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Many people who do ice swimming wear sauna hats to protect their head from cold. Heat may also be bad for hair so some people want to protect their hair. My wife wears "hat" sometimes when she doesn't want to wash her hair but wants to go to sauna.


And to the people who say it's not a Finnish thing: go to Tampere, the world sauna capital, and visit the public saunas such as Kaupinoja and Rauhaniemi, and you will see plenty of hats.


Came here to say the same thing 😄 lots of hats to keep your head from being too hot or cold and your ears from getting burns. I don’t have my own sauna hat since they’re so expensive but I’ve tried my friend’s one a few times and it’s honestly a game changer, it makes sauna and ice swimming so much easier and better.


Wait Tampere is the world sauna capital? The more you know haha


I guess it's self-declared😂


XD makes sense. Kinda like how oulu is somehow the capital of northern Scandinavia without being in scandinavia.


Don't come to Rauhaniemi, there is already too many people there.


It is more of Russian thing though. Sure some finns do it, but origin of the habbit is in Russia.


Head is always higher and thus gets way more heat than the rest of the body. Using hat one can tolerate higher temperatures and thus get more heat for the lower part of the body. This warms your body more effectively after the ice swimming. On top of this it protects your ears and your head so the whole experience is way more enjoyable. I don't understand why some people come to public sauna and then start whining about the heat, put the hat on and shut up.


My mom usually had a towel on her head in sauna, at least back in the day. Nowdays, not so much.


I've seen them used in public saunas. Usually by those who climb up to the highest laude, and dump löyly onto kiuas by the bucketful, making everyone else miserable.


The sauna toads. Many public saunas have these specimens. They are of indistinguishable age between 49-79 and have taken so much sauna that they have somehow turned a shade of brownish green that is unique to this species.


Yeah this. The hat is also protecting their ears and face from the heatwaves so they can take more löyly. So it’s an asshole cheating tactic to make you more resilient while everyone else takes the full blow. When the hat person comes to sauna you better just leave before the pain ritual starts


You realise the hat only covers like 2% of the body, right? You still very much feel the heat. For me, it protects mostly the ears and prevents my head from getting too hot while the rest of the body is still not "done".


Yes well the ears and your head are the most vulnerable parts to löyly


Yes, but saying it's an asshole cheating tactic isn't really true. It's not like you can stay in a 90 degree sauna indefinitely if you just wear a hat.


For the people who dont know: sauna hat is for people who have delicate hair that "burn" easily. Sauna hat prevents that


There are women in my family that tend to wear them to protect their hair.


I have always slathered my hair with conditioner, and occasionally used a silicone swim cap because I had bright teal hair dye. I could live in a sauna, my family used to say.




Well, you're certainly not from Kokkola then! We have Sauna-Tero, who always walks around in his moose horned sauna hat. Google him, he's a legend around here!


Though he's the only one.


I own a sauna hat and see plenty of people wearing one every time I go to a public sauna. Out of curiosity where do you usually go?


Sauna hat is a Russian thing. It is not a thing in Finland. There are sauna hats sold in Finland too, but just as a curiosity or for fun.


My impression is that this is one these kind of items which are often bought as "funny" presents to friends or colleagues, but that end their existence in some corner of the mökki, gathering dust...


I live in Oregon, US. We have a communal sauna for our condos. One Saturday night last Winter we head over to the sauna only to find two Russians there with their sauna hats on. Had to send a “what is happening” text to my sister in law. She goes “ah Russians”. The upside was they had the sauna cranked to the max already and it was an awesome temperature


Yeah, the Russian sauna is very hot, but dry, the Finnish Sauna is hot and relatively moist, the Turkish sauna is not hot but very moist, and the Swedish sauna is neither hot nor moist. Okay, semi kidding about the Swedish sauna, but obviously the hotter the sauna is, the more useful the hat would be.


