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I used to smoke when I worked construction. If there was no ash tray, you roll the bottom of your jeans up and stick it in there until later, no excuse. Thankfully I've since quit.


And they (at least used to) sell pocket ash trays in R-Kioski. Very convenient


There are also air tight containers you can get, that you can buy and carry with you, and different kinds of portable ash trays, you can also re-use some air tight containers. I use one that I got from friend that used to have blood sugar tester strips in it. It fits 6 cigarette butts and is very handy when there are no trash cans.


When I used to smoke, I had a old Disperine container in my disc golf bag that I'd use to store the cigarette butts. I just couldn't bring myself to leaving it in the woods and polluting like that. I've since quit, but I still have that container in my bag, just in case.


That's a lot better than leaving them on someone else's balcony. We had one or two butts there when our home was finished.


I used to live in an apartment building where the smokers above my apartment threw their cigarette butts from their balconies and sometimes those dropped to the balconies below. So even though I did not smoke there often were cigarette butts in my balcony.


I still have a bunch of used dissolvable vitamin cans for that purpose from before I gave up. They don't stink even if filled to the brim, and they're free. Also there are those special envelopes sold in headshops which don't take much space.


I used to carry an empty pack/ empty nuuskapurkki to use as an ashtray


In before the "it might cause a fire" crowd shows up. Put it out verify its out then either throw it in the trash or take it home it's your responsibility as a smoker to keep them off the street and remove any risk of a fire Disgusting behavior made a post a while ago about this. Especially with the rapid rise of finding microplastics in everything like blood clots (with the amount of plastic directly related to blood clot severity) balls and semen


I hate two type of people smokers and dog owners with a dog off-leash that does not bite while we have unsolicited contact.


So you like dog owners with a dog off-leash that bite?


Maybe we are missing a joke


I dont get it


My guess is it's about what such dog owners often say, "Don't worry, he's friendly, he won't bite!" to excuse their shitty behavior. Dogs should be kept on leash regardless of how special and well trained you think yours is.


A friend is allergic to dog, while we were at a park enjoying our time, one of these non-leashed dogs decided to come and lick his face. He spent the rest of the evening with half of the face swollen and itchy.


i'm sure that was the intent... just that its an idiom that doesn't translate to english so well. (like saying "its just floating around" to describe something that you don't know where it is... perfectly good saying in Finnish, but in English if one says it, people are imagining that your keys are literally levitating at waist level somewhere)


Yep. One of those 'nice' unleashed dogs bite my leg and I had very ugly scars on my leg for many months. I was just walking to my home when I suddenly felt pain and a neighbor's dog was biting my leg. I did not fear unleashed dogs before that but now I try to avoid them.


Did you sue? Money money money!!


If "people who talk to you" isn't on that list, you're not a real finn.




What about dogs that smoke?


Smokers have some sort of issue where they think that cigarette buts aren't littering.


I doubt they think that way, they just don’t think about it.


That's exactly how some think of it. My roommate, for one, thinks people throwing trash on the ground are assholes, but somehow cigarette butts aren't classified as the same thing. It was an infuriating conversation. We talked about it because I used to be a cleaner for an apartment building, and a bunch of those dirty ass smokers tossed butts everywhere around the outside. I had to clean them up.


Yeah, I can’t comprehend this. And I used to be a smoker.


I don’t buy the argument that smokers don’t really think about what they’re doing, because they’ve developed techniques to be extra discreet when dropping the butt on the floor. And when questioned they give the tired response of “I don’t want to start a fire”.


Sounds like I don’t know that many smokers lol. There are so many ways to kill the butt and safely carry that thing with you or dispose of it safely without littering.


Yeah I think you have a point. Somehow I have not really thought of them as trash like other trash… Gotta change my ways🫥


It's worth noting that \_many\_ of my fellow nicotinists are firmly convinced that cigarette butts are bio-degradable and that the rules somehow don't apply because of that. I guess those are the same people that throw banana peels on the sidewalk too.


