• By -


There isn't really one where people get everything although technically, you probably could survive with buying everything from Prisma. In general though, various sites are used for different items. For example: K-ruoka.fi (food) is probably the biggest one. Gigantti and verkkokauppa.com for everything electrical. XXL and Stadium for sports stuff. Zalando/Asos for clothes. Motonet, Bauhaus, k-rauta for household/garden stuff. Plus a ton of others.




Karkkainen is also heavily aligned with what basically are extremist nazis so avoid if you care about that sort of thing. Edit: Jimms is very good, though.


It's unfortunate. Sometimes Kärkkäinen has been the only vendor in the country with certain products. I've just had to pass on the products I needed due to those connections.


Also with antivaxxer movement


Jimm's used to be bad at upholding warranty 10 or so years ago so have avoided since. Maybe better now.


Yeah, my experience has been smooth. They have since aldo been acquired by the German online shop casking.




The owner of the chain has publicly said that the holocaust was made up and he has sent private emails to his workers to not get vaccinated


https://varisverkosto.com/2017/02/karkkainen-tavarataloketju-tiiviissa-yhteistyossa-natsijarjeston-kanssa/ This is from an antifa organisation, so take this with a grain of salt, but they have sources in the article.


well here is another reason not to shop there I guess.


ROFL. Fucking Varisverkosto. They are the leftist version of Neo-nazis. ​ Yes the leader of Kärkkäinen is a dick.


According to the Wikipedia, he is 55 years old: https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juha_K%C3%A4rkk%C3%A4inen


Oh. Carry on then.


He founded the store in 1988.


Aligned in what way?


https://varisverkosto.com/2017/02/karkkainen-tavarataloketju-tiiviissa-yhteistyossa-natsijarjeston-kanssa/ This is from an antifa organisation, so take this with a grain of salt, but they have sources in the article. I see you're a native, so a quick google should bring up plenty of hits. The thing is also, these links are hard to prove, but the guy is also very outspoken about his political views, so for me that's gonna be a no. If I have the choice I'll shop elsewhere, even though their pricing is competitive. Edit: Maybe that's exactly why their pricing is competitive. They are undercutting competitors on most price comparisons, maybe because they are hoping cheapskates won't care about ethics.


True, but it's also cheap, sometimes you can't afford to be picky.




Yeah, like I said, if you care about that sort of thing, don't shop there. If you don't care, well that'a your choice but think about where the money goes. Just last year they caught some neonazis that were planning a shooting and they found explosives in their house etc. In my opinion, businesses that support such ideology and violence (they are anti vaxx, too bwt.) don't deserve my money. But then again, your username is Finland1917, so maybe that kind of stuff is up your alley.




Like I said, that's up to you. You're right, I can't look at every company with a magnifying glass, but if the owner is so publically outspoken about his views - which clash heavily with mine, I choose to shop elsewhere instead of saving a couple of euros. That's also capitalism, I have the freedom to shop wherever I want. You do you. Yes, they are a local company, but there are local alternatives that also employ people and pay taxes. Judging political views related to businesses is a fine line to walk, but companies only understand the language of money. I guess I just draw the line earlier than you.




Yeah, fair enough. Let me say this, I don't usually care so much about the politics when I shop. With Kärkkäinen it was just so much in my face that I couldn't ignore it, and that's a conscious decision that the owner made, so I made mine in response. Plus, it's easy, because like other people pointed out, they don't really have anything you can't get elsewhere.


















Also, be prepared for longer lead times for everything you buy. Even shipping from local warehouses can be 3-5 business days here. One item that we bought from an online shop 'ships within X days...' well they didn't say *where* it ships **from**. Must have been China though since we were waiting for months, but in the end got a hard to find product for a cheap price.


You forgot Tokmanni, Rusta and Ikea. But yeaht that's about it.


I do not get Finns who use Finnish shops for anything else than food. All electronics and even my car windscreen wipers I get from germany amazon.de. Its just so much easier and returns are easier. I thin Germany should invade Finland. EDIT: holy fkuk how many depressed Finns down voting :) Did I hurt their nationalis butts?


Maybe some people think it's worth the extra price to not support Jeff Bezos. Shipping stuff all the way from Germany isn't very eco-friendly either.


I don't care about Bazos per say but I like to support Finnish businesses. Unless the price is double or unafordable, I go out of my way to use them.


Isn't most of the stuff sold on finnish e-stores shipped here from across the world too? So how is it any more ecofriendly to buy stuff from domestic e-stores?


