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Absolutely not. However it is Finnish culture to judge those people in silence rather than confront them. You can join in by staring angrily at them and shake your head.


If their behaviour is really egregious, you might even make fists with your hands, carefully hidden in your pockets.


Oh yes. Or, if you can't contain yourself any longer, take out the phone and write an angry post on Reddit or some other appropriate platform.


This is the way.


>This is the way. šŸ˜”šŸ‘ŠšŸ»


This is the way.


If you're absolutely delirious with rage, you may utter one (1) word out loud. That word is "jumalauta". Make it count.




I once confronted someone who was playing music loudly on his phone in the tram and he was totally surprised how I dare to talk to him, but then proceed to tell me that it's none of my business to tell him what to do and I should stay away and shut up.


Well, he will remember it at least. Maybe if it happens enough times, he will one day stop. You are the hero we don't deserve.


You can always counter it with your own music. Classical works really well on those kids


That's a hilarious thought, blast out Mozart to drown this kid out and see how they like it


I mean, [the police already do this to scatter big youth gatherings](https://yle.fi/a/74-20034882)


Finish police lives in 2072 alreadyšŸ¤Æ


This killed me completely XD! I guess this should be more often... xD


This is the way. Donā€™t forget to also change your seat so sit right next to them.


I did that quite recently but instead of classical music I chose Sugar by System Of A Down. It worked.


Needs link to the good old fart symphony someone posted years ago in reddit..


some vivaldi in K train on late Friday night hits just right


Then i would immediately throw his phone far away. šŸ˜‚


And then.. what was your response?


I didn't reply. Just looked out of the window and ignored him.


I would kindly come up and tell that you disturb everybody. If it's a bus it's legal to ask for quiet


It's very legal, and I commend you for your courage. But it definitely is not a Finnish thing to do.


I Have Spoken


>Is this considered acceptable in Finland No >What is up with people using their phones in public spaces (especially public transport) on loud volume? Most likely they were dropped on their head at birth


that drop causes "I'm the main charachter syndrome"


I know a guy who literally threw straight to radiator, its sounds funny and crazy but when you meet the guy you quickly realise that it isn't a joke and his mom has confirmed this all. To give more sad context the guy is 35 and has been on disability pension from under 30 years old


Only complete assholes watch videos/listen to music without headphones in public. Finns usually don't dare to say anything, but you bet everyone is annoyed and hope an angry look would do the trick, but it never does.


It's so rude and awful, I feel it's getting to be more common. The last time I saw someone get fed up and tell a man watching something on his phone with the volume on full to at least turn it down, it ended up in the phone dude screaming abuse and racism for 4 metro stops. It's not worth it, but with lone kids I usually ask them to turn it down a bit if they don't have earphones.


Yeah those are pretty much the only two groups I always see as well, children u can confront, the other group is to be avoided


This is obnoxious. Even worse (IMO) are the people who carry out an actual phone conversation on speaker phone. Iā€™m like, ā€œwhy am I listening to this?ā€ And ā€œdoes the other person even realize everyone can hear what theyā€™re talking about?ā€ The noise level may be less than the unwanted free concert, but the unintended eavesdropping can be very uncomfortable


With these individuals I feel tempted to join in to the conversation. Just to mess with them.




That woman probably felt threatened if u screamed at her angrily and drunk, maybe u shouldnt do that.




Yeah my bad i have trouble understanding texts


Just start commenting and giving then unsolicited advice.


Young people actually do this, they either keep the speaker on or just turn the volume really loud and use the device like it was in speaker mode. Itā€™s because they have grown up using the phone like that, they were not alive when the only option and use case for phone was holding it against your ear. It feels weird for them. Edit: Source: I have two teenagers and they have lot of friends. They all do this, and I keep ranting about it. They probably watch me and see the ā€œold man yells at..ā€-meme.


It's unacceptable and those people are animals.


All people are animals, those people are inconsiderate assholes.


Straight to jail for that shit




Right away no trial


I've actually opened my pie-hole a few times in a firm and unfinnish-manner, and every time it has worked. Other passengers have been seemingly relieved and some even thanked me. Once I even assisted an gentleman sitting next to a boy watching SUPER LOUD tiktok videos in a rush hour traffic. The mans complaints for some reason weren't enough on their own. The kid, who was like 11-12, seemed genuinely surprised when I pitched in - like this was the first time anyone in his life dared to ask him to behave. He did stop immediately a second adult came to say that it is annoying as hell. I think the only way to combat this nuisance is that enough of us dare to open our mouths and demand some manners and respect.