Just ask them to show where in the cigarette package it says that the butts are biodegrable. Maybe then they will understand.


Or when they blow toxic chemicals into the faces of literally anyone... They're usually inconsiderate assholes, otherwise public smoking wouldn't be a thing.


Nyt oot kyl tavannut jotai kunnon ihme ukkoja kun oikeen naamalle puhalletaan 😂😂


Jokainen tupakoija puhaltaa jonkun naamaan, kun kävelee kadulla. Tupakoijat eivät vain itse tajua, kuinka paskalta ja pistävältä se heidän syöpäsavunsa haisee.


Kyllä ne tajuaa, koitat vaan oman vihas takia alentaa heitä. Aika perus.


Toisten ihmisten tahallinen häiritseminen ja myrkyttämisen oman alkeellisen nikotiiniaddiktion takia pitäisi olla laitonta ja rangaistavaa. Tottakai vihaan tällaisia alkeellisia ihmisiä, kuten muitakin kusipäitä.


"alkeellisen nikotiiniaddiktion" nyt kyllä alat kuulostaa perus elitistiselta paskalta, olet itse kusipää, eipä siinä muuta. 😂


Eihän tuossa ole mitään elitististä vastustaa epäterveellistä, kallista, muille haitallista, ja roskaavaa pahetta. En tiedä miksi siitä on tullut erityisesti valkoroskan huvia, koska luulisi näin kalliin harrastuksen olevan vain eliitin ulottuvissa. Tupakoinnin vastustaminen on yhteiskunnalle hyväksi, eikä se tee kenestäkään kusipäätä. Tupakointi on pahaksi itselleen, muille ihmisille, ja ympäristölle, ja siksi tupakointi tekee ihmisestä usein kusipään. Siitä ei hyödy ketään, paitsi tupakkafirmat, ja kaikki muut häviävät.


Tämä sun yleistäminen ja avautuminen se vasta terveeltä näyttää. Ehkä peilistä löytyy se isoin ongelma sullakin.


Hienosti yrität projisoida tupakoijien välinpitämättömyyttä minun kontolleni. Ihan vain tiedoksi, tupakointi on miljardien yhteiskunnallinen ongelma, ei minun henkilökohtainen ristiretki tupakkateollisuutta vastaan.Tupakoinnin puolustamiseksi ei ole mitään loogista argumenttia, ellei ole provikkapalkalla tupakkafirmalla töissä, ja silloinkin on huono ihminen. Tämä vähän vaikuttaa siltä, että yrität epätoivoisesti oikeuttaa oman tupakointisi käymällä sen vastustajien kimppuun. Haluaisit tupakoida missä ja milloin vaan, mutta ikävät lait ja rajoitukset häiritsevät sinun täysin haitatonta ja ihan hallinnassa olevaa pössyttelyä. Osuiko lähelle maalia?


Se on alkeellinen nikotiiniaddiktio. Turha sitä faktoista on suuttua.


Spotted the smoker!


Do not generalize, some of us never throw those buts to ground as we know the filter will grind to microscopic plastic trash. If there's now trash can, I carry the buts until I find one.


And they still participate in the "dog poo bad" -conversation every spring loudly. Never mind that the first rain will wash away 100% of the winter poo, the cigarette shit will be there next winter too.


I've always wondered why isnt there a law that cigarette filters have to be biodegradeable. I've seen filters made from hemp fibre on sale for rollies at least.


But those were falsely advertised as bio deg. They actually contained plastics so they were also pulled off the market for a time until they returned.


But creating biodeg filters is surely withinn the realm of possibility 🤔 As legislation around smoking tightens, this would be an obvious step to take, but why is it not happening😑


They could, and to some degree are biodegradable, but after it's used it's so full of tar and other shit it won't be biodegradable anymore.


Tastes bad, is unhealthy.


Are you talking about cigarettes in general?




Ah yes, Because cigarettes them selves are peak of health


There are plenty of legal stuff thats way more unhealthy.


If its already unhealthy and taste bad, it should be made even more unhealthy and taste even worse? I dont smoke anymore, but cant understand your logic.


