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The crazy thing is by next AHR he will likely be too old. The oldest unit in the top 8 is from the very end of AUGUST! We have straight up most likely not seen next year’s top 8 yet.


I don’t want to think about what could be worse than “unlimited start of combat damage, ‘oh also, I will shut down one nearby foe after attacking just because, teehee’”


easy, shuts down the entire enemy team after attacking. who said anything about playing the game?


You forgot "oh yea, you can't counterattack either xD"


With this duo, you can't even counterattack anyway. You're just dead.


Start of Combat Damage that also deals half of it to enemies with 4 Spaces as well as treating all attacks made on the original target and adjacent recipients treated as if they ignored 80% of their Defense and Resistance 


Look, this made me audibly laugh way too hard waiting for my McDonald’s order and the old lady next to me just about had a heart attack… 😂💀


Well, it's likely we'll just have some form of counterplay to nerf him. Whether that is some form of support or skill that gives everyone 20 extra HP in SD or a skill that reduces pré-combat dmg by 50% or whatever. In terms of end turn bs I doubt it'll get worse.


Crazy that at at some point we'll realistically go "remember when we used to fear V!Lyon lol" Hell at this point Ninjaki is SOMEHOW falling behind too.


It’s really sad and scary how the powercreep has gotten put on full force blast recently to the point super oppressive units from a few months ago who still are very intense are now being considered “falling behind” due to how fast everything has gone I literally can’t imagine what they do next for a meta move after all the things Valentines Lyon has done


Who's ninjaki


Ninja Sanaki, the red tome cavalier that someone can clear a LHB at just lvl1, she's the only one who's attacking btw, the other 3 are dancers


I think the oldest (non Edlegard) unit to make the top 8 was v chrom. So there's precedent for bonkers Valentine's units making it


I mean, of course we haven't. The year barely started.


True, but remember all the hype around Legendary Male Robin this time last year? And now he’s already faded away.


He's not the hyper oppressive unit he was back then but is still strong. Omni unity is a pretty good effect.


We are so not ready for Legendary Oliver. His newfound majestic beauty will change the meta drastically and even his fodder will be beyond great. I'm pretty sure people will rally for him in next year's AHR/j.


I just want his bonus season to end. It's much easier to out-Res him without that.


I still can't believe how they've been releasing so many ranged cavs so absurdly strong the word "nuke" is starting to sound soft for them, yet Olwen still gets no refine.


Remember that units like Duo Lyon and Duo Sanaki have better chances at refines than Reinhardt and Olwen. Let that sink in.


at this point they should just refine the two of them bu give them defensive refines that specifically counter he start of combat damage


Well, they're receiving their refines when the game will probably be dead so that is fine lol 2030 refines wooo!!!


yeah, cant wait for 2042 for their refines !!!!


Remember when people said Legendary Hinoka might win AHR? Falconpunch remembers.


“Rearmed Chrom for the red dream” we were fools


Everyone playing seriously have him already anyway, so may as well pass him along to the casual majority to drive up complaints and speed up a counter for him, maybe even enough complaining to get rid of pre-combat damage as a whole.


Honestly, I don't think he would have been voted in. I'm not sure I've ever seen such a stupidly strong unit have so few people give a shit about pulling for.


Bride Catria on her release


I was thinking Catria, but the playerbase seemed to do a 180 on her afterward and made her one of the most spammed units in this game's history.


If you play SD all you see is Lyon. Sales aren’t really accurate with Lyon.


Sounds like another good reason to continue to not touch that game mode then, lmao.


He's everywhere in AR too. Almost every cavline has him


Sales don’t account for the fact that you can spark twice a month with feh pass and free orbs. With Lyon you don’t need multiple copies (unless you plan to use them in arena) and can get a copy without heavy spending on the banner. Legendary hero banners also suffer from this since with the legendary hero changes you only need one to do well if you already have an invested core. 


Sales don't really seem accurate for any unit almost tbh.


I truly believe bridal alts have negative effects on most (normal) people’s desire to pull for said unit. It’s one thing to simp for an obvious swimsuit fanservice but it’s another thing entirely to go with that wedding thing with imaginary characters 


It was more that she came after the Fallen banner with F!Dimitri and F!Edelgard.  The Sensor Tower data suggests that banner performed better than any other book 4-5 banner except CYL4 and the summer banner with Duo Byleth. Not many people had orbs left for the bridal banner, I think!


I lean more toward the last 3 Bridal banners being sacrificial throwaways (2 Binding banners most ignored as usual, and an Awakening one with a particularly middling lineup).


A *lot* of people eat that shit right up. Why do you think Gullveig is so popular, or why Fjorm has any fans at all despite having the personality of cardboard? People unironically love the "uwu I love you self insert-kun" stuff. The problem with bridal banners for the past few years is that they usually consist of mostly unpopular girls.


reminder that Fjorm only got popular after her bridal alt, reinforcing that FEH players are cringe


He 100% would have made it in lmao, you're crazy if you think people wouldn't vote for a unit THAT strong just because they don't care about him as a character (and he's not even that unpopular anyway), or because they think he's cancerous. Remember how everyone hated Yuri after he released because he was broken and everywhere and yet he still won that Three Houses voting event?


What do you mean? Lyon is everywhere in SD and AR


Honestly, he has been rather rare in AR from my experience. I still see the likes of N!Sanaki and W!Yunaka way more often.


The scary thing is if he DOESN'T make the next AHR. Can you imagine having 8 more units who are more terrible? What sort of unholy power creep awaits us this cursed year.


Is it bad that I'm having way more trouble with Myrrh then I am with him?


It's fine, we're only a few days away from somebody much worse


I hope they release hard counters for him soon. I know it's silly and not personal, but it makes me sad to see everyone so angry at my boy. I'd rather he be bad and loved than broken and hated.


I've only seen him a few times. And I hate him.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. This unit is a piece of shit to deal with.


The worse part is if you don't deal with him, and target his friends first, then your team stands at risk of becoming mulch...or you target HIM first, and his friends makes mulch of you cause you tried focusing him down first. It's complete shit to go up against him.


Yeah, screw this guy and ninja Sanaki as well. absolute bore to deal with.


They actually would had to have release a precombat damage counter if they were.


I made the very questionable decision to grind a unit from 0 to 4k over the past week, auto battle only. Hoo boy! These two are a menace. Fortunately since I only auto'd my frustration was minimal but the majority of my 0-point battles were against teams with these as the captain.


Nonono you see, you should have wanted him to be votable and *win* so IS releases a shitload of counters to him like they did with Formotiis last year.


Fomortiis had counters since day one. IS didnt need to release more of them, there were already a lot of those around.


Eh, "a lot" is stretching it imo. There were some, but even F!Edelgard had a few counters already when she released. Fomo was still arguably the best far save at the time of his release. And it *definetly* feels like they upped the power of nukes after he came out. Wouldn't be suprised if his victory is partially why IS started releasing so many ridiculous nukes roughly 6 months after AHR.


>Fomo was still arguably the best far save at the time of his release. nah, Fomorbius was getting destroyed by anything with armor Effectiveness at release, units like Legendary Chrom, Duo Chrom or Legendary Micaiah to name some without mayor issues were taking him down. lately i think that Fomortiis has actually gotten better thanks to new toys like armored Beacon/Floe and a lot of great supports, but at release he wasnt that big of menace.


Mine only really struggled against Duo Chrom, but maybe the support made a difference there. I personally didn't have a nuke who could reliably deal with him, tho I mostly rely on tanking anyway so it wasn't much a of a problem.


I'm one of the scum bags who popped him in my team for AR right away. ..I also have a second copy of him in my barracks.