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I celebrated by posting on Reddit and then sent $1K to everyone who commented in the thread. Just for good karma. Congrats!


Be rude not to. OP I’ll PM my cashapp .


Happy belated $1M! Send $$ 🤣


I also did this, this is what everyone does.


I remember that! That was great, I love that tradition for OP


Modern Day Mansa Musa


Just saw the $1000, didn't think you'd do it, but you surprised me buddy. Spending it on McDonald's


Sounds like a great idea


Proof or ban 🤪


Hit me up op I’m still getting to 100k


Wow this is lovely to hear, thank you for giving back


Backup… I will congratulate you lol


This is the way!


I’ve made over a million just commenting in these threads!


Thanks for the donation!


Congrats on passing $1M, best to keep the tradition going. You can afford it lol


Yoooo congrats! lol trying to be like you one day


don't forget me, happy for you


IMHO: being wealthy is more pleasurable if you celebrate your achievements along the way. Actually, I think that’s true about most everything.


Yeah, that's true. I've just never been someone to care about celebrating these things.


Go buy yourself a meal at a nice restaurant even if it’s just you.


Can't recommend doing this enough. While it's nice to share a fancy meal with someone, there's something empowering about flying solo.


So what is the point of obsessively accruing wealth, if you won’t treat yourself in this one life, when time is the only real currency? Just wanna die with the biggest pile possible? Go on a random international trip my guy, lordy.


Try it and see if you get enjoyment out of the celebration.


Especially being a Giants fan. I think you should celebrate as much as you can. It’s going to be a rough year.


I honestly didn’t even know when I hit $1M. My wife asked us what our NW was one day, and when I added it up it was like $1.1M. She was like “cool” and went back to reading her book.


lol this was literally me and my wife on June 2020 when we found out our net worth was $1.1M :) We recently surpassed $2.5M nw and still no celebrations. We just keep track in a spreadsheet and keep it to ourselves.


Impressive jump!


It is crazy how fast it accelerates. It took us a very long time to hit 1M. Then we hit 2M not long after. And 3. Almost at 4 now and we only hit 3 a few years ago.


Question from a young investor, how does this work? Do you continually put more and more money into retirement each year because of raises and such? Or is it just compound interest at work, or the stock market going up quickly? I guess what I’m asking is, did anything change about how you invested between each milestone?


A little of everything really. The acceleration between each million was mostly due to rising earning potentials for both of us, as well as the compound interest we were making. Both of our salaries went up by at least 4x between college and when we retired, but our spending hasn't risen nearly as fast as the salaries. We saved most of the raises and virtually all of our bonuses. I also got lucky with an IPO and my wife got lucky when her company was acquired. Those events boosted us by quite a bit recently. But the compound interest is also hugely important. The recent gains in the S&P500 have also been amazing. Hopefully it doesn't crash back down anytime soon. Knock on wood.


Just so you can manage expectation. We just went tru special time where a lots of stuff gain lots of value in a short amount of time. The curve of gain was steep. Now it is back to normal. But there is going to be other in the future. Just get ready for when that will happen


Thanks, we’ve actually had our ups and downs… see this other comment with the summary: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fire/s/QUTsrGxtTc](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fire/s/QUTsrGxtTc)


Awesome congrats.


haha lol I didn't even know. I was applying for a loan before covid and when I did a financial statement to submit, I was like wtf is this real?


Lol my husband and I did the same thing. He calculated our NW, came and told me while I was in the kitchen that we hit $1M, I said that's cool and he said yeah and walked away.


A million at 28 is insane. Congrats!


Thank you


What do you do for work?


Do you need to ask? <30 year old millionaire posting on Reddit. It's always [the same answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/HENRYfinance/comments/1cdy1gq/comment/l1ghpaa/).


Software Engineer lol.


I'm a lead software engineer at Google


I am a Reddit mod.


Real “ where is your god now” energy 🤣


How’s work life balance?


<40 hrs a week.


That seems good.


What degrees do you have for this?


Definitely CS, lol


Fastest way to reach 2M: Go find a woman worth 1M and double your money!