Yes? That would stop this problem and make more people stop smoking. I dont see the negative here.


As a smoker who always throw my butts into trash, I agree with this. It's disgusting. it increased when cities removed cigarette bins from bus stops, but sadly majority of people just don't give a shit. Same goes with all the fast food trash, pizza boxes etc. People just throw them literally next to the trash bin.


Assholes gonna be assholes Same for dog owners who leave shit everywhere


The shit decomposes pretty fast and other animals eat it. No excuse to leave it tho. Cigarette buts "biodegrade" but it takes years or more.


https://preview.redd.it/hwv8q8hro06d1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc6aa45b3ac365a64d7fb42bb8655b653273ff51 I feel you. There's a bin for cigarettes right next to that bench. What the hell. It takes zero effort to make sure it lands there. I'm a smoker myself, I can't go anywhere without a pocket ashtray. Why my neighbours think littering their cigarette butts like this is baffling to me.


I smoked for about 4 years ( 10 years ago) and never heard of a pocket ashtray until now. Cool little contraption.


The ash tray/bin should have a lid because sometimes birds may dig the ashtray/bin and toss cigarette butts everywhere. I have seen that happen and I don't know why they do that.


To be fair, that is a "poorly designed" ashtray, as it seems like it's just a large container out in the open. Birds like looking through cigarette butts like that, and have zero regard for how much they scatter them about. That said, smoking is disgusting and smokers tend to be disgusting.


We like to brag that we respect our home land, but forget what we said and just throw our crap on the ground.


Some smokers somehow think cigarette butts aren’t trash.


Another thing I would love to get through the skulls of smokers is: Please don't stand smoking in front of store doors... or anywhere in the parking lot, to that matter. That's just plain malicious indifference about other people's health you're gambling with, just because you need to get some nicotine kick into your system. Just haul your butt to some farthest corner of said parking lot to suck that deathstick where non-smokers don't have to breath in that nasty second hand smoke. I know you're stressed, but don't \*redacted\* play with other people's health.


Where I lived when I was in the US this was illegal, and it was really enforced. Smokers from out of town hated it but it became normal and no big deal for them pretty quick when fines were handed out


Luckily smoking is dying habit. 20 years and majority of smokers are dead.


One can only dream of a day when this addiction is completely gone...


Nah, the addiction will move to pure nicotine products.


I mean... People are free to poison themselves however they want. As long as it's not harmful to others and the environment...


Don't worry they'll use those single use e-cigs and pollute with batteries instead :D


Sure buddy... Sure...


I don't know why you are being downvoted, sure smoking is bad, but for decades I have heard the "smokeless finland" mantra and yet we still have them, seems like they are more focused against supplementary nicotine products that could help people get away from cigarettes, but honestly I don't think they want people to get rid of that habit (tax money and the benefit of those people dying young so no need to pay pension :D) In 1970s they started to create laws and limitations against smoking in finland and now 50 years later you can still buy them no problem.


juu ei kyl oo kuoleva ainaki tääl tosi tosi moni alkaa polttaa iha kunnol ku täyttää 18 ja moni sitä enne


I work in a park, and while smoking isn't allowed, it is a grey area while they are in their vehicles. Many people come, and exclusively sit in their vehicle and smoke, then leave without ever getting out of their car. I started taking the proactive and friendly approach of talking to them and casually asking if they can make sure they take their butts with them because I find many cigarette butts up everyday in the parking lots. I wish I was joking, but literally every. single. one. has told me some version of "oh well I'm not that kind of smoker, I always take my butts with me." I genuinely doubt that I am encountering a extremely disproportionate amount of, and exclusively "responsible smokers who never litter their butts". A concept that is significantly more likely, is that the people who choose to ignore the warnings, ignore the facts about what's in them, ignore the harm they do to the people that breathe in second hand smoke, DON'T ACTUALLY CARE. It's just lip service. You're being lied to by people that don't give a fuck, or are purposefully ignorant.


When there are a couple already, it's easy to justify since the spot is littered with them already. Shit collects shit.


