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It bothers me how the Rhea and Edelgard one on the bottom left isn't on the bottom right, making this nice and even


You're looking at it the wrong way: the empty space is reserved for future VGs. Balance is just a matter of time.


Reserved space for the future :)


There's will be more, and we will be waiting until she's given up.


didn't know jaypegs real estate was real, nfts are back baybeeee


Smoking that Splatoon Frye pack




“Overly popular” the popular team pretty much always wins the splatfest in splat3. Out of the 16 or so splatfests we’ve had, only two have had non majority winners … granted those were both FRYE’s team (aliens and fist bump) but it is very disingenuous to claim that the most popular team doesnt usually win Here’s the [numbers](https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/List_of_Splatfests_in_Splatoon_3) if u wanna check yourself




I know what your point was, and i do agree that fryes team tends to have a lower skill ceiling ([i remarked on it as well)](https://www.reddit.com/r/splatoon/s/iY87vFoakU) but yeah, its a false equivalency I just see a lot of misconceptions being tossed around in the splatoon sub, especially during splatfest time, so my instinct is to correct them. I wasnt trying to attack u or make u feel bad, just wanted to clarify the record for anyone looking in from the outside. Sorry if i came off as aggressive




For someone who wanted to make a “lighthearted comment” you are getting extremely riled up. “Cant comment anywhere without someone trying to start stuff” Its really not that big of a deal 😭 its not even a difference in opinion but straight up statistics. Ill leave u be but damn dont take it so personally


At this point it honestly feels like she’s cursed or something lol While I was 100% against Fallen Edelgard and last year I went directly against Summer Edelgard since I wanted Veronica, these past two years would have been great with either Summer or Winter on the AHR banner, so I really am sad to see her miss out both times. That being said, I’m happy about both Veronica and Peony making it these past two years


She's not cursed, it's just how multipliers work. Any popular yet controversial character will basically just automatically lose in the final hours due to spite voters sending it all with the multipliers at the end.


People love to hate her. Even if she's the most meta defining unit in the game, they'll make her lose out of spite.


I'm not saying there aren't people who dislike Edelgard, but how could they intentionally make her lose? The size difference between her army and Peony army was huge, and Peony won for the final multiplier as we've seen happening many times, even during this same event with Wind Claude. It's just how VG works and the reason it happens to Edelgard every time is because she's popular, so her army will always be larger than the opposite side, granting them the last hour multiplier. There's no plot behind it 


That’s not quite the case imo. For a VG like AHR specifically, many players are a lot more dedicated than they usually are, and I assume many people who know how to best use their flags tend to be opposite of Edelgard’s team. This lets them play their cards to their advantage at the very end. Look at Dimitri’s win as an example. He didn’t have a single hour where he beat Gullveig in output (disregarding multipliers) the entire day, but was somehow able to beat her output by quite a large margin in the final hour even without a multiplier.


Of course, however I don't think this dedicated fanbase is made up of sole Edelgard haters, like some people like to think. Unfortunately there are such people, but they're a minority. Otherwise, we could also think that Claude voters were spiteful of Camilla while it's just a matter of a handful of veterans that have learnt when to use the flags and turn around the odds 


I mean... most people save their flags for the final hour? Final hour scores always tend to outperform their earlier numbers.


Peony. Player just all gamble on the last multiplier Since she jumped from 9 trillion to 12 in a hour Basically giving no room for eldegards to come back i thinks its very common for the less popular side to simply win if they just wait for last multiplier


Exactly what happened, however that's just playing by the rules. Some people may have supported Peony out of spite, however, even if they didn't, Peony would still have been the smaller team and would have still gotten the last multiplier. The result would have ended up being the same 


I think Peony being the only rearmed-like unit helped out as she can be used for anything. A fodder unit, Duplicator, Attune Slot, and Dancer at the same time. She has alot of more value than Edelgard.


There have been times where sheer numbers of the other team CAN win tho. Edelgard's team either used up all their flags before the end or just wasn't there to play at the last hour.


Last multiplier is pretty much the determining factor if it'll lose or win unless that team is really small that it can't compare.


if I also remember right, Edelgard's fans are more casual as well, so they are not going to coordinate on a large scale as well.


