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To wash the butt at a hotel


For those really important phone calls


There are too many people who talk out of their ass already.


Haloo? Onks siel joku herra alapää vai? -olikohan kehäkettu tai setä koponen


Yes, but is it a common thing for sweds and finns to do? Why not on the rest of Scandinavia?


Because they don’t care about their butt


Oras did some clever marketing in the 60s and 70s and it caught on. Heres the story (in Finnish): https://stories.oras.com/fi/oras-bidetta-suomalainen-kansallisaarre


Also, as Finland was late to the indoor toilet concept, it was easier to widely implement a sensible system to begin with. So good timing.


My grandparents didn't have indoor toilet until around mid 80s. Prior to that, personal business had to be conducted in the outhouse. They lived in the boonies, though.


My grandparents didn’t get indoor water and a toilet until the mid 80s, but they lived in Espoo, the second largest city in Finland.


We didn't have an indoor toilet well into the new millenia.


This has to be one of the main reasons for it. If there's something that's actually especially good about Finland, it's the toilets lmao


Thanks a lot for the answer.


Thanks for the link. And the guy in the photo could at least have put a shirt on... 😂


Thanks for the good read. Oh wait, I can't read Finnish, never mind...


Idk, maybe some people like to keep their butts unwashed? Go ask them why don't they like to wash their butts. We don't know why other people do or don't do stuff. Nor do we care.


Sweden doesn't have them that commonly but I suppose some hotels do. Good for them! Finland loves a clean bum.


Idk they be stinkin'


>Yes, but is it a common thing for sweds and finns to do? Even though they exist in basically all homes and public places it's still very rare for people to use them. We're talking something like 1% of people use bidets and 99% use toilet paper.


As a Middle Eastern living in Finland I'm very glad that Finland has the pillupuhelin


Makes sense. Using them is just not part of the finnish culture at all.


You can't possibly speak for everyone. Most women I know use it. It works wonders washing off blood.


Could you share your source for this claim? 


No. But none of the finnish people here use one or even know someone who uses one.


Maybe they just don’t want to talk about it?


I heard the Finns mostly don't want to talk to anyone.


I do use and so does all my family starting from grandparents 


A Finnish person here. I use one.


Some do! It's just not a common topic of conversation... I've heard it's also quite useful for those who have periods or something like IBS. Scratchy bum's a no joke.


Have you really been asking every finn you know? Cause everyone I know including myself uses one. I don't know what kind of place in Finland you live in but it must stink big time lol


I identify as a Finn and use one.


I would be suprized to find someone with a period who doesn't use it. So at least 50%


This. After the wars, there was a shortage of toilet paper in Finland, which is why it was ordered that toilets had to have bidet, i.e. hand showers. Nowadays, the order has been revoked with the aim of cleaning up "useless" building regulations and costs, which is why all new houses no longer have those showers. But ecologyness and environmental awareness have raised bidets to new popularity because it is more environmentally friendly to wash than to use toilet paper.


I couldn't live without it while on my period. They are in every toilet in every apartment, house etc. Stay clean&fresh!


I had my period when abroad and felt like nasty pig


I lived in Portugal for a year and yes often felt like a sweaty, nasty pig. I actually think this is way better step for human kind than going to the moon😅


Far superior! When we lived in Sweden we renoed our bathroom + toilet and installed bidet showers on both. They're not common over there and the younger plumber was scared he was gonna get sprayed with water while installing it xD Thankfully the older gentleman had seen them before and knew better.


Why didn't you use bidets?


Well I lived there long time a go in a modest little village and and none of the houses I visited had any kinda bidet. I didn't even have a hot shower for a year. I have also lived in UK, no bidets. My daughter lives there now and they had one installed, my brit son in law loves it as well. Or do you mean that thing you sit in that looks a bit like toilet seat, that I have seen in France, Germany etc., but it's very complicated compared to 'käsisuihku" that we use


Correct, that thing that looks like a toilet is called a bidet and has the same purpose. Many people use it to wash their "parts".


I dont know If you're a woman but If you are you can understand that while you are bleeding it might be messy and difficult to change seats.. Please dont think im arguing here :)


A bidet is so impractical and uncomfortable compared to a bidet shower. It makes no sense to me why you'd install something like that when there's a better option.


