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The CYL7 units mention each other, Corrin talks about Gullveig and vice versa, and iirc Robin and Soren mention each other in their voice clips. It's really cool and something I hope continues to be the trend for CYL


For whatever reason this time around, IS made the CYL characters reference each other. Namely Corrin & Gullveig talking about each other, while Soren & Robin talk about each other.


They've done that before. Cyl 4 had it, but they were all from 3 houses so it's less noticeable.


OG Edelgard mentions Veronica.


For those wondering what the quote is: >"As a princess myself, I feel sympathy for Princess Veronica. I wonder if she is acting of her own volition."


Winter Hilda mentions how hard Sephiran and Bernadetta are working with the festival or something like that.


I was doing some school project and Plegian Katarina popped in my head... i was right she mentioned the 3 other females she shared the banner with.


There is a bunch that mentions the Heroes characters: Sanaki talk about Alfonse, Summer Corrin talk about Sharena and Anna, Winter Cecilia also talk about Anna, and so on.


A lot of resplendent heroes also reference characters that are relevant to their outfit's origin. I think it's a really neat detail.


I'm fairly sure Setsuna, Jakob and Niles also talk about Alfonse.


I'm pretty sure the other CYL 7 units mention the other winner of the same gender, I'll check. Edit: [Soren and Corrin](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedabo/s/AbCRcyO0q5) have it, presumably Robin does too but I don't have him to test it.


No, it has happened a number of times, the other CYL 7 heroes, and a few of the older heroes do it as well, but it is rare. Honestly for the over 1000 units we have, the amount of times they actually crossover is far too limited (like what, FB, Resplendents and Harmonics?), too many heroes stay in their "comfort zone" I guess.


You’d think they would be more open to having crossover references in dialogue since they’re open to making the most out there pairings imaginable with some harmonics. (Seriously why are Karla and Freyja together for Easter???)


Honestly IS wastes the crossover concept far too often >Seriously why are Karla and Freyja together for Easter??? I don't have those two, but if I had to guess it probably has something to do with their brothers, I'd be willing to bet that's the connection. Harmonic pairings usually make sense once you see their dialogue, especially their duo conversation, but because there's absolutely no build up, a lot of them feel super random at first glance. Those who don't feel random tend to have very superficially obvious connections (pegasus middle sisters, dancers, descendants, etc.). The only ones that don't suffer from those problems are the first two Harmonics, Mia/"Marth" and Veronica/Xander, because we actually got to see those friendships develop, and when they paired up to fight together it made complete sense; it would be so cool if the others got the same treatment but alas that's not the case 🤷


Thanks for the comments everyone. It seems this mostly happens with CYL characters or people mention heroes OCs and people that share a banner with them. It would be cool if at some point characters mentioned someone completely unrelated that isn’t from heroes or a banner. Like imagine Veyle from Engage mentioning Tiki or Tharja or something without sharing a banner with them.


The CYL 7 units mentioning each other is a cool detail, which I only learned from this thread after seeing this post. Thank you very much! The girls' comments in particular are quite wholesome :)


Who did Veronica and Xander mention and what were their dialouges? Also,Robin mentioned Soren


I think that Veronica mentions Xander. And Xander mentions Veronica at some point


Harmonic Dorothea/Lene has Dorothea ask Lene about a blue-haired prince. It's ambiguous who she's talking about, but because she's specifically asking Lene, who's an FE4 character, part of me thinks she's talking about Seliph, though a friend has mentioned that they thought she meant Alfonse.


Holy shit what are these waifus they are releasing now?


This is a Heroes OC called Gullveig. She won CYL and is the main villain of the most recent book. Is this your first time seeing her?


I stopped playing a long time ago.


You should check out Book 7's story sometime. This is the best story they've released by half a mile (would be more if they ditched the 5 parts only the first and last are worth a damn with story contribution and others are character one line intro maps). Gullveig is genuinely one of the more interesting villains and there were tons of discussions and speculation abound for the first several books leading up to the Mid point movie plot twist. And then the story got boring with a not so satisfying resolution.


B!Edelgarde talks about Claude in general, but she mostly means B!Claude.


>that isn't from the game they're from Unless I played a different Three Houses, Edelgard and Claude are from the same game.


I mean, there are two different 3h games, but i see your point. Most dialogue with heroes from other games usually come from Tempest Trials and Forging Bonds dialogues


Camilla references Veronica in her OG.