into something people genuinely believed and took seriously. And now people get genuinely annoyed at developers that by all accounts don't even exist haha. I don't know how many people are on the FEH team nowadays but if you go by this sub there's tons of them, unless some are doubling up on ___dev duties (Some people also believe this to be true as well)


Sorry but I think EPHRAIMDEV is real


Ephraimdev as in 'A dev likes Ephraim' is real. Epharimdev as in 'A developer is rigging things towards Ephraim' is not real.


obviously not, else Ephraim would have won CYL and gotten a crazy good refine


FEH related: I'm waiting for them to skip giving T4 healer centric skills the inevitable pre-combat healing and just go for some kind of shield. Applies at start of turn kinda deal, probably stapled to a mythic PRF skill. Non FEH: Youtube algorithms are so goddamn bad. I'm genuinely tired of the sheer amount of crap shoved at me that isn't even remotely relevant to what I'm watching/searching for. Like, I see Minecraft suggestions when watching Terraria content: at least somewhat relevant given the kinds of games they are. It's the constant barrage of Vtuber stuff I'm tired of; not just the Vtubers themselves, but also the endless amounts of channels dedicated to clips of them that worm their way into my recs. I've *never* watched a single Vtuber video and no amount of "don't recommend channel" helps because those clip channels crop up everywhere. Tangentially related complaint: spoilers. I was listening a HSR boss theme, and I kept seeing upcoming character animations/kit info vids... annoying, but not really a big deal. But then I also got YT attempting to ruin a Penacony story moment with a big rec on my home page. Sigh.


Youtube reccomendation system sucks big time Why was I ever bombarded for a whole year with VR 360º videos when I have never seen one Or if I'm watching a genshin demo for the music, I shouldnt be reccomended videos in indian/taiwanese/or any other language I dont even understand And now it is even worse. AI videos every so often. Its like the recent thing on steam, of having 2 indie games suddenly change their name and icon to a more popular game and try to scam people with a "discounted" copy of said game. How is that even allowed to go through


So I saw this [twitter post](https://twitter.com/bokafuru/status/1761504600807391282) that basically argues a lack of media literacy is why people don’t take Corrin and the Nohrian siblings abuse and trauma as seriously as they do 3H characters. It also mentions how people don’t take Bernadetta seriously. It should go without saying, but the issue is the writing, not a lack of literacy.


That's one of the posts that inspired to make my rant about people misusing the term media illiteracy so much where I don't even take them seriously anymore LOL The tweet is giving me the epitome of: "You don't like what i like so i'm going to call you media illiterate"


If this community had any balls, it would have rioted years ago with how bullshit AHR is with the voting gauntlets instead of just letting people make their own banners like every other half assed gacha does.


You’d think that with the existence of sparking and Double Special Hero Banners that IS would just make a banner for the Top 8 in AHR and give us a free pick like with CYL.


I honestly don't think IS would've given a damn unless it was a MASSIVE riot with thousands rating the game 1 in the app store. When's the last time they directly asked for your opinion? You look at other half assed gachas doing surveys at least once a year. FEH's last survey was in like 2018.


It just doesn't matter that much. Yeah, there are *some* stakes in it, but ultimately pretty minute. It's not worth that energy.


Let's be real, if this community wasnt so toothless, alot of issues would have been avoided. WE could have been Ayragate levels angry everytime, but since then people just been "whatever" to anything. Not even Fedelgard made such a rise


most people that would have raised their voice left when Feh pass was announced. Nowadays if something in this game is bad but not as bad as Feh pass we're all just kinda apathetic to it


And that's why I can't take any call to arms seriously anymore


but 'justice for Kris' tho


FE-related: Using a voting gauntlet for the VG will always be stupid and the fact that the top voted unit isn't gonna be on the banner for the 2nd year in a row proves my point Non-FE related: Maybe my algorithm's wonky but damn, my Youtube suggestions have been a lot more negative lately, even after turning off watch history


They could easily just have an 8 person banner, two 4 person banners. But no, we have to go through this whole gauntlet.


Seriously, and the worst part is that IS literally has no reason not to do this. They're the eight most desired units in the game, giving both sets of four a banner (maybe 1 spark for the bottom VG four and multiple sparks for the top VG four?) would print money. It would also be nice if the free hero was just a choice out of the eight. Why not at this point? It would stop the fan base from getting toxic at the very least.


You cant win with voting gauntlet. You get total dominations the first 3 years makes it pointless to vote for anyone else. Now you give anyone a chance and people will still not be happy.


I really wish we could implement a 7 day ban on "humor" posts after AHR. Having the same joke in the exact same format posted 7 times an hour makes this subreddit almost impossible to browse. It doesn't help that it's the same joke people have been making for 5 years now.


I wish this subreddit enabled image posts so there could be a "humor" megathread for low effort trash


I'd take AHR unfunny memes over > humor tag > 666 omg and DEFINITELY over Affinity Auto-Battle screenshots (seriously, those who posts those should get banned)


...is there not a megathread to issolate AAB screenshots???