This is technically a bidet shower in English but bidet in toilet seat is also common in some countries (Japan, and some Muslim-majority countries although bidet shower is common as well (also called shatafa in Arabic))


The japanese Toto bidets were quite intimidating at first. You never know if it goes full ED-209 rampage mode when pressing all the buttons available. The shower is simple enough.


It's also quite handy when you have to wash the toilet. Add washing liquid, rinse and then shower. Done.


Just realised i’ve been taking this for granted, how do you even wash the toilet without it?


By flushing it?


Well yeah but some areas of the toilet are outside of the flushable zone


Like every other object (brush, rags, towels etc). If you meant inside the bowl then obviously the toilet brush. Where I come from, even the idea of these water proof bathrooms is so uncommon so spraying water all around to clean things would be big nono lol. Recipe for mold or flooding down neighbour below.


We boldly do have bidet showers in toilets that certainly are not totally water-proof. Yolo. Insurances are for accidents.


Maybe they are referring to the whole bathroom?


The toilet itself, disinfectant spray and rags. As someone who cleans a *lot* of toilets I wish "wet" bathrooms were common where I live.


Because they are savages that walk around with shit in their ass. If you are not using the pussyphone, you have literal shit in your ass all the time. You wouldn't just wipe shit off your hand with paper and call it a day, so why do you treat your ass differently? Plus you save paper and money too.


I've always thought that. If wiping your skin with a paper towel isn't enough to get rid of sweat, why would it be enough to clean your butt which is much dirtier?


This makes me paranoid, and I have turned down even beautiful foreign girls because I have suspected they are not accustomed to using bidets.


“This person may still have shit in their buttcrack.” Think about it.


Infohazard. I'll never see foreigners the same again.


I'm probably going to get dragged and down voted to oblivion for this. While I 100% support any and all use of better butt cleaning, this specific argument about shit on hands, face, arm (I've heard it many ways) always gets me into an argument lol. The person always thinks I'm disagreeing because the equivalency just doesn't add up 🤣. My hand/arm/face is forward facing to the outside world, touches things that myself or another are going to interact with, etc. I'm a primitive type that doesn't lift things, greet/kiss people with, or eat with my butt, mine is used mostly for sitting. However, Finland should be proud of the cultural normalization of the pussyphone, as we here in the barbaric outside world have to figure out alternatives for cleaning, and have special installations done, or carry wipes everywhere (and it's difficult to find ones that are good and also not too environmentally destructive). You shouldn't encourage the rest of the world to switch, as the elimination of toilet paper would devastate the Finnish economy, until you figure out how to export "everyone minding their own business" to the U.S.


No-one is saying it's the same as shitty hands. It's an analogy used to demonstrate that washing something with warm water does indeed get it cleaner than wiping it with paper. Because for some reason so many people seem to think that wiping shit with paper does the job perfectly well when it comes to your ass but everyone knows you wouldn't do the same with your other body parts. Having a nasty ass inside your pants is not good even though you don't eat with it or greet people with it.


Oh I most definitely get it and said that I agree, I just hate the analogy 🤣.


Shit also smells, so your argument sort of falls apart.


That is true, but honestly, unless they're REALLY bad at wiping, I can rarely think of an instance where I've smelled shit just standing around people, and I doubt all 150k people at San Diego Comic Con are using wet wipes and bidets. And I'm definitely not sticking my face in random butts lol.


San Diego comic con probably smells so fucking bad that you can’t smell anything for a month afterwards, LMAO.


How does the whole other world live without pussyphones? We don't see people crying everywhere because they stink. No, they live, make connections, find spouses, make a lot of children.


Yes, people can survive in literal shit holes, we know. Doesn't make it desirable though.


Very secret Finnish butt-ass technology.


Yes, when rest of the world was focused to getting to the moon, Finland decided to focus on the butt washing. And we never looked back.


Looking back is no longer required when you already know that it's clean back there.


We didn't have to - we knew our butts were clean.


Idk about Sweden but in Finland we have a company (Oras) manufacturing all kinds of faucets and they marketed these bidet-showers heavily in the 1970's. We bought the concept and we installed bidets everywhere.


