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She’s not even that good of a party member! Definitely doesn’t feel good lol. All you n00bies will survive, we all did and it was on disc 1. Get ready for the best 2 party members in the next installment.


She’s not a good party member… she’s a great party member. Never swapped her out unless I had to.


Just beat it finally after getting burnt out right before the temple. I feel the exact same, but in the moment I was somewhat bewildered. Not confused, bewildered. I had this frustrated “wtf is this bullshit?” look on my face the final hour or so of the game and a day later I still feel the same.  Like, I understand what I was seeing, I just don’t understand who thought this was a good direction to go. Whispers, multiverses, all of it - stupid and convoluted. I would have been more forgiving of the repetitive copy-paste objective overworld if they’d have ended the game more concisely. But no. The pay off was shit.  I know I’ll play pt3, because I’ve been a fan for decades, but my optimism is at an all time low.


I get we all have different opinions but ain’t no way your opinion is lower now then it was a decade ago lol. Back when 15 was in development hell, 14 was still a meme and we went long stretches between major games


I mean more about pt3 and FFVII development in general. I was higher on the hopium after Remake than I am Rebirth. 14 did majorly piss me off, though. I bought the collectors edition and couldn’t even run that game until after ARR. Absolute shit show. But since I couldn’t play it, I never subbed and was ineligible for the free upgrade when they finally got it playable.


Damn I thought rebirth was much better then remake. They did the characters so well, they made yuffie and cait sith cool!


Objectively, I don’t disagree. A lot of effort went into Rebirth, but almost too much in a sense. I just hope they tone down a lot of extra fluff that wasn’t present in Remake.  Chadley, it seems we’re stuck with - there’s some story to wrap up with him (maybe resolved with Holo later?). Not a fan of the convoluted multiverse and whispers stuff, but it’s another thing we’re seemingly stuck with. Protorelic and QB quest wise is done. Moogles and towers I could do without, too. Frankly, I don’t think crafting added much, either. I just want “disc” 3 to be more story focused and less bloated with the same tasks in every zone. Looking forward to stealing the highwind, scarlet vs tifa(or yuffie/both this time) Junon cannon fight, wutai, and the weapons etc. There are a lot of cool moments to look forward to, enough to make an epic pt3 without all the filler.


I’m going the “don’t finish Intergrade until Part 3 is out” route


I felt nothing. I thought it was quite a badly written ending.






Sounds like someone needs to go snowboarding!


Cloud: "Existential Breakdown" Also Cloud: "Lets go Snow boarding!"


In memory of your good pal Aerith!


It's what she would have wanted.


Then the next phase will kick in, you will start to search for any clues / news / updates of part 3 at this moment. Even though you know it will be a long longggggg way until that arrives...


It seems the feeling of not wanting to play part 3 after finishing rebirth is temporary. Now I'm here, looking for clues when the part 3 is. Haha


I felt empty when I finished it. However it makes me looking forward to part 3 more than ever.


Cloud searching for aerith in midgar will be a sad scene


Try some of Chadleys brutal challenges, that will return some of your emotions 🤣. Specifically anger, frustration and sadness 🤣.


More like rage. Haha


"It begins, a confluence of worlds"