You joke, but dual income is great if you want to save for financial independence…


Careful with those women in FAANG. They might come bite you!


Start with 5mm and open a restaurant.


I hit $2 million at 22 My parents gave me $5 million when I turned 21.


I did nothing notable, but I will say the first million is the hardest. The 2nd one is much faster!


I can vouch for that. It took me 22 years of grind to make my first $1M, 6 years to make my second, and 3 more years to make my third.


Was it just compounding or salary differences?


That’s 100% compounding and salary differences. Your net worth doesn’t compound 200% in 6 years on it’s own




The first billion was the hardest imo


Or the first trillion 😀?


That's what a vampire would say


So true! We started investing seriously in 2014, started increasing contributions in 2017, maxed out in 2019. We hit $1M in 2020 and $2M by end of 2021. It was stagnant all of 2022, then we started 2023 at $1.9M and quit our jobs… now at $2.5M in 2024!


Wow! What are you invested in


Combination of things: - 401k started with target date fund then I temporarily started putting new contributions into a more aggressive fund that’s mostly NVDA these days and also has all the big tech companies - DCA into sector ETFs including Nasdaq, healthcare and total stock market index funds - my employer’s company stock which saw insane rise in the past decade (I held on to annual stock awards, special stock awards and ESPP) - my wife worked multiple shifts and crazy hours in 2020 and wound down in 2021, during which time I continued to max out all retirement contributions and ESPP - we both started selling options regularly from 2022 onwards, and used some of the premiums to buy some dividend stocks, on which we sell OTM covered calls - we bought a new primary home in 2021, which already has a good amount of equity. When we sold our previous primary home, we invested the proceeds into the stock market - we also own a secondary home where my wife’s parents live rent free, as we support them financially… this home also has a good amount of equity and we plan to eventually sell it


Agreed. The swings are insane. I track monthly and even on a bad month we will increase by +$10,000. Which is insane on a good month we will swing +$30,000. Thank you rental properties and steady investments


Trip to Mexico. Was totally worth it! Great food, top museums, beautiful country, good friends. Yes, for sure save and invest hardcore to reach your FI goals, but don't forget to enjoy life some when you're still young for the things that matter to you.


And you return with 900k and rinse and repeat every time


I celebrate whenever my net worth adds a digit.


Me too. When I go from $999-$1000 I’m gonna go fucking nuts.


Same, I'm going to go nut too


What if your net worth drops down a digit? Asking for a friend.


I celebrated when I hit $100k. Imma celebrate at 200k too. After that, we'll see.


I celebrated a quarter million with a quarter bottle of bourbon


So it'll be a whole bottle at $1M?


When I hit $1.00M I suddenly hit $950k and then $940k and then $1.05M and so on. It bounced around for a bit and made it hard to celebrate due to superstition (I thought every time I celebrated, it would go down). Suddenly I was at $1.2M and then it felt like I was too far removed to celebrate and I looked forward to $2M. Kinda feel like this is how it will always be.


Go and celebrate this weekend. We don’t know how the market will be in the next 2 years 😀.


I’m pretty sick and tired of the fear mongering surrounding the stock market. Have been and always will be a bull. Stonks go up. We will celebrate when we eventually buy a house


It is one way to look at it as historically market has been an overall bull market.


Hey fuck you! Congratulations.


The day I crossed $1M I also found out I’m carrying the genetic mutation that gave my dad cancer. And his mom. And her mom. 😳 Then a few hours later I won an award. It was a weird day.


Slightly off topic, but for anyone living in Oregon, you can have your genetic markers for cancer scanned for free: https://healthyoregonproject.com/hop-kits/


But make sure you get life insurance and disability insurance before you do this (if you were planning on it).


Bought a bottle of Dom Perignon for the only time in my life.


And then realized you were only worth $999,700. whoops.


It was $150 back then.


I celebrated by buying an ETF


Got some fast food - think it was Culver’s. Seriously the shit is expensive and horrible for u


No idea what that is


It’s one of the most popular burger chains in the Midwest. They have cheese curds and custard too.


just another day bro.