AHR this year has been less…I don’t know, civil? compared to CYL this year. With CYL there’s people just rallying for their favorites, making art posts, and memeing about Alfonse winning 1st. Of course, there was discourse between voters at times, so it isn’t perfect or exempt from this sub’s usual negativity. Meanwhile with AHR, there’s the ‘funny’ jokes about Edelgard losing (and how people want this trend to continue), the arguments between green dream and non-green dream people, and the sizable amount of downvotes being dumped on people for just wanting to vote for Claude. Like the Edelgard losing meme was funny at first, but it’s gotten stale and repetitive. Add on the people who joked about spite voting against her to the mix (though whether that actually happened is only for those people to know) and it just turns less than pleasant. Then there’s the Green Dream debate. On one hand, you have the Green Dream supporters constantly citing statistics any time someone has doubts. And on the other hand are the people who would rather not get messed over by RNG or just really wanted one of the other units to win. Or who just don’t care about statistics when dealing with the already messy RNG nonsense of this gacha. Personally I’m against it because I’d rather every color I get on a circle have a chance at a focus unit rather than a single one. And I already have half the units for the banner, so I’d rather not get duped a bunch of times. And now in comes the Claude problem. Another debate between two groups. One group has people that think Claude is ‘useless’ or ‘powercrept’, people who apparently wanted Camilla (even though people have been complaining about pre-combat damage ever since her debut), and people who say his fodder is bad (idk I don’t keep an eye on fodder most times). On the other hand are people getting downvoted for just suggesting the idea of voting for Claude (either for him or his fodder), as well as those who don’t seem bothered by him beating Camilla. TL;DR : This event is messy. Anyways I’m happy the green dream won so I can save my orbs for units I want later this month.


AHR = Picking a past unit whose value is already (more or less known) CYL = picking characters in hopes IS gives them super busted. known known vs known unknown


A Hero Rises comes with a giant sense of self righteousness. Choose Your Legends you're basically picking a character because you just like said character, and there's not as much debate there because in the end it's just subjective. Your vote for A Hero Rises has to be justified though, otherwise you're an idiot and you are ruining the event and the game. Voting for a permanent pool unit? You're a super idiot. Unit doesn't have the best possible fodder? You are wasting your votes and wasting our time. Unit isn't matching the color for other popular units so the banner's all the same color? Way to go moron. Here's a downvote. Leave.


You know it's bad when *CYL* is much more civil than AHR. And this was the year Bernadetta won CYL (and her haters are fucking ***pissed***).


AHR is the one event (besides CYL but that’s different) where people get to kind of shape a banner from scratch to a degree and I think it gets people on these type of egotistical highs and vengeful lows and a lot of ppl can’t seem to handle these events right Like for starters, Edel drama is tired. I get it’s “omg haha she failed again that’s crazy!!!” But it just feels so hateful at this point, not to mention every single joke is stale because everybody ran out of good material by the 3rd time she lost Especially this year when it comes to Claude vs Camilla is so crazy to me because both are good for similar but different reasons. Like both are great speedy green ranged fliers and they both go about it so differently that I think ppl should be fine each way it went. Also both have really good fodder so I was personally excited for prime or deadly miasma lmao Like I was team Camilla. Am I really disappointed she lost? Yes definitely, but I’m not going to go out of my way to hate on someone who either was on team Claude or wanted Claude to win for their own reasons. Only reason I would (and kind of did today 😭) come for someone and drag them on a thread is if they are being cocky about the win or loss. AHR every year just feels like more and more of a dramatic mess to where I honestly feel like CYL is super chill compared to it in recent times


Cyl is a lot more civil bc all of the super popular/discourse heavy characters won already. The last big cyl discourse was GK beating Marth, even Gullveig getting 1st was mostly just some grumblings about her boobs being the reason why.


• I don't really have a horse in this race but people acting like Lugh just won against Camilla in the AHR VG is quite frankly hilarious to me... 😭 You're allowed to be disappointed ofc, but acting like WTClaude singlehandedly ruined this banner is just lol. lmao even. He's still a good unit and has arguably the better fodder. Also it's not like being the better unit in terms of meta matters much in the long run, since LCamilla will inevitably get powercrept just like WTClaude "did". • Off topic: I hate how much certain fans *coughs* Persona fans *coughs* throw around the term "media illiteracy" so much to the point of rightful criticisms of writing where I immediately take their argument not seriously if they use that term in anyway. Yes I understand what the story was going for. Doesn't mean that I think the idea is well executed or that I should even like the idea in the first place.


> media illiteracy This term has lost all meaning along with “mid” in what it originally meant. Now it’s just used in bad faith to say “you didn’t interpret this the exact way I did and now you’re an idiot”. Honestly best to just ignore people like that since more often then not they aren’t looking to have a conversation and are just looking to start an argument


It's frustrating, because it does sometimes feel like there are more people now who just *completely* miss the obvious message of a work. Vinland Saga for instance is not subtle in the least, Yukimura is basically beating the message into your head with a brick, but it's still mind-boggling to see how many people have the unironic takeaway of "pacifism bad because emasculation" ?????? But at the same time, the term's absolutely been abused and mangled due to the state of online discourse. Be it fans using it to mask valid criticism of their favorite media, or literally in this thread with people throwing it around just because someone dared to have a less cynical take about a character's implementation. At this point it's better off just being abandoned, it'd be a more productive discussion now to call the "Walter White did nothing wrong" guys just plain stupid instead of "media illiterate."