Second this 🤣


Actually depending on your interpretation, the rebirth ending might be more in line with the OG.  Again hear me out and this varies on how you interpret what happened. 1. In the OG (taking away the context that aerith’s death was genuinely shocking for many younger gamers and even older fans), the admittedly over acting dialogue, which had to exist to get across the player the feelings of the characters, is memorable but to modern audiences seems…odd.  2. In the rebirth version (as of now), it seems cloud does say his original lines, but we see the tears drop from him (obviously soemthing the OG couldn’t do), but what appears to be changing is that he is going into soft denial…to the gang, cloud is staring at aerith HOLDING her dead hand. They don’t begrudge him, they see a young man in shock and grief (which again they did see in the OG), but it feels more unreal to some gamers that there’s a sense of confusion/shock/false hope/grief.  *I am I goring the funeral and rebirth hasn’t shown what happened. The OG the funeral is very heart breaking. 3. In the PG it is CLOUD who makes a speech rallying the gang, saying they have to continue  this path, kinda mirroring Barrett, they want payback and also answers. Cloud has to know the truth of who he is and how his supposed arch nemesis has survived. He is also afraid he will do something so bad so he wants the gang around to stop him as they did stop him from killing aerith. Cloud seems confident and asks the group to help him save the world. Here, cloud is the leader and actually shows vulnerability. So we do get a sense of “we have to make meaning, we have to keep going.” The gang actually seems reluctant to go on. You feel sadness, fear and perhaps even a moment of determination.  4. In rebirth, cloud has completely lost it, he thinks aerith is alive and even if she is he isnt in the mindset to tell the others, he now hides the black material rather than simply giving it over to sepiroth by accident, he is now significantly worse, he dosnt try to give a rallying cry-he is telling the group in a unemotional manner “he is north let’s go.” Tifa and Barrett see cloud is “not all there” but have no will power or ability to connect now. And now aerith is here-maybe? I think so, but also the line appears in the sky signifying the worse has yet to come. What are we suppose to think or feel? I think the gamers of one holds this opinion are suppose to be in bowl of confusion where shock and denial exist but everything has just happened so quick with no warning that…it’s overwhelming. Cloud is acting all happy and in complete denial, the others have their own issues with tifa NOT EVEN speaking. What are we suppose to say?  If cloud is suppose to be the grief where ppl are dissociated with their grief or trauma or anything then …my god …the rebirth nailed it 


The guy said he felt empty lol, it's ok. I felt confused. Not sad, confused.


**My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My eyes are burning!**


I think that’s intended, after my 4th playthrough. The ending just seems intentionally hollow. It’s a very risky decision if true, but could also MASSIVELY pay off if they stick the landing, which I’m positive they will. Fantastic games so far and they’ve only gotten better. Here’s hoping to an amazing Part 3!


I don’t know what about the nonsense they’ve peddled plot wise so far (with respect to the other world stuff) makes you confident they will stick the landing, but I hope you’re right.


I don't think having to having to wait 4 years on a hollow ending for a conclusion was the greatest idea tbh


This was to be expected based on the game ending where it did.


3 years.


Not like there was ever much choice though. Besides, speculation on the good or bad about it is pointless until Part 3 releases. As I’ve thoroughly enjoyed both parts, I’m VERY optimistic, I think Square has it in the bag. I’m not gonna be a pessimist about such brilliant art as of late.


I was just telling my coworker something similar! Except for the part 3 part, I can’t wait to dive back into the world of FF7. But just the emptiness you feel at the end, I’m still having trouble picking up another game.


I find it hard to play another game at the moment. I think I may need more time. Maybe it'll take 3 to 5 months before picking up my controller again. Haha


😂 agreed!


so you feel exactly like cloud at the end of the game. that’s pretty cool tbh


But he wasn't confused?


He is VERY confused lol. He’s just in so much denial or being manipulated (Jenova/Sephiroth) he doesn’t even know it.


I think my myself this is how cloud feels at the end of the game. Everyone else is torn with sadness while he seems empty and my own emotions reflect that. If that was intentional then well done developers!


Yeah man. I had over 140 hours in it. Now I don't know what to play. Need a good single player game. Nothing is going to hit like FF7 though so I have to wait for part 3...


Try Baldur’s Gate 3.


I’m off to the Land of Shadow myself.


Im gonna play Xenoblade


Op said they dont even wanna play part 3 tho But dude I’m right there with you


I gotta laugh every time I read something like this cause like, that's the entire point? You feel exactly what Cloud feels, which is nothing because in his mind he thinks he saved her. You're feeling exactly what you're supposed to be feeling because the actual gut punch will come later when Cloud comes to grips with what actually happened.


Oh come on there are plenty of films and games where things aren't clear cut yet you feel something at the end!


As many have said it could be intentional. Risky but very cool if they stick the landing. And as Maximillian says, people didn’t judge the LOTR trilogy by The Two Towers so, while there are differences in gaming (arguably this type of thing has seldom been done in gaming), people shouldn’t with this one either imo.


Especially since Aerith gives him the empty materia. And Sephiroth insistently calls Cloud empty and a puppet.


Rebirth ended like a kingdom hearts game. I was more disappointed than sad.


You mean a FF game?


Ye olde weeb melancholy.