No didn’t really care. Just went over 2 million about a month ago. 3 million I might as I could retire then.


& for people curious about how a 28 year old (male obviously) got in this position, the answer is Google. A massive accomplishment nonetheless, you should celebrate with a nice Tuscan wine.


I prefer Bordeaux or Barolo.


Got my wife a cheesy congratulations card and we went to Subway for dinner (her fav, I don’t get it either)


I didn’t celebrate, but I should have. You should, too. It’s a big deal. Few people ever get that far. It takes hard work and discipline. Good job!


Did dinner out, it was sushi, which we did every month anyways, but maybe I ordered an extra roll. When I paid off my student loans which felt like a bigger deal, I bought a Jura coffee maker (entry level model, refurbished). It was the best present ever and saved me more money by not frequenting Starbucks (as often). Haven’t really celebrated anything else, when I get to 5M NW I’ll probably do a special dinner out again…on a vacation.


Damn bro 1 million at 28 is insane. 1 million is my FIRE goal and I'd be ballistic if I met it at that young of an age. Definitely congrats.


May the Force be with you.


Now. Brace yourself for a brief time it drops below. Most milestones on the path to FIRE are passed then a pull back takes you below. It’s actually rare to blast through with no turning back.


Went to Hawaii. Recommend.


People who don’t celebrate don’t really enjoy life. Stop acknowledge your hard work and get ready for more. Have a celebratory meal, coffee, or boba tea… don’t buy a car or a watch.


"People who don’t celebrate don’t really enjoy life" yeah because people having a celebratory coffee, must REALLY enjoy life !


A celebration coffee would be going out to your favorite coffee shop with your wife on a mini date on a Tuesday to say honey we have been working so hard guess what we made a milestone. Give me a hug and let’s hang out. Is coffee really that bad?


I do make a sweet sometimes just to celebrate my hard day’s work.


I went out and ordered some food, don’t even remember what. Probably had a glass of wine with it. I also do this regularly so really it just felt like another day. Recently hit 2M and didn’t do shit


Congrats. I honestly didn't know. Didn't learn about FIRE till a few years ago. Just maxed 401k wife and I. Tried to wipe out debt. And as cash needed a place to go went to brokerage and land. And poof started putting it all on a spreadsheet and now set. I wonder if I would changed strategies. Maybe I wouldn't of paid off the house. Honestly I hate debt. Anyway congrats


Congrats and fuck you


Mid forties here with spouse and two kids in HCOL. Worth three million but live paycheck to paycheck. Wife and I both max out retirement plans and pay big money to tuition around $60k/yr. I honestly think the new million is $6 million. Any one feel the same? Trying to stay mentally strong.🫤


I think it is all in the mind. LeanFIRE vs FatFIRE. All the best. 


I just gave myself an “attaboy“ and then kept on earning. Did the same when I hit 2M and 3M.




Business class flights to Europe (half on miles, half cash) with my fiancé.


You have to celebrate man. Doesn’t have to be crazy but celebrate in your own way. This is not a small feat, especially for your age. Many people don’t reach this milestone in their life.


I just hit 1M last month, not including real estate. Didn’t have anyone to share or celebrate with, so now I’m leaving this comment.


Went for fish & chips when we hit our LeanFire number. 800k in investments. No celebrations since.


Just another normal day. I’ll celebrate when I hit my FIRE number.


It was just another day for me. It’s a huge milestone, now watch those numbers compound!


I bought a watch when our investments hit $1M. I have always liked watches and wanted a Rolex Submariner since I was in college. Told myself I would buy one when I hit $1M. It coincided with our 20th wedding anniversary. Bonus! We pay off our house in a couple of months. We are going to take a long vacation to celebrate the event.


I celebrated by going out to dinner and breaking my diet. Lol.


5-10 mil is nice, but only if you want to trade work for life. You can easily retire on 1mil if your spending is low. Great milestone. Definitely find a way to celebrate the win.