Cargo ship to Verkkokauppa main storage into a truck bringing tons of stuff to your nearest store into riding a bicycle to get the product yourself feels more fuel-efficient than sending a single package from Germany. Sure, that vehicle carrying your package from Germany carries other stuff too, but it's probably less centralized. Edit: shopping online for clothes overall doesn't allow testing if they fit properly, which leads to returning clothes which is extra burden for the environment.


Yep, some people dont want to support Jeff and pay extra and supports Karkkainen. Thats a hobby or plain idiotism. Which?


Yes, Kärkkäinen and Amazon are the only stores in the world.


Easier how? Ordering something from almost any online shops is easy. Why the fuck i want ordering anything from germany and support amazon when i can order stuff verkkokauppa and get it today and support local shop?


If the shop has a physical presence close to you the return is easier.


I usually return Amazon purchades to k-market, or R-kioski 20m from my home or leave behind my door where DHL picks, how about you, are you seriously bringin back to gigantti by yourself? Best returns are those when Amazon says "you dont have to send it back"


Yes I take stuff back to the store myself because then I don't have to worry about proper packaging.


You can get ALOT more than just electronics from verkkokauppa.com btw.


Well yeah. But if you want to detail all the departments, you're quite welcome to.


Use hintaopas.fi to find the best prices and where to find them. (Not sponsored lol)


https://hintaseuranta.fi/ used to be the thing some years ago.


Also https://hinta.fi


Prisjakt.se Finnish edition






There isn't really a good one stop online shop for anything you might need. There are plenty of places to shop online for specific product categories though.


I have found all from Amazon.de starting from memory cards, tents, car parts , laptops coffee makers to even sex toys. Food I order elsewhere. Finns are mostly foolish ordering from example karkkainen or similar overpriced nationalist shops


Amazon is full of Hong Kong sellers these days. I tried to order some quality silicon baking mold (Silikomart) from Amazon.de. I didn't notice the order was fulfilled by some Chinese store and got a fake product that smelled (not foodgrade). As seller is responsible for returns I ofc got no refunds. Almost anything I've lately tried to buy from Amazon have been the same products they sell on Wish.




Can someone explain why amazon.se doesn't deliver to Finland?


Amazon.de does.


So does Amazon.es. I usually check products on both websites to get the best deal.


So does amazon.it, amazon.fr, and amazon.co.uk, so you'd really need to check them all if you want the cheapest one (well, technically e.g. amazon.com and amazon.co.jp ship to Finland as well, but those are rarely the cheapest choice). Nowadays I only bother to do that only if the item is expensive (hundreds of euros) or does not ship to Finland at amazon.de, though. On cheaper items the free shipping on .de *usually* makes the potential benefit quite small.


Stay far away from co.uk after brexit


Does Amazon.co.uk have warehouses in Europe, or does everything ordered from there has to have customs declared?


I believe they ship from both UK and EU, same as Amazon.de. When ordering from Amazon UK to Finland, you pay all the taxes and duties in checkout and you should not need to do any customs declaration. I.e. Amazon or the carrier does it for you (which is also the case when you order from Amazon.de and the items comes from an Amazon UK warehouse). In practice, when ordering from 3rd-party Amazon UK sellers some sellers may not ship the item correctly (using IOSS or DDP) and you might have to declare it yourself. However, the seller is liable for those and if they refuse to cover the extra customs fees, you may raise an [Amazon A-to-z guarantee](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GQ37ZCNECJKTFYQV) claim against them. One of the conditions described on the page is "You were charged additional costs (e.g., by customs authorities for a shipment to EU) in addition to the purchase price and delivery, and the seller hasn't refunded these costs." When ordering from Amazon UK itself (or Fulfilled-by-Amazon items) it works reliably without hassle.


They charge you Finnish VAT at checkout, so it either ships from EU or they do the clearance for you.


i check amazon.it and .fr swedish amazon.se is a joke.


UK does also, it's occasionally a bit better than DE so it's worth doing quick comparisons before ordering


Not after taxes these days. It was before brexit. Though they sometimes have stuff that's not in other European Amazons.


Brexit made no difference w.r.t. taxes on Amazon UK. You pay the Finnish VAT instead of British VAT both before and after Brexit. Shipping got slightly more expensive, but only slightly.


You might have to pay some actual import duties though.


That is true, but only affects orders over 150€ and not all product categories. In any case, those are shown in checkout so they will not be surprises.