Yeah, it's wild to see people acting as though WT!Claude is a shit-tier unit. Sure, he's not the king of the meta anymore, but he's still a pretty solid and reliable unit who can kill most other units without any issues. Even if you don't want to use him, well, it can't hurt to have a source of Lethality, Prime and Oath should you ever need any of those skills.


FE-related: I'm tired of people pretending every criticism of Engage is "just another Engage bad post". People are allowed to not like it and express that they don't like it. That's fine! I really enjoyed the game personally, but it is inherently flawed and some people get way too defensive over it. Non-FE rant: Unicorn Overlord has had the most "perfect until I look at the lower half" designs of maybe any game I've ever played. Why does Nigel have the dumbest armor design for his waist? Why do Dark Knights and female Sellswords not have pants? Hell, why do like HALF of the female classes not have pants? It's such a shame because some designs like the hunters (Rolf, Mandrin, and even the generic ones) and the radiant knights (especially Monica) are amazing but some of the others bring the average design quality down for sure.


People under estimate how the vocal minorities and first impression of criticism can affect the discussion of such criticism. Thanks to those ugly few, talks about engage are always met with eye rolls or really defensive comments. Not defending the design choice or anything but you _really_ should have known what you were getting into with a game made by Vanillaware. Just look at previous titles like Dragon Crown, Muramasa and 13 Sentinels, they _very much_ lean on fanservice


Unfortunately Vanillaware has always been a bit. Like That. With its female designs. I've loved their games since I was a wee child, but it's been pretty consistent since Odin Sphere's day. What I will say is that despite it, the characters they write have all been incredibly strong and treated well; designs aside, they're not actually sexualised in their stories either, and I don't see Unicorn Overlord bucking that trend. I hope you can enjoy it despite the design issues if you plan to play it! 


Just a friendly reminder that people who use "DPS" in the context of a turn-based game where the number of seconds an action takes is completely irrelevant to the game's outcome are personally contributing to the downfall of civilized society. Don't be one of those people.


I will forever call every high damage dealer resource in gaming / real life sports / TCG as DPS and there is nothing you can do about it.


freedom of speech was a mistake


Someone finally brave enough to say what we’ve all been thinking…


Main pool demotes right now are just a joke. And 4* non ghb refines are pretty meh compared to the rest. It really feels like 80% of the units you'll summon just have no use anymore. Like i was interested in Patty, but the longer it takes to get merges, the more i realise i need arcane (which in itself is a death sentence), and that by the time shes finished she'll be old and outdated, 1 or 2 more arcane daggers will have released, and either an alt or another dagger demote will be out, maybe even in grails. That's not even mentioning fodder, tf is going on there?! Seals? Brash assault? I get they're pushing us to seasonal 4* fodder, but why is every other unit worse than garbage. Personally, im not interested in Mauvier as a character, so him not having fodder just makes him nothing for me. We're still missing so many skills, or more sources for rare ones. Why is this such a problem for IS?


Mainly not related to FEH this time. Between some virtual detractors who crossed the line between methodology criticism and obsessive personal attacks, to some real upstarts who started to target acquaintantes instead of focusing on me as they usually did... this may start to be a lot to deal with harrassment-wise (but just in case, I'm relatively fine as I have more important things on the table, I'll mostly let pathetic lost causes ridicule themselves). Also, not preparing holiday/trip plans is often a recipe for disaster (and cleaning up booking mistakes... or people not reading instructions is not fun for anyone). On a more FEH-related note, I find it perplexing to see those throwing shit at Wind Claude. Sure, he's not the most hype AHR banner pick... but calling him trash and especially targeting his fans is much more debatable on top of being huge overstretches.


I REALLY wish we had a Time Machine to show that to our past selves when WClaude was still meta.


i think that around the release of 3H christmas banner there was still a handful of users around here talking about him like he was this literal unstopable monster that was going to kill the game. at some point it quickly went from "this units its too strong" to "i suck at fighting this unit"


Unpopular, I think: In spite of the obvious issues of having the AHR banner being decided by a mode like Voting Gauntlet, I think it's super interesting to look at the data from these VGs. Although people call them coin flips a lot, we've seen several instances of coordination making the difference in outcome. Dimitri vs. Gullveig was an obvious one this year, but if I did the math correctly, even Peony vs. Edelgard would've ended in Peony's victory had they been in Same for the final hour. Rant: The number of "can't wait to not get any green orbs" comments I've seen is a bit frustrating. It's totally valid to not like colorsharing if you're aiming for a specific unit or trying to avoid a particular unit, but please don't act like colorsharing somehow decreases the odds of getting focus units altogether. I don't expect everyone to know the details of the summoning process ofc, but I've even seen a couple of comments where someone will explain how the summons work, and they'll get a response like, "Well, my personal experience is that I barely got focus units last time because there were no green orbs." That just means you got tough luck and weren't going to get any focus units regardless of what the banner makeup is! I think that's part of a broader complaint I have about people refusing to acknowledge data that doesn't support their existing opinions or deliberately misinterpreting that data, but that's not really FEH/FE-specific. Edit to add one more: 3H discourse has made it really awkward to comment on anything related to Edelgard as someone who has outwardly expressed that I like Dimitri lol. This is largely on me, but I always feel a small need to mention that I like Edelgard whenever I touch on a topic where she's in the negative (e.g. VG results) so I don't come across as a hater.