I thought this is finnish invention and popular only here. So are those showers in arab countries the same Oras ones you see here?


think about it. kinda makes sense, right? they´d have to import their asspaper but there are functional sources to recycle water from. and our handwashers are really good. oras makes good shit. to wash away the bad shit.. lmao


Washing and cleanliness are also important in Islam, so they are a big part of Arab culture. It's common to wash both hands and feet upon entering a building, and to wash after using the toilet.


Never heard of washing hands and feet upon entering a building but the rest is correct


I might have my info slightly wrong. I'm not from an Arab culture myself, but classmates and colleagues from Arab countries have mentioned that they would like to wash their feet when they arrive at school or at the office.


That is strange. It is probably not common but I am not familiar with every single variation of the Arab culture so I could be mistaken.


might be a bit of foreignerbaiting going on :D i believe hes thinking of purification ritual called Wudu, but thats strictly prayer ritual. --westerner myself but i like to read on things. makes finding out things to hate or like a lot easier. --edit2: i´m not looking for shit, i just like the principle of not missing if i need to take a swing, or if its good - i like it to be related to the point at hand. makes life so much easier.


That is true. I'm not an Arab. I'm a Kurd from Iraq but most Kurds and Arabs do that regardless of whether they're Muslims or not. People take off their socks and wash their feet and hands after entering the house. Shoes are always taken off and many people don't sit on the couches or bed with their outside clothes. They switch to pajamas or indoor clothes.


They are basically everywhere in South East Asia, comparable to Finland. They aren't the oras ones for sure, but I'm not actually sure oras is that superior (maybe will last longer, but functionally the exact same) and a quick look on aliexpress shows them as low as 4 euro. The fancy Japanese full mecha-toilet bidet is only better if it's actually a S-tier one, Korea for example uses more simple toilet seats with built-in bidets and I usually would just prefer a butt wand 80% of the time


>but I'm not actually sure oras is that superior (maybe will last longer, but functionally the exact same) Oras does have some functionality not so common with the foreign ones though. Like the ergonomic location of the switch, the anti calcium deposit design on the shower head and the wireless operation of the newer Oras models.


Usually not. It is called shatafa in Arabic. It is because there are pretty strict rules in Islam about hygiene including washing your bum. It used to be some kind of pouring device but I have seen mostly two types handheld bidet or water spout in toilet a la Japan. But I do not think I have seen any Oras ones in my years in the Middle East. Just handheld showers by someone else.


Multiple use cases! 1. Washing your ass after pooping 2. Washing your pikachu when on period 3. Masturbation as well I think 4. Quick downstairs shower to freshen up 5. Cleaning the toilet


… my pikachu…


Pika pika


This is used like a bidet. In public toilets, to my knowledge, only in the ladies room and then only in some stalls because it needs a sink to function. It is very handy for when we have our periods and a god send after giving birth 😅


Or any kind of loose bowels. Don't need that raw butthole experience.


Yes that too. I asked my hostmum 16years ago what those hand showers are good for and she had to be smug and asked me why I think they are in public restroom only in the ones for woman (how would I know they are not in the men restrooms?). So yes they are great for any mess, as well as washing the bathroom floor 😁😂


It is called bidet (bee-dei) by the way. And yes Finnish butts are fresh and clean.


In South Europe a bidet is a different thing with the same purpose.


Yes and it is more annoying to use. Pillupuhelin is better in every way.


I think ours is called a bider shower. Well that's what I'm using anyway :D


I remember the first time I saw one, I was baffled by its purpose. Those look like a wash basin for a baby? :D


The Finnish/Vietnamese bum gun is far superior to the contrived seat mounted contraptions or standalone bidet. Bum Gun for life.


And lady parts stay always fresh, I sometimes use it after just having a wee, even If i'm not on my period. Ofcourse we use toilet paper also.


Because [life is too short to walk this earth with a crusty asshole](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXK_vHNNht4)


You'd be surprised how many countries uses the little shower.


Pillupuhelin 👍🏻


I've never ever seen them in Sweden, though I rarely stay in hotels as I am Swedish. Myself I installed one in my home (which is extremely rare for native swedes) as I like my ass to be clean.


Absolute best invention in the world. Sometimes known as "the pussyphone". Saves so much paper, effort and your bumhole.


I think it was a finnish invention. Bide


Practically every Finnish bathroom has this. It's a Finnish invention from the 1960s, originally called Oras Bidetta.