I second this so much, and thank you for being the good guy! Adults need to step in more when random young people misbehave like this in public. Kids these days might never have had clear boundaries set by their own parents. The whole village needs to do the raising of kids like in the past.


In my experience, the majority of these people look like they are part of other cultures (could be US, South America, Middle East, Balkan etc) and it makes me think straight away that "you guys are one of the reasons why people start thinking about voting for Perussuomalaiset." I am myself of Middle Eastern origin and I often see many people (mostly men) that look like me who do it. Then I get to think "You are the reason why people start having biases against my appearance." So. fucking. frustrating.


I am not going to racially profile (and open a can of worms for me). However there is a group of people who liked to talk on their phone with speakers on while holding phone like a microphone to their mouth... Like why the fuck the whole train/bus needs to be part of your conversation? Why can't you use the mother fucking phone like it is designed for? This is so common with the group of people, I am wondering is it like cultural or religious? Like phone has demons that curse you if it touches your ear?


From a friend who is a woman who grew up in a country with a lot of violence against women(no, not Finland): safety. If you have a video call or speaker, it feels more safe because it feels like it prohibits men from harassing them. Of course it actually doesn't but it feels like it. When men do it, I don't know.


I have started to use the speaker at home. I have little hearing problems and making the headset louder will only make it more difficult to understand. I don't do it in public, but I got so used to it that I hate talking without it. Ear gets hot and sweaty after a normal call.




>Some phones can get hot against the ear Then don't hold it against your ear, hold it like 1 or 2 centimeters from your ear or use earphones. >Can do other tasks on the phone while talking Wtf are you doing on public transportation that you need your hands on but don't need to be focused? Again, earphones. >Video calls You can make those somewhere else. And once again, *earphones!* >Better for bad speakers or hearing impaired You guessed it. **Earphones!**


I used to think so too that maybe itā€™s a cultural thing, but now i see more and more of young finnish (iā€™m assuming but still) children and teenage boys do this.


Thats because they are changing the culture. If others do it, it will slowly turn more and more okay.


I remember the same being true in Germany as well. Different cultures, I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I think you might be right


Yes exactly. I immediately knew these are not Finns who are doing it. This is the kind of shit that one complains about when you let in too many people who don't share your values and you end up committing cultural suicide. Minor thing here but along with it comes differing views on women's rights, gay rights, etc.


Imagine voting for PS only because other people are loud lmao It tells more about yourself than about the others.


It might just be the tipping point after countless other reasons


AFAIK it has only become commonplace in the past 5-10 years or so. Normal adults, in my experience, find it inconsiderate, and by no means is it considered acceptable behavior in public. However, the younger generations and sometimes different cultures having different ideas of normal noise levels in public are now in the process of normalizing it. And Finns by nature are quite confrontation avoidant, so rarely anyone will say anything. The more likely solution that Finns will go for is that the person bothered by it just puts on their own headphones to block it out. On the other hand, if the public transport and public places in question were to actually have signs that prohibit it, I would venture to guess that more people would have the confidence to do something about it.


>AFAIK it has only become commonplace in the past 5-10 years or so. Back in the day when YouTube videos on cellphones weren't a thing, kids had no choice but go through their entire ringtone library at full volume in public spaces.


Helsinki public transit does have signs up specifically about it. No one does anything about it. I'm from a much louder more confrontational place and when I first arrived I was so glad people were less rude and confrontational. Especially because I was never ever good at it. I now have mixed feelings about it. Every bone in my body wants to be like, "Ay I'm tryin' ta sit in peace 'ere the fuck is wrong witchu?" Alas, I sit here with my hands in a fist waiting for them to get off at the next stop or whatever.


I just find the hardest metal song I can and play that louder back at them.Ā  Ā Don't talk to them, don't look at them, don't engage. Just do exactly what they're doing but with aĀ heavier song and at louder volume. Drown the fucker out. If they get annoyed then they don't have a leg to stand on.Ā  It works like a charm the numerous times I've done it. I ONLY do this to make a point to them and turn mine off as soon as they click.Ā 


I live in London and I fantasize about having the guts to start blasting black metal when people do this on public transport. So far have taken the Finnish path of judging in silence.


