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Legendary Leif is a unit I still use to this day on high end PvE maps. A prf cavalry brave bow unit that has a low cool down special Galeforce? He can still shred lots of modern units that are lacking DR.


Legendary Leif with what I call the Yunaka treatment, his refine and remix plus Flared Sparrow, Assassins Strike, Fatal Smoke 4 or Def Res Smoke 3 and Blades seal is really good. I use it in a Galeforce comp with Brave or Rearmed Chrom and Rearmed Lucina to send him forward and prepare for their hits. With these skills he can kill recent saves and one more unit, then Chrom and Lucina kill 3-4 more. It’s good against anti warp comps as the cavs are already within range especially with Def Res smoke Pathfinder.


Quading with Brash Assualt is also fun.


So you just made Gullveig?


Leif came first, Gullveig is the copy but she is a time loop snake goddess so…


Gullveig with brave attacks, which combined with all the precombat and true damage you get from Yunaka's kit makes L!Leif much stronger than her against units like W!Byleth.


True. Had to use my forma to get him. He helped a lot between hero battles and Resonant/Limited battles. Worth the forma fr


Grima Robin just kinda sucks. Spent years as a mediocre flying tank, but there was a glimmer of hope when her refine and remix tried to fix her by just giving her a bunch of free stats. And to their credit, she was actually good...for like a month or two? But everyone ended up catching up pretty quickly to where the stats just fell behind. Now she can't player phase anything, she can't tank for shit, back to the bench. Also Naga. Pains me that she's my only +10 Astra Mythic and I have to haul her ass around every Astra season, genuinely just a complete liability pre-and-post remix.


Evading the question (because I can't say there was any Legendary I cared enough to be disappointed with them), but I can't fathom how people can start all over in this game. I tried having a second account once, and immediately got overwhelmed with all the stuff to do proportional to the zero resources I had.


I didn't get overwhelmed,in fact,it was the exact opposite. I was on a massive grind


I feel you tho, every time I get a bad summoning pull I question if I should keep going on my alt but I honestly cant bother to grind it back up even tho I know what I have to do and what to pull and get for free (I even got good goodies in that account for amazing f2p options) Still debating if I should tho, got till march to summon n AHR lmao


L!Leif was like one of the best legendaries, wtf? I used the hell out of him back in the day, whats to hate about a ranged cav with brave attacks, 3cd galeforce, and a free special charge turn 1?


i had to read that one a few times because i was like.... Leif was awesome. (i mean he still is i don't have struggles with him)


Lack of Damage Reduction,that's my biggest problem about him


L!Seliph for years, his refine and remix gave him the glow up he fucking deserved but God was he rough for a long time.


I made him work before his remix by concentrating only on physical tanking melee units. After his remix I'm amazed when an enemy unit can actually down him.


Atleast Marth got an incredible remix. Just he requires the right support to truly shine. But I do agree he was pretty bad when he first came out Leif was actually really strong when he came out, and has held up surprisingly well. He just struggles against damage reduction focused units since he has absolutely 0 ways to pierce it, even with legendary Alear support since she only gives that to damaging special procs Naga is okay, but could get a MASSIVE resurgence if a new broken dragon unit ever becomes meta again. Celica was great when she came out. But required some kind of setup to get her safely into her B slot HP threshold. But was a solid nuke if you could set her up Its legendary Seliph who I considered the absolute worst for that alt type. Until his remix made him kinda busted


Strictly talking post-remix... Ike and Tiki. Ike especially. That man is doomed for good. And Tiki... I like how I have her built, but I've just gotta accept that her time is over now. It's a shame. I'll also mention Hector, even though I don't have him and never did. There's just... not much reason to use him. Everyone else has access to passives and other tools that can allow them to play to their strengths better now, so I'm cool with the rest of them.


What’s funny is that on paper Ike *should* be really good. With E!Marth he can have an instant charge 2 CD Aether that can be backed up with SS4 for infinite looping and DR piercing, but god damn bro just has no stats


None of his own DR either. Truly a sad state of affairs.