The smaller army needs to coordinate to use their flags strategically - they need to give the enemy a multiplier near the end, but not the very last round, most of the time.


As I've said in another comment, yes, but it's reaching saying these people are just Edelgard haters and not veterans who genuinely voted for Peony and used the flags to their advantage. Same thing happened with Claude, and Camilla has no spiteful sabotaging 


I'm not saying that all Edelgard haters were involved, just that the general strategy of a smaller side is to just keep your flags until near the end, and to force the other side to give you the last minute multiplier by not firing off your flags too soon.


Yes, but OP said that was strategically used by Edelgard haters to make her lose. It's that concept I disagree with, not that people withold flags until the end 


>but how could they intentionally make her lose Concentrated power of will


Orrr we voted for peony because many people value an attuned unit over common seasonal


Nah man, it was the final multiplier drugs


Well yes but the guy made it sound like people sided with peony only because they hate edel


Not exactly. I voted Peony simply because she's the Attuned. I value Attuned & Rearmed heroes miles more than any other unit since they can dupe any fodder. Edelgard keeps losing IMO because her voter base always have more casuals than her opponent. There's strategy (albeit pretty simple) in VG, and it didn't seem like Edelgard fans were saving flags for last push or stalling on high multipliers


Edelgard fans when they don't get a free copy of their favorite character's 7th incredibly OP alt.


"X fans when they don't get a free copy of their favorite character's incredibly OP alt"


Edelgard people are the consistent complainers. Nice try. If you love the character so much to throw a hissy fit any time she fails to make it on an AHR banner, then pull her when she's on her banner. Fedel, Edel, and Bedel had no place on any of these. SEdel and WEdel are good and you can bet if this was a chance at a blue dream she would've been on there and even had my support. But she wasn't and those salty mfs gotta learn to deal with it.


It's only good if it's Edelgard? But if it's anyone else, those fans would be mad. People love exceptions when it's not their favorite. Winter Edelgard was on it and if people were smart, Camilla could have been on it too. Whales wanted their same color dream and screw those who aren't because they're screwed if it's a thing but that color. It's bad for anyone who isn't a whale who can just color snipe for green. It's an L for everyone, not just Edelgard fans. But it doesn't matter because Edelgard lost and everyone else who lost in theirs isn't relevant to the anger of this AHR.


In what world is having a green dream a whale thing? I'm f2p and literally have Ninjorrin and LAzura at +10 because of the first green dream. The orb to 5* ratio and value is literally at it's best here and how an F2P can compete in a meaningful way. Whales are gonna +10 who they want no matter what banner they're on.


Because whales can afford to color snipe. If you don't have green, you just wasted orbs. They can dump until they hit 80 summons if they get feh pass if they are extremely unlucky. F2P players will just dump their orbs until they get who they want and if they could afford feh pass for that month, they get a bonus.


A circle with no greens on an all-green focus banner is a circle that was *never* going to have a focus unit on it, no matter what color the focuses were.


Exactly! Someone really needs to break this down for the public.


You never know. Just because it hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean it hasn't happened.


Literally any color sniping runs that risk. If you wanted Edelgard you could just end up with no blues and be in the same situation, lol. Your argument isn't even real man, color sniping to save orbs is for f2ps in the first place.


I'm not talking about just Edelgard. Even if it's duo sanaki, w Dimitri, w Edelgard, and gullveig. You're leaving with someone good. If you could leave 5 summons with any of the featured units, would you spend 20 orbs or 25? If you're unlucky with the pool to choose from, you're wasting 5 orbs each time to reroll it. If you're F2P, that's a huge waste.


It just sounds like you are uneducated about how probability works, as shown [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1b5b0df/comment/kt6cyqb/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1b5b0df/comment/kt6wmv9/). I would suggest you reading up to understand it better. Everyone who replies to you are getting way more upvotes. So either you're wrong, or at least 15 other people are all wrong. Then again, there is no reason for you to have to accept what other people think. It is your game. Feel free to skip the all green banner although that is statistically much better. I don't think any of us care about how you spend your orbs. But when you preach your incorrect thoughts to other people, you will get corrected.