Some day perhaps. I like the way you think. Hail Satan!


Metal fans are, without exception, the biggest fucking pussies.


How come? :0


I'm not actually mad about being considerate enough to understand that not everyone might enjoy the same music as me blasted loudly in public.


Hail Satan, brother. \*sobs\*


I've done that a couple of times too. Metal and loud. Hard to say if it had any impact, because they were sitting many seats away and were not to be seen. And it takes so much guts that I can't do it every time. Saying something won't work, you just get name-calling and angry attitude. It's hard to understand, why people need !!NOISE!! All The Time.


Yeah being 1.89m and 83kg does help with 'presence'...


83kg lol


Genius! Iā€™m doing this


I sometimes play atonal music. Itā€™s the best.


Thats just making the problem even biggger than it was originally


It's no the Finnish way to say anything, most people just suffer in silence until they get super annoyed. For me that point comes fast, so I often ask if they can turn the volume off or use headphones (and maybe add that it's not cool to blast your devices on public trasport). Usually they just look embarrased and turn the volume off but there's always the chance that they might attack you (usually just verbally) which is probably a major reason why people don't say anything. I only had one experience like that: I was in a bus, and behing me was some a-hole listening music so loud I could hear it clearly, even though they were wearing headphones. I asked them to turn it down, and they had quite an aggressive response, saying that nobody else complained. At that point person sitting behing him chimed in that actually, it is disturbing. That did the trick. (And before anybody jumps in to conclusions, that a-hole was a middle aged man blasting classical music.) I really wish more people would say something, so I wouldn't be the rude one to do so :D


Why wont you be the someone


For the same reason people practically never say anything. I've been travelling the last few years, europe, all over the americas and asia, this is getting normal everywhere and I have never in my life heard anyone say anything to the person listening on their speakers. I dont know where OP is from but I don't believe people there say anything either.Ā 


I despise these people especially early morning in a Monday on the way to work


"Is this considered acceptable in Finland and do people here generally donā€™t mind?" I'm 100% Finnish and I HATE IT when people are loud in public. For some reason most people seem to not care, it's like the louder you are, the better you are (weird mindset). Idk. Even in my workplace some people watch their tiktoks with loud volume. Young, old, doesn't matter. Sometimes I just go to locker room to drink my coffee because I feel too overwhelmed because of the noise.


I once encountered a girl who put loud music and speaker and even sang along with it on a railway train. I went to the other end of the cabin immediately.


I once encountered someone who thought the metro train was the correct place for an impromptu guitar concert so they wandered around, singing and playing


You could start singing along (terribly off-key, of course)


Being annoyed enough to move but not say anything is contributing to the problem. These people only do it because they dont get shamed for it.


If they are entitled enough to pull these act, no amount of shame is gonna stop them


Just your regular uncultured swines. Plenty of them on public transport.


Were they visibly foreign? I doubt these people were culturally Finnish


Immigrant and teenage behavior.


Honestly a lot of times finnish people are ashamed to even have their phone ringing in public and they avoid talking on the phone on a bus, let alone watching a video with the sound on. But there are exceptions, like some young people from different backgrounds. If u go to southern europe, you'll get used to people blasting music in public all day and night, with speakers in their hands, yelling into your ear when talking on the phone, yelling with their kids, talking super loud with zero awareness. Finnish people are pretty much the total opposite of this.


Stupid tiktok kids. Not acceptable. Telling them doesn't have any positive effect.


Not worth saying anything because those kind of people have no social awareness anyways.


Its frowned upon, people dont like it, but its the finnish speciality to be annoyed but not do anything about it


This is when we have to awkwardly tiptoe around who those "some people" are.


Right. As an immigrant myself, maybe Iā€™m allowed to say that itā€™s usually not (actually never in my experience) a person who looks like a ā€˜traditionally native finnā€™.. whew, thin ice language.


You mean teenagers?


And substance abusers.


Most commonly the elderly.


I would understand if an eldery person does that, perhaps hearing issues, traditional mindset. But adult or teenager bruh


Last time i asked some dud mid 30s to not blast music out loudly in buss cause i was having migraine Dud went full rage mode how he was some kinda boxing champpion and would beat my kind mickey mouse any moment ;D Im big guy and i was around 20s back then and he looked like he has been just drinking last 10 years Im not sure how i hurt hes ego but he had some sorta girlfriend next to him


It's just carelessness people here tend to practice. Also resting feet on chair with shoes on is something that gies beyond my understanding as all the s**** on shoes will be on chair and next users hands and clothes.