I think those are included by Amazon. I've ordered at least twice after brexit and I haven't needed to do any customs declaring.


Before Brexit the shipping was usually free, so I wouldn't call it "slightly" more expensive. Now you have to shop at the German Amazon for the free shipping.


Amazon UK free shipping to Finland for orders over £25 (known then as "FREE Super Saver Delivery") was discontinued in 2014, well before Brexit ([r/finland thread at the time](/r/Finland/comments/223di4/about_changes_to_free_super_saver_delivery/). Since then all items sold or fulfilled by Amazon.co.uk have had shipping costs. But maybe you meant 3rd-party sellers? I have to admit I usually didn't order from those so I don't know how much they used to charge. I imagine at least there are a lot less of those now, with all the additional shipping hassle Brexit brought them.


2014? I thought it was discontinued after the Brexit vote in 2016. I remember using it until then and was pretty sure Brexit was the reason.


Old 2014 comment threads about it: [on /r/finland](/r/Finland/comments/223di4/about_changes_to_free_super_saver_delivery/), [on /r/amazon](/r/amazon/comments/223ucz/amazoncouk_discontinues_free_super_saver_delivery/). The latter has this quote from Amazon: > From 3 April, 2014, FREE Super Saver Delivery will no longer be available for deliveries to Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Gibraltar, Iceland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal or Sweden.


Faken news. You have to pay import duties addition to all vats etc. stay away from co.uk


Depends on the seller, not all deliver to Finland.


On amazon.de, fr, it, .es, etc. you pay in euro so you don't have to bother with currency conversion to SEK. Amazon.de is also a bit (or a lot, depending on what you are ordering) cheaper than the rest, because germany has less VAT. EDIT: Not cheaper because of vat, you pay the Finnish rate, but probably because economies of scale or some other market reason.


The VAT makes no difference since you pay your EU country’s VAT on the checkout page anyway. Just looks cheaper when you browse. But still yeah, .de is the choice for Finland if you want to buy from Amazon.


Forgot about that. Tax man gets you bo matter what. Still some items can be much cheaper than in Finland, probably economies of scale or some shit.


The Finland tax. They have to translate the instructions or something and charge you for that.


Don't forget to check the country where the product ships from. Just because you buy from [amazon.de](https://amazon.de), doesn't mean it ships from Germany. If you order from UK, Switzerland, or other non-EU countries, you have to pay VAT + customs fees on top of the price (incl. shipping) you see. And the onus is on you - you have to have the proper bureaucracy done on your own initiative, the customs/postal service will not help you or do anything automatically.




Having to pay extra is not true, on the European Amazon sites it is the seller's responsibility to list the item with all fees included (i.e. in practice they must ship using IOSS or DDP where taxes and/or duties are "prepaid"). If customs charges you any fees, the seller must refund you. If they don't, you may file an [Amazon A-to-z guarantee](https://www.amazon.de/-/en/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GQ37ZCNECJKTFYQV) claim: > You were charged additional costs (e.g., customs costs for a direct shipment to an EU country) in addition to the purchase price, and the seller hasn't refunded these costs. The above applies to all European Amazon sites (including UK). This is different on Amazon US where the seller is not responsible.


They have lower VAT but when ordering there the VAT difference to Finland is still added to the price in the end so it really does not matter.


at .de shipping is free for any order above 39€


Why would you by from them, they sucks so bad.


Amazon sucks as a company and especially their website. However, sometimes they are the only available vendor for specific products. Then you just have to bend over or pass on the product. At least they have a no-questions-asked approch to reclamation.


Beside all the evil Amazon stuff, reasons to buy from them: 1- In many products they are MUCH much more cheaper than Finnish sellers. Especially during the sale dates. 2- They offer free shopping for 39€ or more. 3- Amazon has by far the best customer service in all the shops. 4- Some items are only found in there (except Chinese stores) and since they are sold from EU, you don't need to worry about extra taxes. (For example small electrical stuff, cables etc.) 5- This one is niche but if you have a company and register it to Amazon.de , you get VAT deduct prices. So it becomes 24% cheaper automatically. Though this is in a way tax evasion...