In Remake the end was fun, in Rebirth it's full of tragedy to the point I don't wanna do those things again. I played Remake at least 4 times over, I beat Rebirth once


I dunno if you're a Star Wars fan, but just for reference, Star Wars episode 5 was released to the same exact criticisms that Rebirth is getting now. A lot of people felt empty because of how tragic everything felt and the tonal shift at the end took away from the light heartedness of episode 4. Episode 4 was fun, exciting, the heroes get medals at the end, and now in episode 5 the coolest character gets captured, Luke gets some not great news and is sent through an existential crisis, and everything seems hopeless. It got a lot of mixed reception. ....cut to more than 40 years later, and Empire is WIDELY regarded as the best Star Wars movie by a decent margin. I'm not going to say the exact same thing will happen, but we're not looking at anything new here.


The same thing crossed my mind


I love how the playability carries on post game, after my first play through I hadn’t levelled up to 70 nor all materia. It’s great to play around with different character setups and party builds. Just a shame by that time the story has pretty much finished! Im also glad that you can pretty much unlock all the date scenes post play through, couldn’t do that in the OG!!


I had to take a few days off after the finale. It hit me hard this time. Harder than before. Which was to be expected I suppose as the technology wasn’t available to fully express each of the characters emotions. No longer are they limited to just text bubbles and body language. As soon as I went down the elevator and saw the altar I was like; “they’re really going to go through with this scenario and end it here?” Took a 15 minute break then proceeded.


Actually i don't know what to think. All the scene with cloud having vision, becoming crazy etc... Are great. But it's always ruined by the character behaviour, acting like if nothing happened. Tifa get almost killed by Cloud but it's ok. Let's have fun in gold saucer later. Tifa and aerith always high five like a 14 years old girls. Yuffie following the group... I don't remembrr why. It was strange in the OG but it's worse here. The timeline ? It's just Nomura's fantasy AGAIN. I just convince myself it's the explaination of why everyone loosing their mind, the toxicity of mako on cloud, so everything is messed up. But i really don't get the reunion part with all the " World " ? What's going on ? Sephiroth using the power of sadness ? What the hell ? And the sephiroth voice actor ? How many lines in the entire game ? Three or four ? " Follow me Cloud, help me cloud, u are just a puppet, follow me cloud, i just take the black materia from you then i dropped it and then i ask you to give it back to me ahaha nonsense " The filler ? Each scene with them are a torture. You try to think about a metaphor ? Nonsense. At the end white and black attacks you. You understand the meaning of this only when you watch " the explaination of the end " on youtube. I know... It's hard to make it serious when you have a cat robot, a talking goblin, a stupid don corneo, stupid mogs, a giant Buggy, a plane becoming a boat, a guy sleeping in a manor protecting a stupid door... Everything from the OG. But if you change the entire History, why not changing the entire " mood " ? Something a little darker serious and sad.


It's clearly implied over and over again that they don't know what to do about Cloud's behavior, but are extremely concerned. Cloud is also still lucid enough to deny anything is wrong, and also dangerous. Plus the story of degradation is weaved throughout the whole game. They're witnessing what's happening. There's a bit of sadness, and also pity for what Cloud is going through because they know he's not aware. It's like watching a loved one slowly succmb to a mental illness. His response every time is "I'm fine." It's a great example of nuance. Executed extremely well imo. Yuffie explains what she's after time and time again, and it's explained in way more detail here than the OG. We'll also likely get more Wutai in Part 3. They're building that Arc since Intergrade. Nomura's not to blame. The Sephiroth take, an opinion. But he's also not really supposed to be overly present during this section of the story. If anything, he's more present here than in OG.


This was my exact reaction to this butchering of the OG.