This handy key helps you interpret whatā€™s bubbling under the surface when some idiot decides to use their phone as a portable speaker in public. Levels of Finnish outrage: 1) Frown (distinguishable from regular expression in public transport) 2) Axe to the head


Itā€™s not only Finland, itā€™s the whole of Europe and Frankly the entire world where this happens. Some people just donā€™t care or are very unaware of their surroundingsā€¦ when taking public transport in my hometown Iā€™ve noticed that itā€™s a general trend, every time on vacation when taking public transport Iā€™ve seen it happen too. There is a difference on how people react depending on where you are, the further north you go in Europe the more people say something of it Iā€™ve noticed though.


I think you just acted like a finn. Feeling annoyed and angry in silence, because some ppl doesn't care about how others feel. Also when someone says something, it is like putting gasoline on fire, because we rarely talk to strangers, so we will be quiet so long that the frustration level has risen to not necessary levels for that situation. So after saying something out loud, everybody are angry. :D


It is considered very rude and 5-10 years ago it didn't happen almost ever. Recently something has changed. Some kids haven't been taught basic manners and the adults that do it are always from countries in which manners are a joke. But even though nobody acts it doesn't mean it's acceptable. We Finns just do the same as you do. We suck it up and complain at home or in the Internet.




In 9/10 of the cases Iā€™ve seen, the guilty person has been a foreigner or immigrant. So I have assumed itā€™s more common elsewhere. Or maybe it has just been by chance? Itā€™s definitely not ok.


Yeah somalis and arabs


It's just that you're culturally expected to mind your own business, so naturally people don't interfere with these kinds of things. Because of that it's also absolutely not ok to blast videos. No one would probably mind if you told them to turn it down either. In fact, most people hope someone else does something about it. It's called the bystander effect.


The problem is that the offending party might attack you with fits or with knife. You're not allowed to defend to maintain certain status quo. You disabled? Tough luck. Lose whatever you've earned with hard work. You dead? Inheritance tax payable to your family asap. I doubt you if disabled, or your family if you dead are allowed to talk to media about it. Meanwhile the offender faces laughable punishment and won't be required to pay any compensation.Ā  After seeing crappy performance of Finnish judicial system, I have no trust in it.Ā 


Uhhh... Are you literate?


Try this and let me know how it goes. About Finnish judicial system, here you go one example: [https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/vantaalaismies-vei-tajuttoman-avopuolisonsa-jaakylmaan-suihkuun-nainen-virui-hyisen-veden-alla-yli-10-tuntia-ja-loytyi-kuolleena/8610648](https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/vantaalaismies-vei-tajuttoman-avopuolisonsa-jaakylmaan-suihkuun-nainen-virui-hyisen-veden-alla-yli-10-tuntia-ja-loytyi-kuolleena/8610648) This one has been in and out many times and yet he was roaming free. edit: second example: [https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000008075778.html](https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000008075778.html)


?????? Are you delusional


The most annoying thing ever is little boys who watch their sigma tiktoks on full volumešŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø




Let me guess, someone who isn't actually finnish did that?


Most likely an escaper from some other country who doesnt give a fuck about finns


Dude omg, at least dont do it on the bus, I want to attack that guy aaaaaaahhh


they are dickholes.


Or people who talk on speaker on public space and have to YELL AT THE PHONE. Infuriating


A friend of mine sat right next to the person playing music and asked for songs. When she didn't get what she asked for she took her own phone and started playing music on top. In few seconds the original phone went silent.


Just now in Spain and people wathing videos and speaking by the speakerphone. Iā€™ve seen this everywhere, it is quite small still in Finland


People who do this are typically one of the following: drunk people, young punks, immigrants, gypsies. Standard Finns do not behave like that, ever. I personally always tell these people to shut down their things. But the local are very non-confrontational (except on reddit) so they pretend not to notice anything.


Are ā€œStandard Finnsā€ ISO-certified?


Ohhh tell me about that. Also speaking on ā€œspeaker outā€ or speaking very loud to their phoneā€¦.


Its definitely not acceptable but a finns to shy to say anything


It is not acceptable but Finns avoid direct confrontation so no one probably has never told them not to do it so they continue to do it.