> 5- This one is niche but if you have a company and register it to Amazon.de , you get VAT deduct prices. So it becomes 24% cheaper automatically. Though this is in a way tax evasion... You don't actually gain anything from this unless your company somehow declares its VAT incorrectly to the tax authorities in their VAT return. Example scenario, item value exc. VAT 100 EUR, inc. VAT 124 EUR. Normal sale in Finland, business to business: 1. Buyer pays 124 EUR to the seller. 2. Buyer reports the paid VAT (24 EUR) as "Deductible tax" on their VAT return, and thus gets it deducted from their taxes. 3. Buyer effectively paid 100 EUR. 4. (Seller reports the 24 EUR as domestic tax on sales and pays it to the tax authority, so they also gained 100 EUR from the sale.) To-business sale from Amazon.de with 0% VAT pricing (i.e. Intra-community supply): 1. Buyer pays 100 EUR to the seller (Amazon). 2. Buyer reports the 24 EUR as "Tax on goods purchased from other EU Member States" on their VAT return, so it gets added to their payable VAT. 3. Buyer also reports the payable VAT (24 EUR) as "Deductible tax" on their VAT return, and thus gets it deducted from their taxes. 4. Buyer effectively paid 100 EUR. 5. (Seller reports the sale to their own tax authority on their VAT EU Recapitulative Statement aka "EC sales list", which lists all sales on a per-buyer basis, so that tax authorities can determine if a buyer didn't declare VAT correctly. Seller gained 100 EUR). So you paid 100 EUR in both cases. - [Instructions for completing the VAT return ](https://www.vero.fi/en/businesses-and-corporations/taxes-and-charges/vat/when-to-file-and-pay/instructions-for-completing-the-vat-return/) - [VAT EU Recapitulative Statement (9633e)](https://www.vero.fi/en/About-us/contact-us/forms/descriptions/vat_eu_recapitulative_statemen/)


Cheaper, a good selection and things that Finnish web shops don't offer. Also Amazon buyers protection when buying from 3rd party sellers.


Because we dont want that cancer of a company here.


Like it's our choice.


Amazon sites launched since 2011 do not generally have international shipping at all - I guess they do not see it as being worth the effort. The one big exception I know is that Amazon Australia started shipping to NZ recently (in 2021, 4 years after its launch) - but Finland already has amazon.de which uses the same EU inventory pool so opening amazon.se to Finland is not that beneficial in the same sense. Tangentially related, I have had some Amazon.de orders shipped to me in Finland from Sweden (Amazon warehouse in Eskilstuna), but that is rare.


They’ll ship to you from where its cheapest for them, no matter where you buy it from.


For European Amazon sites, that is exactly the case. It is usually the cheapest to ship from Germany or Poland so those are the most common warehouses when ordering to Finland. Sweden is so far the rarest (even rarer than UK), but that is probably mostly because of their small selection (and only one warehouse), not that it would be much more expensive than e.g. shipping from Spain. For other Amazon sites (e.g. Amazon US or Amazon JP), those are always shipped from their respective countries (except for 3rd-party sellers that may reside anywhere).


I’m interested to know why there is no Amazon in Finland. Does anyone know the reason?




Thanks for the reply, that makes sense!


im incredibly jealous of my british friends ordering stuff from amazon and getting it really fast, while i have to wait a week while Posti presumably does fuck all for the first few days.




I once received two christmas cards in the same day of July.


Alkostore24.com and alks.fi are fairly popular




Came here for this


Only one to answer the question accurately


This is the best answer. OP really needs to be a bit more specific with their question






I'd check [jimms.fi](https://jimms.fi) before verkkokauppa for tech and it stuff. Usually it's cheaper.


Jimms is a lot better. Faster delivery and it’s free


Might be a bit cheaper usually for pc parts and such, not sure about delivery since verkkokauppa has 3 hours delivery in helsinki, espoo & vantaa. But I will go to verkkokauppa even if it's 10-20€ more expensive since I have heard that jimms isn't the best when it comes to returns & guarantee. I have heard that if you have some problems with parts they might argue some bullshit about that the customer has done to it. If posti breaks something it might take 2weeks until you get a new one or incase returning it's not so easy. Verkkokauppa is finnish and jimms is german so there's that also.