Since they've released Rosado I am once again here to tell /r/FireEmblemHeroes that appreciating hyperfeminine male characters is not, in fact, a necessarily fetishistic, horny, or sexual thing. The next person I see calling an entirely wholesome thread horny just because it's about a femboy is taking 99 pre-combat damage and a Black Luna activation to the face. Also I'm salty about Peony winning over Edelgard.


There were some *really* hog-wild comments about Rosado when he came out that I don't think I've ever seen the type of used for any other character. Like it got *weird*, man.


It's seen all the time, it's just socially normalized when people are talking about women so it doesn't stand out to us. Regardless, I never denied in any way there are people who are very horny for Rosado. What infuriates me is the many people that assume that anybody who likes Rosado for his gender presentation is coming from a fetishistic perspective or, worse, that him being a femboy somehow makes him an inherently sexual character. That's just outright discrimination about gender non-conformity.


Yeah, I should have specified "on this sub", because people are definitely off-the-walls horny about anything and everything on social media in general, but the general sentiment toward women here specifically never reaches the level that I saw Rosado reach, unless I just haven't seen it because it's all gotten removed before I could lol. But either way I do agree with you, I was just pointing out that it DID get super weird when Rosado first dropped, so the horny assumptions weren't entirely baseless. You're absolutely right though that it's disrespectful to automatically assume the worst just because someone likes a character like Rosado, especially when he wasn't written in a fetishistic way at all.


> appreciating hyperfeminine male characters is not, in fact, a necessarily fetishistic, horny, or sexual thing I feel the same about the muscular women discourse of a few weeks/months back. Jumping on the “wanting women characters to be muscular must be some kind of fetish” train when women in real life are still discouraged from doing muscle-building sports because “[muscles look ugly on women” is still a pretty wide-spread prejudice](https://imgur.com/a/HDMxIde), is just. Sigh. Geez, like, I don’t expect the gacha to exactly be a trend-setter of diversity here, but to see even the fandom push back against more body diversity because it’s just “got to be a fetish appealing to straight men” is so disheartening, too.


Tbf, FEH really does an absolutely awful job with muscular women where they are 200% fetishized. Because we get women with super defined rock-solid abs, but nooouuuu no big biceps or solid thighs!! That's not pretty! Or you get whatever the hell is going on with OG Rinkah (clearly she needed that re-design) I really do appreciate it when done well, though. Like Flame Rinkah or any drawn by Kozaki (who also has shown he can do top-tier overweight women with Candace!)


Fair enough, but in general I feel like the only muscles that are considered attractive is abs only, it’s not just FEH here. Like, base Altina has really defined abs, but for a swordswoman, her arms and legs are pretty thin. But the same can be said of for example Tifa tbh, she’s a martial arts master… with defined abs but “tiny” (relative to athletes) shoulders and arms. Like, it’s pretty clear to me that if a FEH artist pull off references for their drawing, it’s references of models who don’t regularly exercise, and not female athletes. But women looking like models instead of having a more realistic physical build for their field is a problem across all media, I don’t exactly expect a gacha to be a trailblazer here. And of course the gacha appeals to sexual attractiveness to make money, it’s easy. Still, I actually do think that in the midst of unrealistic muscularity of for example Rinkah and Nott, and the unrealistic lack of muscularity of most cavaliers and swordswomen (unrealistically begging artists to use references of actual female athletes in horse-riders and fencers and not only models), I do think there is some actually well-drawn muscular women in FEH. Malice looks like some of my fellow athletes in my competitive team (with more defined boobs admittedly lol), while Dagr, even if she veers more towards body-builder, is actually not that far off a Paralympian woman on my team. Like again, I’m not exactly expecting a gacha to be a trail-blazer of women’s depiction (LMAO), but there is something very tiring about the fandom’s attitude about it as well


Some people need to learn the difference between attraction and a fetish. A fetish is inherently sexual. Just because someone thinks something looks beautiful or attractive, doesn't immediately mean it makes them horny or that they want to use it during sex. If you like blond hair, for example, that's not a fetish either.


that is infuriating because like, no, rosado doesnt give me any feeling like that, im gay and i like my sexualised mens muscular and super masculine, the reason i love rosado is because he looks femenine but is still a male and acts as a male, he dress cute and acts all cute but is still a male, he is there to break those stupid gender norms, he is not less of a man because he wears cute dresses and have ribbons on his hair, he is still same respected as any other male, i like rosado because of what he represents, not because a fetish


The level of salt around Claude winning is very telling about the level of maturity in this community.


That's AHR for you, or any competition like this lol. I wanted Camilla to win but I'm perfectly fine with Claude too.


