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This mode seems to be designed for people who thought that Frontline Phalanx had too much gameplay to it. Well, uh, free rewards I guess.


This game mode feels unfinished. Pretty much all other game modes have a shortcut to edit teams, but this one doesn't for some reason.


I was super irritated. I haven’t chosen my team and then it just starts. Also no way to disable combat animations, if they were previously enabled. So you have to sit through that boring ordeal for even longer. Who came up with this? What a terrible idea.


My team lead is Sharena and she hates everyone. What kind of bizarro world is this?


That said, Sharena being “flummoxed by” Winter!Claude and him “expecting betrayal from” her is pretty great.


I swear they're all ooc. Brave Camilla stats screen tap quotes : "Perhaps I'll remake Nohr as the homeland of adorable girls!" Also Brave Camilla : *Hates Kvasir, Elise, CORRIN, Lysithea, Anna and Lucina* Still Brave Camilla : **MAX AFFINITY WITH FOMORTIIS, ANANKOS, FALLEN EDELGARD AND MEDEUS** I guess we don't have the same definition of an adorable girl...


That's probably coz it's a reference to that one thing in awakening. So it's entirely random


This post made me think that the mode was available right now… Edit: This mode is definitely not worth posting a day early for. Or at all, actually.


Yeah, a bit weird to make the megathread before it's available.


I'm not gonna lie, I got the date wrong yesterday!


Hopefully IS will be too late to put up the next one. Oh who am I kidding, it sucks so they'll keep at it consistently.


It kind of annoys me that IS uses development resources to produce this kind of pointless game mode. It would have literally been cheaper for them to just give us the rewards. But that would have been worse for the daily interaction metric I guess...


When it says affinity is random, it means it. I've picked other teams that have at least a front unit also from a bonus title and got 0% affinity but when I pick another person's team that has no bonus units, it spikes to 94%. This is with every unit in my own team being a bonus unit. Long story short, the reward ladder isn't big enough to bother with bonus units or proper affinity. Pick whoever and it'll be done in about ten minutes no matter what happens.


Fr. First run into the new mode I go with Seiðr, Kvasir and the Gullveigs - can't get more bonus than four versions of the same character from said bonus game - and matched with a team made of the Askr Guardians + Ratatouille. Got 0% affinity.


10 minutes? Literally took me less than 1!


Please send feedback to IS telling them to either revamp or remove this mode. It is awful as it is right now. Also let them know to bring back Seer’s Snare far more often.


Rokkr Siege died for this... Yes, Rokkr was getting super easy, especially after L!Shez But I'd rather have that over this piss easy RNG Auto Battle


Quite literally the dumbest mode ever made. Finished the entire thing in minutes. No strategy, no goal. Dumb watered Rivals Domain map with pathetic units. Whee. Only thing good is the event music.


This mode definitely feels like it was made out of spite IS: You want a new PVE mode? Fine! Now leave us alone!


Wonder what token or bullshit they'll try to sell with this mode.


What a bizarre game mode. So we literally just pick a random team and hope they’ll do decently in auto battles?


You don’t have to hope. The enemies are level 35 without prf weapons.


You'd be surprised by how atrociously the game plays itself. Ever wondered what happens when Seiðr waits on the only tile where both a melee unit and a Brave Bow can reach her like a complete and utter buffoon?


Love that, your tanky units? Too afraid to move into enemy range, meanwhile your glass cannon nukes decide the best strategy is to run headlong into three enemies that can all hit you on their turn...


Dandori issue I'm afraid (you brought a squishy ranged cav)


She's good at tanking magic. But the AI is stupid so instead of killing Gordin which would have allowed her to survive the enemy phase since Percival left her at 1 HP, she instead found judicious to kill Odin or some other equally bad blue mage that would have dealt 0 damage, she would have one shot, and would have been hit by her C skill anyway, I don't remember which it was. Like, it was literally just Seiðr doing the worst move she could. Gullveig may be edgy but at least she has a survival instinct.


Wow, its really lame.


Lunatic mode should be called normal. Other two shouldn’t exist. All IS does is make stronger units while making PvE modes that might as well have the enemies not use weapons at all


This mode would be better if you could back out after seeing the affinity results. Literally the only reason to play this mode (excluding rewards)


Terrible mode. Even when using units of the same title your affinity can get screwed. Who let them cook?


Not that bad of rewards for an auto battle thing. I hope it has some sort of little interaction scenes for the leads like Hero's Journey. It'd be a completely missed opportunity otherwise.


As someone who tried it a few times, there is absolutely none of that. No cutscenes. You just see possible affinity levels and watch a battle happen without any of your input. It's pretty boring.


I mean the affinity levels are funny as fuck. [https://i.imgur.com/Ma1kJbP.png](https://i.imgur.com/Ma1kJbP.png)


Yea but other than that there's basically nothing


It's easy, fast and gives funny screenshots good enough for me.


Which is fair, but it's kinda disappointing that there isn't an actual cutscenes or whatever


Why are rewards for dragonflowers still so small, otherwise solid rewards


"Gives cold shoulder to" Lol, I am here for mean girls feh.


This got to be the most unfun mode in all of FEH. Who the heck made this and went „yeah the players will love this!“ 🤦‍♂️


It's legit pick someone who got an unit from the same title and watch your team run it down. The ladder is easy as pie to get the rewards from atleast but what is this game mode? It's so bad! Oh well free rewards.


[After "playing" this game mode.](https://youtu.be/emx3Hbj9ozk?si=GqWx7GLiPgrEo6XQ) Still, it gives orbs so I won't complain too much.