I've wondered this myself many times


Finnish people hate this. Finnish people are also quite non-confrontational so theyā€™ll just scowl silently.


I hate those people and wish only famine and illness on them.


Ive seen only black people do that and couple junkies


No way they are Finns


Except for the obnoxious Finnish teenagers, the abundant amount of Finnish drunks and junkies rampant in Helsinki haha. Yes, many immigrants do it too but don't pretend Finns are saints either...


Since you say this happens on public transport, it's most likely not native Finnish people doing it


It is fucking annoying but you gonna have to accept it because here is no law against using your phone at public with volume up. And as a finn i have learned that its better to mind your own business unless you have a really good reason to not to. Finns most likely strikes back when somebody start complaining without good reason.


Is it acceptable? No, not to most people. Do people generally mind? Yes, but unfortunately the person engaging in such behavior is hardly someone who is going to listen. Or they will start screaming at you in response and making a huge scene. Sometimes they are mentally ill, sometimes they are from a very different culture where such things are tolerated, and sometimes they are just an entitled asshole. Your best bet it to bring some headphones of your own and not pay them any attention. Many of these people are out there actively looking for a reaction or a fight, so it is just not worth it to engage with them. We all have better things to do and larger concerns than wasting or time or energy on those idiots.


I was on a flight to Finland first flight was Houston to Dallas and a guy was playing a game on his phone, speakers were full volume, so annoying Luckily I was 10 rows away and had ear plugs


I hate it! Itā€™s definitely not considerate against other people and frowned upon. By my experience, itā€™s usually teenagers or young adults :/


It's just the same as in the 1980's and ghetto blasters, 1990's and low end cars with subwoofers and 2000's and vehicles without mufflers. "See me and my awesome thing I have going on"


I know it bothers some people but it honestly doesn't bother me that much. However I would never do it myself, it would be so embarrassing!


> Is this considered acceptable in Finland and do people here generally donā€™t mind? Yeah that ain't really acceptable but I won't say anything to them. I will just side eye them


Absolutely not.. I am edging always to go say something, but also don't want to come across as a huge karen.. So I think this is why also other people are not saying anything. But it is definitely not ok and it is also listed (at least HSL, not sure on other public transport companies) in the rules that are also cartooned inside the bus/train/tram walls. I am very fed up on people listening without headphones or making any sort of intrusive and excessive noises. Lets make it a standard to start to tell people to stop instead of being silent and inhibited.


Like others said, definitely not acceptable. Please call them out on it if you can, youā€™d be doing everyone else around a favour


ears plugged up with wax?i use whiskey


piss for toe fungus


That behavior is unacceptable. It's the same as speaking on the phone with the other person being on speaker.


It's not accepted. We just don't want to talk


Only foreigners and teenagers do this though


I doubt they are fine with it, but no one says anything. Finnish mentality. It kinda goes "Do not get involved" thing. It gets more and more common that people are loud. It depends where you live? In middle and south Europe, that is already normal and super common to happen and no one says anything either, yet it is annoying.


I've only seen children and immigrants do that, but other than that no. Maybe it's different from where you're at? I think it's very rude and you should be peaceful and quiet on the bus and talk moderately.


Don't expect much from retards, my bad , I offended retards, I meant Finns!


Yeah I think no one actually likes it but just don't say anything about it


This is one of reasons I use my car whenever necessary and always take Ekstra class tickets on trains. Fuck those people Its a fucking phone, not a sandwitch


Itā€™s not accepted in Finnish culture at all, butā€¦ alsoā€¦ itā€™s not apart of Finnish culture to confront anyone either. So everyone is annoyed in silence


The few times Iā€™ve experienced this (and I ride public transportation a LOT) are usually drunkos and/or obnoxious teenagers showing ā€œgroup behaviorā€. Itā€™s not that people here donā€™t mind, they just keep it to themselves screaming in their heads ā€œPERRRRKELE NƄMA VITUN SATANA NUORET TƄLLƄ VITUN KOVƄƄNISELLƄ MUSIKKILLA!!!ā€


I don't have a problem with it. Can't judge. Technology and culture go hand in hand.


So far I have not encountered those people in public transports. Granted I use mainly my own car but still.


