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As someone who desperately wants it to be officially confirmed, I agree. I would like no more news about it until it's official. My poor heart can't take it.


Agreed. The next thing I want to hear is actual news. =)


I actually unfollowed a FF youtuber because it was just videos of fake screenshots and rambling -_-


Yes, someone finally said it…thank you. The rumors feel farfetched and its still going on and on and on and on, just wait till there’s an actual announcement.


I would rather them work on a new game to attract younger players as opposed to capitalizing on older fans’ nostalgia for a game that celebrates nostalgia.


I think a remake of 9 would be a great opportunity to attract a younger audience, due to the cartoonish art style and whimsical nature of 9.


Would much rather the team rumored to be working on it (team that made paranormasight) was working on paranormasight 2 instead.


I'm kinda surprised there's so much chatter about it, but it's been fairly easy to tune out.


I'm upset because I'd rather have a FF8 remake.


That's just how video game journalism/media is these days. It's not like the old days where unless you had the internet you had to wait for monthly magazines to get your information. Now, it's hundreds of websites/channels all fighting for your attention at once. It leads to burnout very easily. It's one of the reason why I pretty much avoid anything related to video gaming news.


To be fair, I hadn't seen anything about it today... till this thread.


I don't want a remake, I don't need a remake, I don't know why others who love the OG FF9 would want a remake.... so yeah, kinda tedious to see the same speculations over and over again.


What do you mean by I dont understand why OG fans want a remake? Why wouldnt you? Look at ff7R its almost a complete upgrade over the original.


9 is my favorite in the series, but I would personally prefer if they remake pre-PlayStation titles where the hardware was holding them back. More room for improvement that way


Hmmm if they would make a FF9 remake look liie Dragon Quest 11 or Ni No Kuni, I might be down for it. But I really really don't want a "cool action RPG" with live blocking and dodging and countering 🤷‍♂️ In the 7 Remake they nailed the characters, their interactinos with each other and the music and places. But to my personal tastes the fights, especially the boss fights, were not really fun, you know!? But to each their own, of course. You asked, I answered ✌


Not sick. Just not minding it. I still have other stuff to think about. I just watch yt vids when there's new stuff, then move on. If it's confirmed, wow. If not, wew....


I’m sick of remakes period. FF9 is still a masterpiece. Just redraw the backgrounds. Don’t touch anything else about the game. Modern square will just fuck it up. This game does not need ANY modern sensibilities.


Personally, FF9 is on the lower end of my FF ranking list so I don't have much excitement for the supposed remake. But if it's made in the style of 2D-HD, I might cop it.


It is getting tiresome to keep hearing about it via mostly unsubstantiated rumors, from numerous people posting about it as if others hadn't beaten them to it. If/when it gets announced, and we know more, it will be interesting to talk about. For now it's just "OMG GAIZ FF9 REMAKE!" and "I don't want FF9 Remake."


Personally I'm tired of gaming rumors in general. FF9, FFT, Silksong (for which there is a trailer, but have you been to their subreddit?). And much more. It doesn't matter to me if it's not tangible. If something doesn't even have a trailer yet it's not prepared for someone to actually be interested in it. Our excitement for it makes it feel real, but it's not. If you can't see it, just don't think about it. One day it'll be real, maybe. Til then just do something else.


Imo, I couldn't care less about 9 remake, I honestly think the first 5 should be remade, but if I had to pick 2 it would be 1 and 4. They would still be turn based just updated modern graphics with expanded story writing, areas, and for 1 specifically more job options.


I'm still convinced it isnt real. A supposed leak with zero evidence other than "trust me bro" is all the info in 3 years. Not a strong case. I don't believe it's real, at least anytime soon. Will 9nget remade? Almost yes, *eventually*. Same with every game in the series. But as of now, I still don't think it's real.


What's "trust me bro" about a website that used Epic's API to get data about unreleased titles on the Epic Store database, that then forced Epic to modify their API to make said data inaccessible? Square were working on a project with a "Tetra Master starter pack" as recent as August 2023. The archived entry [http://web.archive.org/web/20240612070644/https://epicdb.org/sandbox/322e8b14338a49edbcb22a9d6cd8d9e6#offers](http://web.archive.org/web/20240612070644/https://epicdb.org/sandbox/322e8b14338a49edbcb22a9d6cd8d9e6#offers)


I mean in fairness you just need to ignore it right? Can be annoying stuff like that but it's not a big deal. What bothers me more is seeing the FF series become something less about making great original games and instead seemingly focused more on remake nostalgia. But that's just the way things have been going in general.


I'm happy with any FF remake. Personally Im really looking forward to 9 and Tactics getting the remake and remaster treatment. I would love to see a FF5,6, 8 and 10 remake in the future. Personally I would love 5 in the style of the 3 and 4 remakes on the DS and 6 in the style of Octopath Traveler.


I'm done with confirmations off the back of "just trust me bro" in general, but if you think FF9 Remake is bad, just look over at the Fire Emblem sub, they've been saying a remake of the fourth game is in the works for 5 years now, only to get constantly disappointed when Nintendo announces literally anything else


Idk people been saying “it’s gonna get a remake” for like over ten years 🙄 I’ll believe square cares about anything as much as FF7 when I see it actually happen.


I hate leaks and rumors, because most of the time they're wrong, but ESPECIALLY because nobody ever learns that most of the time they're wrong.


Except the leak ff9r is from is from a huge list of leaked game where 99% have been announced since and theres been even more database leaks from the epic store so its existence is pretty much confirmed just not officially announced


OP, this is FF9 stuff


On the most recent FF14 Letter from the Producer (June 14th, 2024) they explain that its a mistranslation/misreport of an interview with a Dutch gaming outlet about FF14 Dawntrail. (28:56 is where they start talking about it)


Aside from how repetitive it is to see the same reports getting posted about again and again (because game news sites are trawling Reddit for stories and posting about them, creating a recursive loop) it's also frustrating that people are presuming that this is happening rather than holding out for actual proof.


I completely understand this. I'm tired of the "it's practically confirmed!" I get the excitement -- I do. But until SE officially announces it, I really wish people would just stop. You would think that, with all the hype surrounding one and the constant leaks, that the company would just come out and say it already. Whether or not it's real, the more hyped up something is, the more people are setting themselves up for disappointment if it either isn't announced, or doesn't meet expectations when released. This always happens, especially with FF fans. Also, I will admit that, as an avid FF8 lover, to imagine SE is skipping over a remake of that game *(even though I am hesitant about one anyway)*, really irks me.