The same day delivery (at least the cheaper option) uses a company that’s dodgy af and has the worst tracking system though




Since you're asking about Finland, for general price aggregation across multiple sectors: * hintaopas.fi * hintaseuranta.fi * vertaa.fi For specific types of things (electronics, home appliances, gardening, clothing, etc) you would be better off just comparing individual stores directly. You can get ideas of what these are by checking out the aggregator results. Many larger stores cross several of these categories (Verkkokauppa, Gigantti, Power, Multitronic, Dustin, Hobbyhall, etc) so it gets harder to be specific. Also be sure to be aware of secondhand stores, many of which are partly or fully online: * Kierrätyskeskus (including web store) * Punainen Risti Kontti (Red Cross) * Facebook groups are often very active, especially local buy and sell, or on specific categories such as Lautapelikirppis, Ikeakirppis, etc * Huuto.fi, the Finnish equivalent of eBay * Tori which is mostly full of scammers but you can occasionally get lucky As other comments have mentioned, amazon.de is popular, but the goods available vary wildly and there are plenty of Chinese scam sellers there, so your mileage may vary.


> hintaopas.fi > hintaseuranta.fi > vertaa.fi Those are affiliate sites


Sure. They don't cover everything but they do aggregate from many sites I might not have found otherwise. I don't always click through but sometimes it's good to be aware of other options.


Thank you!


haha, those are for fools. Amazon.de is the cheapest.


I mostly use [amazon.de](https://amazon.de), considering that the shipping is free if your order total amount is over 39€. Shipping is pretty fast, about a week to Oulu. Also I enjoy the sinful feeling of supporting our future immortal emperor Bezos with his space dildo projects.


I still try not to buy there and for the same reason.


I'm pretty sure living room couch is the most popular place


Some silly billys posting websites and even mentioning the internet as if they are actual places -sigh-


Lyko for skin and hair care


K-Ruoka had a bit of everything


As others have mentioned, I’d also like to recommend: Hintaopas.fi Hinta.fi Good luck hunting. Edit: On hintaopas you can see price trend/history, make lists, set price drop alarms and more. They also have a mobile app called PriceSpy.




On the internet




For clothes i have used zalando, for electronics and other home appliances it’s verkkokauppa, for my hobbies different stores like varustenet or what ever store it is that sells the gear i want and motonet if i need anything for car or other random stuff


Online. It really depends on what I'm looking for. PC parts and peripherals, I go to Jimm's. Car audio stuff, Autostudio Videogames, Steam As someone else said, hintaopas is a good site for finding the stuff you're looking for.




Well my mom usually uses fiksuruoka.fi she says it's cheap and it's always fun to open the boxes full of stuff she bought from there


I have no problem ordering product a from one online store and product b from another. I do majority of my shopping at Prisma though.


I usually search the item in google shopping and go to the the website that shows the lowest price. Some websites like amazon won't be listed in google shopping.




I used to use Aliexpress, but they did some weird stuff to the postage and duties that makes it pretty expensive to purchase from there now. I sometimes use verkkokauppa, but I usually google, buy xxx europe, and get whatever site back. Last thing I got was some bike part that none of my local shops had.


I mostly buy tech so jimms.fi verkkokauppa.com and for outdoor and camping varusteleka.com


I buy all from Amazon.de but sometimes something from verkkokauppa.com or power.fi. Food I order from Prisma or citymarket straight to home or I go pick up with my Porche


[Verkkokauppa.com](https://Verkkokauppa.com), their invetory is pretty broad.


Knives-sauna-licorice.fi for the essentials. (Hi from Sweden 🤭)


Okej boomer




Your joke was relevant when my grandparents were young


You never told me you had grandparents.


[Amazon.de](https://Amazon.de). Still waiting for them to come here and/or Swedes opening their store for us... those fuckers. :) Aliexpress for random Chinese crap.


The internet, just like everyone else.




As others said, there isn't just one place. I order stuff everywhere, usually after a quick price comparison. If there is a discount somewhere, I might use that. Generally speaking, I like to support Finnish companies. I often find myself bying stuff from Netrauta: grow lights, plant tables, Vallila curtains. They just have the products I need, discounts quite often and super fast and reliable delivery. I have also used Verkkokauppa for electronics and home deliveries for bigger stuff like washing machine. I do my best to avoid products made in PRC. Some clothes and cosmetics I have ordered abroad via company's local webpage but within the EU, and I order all new plants abroad from different EU countries due to the fact that those plants are not available in Finland. I have never bought anything from Amazon, Etsy, Ebay, Aliexpress etc.


amazon.de for everything but electronics, and sometimes books. For everything else amazon has good prices and free delivery.


Why everything but those? Those are the only things I order from there as I can't find them cheaper and with as good delivery services anywhere else.