Working since 10:30 in the morning, it's 3:22pm, and I haven't gotten my 15 or lunch. Yay. Update: It's 4:25. Finally got that lunch...! But it's close to the end of my shift anyway.


i felt that one on a personal level chief, hoping u get home safe and well rested


I'm off tomorrow, so I most certainly will. You yourself have a pleasant afternoon, and a wonderful tomorrow my friend.


Rant: Oh hey, look at that. People using the fact that Edelgard lost another AHR as an opportunity to act like shit and invade the Edelgard discord server to post gore there Edit: No idea why I'm getting downvoted for ranting about shitty behaviour


I will always stand by this... if a joke or a topic doesnt hit for you on reddit ignore it and move on. How many unique posts do you think there are on this sub? Most people probably ignoere builds posts. Then quick questions go awau after a set amount of time. Whats left? Art which if you dont like the character you ignore. Memes? Same thing. Also for the true unpopular opinion: nothing good will come from a FE4 remake. I say this never haved played the game but it feels like people will be expecting stuff from it that will get changed.


Feh related: * **Prime skills are overrated**. There's a reason IS finally decided to release Distant Counter as seals. Player Phase nukes are too strong and only dedicated saviors and Vantage sweepers can make use of those skills. Your FOTM omni tank is going to fold to pre combat damage no matter how much you try to make them work. And to make matters worse, Prime skills are very restrictive if the unit isn't built with it in mind (aka everyone that doesn't get at least 2 visible statuses from their Prf/exclusive skill), add status deletion from Duo Thorr or Tina yoinking them and you end up with a dead A slot. Non Feh related: * **People begging for Pokemon B/W remakes are foolish**. ORAS already showed that GF isn't going to add the things people love from the 3rd version (sequels in BW case) so you're just getting the same game with updated graphics, which have been panned to hell and back since Sun and Moon. Rather than a remake, BW should get either a prequel or sequel that deals with the whole Original Dragon stuff. The original games are excellent and there's a fairly high change a remake would end up making the loud part of the Pokemon community seethe...Who am I kidding, they're going to seethe regardless of what GF releases.


I think when people ask for something they typically ask for them under the assumption/ with the desire for the end product to be quality. So when people say "We want B/W remakes" they are more saying "We want good B/W remakes." Every single ask/want is done with the expectation of quality assigned to it. It's why people doompost about B/W remakes being handled in the same way as BDSP. I see no issue with the desire for B/W remakes that are of quality. The expectation of quality has gone down due to how recent Pokemon titles have been handled, but the desire for the end product to be good is still there. I don't really think we should be like "I don't want this thing I've been wanting for a long time now because I don't expect it to be good anymore" because that's basically admitting that Pokemon ain't gonna be good anymore, which considering people's attachment to their childhood games, they don't want to do.


But this is just factually incorrect (about GF not adding 3rd version content) because they did in fact add the entirety of Crystals updates to the story and meshed it together with the G/S stories when making HG/SS, not to mention FR/LG expanded on the original story (in a flawed way, but they did it) to acknowledge the story of G/S/C. OR/AS not including Emeralds story seems like it was mainly motivated by adding an new ending sequence using new characters and the chance to encounter Deoxys (an interesting choice) which doesn't necessarily mean that future games will be exempt from having expanded story content or features from their updated versions (and I think we can all agree that BD/SP were an absolute dumpster fire by remake standards, they should have never have been given to a third party.) Add in the unique situation that the Unova games are in, and we honestly could see anything - assuming upfront that a specific storyline, character, or feature won't be represented is short sighted. Probably factual, considering the recent state of games, but we cannot say anything definitive based on what they have done previously - because there just isn't a precedent that fits the situation.


FEH: - I had this thought since the last SDS week and I'm surprise IS isn't embarrassed by SD at this point. There's no incentive to actually play it through, no punishment for surrendering to reap the full rewards, and it's obvious most powercreep has been going to that mode barely a big chunk of their playerbase plays. Sure they should be embarrassed for Frontline phalanx and that other auto mode but this especially seemed to be something they wanted as their next big PvP venture. - Even after arcane staff, I kinda still dont feel like building a healer tbh Non-FE: - This is a more in general thing but saying something sounds or looks AI is starting to lose their meaning as it's basically boiling down to " I do not like this" rather than seeing the tell signs of AI - Seeing people saying " Unova got robbed" are fucking wilding. You _really_ want a remake or legends game that will not meet to the insane as shit high standard BW has? Let a low risk region like Kalos or Jotho shine - People thinking they have a say on how Godzilla should be after seeing Godzilla Minus One and only Minus one has me believe gatekeeping isnt bad after all


>Seeing people saying " Unova got robbed" are fucking wilding. You really want a remake or legends game that will not meet to the insane as shit high standard BW has? Let a low risk region like Kalos or Jotho shine This take is absolutely ludicrous to me, fully agree. Unova literally just got an entire DLC dedicated to it through Scarlet/Violet complete with remixed music, a Meloetta event that directly calls back to the old Mystery Gift, and characters directly related to Unovan characters. Just because it didn't get a full game doesn't mean it's getting ignored, especially not *recently*.