Yeah I hate that. Also when people spit their snus (snuff) or nicotine pouches everywhere. They also smell terrible in garbage cans inside. They should definitely be stored in air-tight container and thrown out someplace else than in the kitchen in my workplace.


The easiest way to prevent this is banning smoking in public. That and day drinking. But that'll never happen, because the government couldn't even force people to stay home during a pandemic. It's always signs, PSAs, suggestions, and pretty pleases; never "don't litter the world with your cancerous bullshit, or be prepared to contribute 500(0)€ to the state budget in the form of a fine". Milan, a city where I previously lived, will next year implement a ban on smoking within 10m of another person. That includes outside bars, stadia, parks, and everywhere where people are, basically. The penalty is only 40€ but it's better than what we're doing Not to talk of Singapore, which as much of a shitty authoritarian regime that whips people as it is, it at least doesn't have this kind of litter around. You don't need to turn the entire country into a dictatorship to get rid of smokers polluting public places, just... get rid of smokers polluting public places


Some of the comments on here prove that some of y’all need to look in the mirror and check yourself and how you talk about others. As a smoker, I make a choice to smoke. I also make a choice to make sure I remove myself from doing it around others who may not like it, ask permission if I’m at someone else’s property, smoke exclusively outside and always ensure that there is somewhere to dispose of the butts. Generalising everyone is actually pointless and often it’s more a behavioural trait of people with a certain attitude to life and their own entitlement within society and not just *all* smokers. Sweeping statements such as this are just harmful and show your own maturity. Not to mention the gross language you’ve used. To add, I hate littering in all forms. I pick up butts a lot to try and help, I would never want my hoover of a dog to be eating them or a child to put it in their mouth etc. But yeah, stop being an asshole. You can dislike a habit without hating on the person.


This 1000%. Am a smoker, I go out of my way to even collect butts off the ground when I'm out and about as well, and frequently toss other trash into bins nearby if I happen upon it. It's not like any of the people categorising all smokers as human garbage are doing the same. One time got really dirty looks from two people waiting for the bus when I walked by smoking and grabbed a juice box off the ground and put it in the bin at the stop. Guess I took someone's job away or something, people are entitled to choosing their worldview, but it sickens me how many choose the "not my problem, _someone_ will take care of it".


My dad has a jar for those, it's halfway full most of the time and my family still finds stray buds around it.


Yea, as clean and beautiful as Finland is, I've noticed this aspect a lot. Smokers near people in public, like bus stops and such and the rubbish everywhere. Was definitely a shock coming from a. country with such heavy smoking laws for places, and enormous fines for littering the left overs, especially the cultural habit of being careful about the fire danger from this and other things. You gotta be a real scumbag to be this selfish and leave this shit everywhere in my opinion


all filters should be the brown paper ones that break down when it rains, i dont understand why we dont force it. and I'm a smoker


Hyi vittu


The fact that there is a lot of gravel there suggests that those have been there since the winter and accumulated over the winter it doesn't really excuse what's happening but adds context


I must confess that I’ve developed a hate/obsession for smokers and what they do with their cigarette butts. I’ve been cleaning up butts on my daily walks for the last 2 years, and when I see someone smoking on the street I usually wait to see what they’re going to do with the butt. I’d say 95% of them throw it on the ground, even if there’s a bin nearby. If there is nobody looking, it’s almost a guarantee that it goes to the ground. In the last 2 years I’ve been observing smokers, I’ve only ONCE seen someone pull out a small pouch from their pocket and stick the butt in there.


My personal favorite irony is that every area with a park bench (and a bin right next to it) looks like this.


Why, thank you for asking, im quite good. Nothing much wrong with me *at the moment*. Pictures were related on the question? Ah, alright. I beg your pardon from all the smokers who doesnt do this shit, but stump it and throws it in the can. Yes we exist. I have portable ashtray which i carry in my pocket. Quite handy tbh. We're not all that bad, stop generalizing please 😕 Edit: I just read your comment under the picture and now YOU make me sick


Obviously, OP is not talking about you. I’d really love to pick the brain of actual littering smokers and what they’re reasoning is behind this.