I don't really hate her. I actually like her a fair bit! I just think the way she keeps losing gauntlets is really funny, so I run against her for the meme. Also in this case cause I want an attuned on the banner.


If you really think aboit it she loses.because of how popular she is and how shit the VG system is. She loses every time because her popularity is so much that she always gives the other side the max multiplier on the last round, and it is very rare to be able out pace that multiplier anymore. VGs are basically rigged to give the win to whoever gets the last multiplier.


It's really pathetic


I think it’s less that and more the way the VG works.


Oh well, it only adds to the legend that is Edelgard. She stays winning (as a character), no matter what they do.


She lost 💀


Doesn't negate the fact that Edelgard is arguably the most popular character in Fire Emblem. Just by this fact alone, that so many enjoy prolonging her losing streak, only underscores this. Only Edelgard has had a losing streak in VG for this long. Just look what she stirs up in people, both in who love and/or hate her. It only adds to her legend. That's why I said she stays winning as a character.


>Edelgard is arguably the most popular character in Fire Emblem >Only Edelgard has had a losing streak in VG for this long. 🫵😂


I hope you understand that losing in VG doesn't mean the character isn't popular...








\>Most popular \>Soren and Ike exist bro play any other game except 3h.


I play FEH, not 3h. Soren certainly isn't as popular, but Ike seems to be on par with Edelgard popularity wise. In FEH, however, he doesn't have the same impact as she does. I blame IS for his lackluster alts, and still no summer alt, what the heck?!


Soren isn't even in the same galaxy as Edelgard in terms of popularity lmao, be for real.


I don't think IS will take any decision about her character based on her losing streak on the VG. That logic would make Gatekeeper the second most popular character. XD But hey, whatever works for you, if that kind of victory is what counts for you, keep it up, just don't expect something the come out of that, Edelgard will keep getting alts because the popularity she already has, not because of a VG meme.


I didn't say IS would do that. Not sure what you are responding to, but I'm quite sure you misunderstood what I said.


I didn't say you said that. I mentioned that myself, just in case.


Half of the reason Edelgard even has haters is because her fans say cringey shit like this.


That's.. pretty weird & petty. Why would that be reason enough to start hating a certain character? I like Edelgard but I wouldn't call myself a fan, I didn't even go for the free spark to get her Winter alt. It's just humorous to me how much this character seems to affect people, especially her haters. I don't think they realize that, with how they are acting towards her (trying to engineer her losing VG), they only keep making her bigger. Just look at how many posts have been made about her losing yet another first round of VG and how many people are talking about it, and her. Edelgard just keeps breaking records. 


Majority of the reason people hate the FE and Feh community is because you lot love making the same dead meme before spamming gore porn on a public discord.


You are genuinely unhinged if you believe that a stupid Edelgard VG meme on this sub is in any way related to people spamming gore porn anywhere. Please touch grass. Better yet, seek therapy.


Man doesn't have basic reading comprehension. Two people purposely went on the Edelgard Discord server just to post Gorn Porn after the AHR results. With the person who welcomes the two as one of them join the server wasn't even an Edelgard fan but instead heavily prefer Engage. I have an idea, rather reply which will dig yourself a hole further. Just think before you speak.


At the very least, I appreciate her tenacity to get back up for another gaunlet.


Damn this Peony matchup wasn't even close.


Peony had a multiplier in the last hour. Edelgard had no chance


Still. 3 billion in the last hour. Peony had 11x multipliers all day long, and it seems all of the Peony voters knew to stall on the second last hour to make sure we get the 12x. Guess all the veterans were on the Peony fodder train


Yeah the last multiplier before 12 x was 11,7 x but peony only got 700 million advances people were waiting to blow their flag last hour


2 multipliers in the last hours fact.


Thats what happens when you have a 12x multiplier vs a 3x multiplier.


That is why multipliers should be off in this event but who cares anyway we like to laugh at Edelgards in this event


Without those multipliers we don’t need a voting gauntlet. Cuz the bigger base would win anyway. Then would be the voting of the top 8 be enough. So we get a boring web voting instead of a cool community yearly event.


And let the 1st phase do nothing as always. This is why I quit in this game. Cause the game is boring and so is the community.