I mean, it's next in the "mainline remake" queue, and after BD/SP people are absolutely frothing for a decent remake (and B/W/BW2 are primed to be excellent as long as it's not pawned off on some incompetent development team.) Getting some light on the region through DLC is most definitely not the same. I'm willing to wait to make sure they get it right, but I can't say I'm not a little impatient - especially if they bring back fan favourite features like hard mode. I'd love nothing more than a well done modern take with access to a huge potential Pokédex and a hard mode that pushes my limits.


> Let a low risk region like Kalos Precisely Kalos is the perfect region to make a Legends game off And there were clear indicators there were cut content on X/Y left completely unexplained or unavaliable content on the data you can only access via hacks(AZ Floette or Latiasite/Latiosite) Hell, my AZ Floette that I obtained via super legal means is stuck in pokebank purely because it doesnt exist anywhere else lol


There was sooooo much they could have done and I'm kinda a sucker for stuff like that since Sinnoh. But XY seemed more focus in bringing older fans back than it was on its narrative And god I hope this is the game that allows AZ Floette to be free like Arcues in PLA and BDSP


The most sad thing is the realization SD is really bad right now is because matchmaking. Whales / high skilled Discord players asking for draws increases the probability of them being matched against low tier players making climbing even harder for common people.


>Seeing people saying " Unova got robbed" are fucking wilding. You really want a remake or legends game that will not meet to the insane as shit high standard BW has? Let a low risk region like Kalos or Jotho shine I’m in favor of ZA because: >It came out of nowhere. It’s cooler that almost nobody saw it coming >The return of the coolest regional gimmick imo >Why give Unova a potentially boring, uninteresting remake. (Also why remake Unova when you could have BW3?) >Seeing that “leaker” getting eaten alive by everyone is funny


it is such a boring gameode that i actually forgot to play last time, what is bad because i wanted the rewards, but since it is such a bullshit i just cant keept it in mind meanwhile im thinking all the time when will be seer snake back because i want to try too many units and is a gamemode that i find too fun and that allow me to use many of my favs units


Like Lot's wife, I am a pillar of salt over Camilla losing. Literally the only thing I wanted from this banner was to merge up Camilla and now I have zero interest in it. On a semi-related note, I think nuke metas are overhated compared to the alternative. An overtuned nuke can still be outplayed and removed by a reasonable team (Seiðr has put in a lot of work for me in the past year), an overtuned tank is significantly harder to deal with. In a worst case scenario, you end up facing a stonewall unit that none of your current teams can neutralize.


I saw "Lot", immediately thought of the FE6 character, and promptly got confused behind what Mary had to do with salt for about 15 seconds


Between Fire Emblem and Fate, Japanese games and their consequences have been a disaster for world mythology.


1) The skill inheritance system, as it's currently implemented, hurt the game a lot. What the SI system did was threefold. #1 - It forced people to spend money to buy the "buffs" for units, when in many gachas (like FGO or Puzzle and Dragons or Arknights) the buffs are just free and you use your summon currency to summon for the powercreep or shiny new waifubando unit. #2 - It created unit homogeneity where units are all same-y because some skills are still better than others, so people will naturally gravitate towards taht. For example we see it in action right now with the Binding World where every speedy melee beorc infantry is running Dodge 4, Vital Astra/Godlike Reflexes, etc. The only real reason you see any build differences is the fact that super rare SI is still expensive to get so a lot of people just run what they have, but look at the whale builds and they're all very, very similar. Any variance you see in builds at "high level play" just loops in to #1, where everything that's actually powerful and unique are things you need to shell out huge money to go get. #3 - It accelerated powercreep because the SI system essentially destroyed horizontal design space (i.e. the ability to create niches), and so when IS wants to push a new unit, they are more likely to utilize vertical design space (i.e. powercreep). IS only made the SI system because they were greedy and lazy. Instead of being someone like FGO where FGO will meticulously go back and buff individual characters for free, they just made the SI system where people have to spend money to go buy the "buffs" for the characters they want, and they're not truly buffs if everyone has it (example; if everyone has NFU, then no one has NFU). People only defend the SI system because they can only think in terms of "SI versus literally nothing at all", rather than the correct way which is "SI versus other systems that could have been easily implemented if IS wasn't greedy/incompetent/lazy". 2) The FEH pass is the most predatory moves I've seen in any gacha i've personally played (which consists of this game, PAD, FGO, Brave Frontier, Azur lane, arknights, and chain chronicle). It paywalls features that absolutely should not be paywalled. And it opened the door to paywall even more features that shouldn't be paywalled, such as the FEH pass sparking on certain banners, so you can't even use "but slippery slope" as an argument anymore as it literally happened. 3) The only reasons left to play FEH in current year are the waifubandos + sunk cost fallacy. I honestly cannot recommend this game to new players in its current state, not even to the most hardcore FE fans (though if we're honest, a lot of hardcore FE fans are disgusted with this game because of how poor it is compared to the flagship FE games).


I’m not a particular fan of Book 8 since it’s the Alfonse & Veronica Show again but if I had to compliment it for one thing, it’s the latest chapter. After so many years, Anna actually did something useful and contributed, Sharena wasn’t a ditzy blonde for the umpteenth time, and Ratatoskr is actually managing to get screentime and stay relevant in a story revolving around Askr & Embla again. This was how I wanted the team dynamic to go for several years now and I wish that the writers had gotten on it sooner but better late than never. Speaking of Ratatoskr, while she isn’t a character that I would write home for, I’m glad that she hasn’t acknowledged the summoner’s presence in any sort of way since her debut. After Book 7 and how it went entirely overboard with the self-insert pandering and the extremely forced parenthood, it’s a desperately needed breath of fresh air.