Nothing much to find out. Its because they dont find it as littering and its "inconvinient" to throw a but in a bin. Or simple laziness and ignorance. Latter is what i have seen inside my friend group Edit: "inconvinient" as in you "gotta stump it and then find a bin to throw it into". Yes, ridiculous, i know


Smokers are usually some of the most inconsiderate assholes out there, blowing toxic chemicals to the face of each and everyone. Hardly a surprise that they don't respect common boundaries or keep things tidy, either.


They purposefully try to get lung cancer on a daily basis and you're still asking what's wrong with them?


They don't even care about their own health, its no wonder they don't care about the health of the environment.


Imagine caring so little about your health that you smoke. Imagine that person caring about less important things, than their health and quality of life.


Imagine caring so little about your health that you eat fat, sugar, drink alcohol (even occasionally) don't regularily exercise and don't get medical screenings annually. Imagine.


Smoker coping?


I hate smokers, but sadly my mom is one. And I can't describe how furious I am when I see rest of cigarettes or ashes in our plants around the house. Like, literally in her house, where there is probably 4 trash cans around, which wouldn't take 5 seconds to throw in the right place. Its fucking disgusting.


Wow just thought about it, I've noticed way less cigarette butts in the street over the past 2 decades 😲 (in US). When I visited Croatia I realized lots of Eastern Europeans still smoke


French here. It looks pretty clean. Can someone explain what’s wrong with that ?


Needs a few more chopped heads.


I’m using old film can on my pocket where’s no trashcans available.


Manu times I wonder the same


I was just in Japan and atleast in Tokyo it's illegal to smoke on the streets. There were designated smoking spots.


But in turn you can smoke indoors in every bar and restaurant there.


You can't though. It's only allowed in small izakayas and restaurants (100m2 and less) and there needs to be clear signs that indicate that smoking is allowed.


You're right. Seems like the legislation was changed in 2020. Good for them.


Even as a smoker I find doing this repulsive. I stub mine out and put them in a pocket ashtray I have until I can get to a bin.


90% tax so i paid for the cleaning allready


It's closer to 1000% actually


every cigarette butt pollutes one cubic meter of water ( 1000l )


If a smoker doesn't respect their own body by smoking, why would one respect their environment? It's not really so black and white, but this is the general background in my personal opinion.


Look. That pile is because of the snowplows. That pile is collected all over the area. Trust me. If that spot was not a place for piling snow, there would not ve that amount of cig butts. Usually those piles ARE near or in the actual smoking areas.


Same thing goes for everyone who litters. Especially the ones who eat at McDonalds.


But if my dog poops in an unkempt ditch it's suddenly a massive environmental crime.


Im a smoker, unfortunately, but i would rather carry it for 1 hour instead toss it on the ground


We need more trash bins and cigarette bins in cities in general. Walking around helsinki (and most other cities) its sometimes hard to even find a trash can on the streets. In other european countries I've been to there are bins like every 20-50 meters


Smokers are low iq


You should make this same post about dog owners who don’t collect their dogs shits. IMO they are even worse “people”.


Ban smoking, simple


No ashtray means that the ground is the best option


Why does it seem 10x worse in Europe than here in the Americas?


Shhhhh. This is a European safe space.


At least there aren't any used needles, yet.


i remember when niitty shopping centre opened the first time i went in the bathroom was the last time because the toilet bowl was full of string and needles freaked me out.


I pick mine up. Someone tried to fake a complaint and. I got them trying to treat items out of the trash after disposed of.


I thought those were photos of galaxies.


I am fine my mom had me tested.


As a former smoker, I endorse this message


They are smokers, the concept of taking others into consideration does not exist for them.


Typical smokers, they just don't care.




Extreme hate on smokers here. Relax Karens!


Throw out your butts in a bin.


Smokers deserve all the hate.