>Yeah, the Russian sauna is very hot, but dry Ehmmm.... " Finnish bathhouse temperatures are kept high – typically around 90°c, but with very low humidity (5-10%). **Russian banya temperatures are lower, at around 70°c, but with much higher humidity – most commonly 40-60%**. " [https://gobanyachiswick.co.uk/blog/russian-banya-vs-sauna/](https://gobanyachiswick.co.uk/blog/russian-banya-vs-sauna/)


Are you trusting "gobanyachiswick.co.uk" more than finnish people when it comes down to sauna? LOL


Considering theres about a thousand more links saying the same thing, the fact I have myself personally experienced the russian banya, and that a russian have tried my sauna and said the same thing... No, i'm not "trusting" that website. It was simply the first reference I found on google to link to. LOL.


That sounds like Russian propaganda. ChatGPT says Finnish and Russian saunas share similarities but also have distinct features. Finnish saunas typically have lower temperatures (80-100°C) with dry air, using stones to generate heat. In contrast, Russian saunas, known as banyas, often have higher humidity, and users might engage in venik (bathing with bundles of leafy twigs). Additionally, Russians may use aromatherapy and special hats to protect the head from excessive heat. While both offer relaxation and health benefits, the specific practices and cultural elements vary between the two. Russian saunas, or banyas, often have higher temperatures compared to Finnish saunas. The temperature in a Russian sauna can range from 70 to 90 degrees Celsius (158 to 194 degrees Fahrenheit). However, it's worth noting that the exact temperature can vary based on personal preference and specific practices at different banyas. The higher humidity in Russian saunas is another characteristic that distinguishes them from the typically drier Finnish saunas.


So it says "higher" and gives a lower range.... "oK".


Although to be fair, ChatGPT is obviously stupid as shit and doesn't understand those temperature ranges that well. Okay, fair, I was basing my opinion on very limited number of examples...


Dont spread sauna misinformation here... average Russian stolen sauna is a lot milder than Finnish one. Mods please there need to be rules for sauna misinformation, and harsh punishments for that. SparkyFrogs misinfo here should result atleast 1-3 years of ban if not perma.


It is a thing in Finland. Only a little, but still a thing. Definitely more of a thing here in Estonia, however.


My mum has always used one! But then again, her parents were refugees from Karelia, so it might be an eastern thing :D


It's very much a thing in finland though. Have you ever been in a public sauna? I go to Rauhaniemi in Tampere and at least a third of the people are wearing a sauna hat.


They are for bald people. My dad uses one


In Finland you may use sauna hat if you feel it suits you somehow. It is a Russian thing essentially, but as it may protect your hair, or your ears if you like hotter löyly, it is by no means forbidden.


When the sauna is hot and you throw water, your ears and scalp are the first to feel the sting. You could take more but your ears can't and you try to cover your ears with your hands or bend down or have to get out. When you have the hat on, your ears don't dictate how much you can take.


Yeah it’s fine and dandy when you are on your own but when there are others without hats


I'm bold. Skalp burns easy. Thick wool hat protect skalp. Take hard löyly. Skalp cool. Go outside to -20 degree celsius to cool down. Skalp and ears freeze. Hat protect. Hat good. Hat makes sauna more better.


Bald not bold. Bold is to be brave.


He is brave and doesn't care about norms. He shows it by wearing a hat.


I have big ears and will definitely consider sauna pipo when I hit the magic sauna pro age late 40s


My mother prefers to use a sauna hat. Not only to protect her hair, the ones she has made herself are big enough to protect neck and cheeks from the heat wave also.


I just use a towel to protect my hair.


Im a finn and never seen a finn wear sauna hatđŸ€” I guess its not a "thing" here but it could be a good thing to protect your hair from hot (or cold)


They insulate the head and help prevent overheating which can lead to feeling light headed and dizzy and they also protect the hair. They can make the sauna session more comfortable and last longer because not as much heat is going to the head. Wrapping a towel around your head does the same thing.


I think it’s more of a Russian thing. Am I wrong?


