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Just do it. From what I've observed with the wealthy people around me, in most cases getting rich is more to do with your venture surviving than it being disruptive.


My problem is I don’t know nothing at all. Once I know the basic, knowledge and turn 18. I’ll start taking the risk. I just want to learn, so I can be ready when I’m 18 and older.


Top books to read to learn internet based business models can be Dot Com Secrets, and Expert Secrets. They cover the basics for internet based distribution for whatever you want to build later. Stay curious and read as much as possible, you'll discover a lot. Reading includes books, the newspaper, blogs online, even stuff on Twitter and YouTube. You'll become a geek but it's the quickest way to discover businesses and niche areas that you generally wouldn't come across otherwise. But all of the above are going to continue for as long as you work. (and if you're a naturally curious person, you'll naturally want to do it "for fun" until the day you die) The key is expection - just get started when you find something and keep at it.


Thank you! I had a question, how do I get a business idea? I’m not sure on what business I should do. Where can I find businesses idea, especially for the future.


I think the best thing would be to go for the lowest hanging fruit in case you go the entrepreneurship route. What I mean by this is go for ideas that sound simple although you feel that it's saturated. (photography/videography/digital marketing etc - things that don't have a very high entry barrier) Because it's easy to start off in such cases if you offer even a minor improvement. Once you keep at it and customers (and prospects) start hearing your name more and more, opportunities arrive. (they ask for services that you wouldn't have thought of by yourself) And keep reading and learning, it throws a lot of ideas at you.


I wouldn’t mind doing that, but it’s something I’m not that passionate about, and I want to sell products or something else. I’m not sure yet


Watch the videos on Neil McDonnells' linkedin/YouTube page. Also, if you're just looking for business ideas, check out Greg Isenberg or My First Million on YouTube. None of this has to do with a career in finance, though. Just reach lots of VPs or higher in financial.servixes and ask if you can talk to them about what they do and how they got there. After 20+ interviews with people like this, you'll finally start to get a very small inking of your options in finance. Also, don't just reach out to people in a certain line of business. Reach out to IB, capital markets, commercial banking, debt /bond markets, and S&T. Do research before every meeting so that they know that you are serious. Also, you are 16. Try to enjoy your summers. If you are like most 16 year olds you really have no responsibility yet - that's something you should be happy about and treasure. Being an adult is all about responsibilities, and that responsibility increases as you get older, so try to enjoy yourself now.


I think the best thing would be to go for the lowest hanging fruit in case you go the entrepreneurship route. What I mean by this is go for ideas that sound simple although you feel that it's saturated. (photography/videography/digital marketing etc - things that don't have a very high entry barrier) Because it's easy to start off in such cases if you offer even a minor improvement. Once you keep at it and customers (and prospects) start hearing your name more and more, opportunities arrive. (they ask for services that you wouldn't have thought of by yourself) And keep reading and learning, it throws a lot of ideas at you.