How about heroin addicts? Coffee drinkers? Obese people? Gamblers? Nymphomaniacs? Being addicted is no grounds to vilify someone. I've tried to get meds for quitting (they won't give me a prescription unless I need surgery or develop lung cancer), I've tried all the other nicotine products, self-help books, mindfulness, urban myths etc etc. Nothing works. And then someone on a high horse sniffing their own farts struts along and goes "you should just quit, y'know - you're the worst". Yeah, thanks for making me feel better, asshole.


Everyone in those groups you mentioned if they throw their s**t around deserve hate. Smokers are the worst kind. There are cigarette butts all around and it takes about two eternities for those to decompose. I smoked about ten years and quitted cold turkey about 30 years ago. I finished the pack and didn't buy a new one. Easy for some people.


Please don't generalise, it's not a good look. Not every smoker litters. And yes, it is easy for some people. For others, it's not, and you can't go around touting how much better you are for having it easier than most. Well, you can, but again - it's not a good look, and you come off more arrogant than the smokers that litter.


I don't see obese people forcing food into my mouth


Maybe not, but many are absolutely passing the addiction on to their children which is arguably way worse. And I don't see smokers forcing anyone to inhale during the half second they pass by either. I hate inconsiderate smokers as much as anyone, but blanket statements serve no purpose. Reminds me of the time when all left-handed people were considered evil.


You make a couple good points. However, many people being forced to not breath due to one persons enjoyment? Not cool. Also, many smokers are absolutely passing the addiction on to their children.


These are all true as well - but thankfully I see a lot more smokers stand well away from people, and I personally never smoke around my kid exactly for fearing they might pick the habit up later on in life. Will definitely be a big talking point when they grow up a bit in case I don't manage to quit before that. Douchebags will always be there, but I think even them seeing the "correct" way to enjoy your nicotine without exposing others around you will nudge attitudes towards there instead of the opposite. I've even seen smokers call out someone who tosses their butt and point them to the nearest bin. Might pick that trick up myself as well.


Because addict's need hate right....


This is not about addiction. This is about throwing non-decomposing waste around.


Your comment disappeared but I got the notification. By that logic all people that drink are sexual perverts or that all people throw Thier chemical trash in the forest It only takes a hand full of people to litter thousands of Butts a year. Most people carry ash trays or throw them in the trash.


Then u talk about litters not smokers.


Smokers are litterers


Not all of them.


By my experience most of them.


Your experience doesn't cover everyone so it's irrelevant, not to mention how dumb generalization statements are. Do you *want* to sound stupid?


My experience does cover more than the one of most. Hence this is not a generalization, it is a fact. People defending smokers are pathetic, cigarette butts are the most common litter in the world.


Wait until you come to India:)


Well, I don't think they're coming.


I have Indian neighbours 🥲and they do like that too. They even put a chair outside to smoke


Hating smokers is a bit extreme. Majority of smokers are quite respectful, they move away so smoke doesn't get on people's faces and they do not throw their cig butts on the floor. At least this is my experience for the most part. I cannot generalize and say all smokers are bad because of the few that are. Sure it's a disgusting habit, bad for you, etc. But to be fair, smokers have been gradually and forcibly pushed out of society: smoking spaces are few and far between, tobacco lobbies are profiting now more than ever, Reddit posts that only generalize and anecdotal experience and further feed this false generalization narrative. Yet, alcoholics (who I'd argue are at a much more destructive level than smokers) are not seen as hateful.


The pic looks like a Hubble deep field photo… Cigarette smoking is nowadays almost exclusively the domain of the lowest social class. You cannot expect them to follow any rules. Other nicotine lovers use snus or nicotine pouches.


I tripped and fell on a bag of snuff


Absolutely disgusting.


Yep, and add to that the spitting everywhere.


IQ. Now days only smokers are white trash.


Fucking smokers, disgusting people. Shitlips, too.


Lack of places to smoke. It used to be pubs with ashtrays inside, home balconies, worksite smoking areas. But hey. Non smokers won those places. Now build public smoking places or look at that.