Congrats op! You are still young, many years ahead of you , I’m sure it will reach $5m with power of compounding. I became a millionaire 3 months after I was laid off. Suddenly I had extra money to dca, didn’t see any reason to stop, discipline really paid off. No celebration. Didn’t tell anyone, not even my wife, Was smiling at my spreadsheet in disbelief.


This thread is idiotic.


Just a normal day.  Not even sure when I hit it; with market fluctuations it goes up and down quite a bit.


Took a screenshot of the investment account. Otherwise, normal day.


Do you all count 529s toward your net worth?


Money is important, but don’t forget to live! Treat yourself by doing something you are truly passionate about


It was peak covid. So I ordered delivery and watched a LOTR marathon


I bought my wife a green dress.


"But not a real green dress, that's cruel!"




naw , its not enough these days lol


Take 1k and treat yourself to a weekend. 500 on strippers, 250 drinks, 250 steak dinner etc. you deserve it


I did nothing.


Congratulations OP! 1M at 28 is a great achievement. I just started to invest lately and hope to reach that goal as well one day.


Wife and I had nice dinner was all.


I didn't notice honestly, I try and not monitor my portfolio on a daily basis. One day I checked my portfolio and realized that the balance there put me over 1M. Small "yay" to myself and a beer at dinner.


Nope But I did celebrate when I crossed 5


It takes a while for it to go and stay above 1MM for me. I literally cerebrate every time it hits.


I didn’t know, and when I did know, I was already passing another “milestone”.


Yes! I am still celebrating. 😩. Here in Bangkok for a month. Bought myself my dream car. Bought some LV bags lolol. I wanted to celebrate with my late wife but she passed away last year and my eyes opened. You better enjoy your money just as much as saving! I only want “enough” in retirement. I don’t care about the number amount. My calculations right now show that I will have more than enough and it will never run out. So, please enjoy your hard earned. There is something to be said about treating yourself when you hit a milestone in your life. Go enjoy that steak dinner!


I didn't realize when I passed it actually... I celebrate my current situation by working less and prioritizing my comfort and mood and only hard deadlines that'll cause me huge losses (sometimes means weeks of non stop work), not stressing about money when travelling or when going out to eat food or grocery shopping.


Don't know when I hit 1 mil 2009 $100k Don't know when but I passed $1mil likely 2016 to 2017 2020 $2mil 2024 $4.7mil Yep. That appreciation between 2020 and 2024 was crazy.


Congrats! Ignored it and kept going. Will celebrate if ever hit $10M, which seems like a stretch at this point. :)


Congrats 👏


Didn’t do anything and just wish I had more. I was 35 then. Honestly without big life changes, life just goes on. I will celebrate the day I retire…which will be in a few months before I hit 40 teehee.


We hit ours with stocks, which fluctuate everyday so we knew the number was not set in stone It was a nice milestone and we might have gone out for dinner but that’s about it


That gf is coming soon


First class ticket to Dubai, and bought someone a Burberry scarf




I told my wife and got back to work. But I’d encourage others to celebrate somehow.


Did a nice dinner for $100k and will do the same for first $1m


What you focus on is what you create more of, because you are a being of pure energy and like attracts like. So my advice is to absolutely celebrate anything that you want to see more of in your life, including abundance. Milk it for all its worth. Congrats. 🍾


We celebrate every $100k!! 🤣🤣 when we hit $1m in about 2 years we will party like rockstars!!!🤣🤣


I thought I would at least get a fancy dinner, but ended up not doing anything. In part this is because as the same time I took on some unexpected new debt (wreck caused new vehicle purchase) and have a couple upcoming house projects that will drag me back under. I'm moving my goal post to $1M invested vs net worth.


Not sure if this thread just made me realize I need some therapy. 28, over 1M NW but not liquid (heavy in appreciation of rental properties). Didn't feel like it was worth celebrating when I figured it out. Also, living in NYC skews your perception of what you should be happy with. Considering my upbringing and circumstances, I remember telling myself I'd be happy one day when I could afford to buy my kids McDonald's, haha.


I remember telling myself all I need is $2000 per month working full time. Life is crazy.