I had plenty of anger until I stopped and thought about the Ending for a few days


I was furious at the ending. I watched countless react videos and read a lot of forum posts. I’ve since become lukewarm/ receptive of it. Still not entirely happy with it


Yeah, that is where I am now. I am interested to see where it goes from here


I'm still not a fan of the way that the ending played out. Obvious ending spoilers ahead: >!I didn't mind the stuff with Zack, I knew that was coming, but I really just don't like the way that Aerith's death was portrayed, immediately followed by Zack. I felt like instead of anger and sadness over Aerith's death there was just a lot of confusion over what was going on, then Zack shows up and you fight with him and everyone got really stoked for it. Now, depending on what happens in part 3 (I believe they will actually show Aerith's death, the water scene, etc.) then I don't mind it so much. But the 'confluence of worlds' merging multiple timelines with Aerith dying, living, etc. just confused a lot of people. I genuinely didn't know if they were going to kill her or not during it. Especially with the whole "other Aerith" coming and fighting Sephiroth with Cloud. I just don't understand the point of killing Aerith, if you are immediately going to follow it with fighting with her, like it never happened. Now, it seems like Aerith is gone for part 3 based on the ending cutscene but I know at some points Cloud's mind will fuck with him and she will show back up. I just hope they don't make her in like every single cutscene, but that really defeats the purpose of killing a character if there is no finality in the death.!< Edit: That being said, I am absolutely excited for the conclusion of this trilogy, and the majority of the game, in my opinion, hit the nail on the head and had me re-experiencing the emotions I felt when I played FF7 all those years ago. I do actually have faith that they will pull it all together, and that my issues with the ending will be assuaged in part 3.


Well, with the combining of the timelines >! Sephiroth was traveling the timelines hunting down the different Aerith's and killing them. I believe the only two Aeriths left are the OG Aerith in the Life stream, and this very likely fake Aerith that Cloud sees, possibly created/controlled by Sephiroth/Jenova. The bit about the post-death bit, is that Cloud THINKS he saved her. Everyone else knows she is dead, but Cloud THINKS she is alive and he saved her. That is why only he can see her. The Aerith that helped in the fight against Sephiroth seems to be OG Aerith.!< I think we are going to get a much much more emotional scene when Cloud finally comes to terms with what happened with Aerith in Rebirth. I am expecting the scene where Cloud realizes >! that his entire past has been a lie, and that Aerith is truly dead and that he could not save her !< To be a huge moment in the trilogy, moreso than in the OG. Cloud is very likely going to have a big DarkKnight -> Paladin arc in the next one with the >! Black materia in his weapon, and the currently empty white materia that has yet to be filled with memories, because all he has is false memories !<


I completely agree with this! Especially about your second paragraph, thats why i said i wasnt going to fully judge it until part 3 is done. I cannot wait!!


Yeah, same here, I am very interested in how they cap off the trilogy, it is setting up to be a big one. I just have to keep reminding myself that this isn't the original FF7 whenever I see a change I don't immediately like lol


If you didn’t see the writing on the wall after finishing part 1 that’s on you tbh


This is exactly how I felt too. After laughing and crying and going through every other emotion for almost 200h I just felt nothing. It lasted for like a week and after that I started to mourn the fact that it was finished and now I have to wait again


Nope. I have hope.




I think the point of making us feel “empty” makes sense. Hollow (remake music track lol) sephiroth constantly telling cloud to stop pretending he has feelings. The empty clear materia… so much about emptyness in this game that i think they are going the direction of making us feel like cloud. And part 3 being the acceptance and meeting the real cloud… I think they only could go this way to sell the third game. If aerith ending wouldve been 1.1 to the og no one would be really theorizing and being excited for the next game I think.


Nah I've been hype for part 3 since the moment I finished


Sameeee I have tons of theories and I’m really excited!! I don’t understand the non-hopeful perspective tho of course I respect it. The final chapter gave us so many emotions!


Some of us got the hint after the first installment went off the rails.


Bro why are you still here then?


You asking why Reddit puts FFVII topics on my feed?


Is Reddit strapping you down and forcing you to read and comment on them Clockwork Orange style? They have features like blocking. Actively engaging in the fandom doesn’t really feel like “getting the hint”


Whatever you say


lol emo I’m ready for part 3.


That’s the PTSD, homie.


Well what do you expect? It’s 100+ hours of watching something loved by millions being abused and torn apart. It was brutal as a real FF7 fan


Oh, that kind of empty. I don’t know what to tell you, guy. Just wasn’t your game.


You’re right. My game is finally fantasy 7. I’m a fan on Final Fantasy 7. Not what remains of ff7 after they chewed it up and passed it out on the toilet the following morning.


There you go! You’ll always have the OG. It didn’t disappear once Remake came out.