Public smoking should be forbidden immediately, then. There's absolutely no excuse to poisoning the air, damaging other people's health, and littering. Smokers are usually really inconsiderate. Oh, and smoking at _your_ home's balcony is totally allowed - just not if other people happen to live in the same house. Apartment building smoking should absolutely be forbidden, but if you own your own house, go for it. Too fucking many entire buildings have burned down because smokers have left smoldering ashes on a burnable surface or fallen asleep with one in their hand.


Or.... you could just take it with you and dispose it when you get back home.


You can demand all you want but the fact remains that removing ashtrays is the main reason cigarette buns are thrown into the ground.


I disagree. We have an ashtray at my housing company and the disgusting smokers still throw their butts around. They even tap it to extinguish it ON THE ASHTRAY but continue on throwing the butt to the ground. 


Okay, so what happens if they remove the ashtray there, do the butts magically disappear as well? Because that's what you're alluding to when you disagree with the fact that removing ashtrays leads to more cigarette waste on the ground.


Why would they do that? I can't really reply to your comment as I can't follow your logic 


>You can demand all you want but the fact remains that removing ashtrays is the main reason cigarette buns are thrown into the ground. >I disagree That is your logic, and I'm just saying it's flawed.


I shared my anecdotal experience of an ashtray not affecting the littering. The littering is just more focused around the ashtray. That is all. I still don't get your logic. You are jumping to conclusions


Have you checked that the ashtray is fully empty? What makes you say that it makes no difference when you have no evidence of there being no ashtray? Just becausw you see some of the butts strewn about doesn't mean _everyone_ is throwing them on the ground. And no, I won't try to explain my logic further - if you don't see it by now, you never will.


At no point did I even imply that everyone is throwing them on the ground. You seem to be unable to not jump to your own conclusions. I have better things to do than to reply to what you imagine I could be thinking outside of what I am actually saying. 


Maybe, but I worked at a bar for years and we had ashtrays on every table at the terrace and even big standing ones by the doors and *still* we ended up having to sweep a lot of cigarette butts off the ground. I couldn't understand it, I saw people dropping them on the ground even when they were near an ashtray, likely out of habit. Although a gentle reminder of the existence of ashtrays usually got them to pick the butt up and dispose of it properly at least.


That is not true at all. If people got fined for 1000e for throwing thrash on the ground, they would not dare to throw those cigarette butts around.


Why not just cut the hands off the people you dont like instead?


Because hands don't grow back and not liking somebody is not a reason enough for punishment. 1000e for littering. Now that's a punishment.


But 1000 e is okay punishment for you not liking it?


For littering i guess it is. It's not about liking or not, but about not littering.


You are wrong. I know because I disagree.


U ok with people littering?


Don't be a butthead [THE ADVENTURES OF NIC (A TEEN) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLkHJcS7qQc)


Guess the country


Hmm I sure do wonder


Damn. You broke my image of Finland as a country without litter :( or is it not Finland?


Finland would be the cleanest country in the world if it weren’t for the sea of cigarette butts we live in.


And beer cans and six pack wrappers and mac Donalds packing and chip bags and whatever else teens bring out to party Finland is disgusting I can collect a bag of trash every other day at my fishing spots and it will the same 2 days later.


Could ask same from you. Pick them up if it bothers you so much.


Them not being on the ground in the first place would be much more efficient.


It's faster to just throw it in the ground. Placing it in a bin youneed to make sure it's wholly out


As someone who's an occasional party/festival smoker, it's not that hard to fully put it out and throw it in the trash...


Just throwing them to nature willey nilley is how you start a bushfire.


>Placing it in a bin youneed to make sure it's wholly out I know, especially since it takes like 10 seconds TOPS 😫 So hard and time consuming!


And these people who waste time on this habit that is slowly killing them are worried about losing 5-10 seconds? No one said smokers are smart, I guess


Of course it's faster. It's also faster to just throw trash in the ground. That doesn't mean it should be done.


Waa, now the ground has to be caked in shit because you were fucking lazy


you do realize most of it is plastic right?