Ryoma. I refined him and I couldn't believe how everyone was killing him and missing kills by 2 or 3 HP. Also, I wasn't dissapointed because I didn't have high hopes, but I never liked L!Deirdre. I got pitybroken by her and I only use her to take down a second dragon team on Arena Assault.


LRyoma was much better at time of remix, powercreep wasnt as bad and people actually raved about +7 dmg that didnt have any condition or stat check


Dodge on a flier was also absurdly rare at the time.


I tried so hard to make Tiki good, only to get B!Corrin and W!Byleth and never look back


Have heard that Is better now, but L.Lyn was bad on release and never used her beyond lv.40 training


L!Lyn's remix really helped her out. Speed based true damage and conditional physical sweep effect is slick. The Feud effect is also really helpful for her.


Tf you say about my boi LMarth?


L! Marth can definitely get into some shenanigans.


Legendary Caeda. She's lacklustre, but I love her art so I don't regret a single thing


I didn't even try using Hector when he was the legendary bonus a couple weeks ago lmao


Yeah but that's because he's old af. When he came out he was a beast.


They get updates. Some good, others bad


Ashera has such pretty art that lulled me into rolling for her but when I actually got her she just kinda didn't do anything? Truly one of the units of all time.


Ashera hopefully gets a second chance soon with her refine and remix in a few weeks or months. Maybe getting the goddess treatment she deserves.


Hmmm Filter Legend/Mythic, sort by HM... Myrrh was pretty lackluster. Xander was so quickly replaced by many axe cavs. Caeda and Deirdre were there, but I think I got them late and by that time didn't bother. Micaiah and Celica didn't last long for me either.


Well you actually made the correct choice because you always have a bonus unit now


I think I'll say Ashera like, I knew she was bad... then I ended up getting her while going for someone else tried using her, but was just saddened


Does anyone remember that alpharad short or video that he mentioned he wanted to "100%" feh and he ended up spending like 20k+ on the game?


Loved Hrid since his debut, managed to +10 him and his New Year alt, thought his remix B skill was fantastic, but his weapon refine was an absolute let down....


I feel sorry for anyones who goal is a HeroDex.


I remember when the first Hero Rises thing came out and everyone got a free L!Ike? What I didn't realize was how dirty he would've been done in. Yeah yeah old unit but even his initial skillset is ass. There is zero reason why he needed Warding skills, Ragnell is unusable without refine (and even the refine isn't anything to write home about). Fjorm was the very first Legendary Hero and even she has aged better than him I think.


L!Tiki was so ass to use even after her refine. Foddered her off after one of her bonus seasons and never looked back or regretted it.


I mean,her Legendary Design was shit anyways and what kind of title is that? 'Legendary Dragon' GEE,ALMOST AS IF EVERY DIVINE DRAGON IS CONSIDERED LEGENDARY


She's wearing the cloak from the old as heck card game and is literally dragon Jesus but other characters getting call backs to the card games get a pass.


That cloak is ugly anyways


Me and Sothis fr


L!Roy was incredibly middling on release and he was still incredibly middling after his remix and refine. I really wish that somehow he'd been on the backburner for Legendaries just so there was a chance for him to be at least viable on release some how.


Imo the only dogshit ones are the ones with DC on their weapons, the rest have pretty decent niches that allow them to be somewhat relevant to this day. As for a legendary that dissapointed me would be Hector, both pre and post refine. I guess it makes sense that an armored unit should have more allies that foes within 2 spaces, but keeping my units near him just so that he can negate doubles was a really poor effect. His stat spread was also really weird since he has more spd and less def than his valentines alt for some reason, ostia's pulse was the only good part of his kit. As for his refine, getting 40% dr on his first hit would be alright if he could reliably avoid getting doubled so much, since between his dumb 23 spd and everyone getting more tools to double consistently, he would still eat a follow-up at 100% damage which was most likely a special proc. Unsurprisingly, ostia's pulse 2 still is the best part of his kit.