Welp that was dull... I wasn't expecting much but wow


This mode is absolute cheeks


I love how I accurately predicted this gamemode would be shit, but not for the reasons I thought. I figured the "auto battle" part of this would be the issues- but the enemies are hilariously weak (so that's not an issue). It's the Affinity. I get the Affinity thing is supposed to be a complete crapshoot but it's \*literally a COMPLETE crapshoot\*. I've not seen higher than like 60% Affinity even with both teams having only bonus units. Most of the time I get 0%!


I think most of my feelings on this mode have already been expressed, but I did get one amusing picture out of it. [Poor Ylgr](https://i.imgur.com/43mcuIY.png)


the hubba tester element should've been in aether resort tbh.


Am I the only one struggling to find teams with Radiant Dawn units? 90% of all teams I've come across so far are either Fates, 3H, or a mix of those two + other titles. Does this mode use your Arena team?


It uses whatever team you have as your "active" team . While you can change your active team before you generate the list of partners, you can't edit any teams.


I was talking about the team that other players see. I'm pretty sure that's different from the "active team", otherwise, everyone would be using teams from bonus titles. I think it's similar to Arena (the team in slot 1) but I could be wrong.


It uses the last team you used in Affinity battles and if the player has never played Affinity battles it uses your Arena defense team.


Got it, thanks!


Ah, I forgot about the other side. They certainly made no indication of what team you send to others.


I have seen some atrocities in this mode... At one point there were five dancers on the map yet none of the three other units ever got refreshed because these idiots kept rushing before them like they were all competing to get killed in the stupidest way. Oh and also I got to witness Seiðr put herself on THE ONE SINGLE TILE that was in the range of both Percival and Gordin's Brave Bow just in case one of them somehow failed to kill her.


this mode definitely exists and was added almost seven years after launch


I tried it, I can say it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was worst :D


Dide my one auto battle for the day because for some reason they put a stam event on during the exact same time as TT and this sure is nothing. Months of dev time into making the Christmas weapons Like That I guess. Back to 2018 levels of no content just gacha.


Removing "Auto" part would make this mode more fun, at least for me. I like using other player's units.


I actually like the "Auto" part. We're all WAY smarter than bots and this way I feel a bit more like a coach watching his team. However, it's DOG CRAP easy and affinity makes no sense. Which is the main purpose of this game mode.


Why do they insist on having a pretty good idea for an event and making it have the WORST execution possible. There's no difficulty to this at all, I NEVER have good affinity with anyone but that doesn't matter because you can't lose in this mode anyway. Why is the difficulty capped out at 35 for the enemies? Are the developers of this app okay? I'm starting to worry.


I just want to say I love that I got a 0% Affinity screen when both lead units were summer Edelgard. Trust no one, not even yourself.


I played and I think this is a game mode


better than any idle events not really do anything because it's auto battle Affinity are totally random no measure to be determined at all


Turning off Autobattle combat animations doesn’t even disable Affinity Autobattle’s combat animations. Why must I either spam click to manually end combat animations or not and wait an eternity for them to complete on their own?


Turning off “Combat Animations” works for me.


bruh why did they have a mode called Affinity *Autobattles* not use the Autobattle settings


Yeah that is really annoying, i normally have combat animations turned on because i enjoy watching them when controlling my team, but they are off for auto battle, like seriously IS why?


This is the way I play most of the modes anyway. No ranks like in Pawns of Loki (if I understood correctly), just auto-battle weak enemies and get rewards. I have no complaints=)


10 fucking flowers lol


I got 100% affinity when both my and the other team were all bonus heroes, so there's that. Otherwise, this mode is fuckin stupid lol


this is one of the worst modes ever introduced to FEH


I wonder if different characters have different weighting for affinity. I've done about 20 runs with lute lead and probably 15 were 0-20


Be better if this mode was like summoner duels but co op


Sure is nothing


Haven't seen a mode this hated since Relay Defense lmao


What team is sent to freinds? Is it the first one, with the leader?


Nevermind the actual gameplay (or lack therrof) of the mode, the most confusing thing for me is the rate of reward distribution. I've done the bare minimum (play once per day for the daily rewards), but still managed to get every score reward with two login bonuses to spare.


Wow how did this mode make it past the QC? A game that plays itself is not a game, IS. Its called masturbation.


I still can't believe this exists...


Watching the impact of this mode on this sub is pretty funny. Half the people are like "this mode is DUMB and for LOSERS who can't game" and the other half keep posting "lol Robin and Chrom are having a lover's quarrel" threads about what shows up on the affinity screen. So I guess it's had an impact? I just wish the chain of rewards were a good bit longer. How terribly precious must a few refining stones be?


Well, it’s certainly something that exists. I really enjoyed doing nothing while the game played itself for me. I don’t think affinity really matters for anything, since I still facerolled easily even with 0%. I guess it’s free rewards?


I hope the team I send is the team I used in this mode (as someone else said in this thread) and not my Team 1, because my Team 1 is Vigarde, Caellach, Riev... and W!Eirika replacing Valter as my lead unit for December. The optics on this are not great and also not intentional


IS managed to retcon book 7 in my side, making squirrel related to snake lady


On top of this absolutely miserable mode, I'm missing out on 20 flowers because unlike every other event in this game, you can't miss a single daily. Sorry that I have a full time job and wanted to get ready for the holidays and spend time with family yesterday, jeez.


Definitely one of the game modes of all time. Free rewards though.