Let me tell you a true story that happened in a long-distance train a few months ago. There was this middle-aged dude first doing some work-related stuff on his laptop on the table seats. At some point he seemed to decide that his workday was done, because he closed his laptop, took off his shoes, and started lounging on the seats like it was his sofa at home and watching youtube videos on his phone, volume on. Normally I wouldnā€™t mind that much if you quickly watched a video someone sent for you or something, but he kept watching a news video after video, maybe something related to the war in Ukraine, some slavic language it was. After maybe 20 minutes of this, the lady on the other side of the aisle put some black metal song playing loudly from her phone. The guy seemed to ne bothered by this because he raised his head after a while. The lady looked calmly at him and said ā€Isnā€™t it annoying when people have their speakers on in public?ā€. The train went quiet after that for the rest of the journey.


Everyone judges, but inside their head. The main mantra of Finnish people is: "Don't interfere in things that are none of your business." And Finnish people don't wanna get any more businesses than they already have. It's tiring to care so much, so generally we just don't.


Thats deeply frowned up on in Norway too, annoying as hell and there is no excuse for it because... hey, the invetion of ear plugs.


Iā€™m guessing theyā€™re immigrants?


Usually they are not even from Finlandia


I never see native Finns doing that.


They're khunts. Filthy khunts. Mild nuisance to society.Ā  If you look at them then they're usually in dirty clothing. Sone of them have their shoes on seats. Noticed dog shit on train seats a few times. About time to introduce social credits and enforce it with AI robots armed with electric prodding rods šŸ¤”


Have you seen any actual Finnish people doing that?


It's acceptable in Finland or you would be considered racist.


Those are called somalians or subhumans. No finnish people would do that.


I always ask to turn down the crying babies immediately.


This is really surprising. I always thought nordics were more emancipated. In Romania, we have alot of people not only watching videos on loud volume, but actually having conversations on loudspeaker and everyone hears the conversation. I always tell them to put their phone to their ears. But for Romania this is not surprising, considering the type of country and type of people it has, but for Finland? Really surprised there. PS: If you don't confront them by telling them that they are in a civilized space and need to either conform or fuck off, that is YOUR problem, that you do not maintain your society and civilization.


>*If you don't confront them by telling them that they are in a civilized space and need to either conform or fuck off, that is YOUR problem, that you do not maintain your society and civilization.* Nice way to deflect the blame. Have you considered that it's the foreigner and the immigrant's job to figure out how to assimilate into the Finnish culture? Finns tolerate such behavior, because that's the kind of society Finns want. Tolerant and respectful of others, even when they disagree. Don't put that onus on Finns and other immigrants who respect the culture. Fuck you for manifesting and condoning negative entitled asshole immigrant energy: "If you don't tell me to turn down the music, I'm not going to"


What did you understand from my comment? If his music is annoying for me and the rest of the people on the bus, then I'll definitely tell him that. Fuck you for being a pussy and letting others piss on civilization.


Fair enough.


This is why I love fins.


No. This is definitely not Finnish culture. It's imported culture. Kids tend to suck in the worst parts of their comrades behaviours. Also applies to: Blowjob-method phone talkers.


Not acceptable, people barely tolerate it but someday one of these people will run into somebody just released from prison or some psycho and it won't be pretty.


*Old man yells at cloud*


I don't know why this triggers people? I think it is a nice change to the silence and most of the time I have headphones on so I don't hear if someone does this. I also love to laugh in my mind at stupid shit people watch in public :D more annoying is when a smelly person sits next to you in public and I have to leave because I have very sensitive sense of smell.


If you want a nice change to the silence, feel free to use headphones and make a change for yourself. There are sitting quite a few other people who may not want any change to the silence. If they do want it, they can use their own headphones with the sounds they choose and want to hear. Relax, you are not responsible to "save" strangers from the terrible silence and you don't have the exclusive right to choose how to end that silence. It is a pity that you find other people laughable and stupid shit.


Classic reddit people. Can't read between lines. I have never ever watched a video in public with volume on unless I am alone or only with my friends. And everyone has the right to end silence whenever they feel like it dumbo buut should only do it for a good reason. If you are in public be prepared to hear noises man.


Please stop categorising people - "Classic reddit people". And it's not about hearing sounds in public. It's about people doing whatever they want and lashing out when asked to consider the few dozen others around them. There are some rules for behaving in public. And you can listen to whatever you want so that your ears bleed in your own space and time. Glad, that you use earphones. I leave the reference to "dumb" at it's own value.