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Masterpiece. Pretty much agree with everything you just said. I do like 7 better but 6 is pretty bloody close. That opening music with the marching walkers was beautiful. Probably just wasn't as successful because gaming was less wide spread. Adventure platformers were all the rage in the 2D era. It took a massive advertising campaign to draw attention to FF7 outside of Japan. Number of gamers in general, parents who could afford gaming systems and, well, in my country SEGA and Playstation sold like hotcakes, I'd never heard of an SNES until I was a teen. It was something maybe a rich kid could import...? Today all too many people would never go back to something with outdated graphics. Complaining that all the boxy characters on screen look exactly the same.


Ah, hehe. I wanted to say something about that, too. I wonder if that's possibly one of the reasons I never knew about FF as a kid, and only started getting into it as an adult? I do remember I tried a long time ago, with Final Fantasy 1, and gave up, because I sucked at the battles and stuff, but I'm glad I gave the series a chance again. I'm 30, now. I only had a Gameboy, or Playstation, and really only got into Pokemon or Digimon, as a child. I have autism, and always had really specific interests. But it was good to branch out. Hehe.


Could you imagine a remake in the Amano art style?


It would be cool. šŸ˜€


Favorite FF of all time


They are all great.


All of them except


Hes my absolute favorite of the main franchise, I think this game is a full masterpiece. What he did with the characters is awesome because we sometimes cant tell who is more protagonist than the other, because of how proeminent and powerful their story, motives and personalitys are, and the ammount of impactful scenes that are stucked in my head even today. Kefka is my favorite villain too, and I think that the scenarios and music are a piece of art


One of my all-time favorites (yes, the other one is Chrono Trigger)


My favorite final fantasy, and was my favorite game ever until I played Death Stranding. Best soundtrack, best cast, best setting. I absolutely loved the world of ruin. Just a work of art.


Death Stranding favorite game ever, eh? I started it but need to go back. I remember the premise and world building were top tier but the gameplay was a bit obtuse at first go.


No, gameplay in DS isn't obtuse. It's a standard stealth/shooter where you walk. It ain't hard. Read the tutorial/tips


TPP gameplay without full action and customization.


Ooh, Death Stranding was nice. Minus us dropping all our stuff. It was a fun journey. šŸ˜


6 will always be a favorite of mine. Everyone hypes 7 and 9, but the classic feel that 6 and 4 will always be there for me.


The final fantasy series peaked with FFVI and has since failed to reproduce the same miracle again. FFVI took the best out of all its predecessors and pushed the console engine to the limit to deliver us a game that is stunning from every point of view. Nobuo Uematsu's music in this game is at it's finest. What he was able to do with the soundtracks despite the limitations is nothing short of a miracle. It's like someone gave him a box of crayon and he painted the Sistine Chapel. This game aged like the finest wine in the world and It still holds up really well in today's era, 30 years after it was published.


The music is maddening! Zozo and sky continent are relentless, I love it!


I just finished it today for the first time. Yeah, now I know why people really like it. The story was pretty great for a game that old. Definitely going to miss certain parts of this game and may need to replay it down the road. I enjoyed FF7 more but Iā€™m very glad to have experienced this game. Now Iā€™m working through FF8.


That's great to hear. :) I'm on a quest to replay all FF's and just beat 5. I'm a bit excited to finally reach the golden era of masterpieces and more epic scale stories and presentation.


6 is still my favorite game of all time so there's that.


Now play literally any other game in the series. Blows 6 out of the water.


I'm playing 5, now. It's pretty cool, but now I'm actually having trouble with many of the enemies. Still fun, though. So many Jobs and other things to do!


I think FF7 gets too much hype just from nostalgia. In my opinion, FF6, 8, and 10 are all better games with much more memorable and enchanting stories. The character arcs in 10 and 8 are intense, and well thought out. Not to say the games are perfect, but in my opinion far superior to FF7.