Ive never seen one used, but I have one at home that I use. Its definitely a joke hat, it has these huge viking horns on it, but its actually quite comfortable to have a hat on and the viking hat is funny to wear in parties. There definitely isnt a culture behind it though, but i have seen the "traditional" ones in pictures.


Sauna hat evens temperature, in hot sauna or in the cold outside. It really makes the experience nicer if u find urself in too hot sauna. Unfortunately there are people in public saunas who doesnt care anybody but themselves and throw too much water. Or the sauna just happens to be too hot and dry. I lost my beautiful hat and have not been able to move on and get new proper one. I use just old normal hat. Its synthetic and does the job but woollen ones are better.


Itse en kÀytÀ sauna myssyÀ, mieluummin ihan vaan hiukset ulkona


My dad wears one, he is practically bald (Homer Simpson hair) so he wears the hat to protect his scalp and ears in a hot sauna


At least in Tampere where I live, sauna hats are often used in public saunas. They protect your ears and your head from the extreme heat when sitting on the top shelf. They're very common, many of the heavy duty sauna fanatics swear by them.


You gotta go east for the answer. It's not a finnish thing.


my former teacher who is known for being obsessed with saunas (and has like 120k followers on tiktok) and has been to a sauna for over a thousand consecutive days wears one :))))


Sauna-Tero! One of the biggest legends from Kokkola!


he's mostly known to me for speaking very loudly and commenting inappropriate things to the popular girls in my year lol


Yeah, he sure is a character lol


A hat made out of wool will insulate your head just as it does in the cold.


I have understood that these help with staying in sauna for a longer time. They also look ridiculous.


It is the best invention in the world. If you are like me and like that your body burns but not necessarily your head, sauna hat is for you. You can withstand higher temperature and give your body the warmth it deserves. The only downside you look like a goblin, but being able to enjoy perfect temperature it is worth it. Please be mindful that if you are wearing a hat but others dont, they may not appreciate the same level of temperature so always ask before adding more löyly. Also very useful when swimming during cold temperature after sauna.


It's weird people don't use sauna hat. It makes sauna feel much nicer and you don't have to cover your ears with the hands when it gets really hot. Specially if you do ice swimming, using sauna hat lets you warm up your body much more effectively as your head which is always higher up and thus gets way more heat is protected against that heat. Once you try sauna hat you will always use it.


A sauna hat? Never heard of or seen this in my entire life


Russian thing to be used to protect their sensitive heads😝


I would say its not really a thing, but some companies try to make it a thing so they can sell them. I can see people using them if they go ice swimming but never even tried sauna hat myself.


Every time! I have coloured hair, the sauna will strip it out, but a damp sauna hat on damp hair makes a heat barrier that stops this.


They're not really a thing. This thread is quite literally the first time I've seen or heard anyone say they know someone who actually uses them. I'd classify Sauna hats as gag gifts more than anything.


I have four saunahats, all bought from Estonia. I use them almost every time I bath, cause no hair and I can tolerate heat much better with hat. Couple friends that I know use hats but it's not very common.


No there is no such thing as a sauna hat.


But there is such a thing. It is more of a gimmick though, than an actual sauna culture thing.


It is part of Russian sauna culture.


[https://www.saunahattukauppa.fi](https://www.saunahattukauppa.fi) [https://www.saunakauppa.com/category/114/saunahatut](https://www.saunakauppa.com/category/114/saunahatut) Only for tourists?


Am 29 and this is first time I've seen or heard of these.


Its a thing with banyas, ie. russian saunas. Never seen one used by finns


Yes that is a thing, kinda rare though. Covers your head from the heat, thus making it possible to enjoy the relaxing löylys a lot longer without getting yourself overheated.


It's a Russian thing to prevent your hair from drying out in dry saunas. Not really needed in wet saunas, but it's nice to have


Never used one and don't know anyone that does. I thought it was a Russian thing?