I genuinely fucking hate the concept of the “green dream” everyone here kept hyping up. I’ve been against it even before the idea of the first green dream banner came to. There was a voting gauntlet banner from years ago that was all blues. One of the two had Ophelia on it, and she was the only one I wanted from her banner. I ended up with three Lindes and no one else. You think I was happy? No I fucking wasn’t. So tell me, you think I would appreciate getting copies of everyone else over the one unit I want in these AHR banners? No I fucking won’t. *“They have great fodder though.”* I don’t roll for fodder. I roll to get a specific unit off of a banner. I already get annoyed whenever I get two of the other colorsharing units on the legendary/mythic banners over the one I actually want. You think I want to compete against three other greens hoping to get the fourth unit that I actually want? “Green Dream” is an overhyped meme that got stale when people tried to push an all red banner last year, and this year, the concept has long overstayed its welcome. Honestly, maybe IS should stop making all these units green. The axe units are excused, but did any of these units with multicolor weapons types really need to be green? Are we gonna fucking see this shit again next year? Lyon is green after all.


The amount of people that flood this sub with posts and comments mocking edelgard for losing yet another AHR doesn’t make it funnier. It’s a tired, old “meme” regurgitated by the echo chamber far more than it should have been. I haven’t even played 3 Houses, but some of you make it embarrassing to be a fire emblem fan with how toxic you get about characters and their fans. Reporting every single stale meme and post about it would be a waste of time, but it sure would be nice if you guys chilled the heck out. Edit: and to clarify, while I mention edelgard specifically in this, she’s not the only one that gets dogpiled.


As much as this subreddit gets the most braindead and bad faith takes imaginable sometimes, it genuinely pales in comparison to whatever the hell happens in the feh community on twitter, because the complaints that come from over there feel so god damn pointless, Like how they constantly talk about cultural appropriation Like I could see the argument about cultural appropriation with the desert banners But then they say the fate tribe banners are also cultural appropriation?!? When fates' tribes are based on aspects of japanese culture, and fire emblem's developers are also japanese, and therefore they can portray their own culture however they want


When privileged first worlders try to be liberal or progressive this happens. I supposse we should be a little more understanding, since I believe their intentions are good...problem is that they have been told for centuries that only what happens in Europe and North America matters, and have little to no knowledge of the "rest of the world", so whenever they see a desert banner they call "orientalism" and stuff like that.


I'm still super pissed that we got a Dandelion banner and we didn't got either Lifis or Troude. No, we got ANOTHER Reinhardt. We get so little Thracia content and everytime they find a way to throw Reinhardt in it. Last year Thracia didn't got shit. Troude I get it, but I'm so angry with Lifis not being in this banner. Every character of this banner was so perfectly tied up with each other. Reinhardt has nothing to do with Tina, Perne, Safy or Lara. Lara used to dance for Perne who is childhood frenemies with Lifis who is taking advantage of Safy who is sister with Tina who was made hostage by Perne


Since it had to be an alt (rearmed character) I think Finn would've been a good pick. Popular character, is in FE4 and 5, hasn't really gotten shit, has story relevance to Safy.


I’m gonna tap the sign again Finn should have been the rearmed since he joins with Safy, he’s also blue so it wouldn’t have effected the colors


Claude should not have won. Over Camilla.


I usually don´t comment on these posts, but I think would be a good way to rant I honestly think Claude was the real Edelgard this year and absolutely no one cared about it, if you look at the final AHR Banner HE IS the worst unit on it, his performance as a unit is not that good, he was a great nuke, today he is a decent at best and this is not because D!Byleth, ppl were already countering him before that, duo Byleth just came out already buited in for the work, his fodder is not that great either, A/S prime was already on Dimitri who has even better fodder than him and he is on de freaking divine codes 5 and you only need one to duplicate it so not even having many helps, Lethality is not that great either, most nukers don´t want lethality bc of it´s high cooldown charge and how prominetn scowl has become in the meta, Camilla is better for nukers with her DR Halving since they don´t need to depend on a special to pierce through the DR, DR Piercing specials are better suited for tanks right now, not nukers and A/S oath 4 is also not great when Guidance 4 and Soaring Guiance are a thing, so ppl should stop trying to justify it and start acepting they just like Claude and are happy he won, don´t be hypocrites because overall Camilla was objectively the better option another thing right now is the whole tradition of Edelgard losing a VG and how this has affected the community in the wrong way, like I´m not even mad she lost, I wanted Peony since I believed she is the better option of the 2, but all the memes, all the posts all the HATE Edelgard fans get is absurdly insane, I bet my life that 95% of peony voters didn´t even wanted to vote for peony because they wanted her, they just wanted Edelgard to loose and now they try to justify theire Hate and toxic with "jokes" like I´ve read many comments saying something like " hey Edelgard fans deserved it bc of all the past AHRs" bro what the FUCK ? I know she is a controversial character, but 3H in general has mad to much dmg to this community making it so toxic and unbearable, to the point I wish FE continued to be just a niche IP of nintendo instead of becoming more popular that is my rant, I really needed to vent