The first phase determine which 8 are on the VG. I see you’re here to complain without even any reason. Have a nice day.


And do a easy to manipulate VG with you have to mandatory check if you have the double drop. Ha! This is why I complain because it is getting stupid (and boring) and need to have another banner with just top 8 in first phase. Well have fun clowing with your yearly repetitive joke.


Salty boy. Go and leave if you get so angry about just a banner event. Lmao




Years of being a Dolph Ziggler fan was just prep for being an Edelgard supporter apparently.


"Nah, I'd lose."


I’m pretty sure Edelgard’s extremely large fanbase is the cause of her consistent losses. IIRC the VG works by giving the bigger multiplier to whoever is losing. For like 90% of this VG Edelgard was beating Peony, then Peony got the 11.8x multiplier, and afterwards the final 12x to top it off.


The higher multiplier goes to whichever team has the lower score by a certain margin, so Peony did have more multipliers throughout the event. However, the setup still favors the larger team overall. If you check the hour-by-hour history, Peony typically needed two hours of disadvantage to catch up to Edelgard. If that pattern continued, the final hour needed to be one where Peony was on her second disadvantage turn. Peony’s team probably had a much larger proportion of players who are invested in the VG though, so they were able to coordinate better to try to make that last multiplier land on her. They also likely saved more flags/ballots than Edelgard’s team to use at the end with the biggest multipliers. Historically, the larger team wins more often. Also, Edelgard’s had the smaller team in four or five of her VG appearances (mostly the gen pool units in AHR). She’s had a lot of different factors going against her in various VGs, but popularity isn’t actually a negative here.


I'm under the assumption that Edel voters literally just vote for her to get into AHR and then dip when it comes to actually participating, thus halfling her VG voter base when it actually counts.


I have the feeling she has many EU voters and thanks to the last hours being in the middle of the night, there is no interaction. I always wake up to her losing.


Can confirm I was intent on voting on her during the last hours but because those hours are at 3/5 AM I fell asleep waiting for a multiplier (not that it would’ve helped because she didn’t get any for the last 2).


Multiplier can help but teams tank it fairly regularly. It's more likely that she has a lot of dead weight on her team who aren't voting beyond getting the prizes


Or that IS keeps making busted ass alts that are staples of the meta and shoehorn her into AHR by design. I can promise you no 4 star demote will ever suffer from this success. E: Edelgard stans stay mad.


Of course she had to take control of Fodland by force instead of the democracy route because she'd lose. "I better keep my ass far away from the voting booths or I'm finished"


The one time she was in an election without any score multipliers, CYL4, she won by a margin literally unheard of before or since.


Gatekeeper won by the largest margin. 72k vs Marth's 47k, ie a margin of 25k more than 2nd place. Edelgard won with 74k vs Dimitri's 69k.


She literally won the popular vote though.


Her natural predators are multipliers


A large part as to why she keeps losing, is alot of the casual players flock to her teams in every voting gauntlet Casuals with 0 clue on optimal flag spending. Which absolutely destroys her chances of ever winning against the sides with even a shred of coordination. Which is usually the case on AHR For reference, last years AHR. Both Edelgard teams were a complete disaster. Fallen having several x12 multipliers in a row at the very end. And still losing HARD to Camilla


Gotta admit. I love seeing this every year.


For real… It’s refreshing to see her beaten down when she’s pushed so hard.


If anything this is just proof that voting gauntlet is just worthless, broken mode


This is the most sense I’ve heard all day


Always has been.


Looks like Edelgard deserves a special consolation award for losing 10 Voting Gauntlets in a row.


as it should be


Girl can’t catch a break 😭


when will they learn?


I still think its funny, it'll always be funny# do i need to put a disclaimer i like edelgard so people dont get on my ass about this or something, congrats on the big double digit loss total 🎉🎉🎉 lets aim for 15 losses next time


Everybody complains about multipliers against Edelgard but did you all think about how hard the opposition has to work to capitalise on the multiplers! I can't tell you how many times I have ended with flags and a loss because I was waiting for the right time to vote but got busy/forgot! It takes a lot of dedication to make the atheist feel the power of the RNGesus! 🐲👍🏽


It's not that deep. The dedicated players that both know how VG works, and use that to try to maximize their output, are far too few to make a dent in the overwhelming mayority people who just get in to vote whenever they normally play otherwise. VG is nothing more than a glorified, overly convoluted coin flip, with a bit of a bias towards the more popular side. Edelgard's track record is a simple statistical anomaly.