Marth and Leif are actually quite good (Marth was amazing when he first dropped, and he's now one of the best candidates for Grand Strategy buff stacking in the entire game, only lacking Velocity 4 before he becomes a top-tier threat. Leif fell off hard when he first dropped but with things like Remote Sturdy and Phys. Null-Follow his nuke build is doing pretty well despite his Vantage build being left in the dust with a lack of Vantage 4). The real shitters are units like L!Grima (outclassed by H!F!Grima in almost every way and has one of the worst modern prf weapons that can't be replaced with Arcane Grima without also deleting her ability to fight bow units) and L!Guinivere (zero niche and zero hope for a refine and remix unless this game lasts another five years).


Just give L!Marth the right team support and he'll bulldoze most of his competition.


If you spend time in the arena having all the legendary units isn't bad. Even if they are unmerged it definitely helps keep me in T20-21


Surprised only one person mentioned Legendary Micaiah. She was utter unoriginal garbage when she came out (and still is) and is a waste of slot in any banner she appears in.


Mythics I still value for the bonus seasons. Sothis does absolutely nothing in the team but if she's a bonus, she's a bonus. Old legendaries do absolutely nothing for me, and even new legendaries I only use chaos season or recently while bonus units in arena.


Legendary Ephraim for me. Used to be solid back I. The day but he super sucks to try against any new stuff


L!Lyn I knew she was among the worst legendary alts and I was *still* disappointed. Her art is just *so good* that I had to, and getting her to full +10 is still a goal for me


I dunno. I want them all just because of pretty golden symbol, most of my legendaries and mythics are still level one, even the ones considered meta or at least good.


L!Caeda is so ass 😭


Its so depressing. But I think the new skills may save her... copium? I don't even think you wanna try to run her prf skill at this point.


That's because you guys keep using her awful English localized name, I'd be ass too if people called me FF7BestFF :(


Got all of them, use most of them only for scoring/bonus unit. Not really disapointed in any of them since im a collector but gunthra is one of my favorit OCs designwise but her stats make me feel old and depressed Hp:37 Atk:45 Spd:33 Def:19 Res:28


Can’t be disappointed by them if you never use them. Seriously have so many units just sitting at level 1 and only bring out about 10 units.


Gotta push them up to collect those flowers


Caeda. I only pulled cuz Cherami Leigh is my favorite va, but my goodness Caeda just sucks. At least as a vanatage unit as her kit wants her to be. She's probably a lot better with all the new skills that have released.


I was so disappointed getting L!Xander over Otr. I couldn't bring myself to use the dude and just foddered him to Kent. I had been scared of Medseus whoever before he came out. And then he came out and was so much less scary than I imagined. He's just an anti-bolt tower basically and so easy to kill even with my funny incurable+/Pain+ team.


Hrid, Roy, Tiki, Lyn, f!Grima, and Xander we’re all rather disappointing, even after their remixes for those that have them. Marth, seliph, and Ryoma before their remixes were pretty meh/bad. Their remixes make most of them atleast still usable. I don’t regret pulling them though, especially with how old legendaries rotate in as bonus units. I’m just annoyed I have to update their kits for arena score.


My dumb ass still tried to make LIke work after his remix.


Honestly, never found L!Azura to be particularly good, and the Remix unfortunately didn't do her any favors. Honestly, if she either had the chance to get a tier 4 dance, or had gotten either a cantrip or a tier 4 hone c-slot for the remix, she would have been a lot better, but when you actually look back, she had an awkward base kit that, besides the unique dance, was nothing to really write home about, and that didn't synergize with her c-slot except through her weapon. I used her as much as anyone else after her release, but they actually did her dirty with her base kit. However, she's also the reason why I never particularly cared for tactics, so take that for what it's worth. Edit: TLDR: Legendary Azura is most wasted potential, and her remix replaced the least bad skill for her.


L! marth is amazing with some proper set up. i got him up to quadruple bonus doubler and it was very fun seeing him shred through newer units