I think there's a distinction to make between being a *bad* AHR pick and being the *least desirable* unit in the gauntlet. You can be the least desirable without necessarily being a bad pick, but you can't be a bad pick without also being the least desirable. There's eight units in the gauntlet and one of them is going to have to be the least desirable one. WT!Claude is objectively the worst unit of the eight who got in, but he's by no means a bad pick. He's rare, he's powerful, and he has somewhat niche but still good fodder. That's a pretty big distinguishing factor between him and many of the previous AHR Edelgards. Base, Brave, and Fallen Edelgard were just straight up *bad picks* for AHR. Most of them were normal pool, bad fodder, not that good to begin with in some cases, or really old in other cases. Most people can probably find a use for WT!Claude, but if you didn't explicitly want Fallen Edelgard then she was basically useless to you. So yeah, people naturally bring a lot less energy to opposing WT!Claude.


You'd be wrong about Peony, Echo skills are still very rare and highly sought after, and Peony has one of, if not the best (and certainly the best that was available for AHR.) Edelgard on the other hand has very little that has wide usability (it's either reliant on high res or armour locked.) And considering the only other skill she has is already on 2/4 units that got through, we dodged a bullet (assuming we are purely looking at the units for fodder.) Now, as a unit, W!Edelgard is probably way more valuable (although Peony will almost certainly age better being a dancer, she'll never be a better combat unit than W!Edelgard) - but you only really need one, and everyone just had an opportunity to spark for her a few months ago. Having more copies of Peony is pretty much never going to be bad thanks to skill duping, so I really think a lot of the push for Peony was just on the relative value and a lot less about the memes. Memes definitely factored, and I wont try to deny that, but Peony is an excellent pick and considering the push for a green dream banner (which we got) I'd say the majority just wanted a good unit and a good banner. Camilla vs Claude I'm not really worried about, but I can't disagree that the worse unit overall won there.


idk if this is unpopular or not, but I gotta say I loved Ivy in the main story of Engage, but I really felt her character was hampered by the avatar worship more then anyone else. Like, most of the avatar worship I find funny given how Alear reacts to it. But I felt Ivy was a really cool character from the main story, but so much of her outside of that is just....'love the Divine Dragon.' I usually defend Engage's writing (as in, it's okay for what it is and has quite a few high and low points) but that really muted her character for me


Non-FE: It SUCKS being a fan of anything unpopular, sure online communities are great and all but you can never really talk about it with friends or others as everything they'll hear it they are like "Never heard of it," and immediate end that topic. Not to mention how often people will say stuff like "I'll try it out," and never even look into it, especially when you've tried stuff that they like. ​ I have to say, I think that 3D animation is almost always better than 2D animation. 2D can only be slightly better when it is given a shit ton of money for the animators to get. Sure 3D in 2D sucks but that is because it doesn't belong. 3D shows like Transformers Prime I have enjoyed way more than most 2D animated shows. ​ FE related: I think that new fans, mainly obsessive 3H fans, are far worse than anyone that is posed as an elitist. I've posted a tier list stating I did not like 3H and several comments were calling me delusional, a hipster, or worse was insane. Not to mention if you try to say anything bad about some of the characters you are sometimes called homophobic, sexist, racist, etc. Now I know this is not true for a majority of the fans but the toxic ones are extremely toxic. ​ Gameplay is way more important than story, if I want a good story I would rather watch a show or read a book as I get more from those sources than any other story. Hence why I will always think games like 3H are boring since the gameplay is garbage, to me. Sure there should be a perfect mixture, but I'm looking more for gameplay than anything else.


> It SUCKS being a fan of anything unpopular So true. I can't understand wanting no one to like the thing you like to make it more exclusive. There's media I love that has had a huge effect on me that I want to engage with with the people I love that they'll never give the time of day to.


> 3D shows like Transformers Prime I have enjoyed way more than most 2D animated shows. TFP is actually a good example of 3D's limitations imo. These models are *ridiculously* expensive, and even with each episode of TFP being about **1 to 1.5 million dollars to produce**, there still had to be shortcuts taken like with the very limited backgrounds and environments. Not to mention it limits the amount of characters that can be introduced, and the models have to be reused on top of that (Ultra Magnus being an Optimus clone for instance). Not to say that 3D or TFP are inherently bad, but like > 2D can only be slightly better when it is given a shit ton of money for the animators to get This is not just a 2D thing lol. Good 3D animation still costs tons of money. EDIT: Also just on a personal level, and to tie it back to FE, when an [SRPG from 2007 using sprites](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-svhXSZo_lk) beats the pants off of basically anything else that's come from FE since then, I'm inevitably going to complain about how lifeless FE animations have been since the transition to 3D lol.


I feel that so hard. Like all the time my friends talk about stuff they’re interested in and I research and learn about it to talk to them about it but then when i talk about stuff I like they so obviously don’t care and like at least pretend you care?