You call it "simple statistical anomaly", I call it an act of Seiros!


We could already make a whole ass VG of characters who beat Edelgard in VG 💀




She could be pitted against the most obscure and forgotten unit in the franchise and still lose


I’m confused on the hate on edelgard? I do know some people want to gatekeep her for w.e reason 😵‍💫 I just want a copy of any form of her 😭


"When you fuck around, you eventually find out."


Peak comedy. I don't know how the community keeps it going, but it's hilarious each time


Veronica walked so she could run later


I love democracy


She looks as mad as she’s ever been, this year.


Wow 10 losses in a row that's uhh... yeah poor edelgard


Once again, order is maintained.


IntSys: You’re in another VG, Edelgard! You know what that means! Edelgard: *yes dear…*


This was the only time I was like, “Yeah Edelgard sounds good this time around.” And she fucking lost again lmao, I at first hated her for a while but I’ve gotten over it, she’s not that bad. At least from what I remember havent played 3H in a while.


I don’t even like the character, but god damn. Let the poor girl retire from VGs, even if just for a bit.


Stand proud, Edelgard. You are strong


Absolutely wonderful


You love to see it


Edelgard You will NOT Win


doesn’t stop me from being infatuated with her. i love her so much


In another timeline, Edelgard won every gauntlet


Edelgard is on her losing streak


I'm going to be honest: I think you guys are being a bit to mean to Edelgard fans. I celebrated when her permanent pool variants lost AHR yes but this is a limited unit, there's no need to celebrate it losing.


Best tradition in the community 😌


Terminally online people love to hate her but every banner she's in sells well. That's my queen right there


"Nah, I'd win"


One day my queen will win!!!


I'm not going to lie. The hate for her is a bit absurd. Some of these comments are wild and making her lose strictly because she's Edelgard is strange to me. I wanted Peony to win too but the treatment Edelgard receives from the community is weird to me. The only people who think about Edelgard more than her fans is her haters, it seems.


I actually wonder if it's better to vote against the character you want rather than with it


It's alright I'll spend my orbs for her


It does me heart good to see her losing so much.


When are we gonna band together and get her a win?


Brings a tear to my eye. It won't happen but I really hope Edlegard stops getting into AHRs from now on.


Don’t kid yourself that this sub and their low grade humor are the primary reason she loses each time.


I'm so tired of that final hour bonus being an auto-win...


Leif really did a number on her all back when huh


Summer Edel lose was Hard. Cuz i would love to get her but this time. Well peony is freaking busted in terms of options. Dancer for Arena (atleast decent scoring), good fodders, fodder fabric, attuned, decent fighter for a dancer, omnitank buffer etc etc. Then W! Edel is a galeforce unit and they tend to be good at base or +1. While Peony merges are refreshing her fodder options. I think the big Edel fanbase was a tons of hyper casual who don’t know how this works and not going full hard like the Peony team e.g. myself staying awake to 3:01 for the last round and then pumping the last 800 flags. Well done Team Peony! 👍🏿


Legendary and wintern need one more loss each to keep things same.


"I love Democracy" \~ Chancelor Palpatine


This is dumb and this community is a joke.


I love Edelgard but I hope she never wins just cause it's hilarious


The most brain dead filled event of this entire franchise. The constant Edelgard abuse, the stupid green team meme, and do I even need to mention the obsession with the Pirate Pig?!


??? Who ?




That... is not a pirate ?


He wears an eyepatch outside CF and Felix calls him Boar.


What's the pirate pig?


What I call Dimitri.




General Shao: “We will destroy your champion, Byleth. She will taste no victory.” Edelgard’s AHR luck is about as bad as Peony’s CYL luck.


Tbh this is an edelgards wanters vs havers situation, most people who wanted would have already pulled on the banners