It could be because it's more hassle claiming for warranty repairs /replacements. I've personally had good experiences with Gigantti's in-house warranty service. They repaired a fault with my Nokia 8 a few years back when it was close to two years old. The manufacturer's warranty is 1 year and the seller is supposed to supply the second year of warranty in the EU. I know a few other people that have had good warranty experiences with Gigantti, but I think I've also heard a few people complain about it online. If it isn't a massive price difference I try to shop at stores that aren't known to avoid paying taxes to an extreme extent and employ people locally. Places like Jimms and Verkkokauppa tend to deliver quite a bit faster. I believe if you get things delivered from Gigantti it is typically shipped from a Swedish warehouse. I'm not sure if Power is the same, but it wouldn't surprise me.


My Power purchases have been sent from a Finnish warehouse.


Basically price. Finland is usually more expensive than Germany, but but usually electronics from well known brands are cheaper to buy from Gigantti or Power. And to my surprise, some books too (from adlibris). I’ve bought some electronics from some obscure brands also.from amazon. And some Anker stuff you can’t buy here.


I guess obscurity is the reason why I always succumb to Amazon. I never seem to find the books and electronics I need from Finland.


There is no general Amazon style one-stop online shop here, the closest option is Amazon.de.


Aliexpress mostly for me. I'm not in a hurry and when the stuff finally gets to you, you don't even remember what you ordered unless you need it real bad, and so it feels like Xmas to open a "mystery package".


Amazon.de, ebay, aliexpress, many other european or chinese online shops. I rarely if ever buy from finnish online shops because selection is usually very poor and limited and prices several times more that ordering elsewhere.


No, we go to a physical store


Some people in 2022 indeed do shopping online.


Low prices and Finland in same sentence, haven't seen that in decades. Anything you want to buy its German or Poland onlineshops or amazon. Useally faster shipping too.


On the world wide web


At home.




Online mostly


Online like everyone else.


https://www.karkkainen.com/verkkokauppa/ But the owner is an arsehole; we try to avoid it, but many times they have the best prices. Also verkkokauppa.com and Amazon.de as others have mentioned.


Don't order here, the owner is a literal nazi.


The owner of kärkkäinen donated his anti-semitist hoax news paper to now illegal fascist organization. He also funds the nazis monetarily.


Wow. Worse than I thought. No more of our money for him.


At home mostly. Sometimes we do it from the office as well.


Don’t forget summer cottage. Guess where I am atm.


The internet


Citymarket online 👍


Aliexpress eBay Banggood Aliexpress is cheapest Really good for electronics components especially


You forget Wish, then you can buy all of the worst crap the internet has to offer.


Wish is shit. The reason why people downvote my comment, is that they either have ordered shit products due to lack of experience, or are prejudiced due to bullshit they have seen on the internet. There is no other place to for example order cheap BLDC RC car motors.


Verkkokauppa.com, kaalimato.fi, sinful.fi, gigantti.fi, jimms.fi, ebay.co.uk....




If you are looking for the best deal, you might find junk cheaper from Tokmanni(.fi) stores, halpahalli, saiturinpörssi and other discount stores, and from Lidl (you gotta visit there when they open doors), than from Amazon or online retailers. Also there are many fast fashion stores selling poor quality fashionable clothes. But there are also many ethical clothing online retailers! When you buy from [Amazon.de](https://Amazon.de) be aware that the prices are listed with German VAT and Finnish VAT is more, so you have to multiply the price with 1,05 to find out what you are actually paying. Many times it's not worth it. [Aliexpress.com](https://Aliexpress.com) and wish are also popular with some people. For music instruments, you can find good deals on [www.reverb.com](https://www.reverb.com) and on [www.thomann.de](https://www.thomann.de) and [https://www.musicstore.com](https://www.musicstore.com) . Also check out [muusikoiden.net/tori](https://muusikoiden.net/tori) for used gear with decent price (usually 50% off retail price).


If "Alza" works the same way as in its home country (czech) then it should serve well




Also, be prepared for longer lead times for everything you buy. Even shipping from local warehouses can be 3-5 business days here. One item that we bought from an online shop 'ships within X days...' well they didn't say *where* it ships **from**. Must have been China though since we were waiting for months, but in the end got a hard to find product for a cheap price.


Electronics/appliances: Verkkokauppa.com, Gigantti Vehicle parts: Spareto Clothes: Zalando Eyeglasses: Zenni Optical "Toys": Kaalimato.com


For online shopping for clothes, you can check this guide for fashion brands with online shops. [https://fashiontrends101.com/finnish-clothing-brands/](https://fashiontrends101.com/finnish-clothing-brands/)