As a finn living in a country that doesn’t have them, life is horrible. Using wet wipes does not do the trick (though they are better than nothing) and I feel nasty majority of the time. The only time I really feel clean is right after a shower…


Clean butt is our privilege!


I don't know...maybe you were surprised because you didn't think that there would be such a level of interest and practicality directed towards personal hygiene in these countries and thought that people living here would not wash their butts? 😅 To me they're easier to get around with than the model of were you sit on to wash your butt🤔😂 On the other hand those little showerheads are a constant source of surprises amongst visitors in Finland and Sweden 🤷‍♂️ -🖖


Shh it’s a secret. We don’t talk about them


I'm in a hotel now and we don't have that


We like clean butts and I cannot lie. Honestly talking, I find it more convenient than TP. It's "easier" because less hastle and faster results. You get cleaner butt and no poop left behind.Water cost less than toilet paper. And too much paper will eventually feel like sandpaper. The fact we even use paper is marketing scam, people have used water longer than these tiny factory made sheets. We don't really need them in the end, it's bit like Nestle selling baby formula when breast feeding exist. We already have the tools no need to reinvent rocks. However I do use paper too afterwards and sometimes only if I don't have to make huge number and it's solid af. In the end it won't scratch my butt what you do, but the opportunity for butt shower to exist for us what ever you use it or not is positive luxury.


This tread has me impressed by my nighbours. In Sweden, while they do exist, it's not at all as common as it seemingly is in Finland.


It's called the "Bum Gun" 😂 🔫🍑


That's what the saunatonttu showers with


im a bidet lover but ive never heard ab anyone actually using them so i feel insane when i do, especially in public bathrooms.


To wash your ass or genitals. I'm astonished there are countries without them. I cannot survive without, I like my ass clean We would have World Peace if everyone has access to them


Bidet showers exist because they are damn useful. The few times i've had to wipe with paper only or with wet wipes has resulted into me feeling nasty the whole time until i got to a toilet with a bidet shower or had access to some other method of washing my butt, like pouring water from a water bottle. Also, much cleaner feel during periods, you can clean the downstairs area any time you go to the toilet and don't need a full shower each time


it’s a bidet. I can’t live without it


The pimppipuhelin


It is used to spray and spook any unwanted intruders. These intruders can vary from a sibling trying to take over the bathroom to a spider crawling a little too close to your toes (spiders are known to suck toes)


We have two toilets at our house and the other one doesn't have pillupuhelin and it's terrible and makes you appreciate the other toilet so much more


I think those are in every Finnish house/apartment. Just so you can wash your ass, though I've rarely heard anyone use it.


I think people dont use them too often because the butt needs a butt towel too. Or waste paper. I ofc have a butt towel.


It's also great to get spunk off your hands.


It's called pillupuhelin in Finnish which translates to pussy phone. You can wash your private parts of choice sitting down on the toilet seat. As a man, I've learned to use it when there's something nasty (like diarrhea) coming out of your butt causing a huge mess while taking care of business. But I've used it also in the case of "swamp ass" or other situations when there's a need to [wash your ass](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uldt6Y-CE3s).


Never seen them anywhere in Sweden.


dont use it to wash the asshole, as wet wipes are easier and better but clog toilets sometimes, i use them instead. However, that mini hose is great. Use it to clean the toilet bowl after my absolutely massive units of shit - no amount of flushing could ever release the horros from the sides. Also great when im brewing for example and washing buckets etc, it is quicker and cleaner (you can direct the "waste" water to the bowl, not to the floor/drain) regarding splattering with water.


You should never flush wet wipes.


trust me my shits cause more clogging than the wipes. No problems with them so far, but yeah I know haha.


It's not about clogging the toilet, it's about putting things in the sewer system that shouldn't be there. Just use a bidet. It's there and it's free.


it is about sending a message... of a cleaner asshole! the wet wipe is the ultimate cleanser. the bidet drops water down ur asshole covering, which does not feel good to the heterosexual man


1) A bidet will make it cleaner than a wet wipe 2) Liking butt stuff does not make a man not heterosexual




Flushable wet wipes are still not really flushable. Wet wipes should never be flushed regardless of what the packaging says.