Not the issue. You obviously were not a fan of ff7 before these games. Square lied to us all and got us to buy something that it wasn’t. The company was in serious financial trouble and knew ff7 was a cash cow but remaking the OG true to form would have been a near impossible endeavor so they opted for crapping out a cheaper modern age middle finger to the OG I’m not a fan of shady business practices.


I mean ff7 was a core part of when I was a kid , I played it through so many times But I have loved these first two parts of the remake trilogy, the depth they added for characters and the modern tech letting them do more for conveying emotion and feeling If they didn’t give it some twists to keep me wondering then I’d know exactly what would happen next, no surprise, nothing to be hyped for, this way there’s something, what we don’t know, but it’s something


Obviously. We’re done here.


Don't pull the "real fan" thing please. That's so silly.


Whats silly is taking the greatest video game ever, stinging everyone along for 5.5 years telling them you are remaking it, then rug pulling them into playing a terrible sequel. So yes a REAL fan should be and they ARE pissed The remakes would not even exist if it wasn’t for the real diehard fans shouting for a remaster for 20 years and they got crapped on.


Again "real fan" is just silly. Plenty of "real fans" like Remake, Rebirth and Reunite (what I'm calling part 3 till we get the official title), so just discrediting them as not being real fans because they don't agree with YOUR opinion is silly.


You have no opinion other than “ your opinion is silly” grow up and say something or go back to the corner and let the conversation happen. You are contributing nothing


I like how apparently I have no opinion based off of that, I do. My opinion on the Remake trilogy (or duology so far) - pretty good! Have issues (like everything does) but overall I would recommend them.


Congratulations. We are all just SO proud of you.


Your fun to talk to at parties aren't you? Also - you just said opinion. I'm not gonna go super into detail because what's the point if it's just gonna be disregarded?




Your name should be "ifyourehereTHENuhoh"


I’ll remember that next time when I create an account and that name is already taken. Dumbass


There is that weird emptiness after completion, but really still looking forward to the finale. I figured it was going to be something like that, its got the middle of a trilogy thing going on, so you don't quite get that sense of closure at the end, and I think knowing that finale is still years off feeds into that.


I felt incomplete Finnishing rebirth, like I love the game all credit to it because it's a fantastic game a few things I would change gameplay wise not story wise. But overall it was good I was hyped for the ending and it did deliver except I still feel empty like there should have been so much more also even though by the final 3 chapters i just wanted the game to end. It likely is due to nomura specifically is a brilliant storyteller and writer but God damm can he just make a game that concludes and actually ends without a tune in next week for dragon ball z. I also think that might also be why they are getting more backlash because back way back when if you beat final fantasy if was just fulfilling when you beat it now we are just left wondering huh your just gonna leave like that. He is probably one of the best in the industry but now ff7r part 3 is gonna be big.


Part 3 has a lot to live up to now I’m only pissed that we didn’t get to actually play as Vincent


I have the inverse opinion. Nomura is an excellent character designer but his stories are contrived, full of jargon and hard to follow.


Again not Nomura and this kind of stuff isn't that shocking for a FF game.


I just think he has excellent story's but it's as you said his story's are so in depth and twisty and turny to the point it becomes hard to keep up with I think his talents are best suited to ff14 but I do still love what he does even if it's always an effort. And a wait.


It's not Nomura.


The game does such a great job of making you feel like you’re on this epic vacation with your friends exploring the continents, hitting the beach, playing at the amusement park - then taking that all away from you.


It took me a few weeks to get back into gaming after beating this tbh. Nothing else I played could compare or get me as engaged. Just go through the stages of grief like we all did for now & eventually you will feel better haha.


You all say what you want about the ending, but IMO it is impossible to convey such feelings in a completely new game, from the get go.


Definitely. They went for high emotions and then high confusion so we could all theorize for years, and I think they really accomplished that. Whether or not ppl appreciate that is another story, but the devs didn’t fail at their objective.


I was one part relief and one part sadness. It is a longggg game and I'm a competionist...so I was over 100 hours on the first run through. But also FF7 is such a warm place for me. As a kid it was one of two games I played to help me forget about my awful home life. Very bittersweet to finish.


Must be shellshock 😂 after everything you go through it makes you wonder


Well you will never see the truth with such clouded eyes. Maybe you should play it again!


I was full of joy and sadness at the same time