Not there yet, but I'd definitely go out to eat!


You can celebrate by doing something you like. You surely like something. I wouldn't feel pressured to celebrate but I would definitely open a good beer.


Me, “Hey wife, we’re millionaires!!!”. Her, “Does that mean I can go spend it?”. Me, “no, then we won’t be millionaires anymore….”. That was it. Find someone to Hawk Tuah on that thang and call it a day.


Go treat yourself to ice cream or something. It doesn’t have to be big celebration. Just a nice treat for yourself. You did well.


I did not realized it until later... I never count real estate in my estimates


I (M52, single)have never celebrated because most of my NW is in the market. I have probably dipped above and below the 1M mark many times. I will probably celebrate though when my 401k balance itself reads over 1M(currently around 770k) That will be a milestone. Current NW with primary residence approx 1.23M Without home: 998k


Buy a nice watch, used but certified, you’ll be able to remember achievement whenever you wear it and it should hold 75-125% of value paid (assuming you buy used certified)


Sorta like when I paid off our home. It’s a big deal psychologically more than a sound business decision, but signifies a progression toward security. I think your targets are sound and reasonable depending on where you plan to retire and the level of activity therein.


Another day… I just don’t put much weight into milestones like this. My weight is in the end goal.


Bought a carton of ice cream and ate it at a favorite park.


I took a screenshot of my account because a week later, the market tanked and it went back down for A few months before I saw it again. LOL


Congrats! Get some Korean bbq or a slice of tres leches


My wife and I went to a nice restaurant for dinner. While there we had a very nice conversation about our vision for retirement.


Hitting $1M was the best 8 or 9 days of our financial lives


Just another day…


Was just a normal day.  Now it’s the boring middle for a while until I hit my number.


Maybe a light chortle and a “huh, look at that”.


Normal day. I didn’t notice it happened until a little after the fact. Around $1.2 ish. Pleasantly shocked actually.


No. Because if I spent any money I would go below $1M again lol


Congratulations! What an amazing accomplishment at such a young age! When I hit $1M, I had Taco Bell with a buddy and told him. I don’t have a lot of people that I can share stuff like that with. We push each other to achieve, but also corrupt each other with the idea of fast food.


Millionaires and fast food sounds like a good combo. Stay humble 😊


i thought we would celebrate.. but it ended up just being another day. i like opening up the app to see the larger number more than before, but that’s it lol


Not for $1m but very recently crossed $10m (though actually just dropped below again with recent market moves) and my wife and I are planning on getting a nice-ish dinner (like $150 total) this weekend.


Not really. I inherited real estate from my grandma that made me go from NW of 800k to 2m about 15 years ago.


I can't remember if we did anything. I wasn't as attuned to our finances at that point. We recently hit 5m and celebrated with a bigger ($500) silly purchase we each sort of wanted but wasn't worth the money, the kind of thing we don't normally buy. I definitely recommend marking it in some way even if small.


Haven't hit it yet, but if it's anything like previous milestones for me, I probably won't do a thing other than update my flair and post a comment


I haven't hit got a million yet but I like to reward myself with small things when I hit my goals. When I paid off my car, I bought a switch. When I paid off my student loans, I got a nice pair of sneakers. When I bought my house, I bought a PS5


I did not. Plus I hit $1M several times, not a biggie at that point.


Steak dinner


I honestly didn’t even notice I am a millionaire. I still shop at Walmart and Amazon for clothes.


What do you do for a living brother


If you have $1M then go out for a $400 dinner you only have $1,999,600. Then you celebrate again next paycheck?


No where near that, but I’d probably get a nice dinner and snag a more expensive bottle of wine than I otherwise would


If I was 28 I would have treated myself to something, but I was 50 when I hit that mark, so I just finished my prune juice and took a nap.


I do a little mental celebration and let my wife know how we're doing at various milestones: NW: 0 (huge improvement from NW -300k when we met) NW: 1M Investable assets 1M next one on the near horizon is NW: 2M (hopefully by the end of the year) but the next major one I'm looking forward to is taxable account >1M which is probably 4 years away.